Chereads / Bunny and the Moon / Chapter 4 - The God of Sky

Chapter 4 - The God of Sky

Tuzi was carefully arranging fruit on a platter, meticulously ensuring that each piece was perfectly placed. She'd hope the Goddess would enjoy the sweet treat– Perhaps it would help dissipate her dark mood. She knew that the deity loved strawberries, so she carefully placed a single one on top of a fruit flower at the center of the platter.

Just as she was completing the task, the Goddess herself fluttered into the room. Her flowing robes billowed behind her as she walked. Moon looked a tad bit flustered, as if she had been running.

Tuzi held the fruit platter up to her master's nose. With sparkling eyes, she mused, "Look what I made you! It's your favorite fruit salad. Look, there's strawberries, star fruit, mango, grapes–"

After taking the fruit platter from her friend's hands and placing it on a nearby table– Moon took Tuzi by her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. "In a bit, Tuzi," she said. "You are very sweet for making this, but I have something really important to ask you."

Tuzi could tell that something was wrong by the look on her master's face. She nodded slowly, ready to listen. "Okay… What is it?"

Moon took a deep breath and asked carefully, "Tuzi, how do you know Sky? Where did you meet? And...what kind of relationship do you have with him?"

Tuzi looked at Moon questioningly. "I met Lord Sky at the Celestial Halls. He's my friend."

"Friend?" Moon repeated blankly, her brows furrowed in confusion. "But he's the God of Sky! One of the highest-ranking gods, perhaps even the highest under the Creator himself. Why would he seek you out and befriend you?" Her mind raced with conspiracy theories. Tuzi may be her best friend, but in the Realm of Gods, she was a celestial creature with no standing or place.

"Oh, Lord Sky didn't seek me out. It wasn't like that at all," Tuzi smiled softly. She patted Moon's hand, which was still on her shoulders. "I decided to visit the Celestial hall libraries so I can find a way to defeat werebears. Lord Sky was there and I greeted him. Then we became friends!"

"Just like that, huh?" Moon rubbed her forehead, unable to shake this foreboding feeling that was beginning to form. "Tuzi… I don't think you understand that getting close to someone like the Sky God is impossible for anyone, even other deities. He's just… He's just an impossible figure…"

"Lord Sky is so kind. You know how I was trying to learn magic to make strawberries instantly? I was struggling with it, so he loaned me his Captain of Guards to help me with the spells. He's so generous," Tuzi mused dreamily. 

The goddess Moon was not enjoying her friend's high admiration of the Sky God at all. She tried to convince herself that it was not jealousy, but she knew that was a lie. She had banished that feeling from her system ages ago, but now it was back. It was a complex feeling of wanting to protect her friend from him, but also not wanting her friend to be close to him either. 

She hated feeling this way, and it was one of the reasons why she had chosen to distance herself from Sky so many eons ago. It was an unending cycle of ups and downs. She was never sure what his intentions were or where his head was at. 

"Tuzi…" The Goddess started reluctantly. "I have a request to ask of you. It's not the best ask, and it's kinda shitty. But… Do you mind if I look through your memories? I want to see that day when you met him. If something was off. It's not that I don't trust you Tuzi… But the Sky that I know is calculative and manipulative… I don't want you to become a pawn in one of his games. I know this is a lot to ask, and also an invasion of your privacy…"

"You can see my memories?! That's so cool!" Tuzi chirped excitedly, not understanding why Moon was being so weird about it. "Let's do it! I want to learn how to read memories too! What do I need to do? Do I need to lay down? I can lay down on the bed right now."

The Goddess let out a sigh and shook her head at Tuzi's enthusiasm. Tuzi, you're too innocent… She contemplated. Other people would see this action as a violation of trust between friends. "Oh Tuzi…" She laid her palm against her friend's cheek. "You're too good for this world you know that…?"

Tuzi nuzzled her face into The Goddess's hand. "I just want to help you. Whatever you need, I am here for you!"

Moon slowly nodded her head and guided Tuzi to sit on a nearby bench. When both ladies were seated, the Goddess placed one hand on either side of Tuzi's temples. She looked calmly at her friend and told her, "This won't hurt okay…? You will see what I see. I won't look any further than what I have to."

"My Goddess, I trust you with my life," Tuzi practically purred. She adjusted herself comfortably and closed her hazel brown eyes, waiting for whatever it is that is supposed to happen.

The goddess took a deep breath and closed her eyes. In an instant, she and the other woman were mentally transported to a separate space, away from the reality of where they had been before. The feeling was jarring at first, but soon the environment felt just as real as the one their bodies were physically in.

The air in the Celestial Halls was crisp and clean, the light from the sun shining brightly through the carved windows, casting an almost golden glow on the columned hallways. The great golden doors opened to a lush green garden, with soft water fountains trickling in the background. Deities and divine beings of all kinds and stations milled about the area, some hoping to be seen, others mingling in small groups, laughing softly as they shared the latest gossip from the Realm of Gods.

