O n our way home,

Mustack insisted on

knowing my place since

we were heading the

same way. I took him to my

place. I stay in a room self

contain very close to the

school. I could see Mustack

admiring the interior design of

my room when we entered the


"nice place you have here" he



He fixed his gaze on the two

plastic chair beside the bed.

"wetin chair dey do for your

room?" he asked

His question got me confused.

I wanted to ask him if he

didn't know what they are

made for. Like seriously, he

should know that it's there for

my visitors to sit on.

"it's there for my visitors

convenience" I answered.

he shook his head like I just

said something unbelievable.

"so if a lady visit you, you will

ask her to sit on that chair" he


"yes of course" I answered

"now I know you are still a

novice in this game. don't you

know that it would be difficult

for things to happen when

she's sitting on a chair. but

when she is sitting just beside

you on your bed, you won't

even have to stress yourself.

the closeness between you

both would stir up things."

All what Mustack said didn't

make any meaning to me. All I

knew was that those chairs

were supposed to be for my

visitors convenience.

"so are you saying that you

don't have any chair in your

room" I said

"what do I need a chair for

when there's a bed to sit on"

he answered

I still didn't understand what

he was saying, because I

believed those chairs were for

my visitors convenience.

"okay, since I have known

where you stay now, let me

start leaving before it get dark.

I still have something to do at

home" he said

"okay bro, no problem" I


I shook hand with him and he

left. I lay on my bed trying to

see if I could give any meaning

to what Mustack said.

The vibration of my phone

distracted me. I took the phone

and stared into the screen. my

heart missed a beat when I

saw an unknown number. I

still couldn't explain why I

always have this fear when I

see an incoming call from an

unknown caller. I could only

think of one person as the

caller, and that's Kate. why

would she be calling me now.

it's hasn't been up to an hour

we left the bar and she was

already calling. she should

have allowed me to rest first.

I quickly rehearsed a few

words I would say to her.

"hello Kate" I said immediately

I picked the call.

"hi Christian, this is not Kate,

this is Sharon"

My heart missed a beat at the

mention of Sharon.

"Sharon" I mumbled

How did she get my number. I

didn't remember giving her

my number. This was the part

I hated the most. I hated being

caught unaware. when I had

already rehearsed what to say

to Kate, thinking she was the

caller, it now happened to be

Sharon. What would I say to


"how are you?" she asked

" hello...…. hello...…. hello

I can't hear you clearly. the

line is breaking" I said, making

it look like I couldn't hear

what she was saying.

"hello Christian, can you hear

me now?" she asked.

"hello.... hello......

hello I can't hear you" I said

and ended the call before she

could speak further.

Before I pick a lady's call, I

always made sure that I

already have prepared speech

in order to reduce my

nervousness. I didn't rehearse

any word to say to Sharon

because I wasn't expecting her

to be the caller. I quickly

rehearsed what I would say

when she calls back. my phone

started ringing almost

immediately. I took a deep

breath and pick the call.

"hello" I said calmly

"hello Christian, can you hear

me now? this is Sharon"

"Sharon, how are you?" I asked

"I'm fine. you just left the class

like that. you didn't even allow

us to conclude our discussion

before leaving" she said

"I'm sorry Sharon. I received

an important call while in

class. I just had to leave before

class ended" I said

"okay, I just what to remind

you of our tutorial on

Monday" she said

"I'm aware" I said

"okay, I will talk to you later"

she said

"how did you get my number?"

I asked

I needed to know how she got

my number, because I didn't

remember giving her my


"I got it from joy" she


"okay, I see" I said

"talk to you later then"

"okay" she responded

I ended the call and heaved a

sigh of relief