Just as I slowly stood up, I

could see over a hundred

eyes boring holes on my body.

I tried not to turn my head,

because my mind could go

blank if my eyes meet with

any lady in class. I cursed the

devil silently who had

succeeded in putting me in

such situation.

"will you answer my question

or get out of this class" Dr.

Mike barked when I didn't say

anything after a while of


"erm...…erm...…." I


"actually...…. I...….I"

That was the last words I could

remember saying. I knew I was

still speaking, but could not

remember what I was saying,

because my mind was far from

what I was saying. All my

attention was focused on the

eyes in class boring holes on

my body, especially the ladies.

I kept wondering what might

be on their minds as they

stared at me. could they be

thinking bad of me. could they

be saying I'm not smart

enough to be in this class. All

these and other thought

occupied my mind.

It was when I heard a big

round of applause from the

class that I realized I had

answered the question. I

focused my attention back on

the lecturer standing in my

front. He observed me for a

while before speaking.

"so you knew the answer all

this while and you didn't

answer" he said

I kept mute

"why did you wait until I point

you before you answered the

question?" he asked

I remained mute

"Anyway, I will pardon you

this time, because I like the

way you answered the

question. you gave a detailed

explanation just the way I

want it. what's your name?"

he asked

"Christian" I answered sharply.

"okay Christian. Once you

know the answer to a

question, don't wait until you

are called before you answer

the question. is that clear?"

I nodded in affirmation

"good" he said

"you can have your seat now"

I sat down immediately and let

out a hot breath which I didn't

know I was holding all this


Dr. Mike walked back to the

podium and continued with

the lecture. All other questions

he asked were answered by

other students without delay.

The class went on smoothly

and he joked from time to

time which made us laughed

out loud. I later found Dr. Mike

to be an interesting lecturer.

After lectures for that day, I

quickly rushed to the school

restuarant to have lunch

before I collapse. it's as if the

few words I said in class had

drained all my energy. I didn't

even allow my food to be

placed on my table before I

started devouring it.

After a while of eating, I heard

someone screaming my name

from behind. my heart missed

a beat when I realized it was

the voice of a lady. I slowly

turned to see a lady standing

at the entrance with smiles on

her face. she must be my

coursemate for her to know

my name. she must have

heard it when I mentioned it

to Dr. Mike. she started

walking towards me. my

heartbeat kept increasing in

geometric progression with

every step she took. she got to

me and sat opposite me.

"hi Christian" she said smiling

I couldn't say anything. I

couldn't even stare at her. I

just kept staring at my food on

the table.

" hello" she stressed the word

when I didn't respond.

I waved at her and said "hi" in

a whisper. I was sure she

didn't hear that, because it

was not audible enough for

her to hear.

She observed me for a while.

"Christian are you okay?" she


"yes" i responded sharply

"okay, i just want to thank you

for answering Dr. Mike's

question in class today. you

are our saviour. who knows

how many students he would

have sent out of his class if

not for you. I'm very sure I

would have been among those

that would be sent out because

I had no idea of the answer.

you did really well. by the

way, I'm Joy." she said

I didn't respond. I just kept

staring into air.

"are you sure you are okay?"

she asked

"I..... I...…. I want to go

home. I feel dizzy" I said

She quickly stood up from her

seat and sat closer to me. she

placed her hand on my


"Are you sick?" she asked

Her closeness made me more


"I'm not sick. I'm just tired. I

need to rest." I answered.

"okay you can start leaving.

make sure you take care of

yourself" she said feeling


I stood up immediately and

was about heading for the


"wait" she said walking

towards me

"let me have your number so

that I can call to check on you"

I didn't like the idea of giving

her my number. what am I

suppose to say to her when

she calls. she stretched her

phone to me and I collected it.

I typed my number and gave

her back her phone.

" okay I will call you" she said

"I hope you are coming to

school tomorrow?" she asked

I nodded in affirmation

"okay see you then"

I waved at her and left the

restuarant immediately.