Tuzi emerged from the Great Library, flustered and embarrassed. She had been unable to find the information she was looking for: details about the werebears and their weaknesses. She had heard that the Great Library was a vast repository of knowledge, containing every detail that had ever happened in the universe since the beginning of time. But from the moment she stepped inside, she knew that she would not find what she was looking for.

Mountains of shelves housing books and scrolls stretched into the distance, reaching up to the heavens. The bookcases were so tall that one had to crane their neck to see the top. The ceiling of the library was so high that the stars could be seen twinkling through it. Tuzi was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the library and didn't know where to start looking.

She scanned the room for someone who could help her, but all she met were pairs of eyes that seemed to bore into her. They were sizing her up, and she couldn't tell if they were interested in helping her or if they were just curious. Either way, she felt uncomfortable and decided to leave.

As she turned to leave the gardens, the atmosphere in the space shifted. The hushed voices and whispers grew louder, and everyone began to look in the same direction. Curious, she followed their gaze.

The God of Sky strode casually out of the library, flanked by an elderly gentleman and a troupe of divine soldiers. He was dressed casually in a wheat-colored sweater and khaki pants, but his muscular form was still evident. His messy silver blonde hair was brushed back, and his piercing green eyes were fixed on the elderly man as they talked. The God of Sky seemed oblivious to the attention he was drawing as he walked down the hall.

Both men and women enjoyed their view of the Sky God as they peered at him in admiration and respect. They neared the area where Tuzi stood off to the side, not wanting to interrupt the group as they made their way past her. 

It was in that moment by coincidence, the Sky God's eyes shifted away from the elderly man's and met with Tuzi's curious gaze. A surprised expression crossed the god's face for just a split second before his visage smoothed back into the relaxed expression it had a moment before. The deity's movement gradually slowed until he stood in front of Tuzi, matching her stare with one of his own. His entourage also paused behind him, waiting for his next movement before deciding what to do.

The look he had on his face now was one of recognition as he nodded his head to her. "My lady, are you by any chance, her Goddess's pet?" 

Tuzi couldn't contain her surprise that she was identified by him. She swallowed and quickly responded with her head slightly bowed, "Yes sir– Urr… My lord, your majesty." She wasn't sure how to address him.

There were some snickers and giggles heard around her, by the other deities who had just witnessed her blunder. Tuzi's face was tinged pink with discomfort.

The Sky God gave her a reassuring smile and lifted his finger to tilt her chin up. "Please just call me Sky. I have not seen you in a while."

"I– I can't call you that, my lord," Tuzi responded nervously. "I mean… You are way high up on the pyramid." She moved her hands all the way up, indicating a tall height. "Like, way up. You can be a GOD!" The words were out of her mouth before she was able to stop it.

She silently cursed herself, 'He is a God, Tuzi, you stupid.'

The Sky God chuckled amusedly and shook his head fondly at her. "Well, if we are going to be friends, then I won't have you addressing me as 'Your Majesty.' I also won't have you refer to me as 'God.' Lord Sky would do, if it brings you less discomfort."

Surprised at his offer of a friendship, Tuzi smiled, immediately taking the olive branch that was handed to her. She accepted by nodding and responding, "It's a deal then! You can call me Tuzi. That is what my Goddess named me."

Sky absorbed that information with a nod of his own, a twinkle in his eye. "And what is her lady Goddess up to these days? It has been more than a short while since I've last seen her. Is she doing well?"

"My Goddess is doing very well. She has not been too busy lately and has been training me to fight werebears," Tuzi responded with candor. 

The look on Sky's face was curious tinged with some concern. "Why is she training you to fight werebears? Is she in some kind of trouble?"

"No, my Lord Sky. My Goddess is training me, so that I may defend myself. She said that there are many treacherous things out there for a rabbit like me. That I should be able to protect myself if there is ever any danger. She has been conjuring up beasts such as werebears for me to train against. They are rather scary…"

"Hideous creatures," the Sky God responded in agreement. 

"I was hoping to find out how to fight one properly… So that someday, if there is ever a need, I can protect my Goddess if she needs me." Tuzi's voice began to sound less confident, as her hand gestured helplessly to the Great Library. "...but I do not know how to navigate…" She looked slightly embarrassed again.

"I see… Do not worry, my lady Tuzi. This library can be a beast to sort through, if you are not familiar with it. It does not reflect upon your character." 

Tuzi didn't feel so sure about that. She felt out of her element here.

He pondered a bit seeing her discomfort, when an idea suddenly dawned on the Sky God. "Atlas!" He called behind him to his soldiers.

The warrior who led at the front of the group separated from his soldiers, and came to where the Sky God stood. "Yes, my lord," he said bowing, as he removed his helmet out of respect. His short midnight hair fell forward a bit.

"Atlas, I want you to meet Lady Tuzi. She is the Goddess's… uh… very important companion. This man here is my Captain of Guards," Sky said, attempting to make proper introductions. Normally, people rushed eagerly to introduce themselves to him. He had rarely been in the situation where he was the one initiating introductions for someone else.

The warrior Atlas straightened his form and turned to face Tuzi for the first time. His blue eyes widened in astonishment as he froze in his tracks. He was awestruck, unable to speak.

Sky waited for his soldier to greet the lady, but when he heard no words, he turned to face him. The young soldier's slack-jawed expression gave Sky a clue as to what was happening. 

Tuzi, though she may be a silly former rabbit, was an exceptional beauty. She was of medium height, with a slender form that was accentuated by her curves. Her skin was smooth and porcelain, and her face was framed by wispy short brownish-black hair. Her large doe hazel brown eyes and soft pink lips were perfectly proportioned. A tiny crimson ribbon was tied behind her ears, near a neat row of earrings. She was dressed in short flowy youthful pastel robes that gave her the look of an alluring flower nymph, blooming at the start of spring. 

Sky's highly disciplined and precision-trained assassin was behaving like a love-struck boy who had just hit puberty.

"Atlas!" Sky bit out feeling slightly vexed, snapping his man out of his daze. "Act like you've seen a woman before!"

"Ah– My apologies, my lord and lady," he stuttered out, trying to correct his gaffe. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, my Lady Tuzi." He bowed his respect to her.

Tuzi was feeling a little out-of-place in this situation. It had not registered in her head that the warrior's blunder was because of her. She felt a bit sorry for him, because she could relate to how it felt to not perform the correct gesture at the right moment. Feeling a little clumsy, wanting to comfort the soldier, Tuzi decided to tippy-toe and reached out to pat the tall soldier's head. 

Her master did this to comfort her whenever she did something wrong, "There there. It's quite alright."

A pin could have dropped at the awkward silence that followed. Tuzi quickly realized she created another tactless moment, cleared her throat and said, "Nice to meet you.. Urrr…."

"Atlas, my lady," the soldier responded, filling in the blanks.

"Atlas! Yes, that's it," she repeated to no one.

"Atlas," Sky started uneasily, after introductions were made, "Lady Tuzi is training to fight werebears. I remembered you have trained quite extensively on how to fight these creatures during your time in the Mortal Realm. Can you assist the lady in her research on the best methods to take down one of these beasts?" 

The soldier looked at Tuzi in astonishment. "My lady, are you in some sort of trouble? Why would a delicate flower like you need to fight werebears?"

He then declared passionately, "I would not allow anyone to touch a hair on you! I will pledge my sword to protect you!"

The Sky God was beginning to feel embarrassed by his soldier's love-struck behavior. He trained his men better than this. And yet, this man who is supposed to be his best warrior, was acting like an pubescent teenager.

"Atlas," he grumbled at his man with a hint of warning in his voice. "Lady Tuzi is training for self defense. You are my best man to help her train. Please don't make me regret this."

"Ah, absolutely. I will do my best to assist you, Lady Tuzi." The warrior bowed to her again.

Tuzi, still feeling unsure about the situation, awkwardly bowed back. "Urr… Thank you, Sir Atlas, sir." Was she supposed to curtsy, she wondered?

"Then it is settled," the Sky God declared. 

"My lord," the elderly gentlemen who accompanied him, spoke up. "I do not mean to interrupt, but we really must be on our way."

"You are right, Genesis. I apologize for letting myself be distracted." Sky gave his attention to Tuzi and bid his farewell. "I have business to attend to. It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Tuzi."

"Oh, yes, you too, Lord Sky, it is a pleasure," Tuzi responded, holding out her hand to shake his. Another pinned dropped. Was one not supposed to shake the hands of a departing man? Tuzi wondered miserably.

The Sky God laughed and reached his hand out to shake her's. "Lady Tuzi, if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to find me. I will always lend a hand to a friend."

Tuzi actually felt the warmth from his words and gave him a trusting grin in return. "Thank you my Lord for extending your kindness to me."

Sky accepted her response and as he turned to leave, he suddenly remembered, "Ah, Lady Tuzi. Let's keep this meeting today between you and I, a secret from her Goddess.."

She looked questionably at him, curious at his reasoning.

"Your lady Goddess…" His mind worked quickly to produce a prudent excuse for his request. "Your lady Goddess should be given a pleasant surprise, when you defeat even the most ferocious of werebears," he added easily. "Therefore, it would be best if you did not tell her about our meeting. It would appear as if you improved quickly on your own, without help from either Atlas or I. It is afterall, your own effort that will be going into your training. We should not claim even the slightest of credit for that."

"Oh! I see. I understand where you are coming from, my Lord," Tuzi mused happily, not questioning his logic at all. "Okay then. I would not tell my Goddess about this. It will be our secret. But in the future, I hope I can find a way to repay your kindness."

He grinned at her in response. "It is our secret then." Sky bid her farewell and continued on his way with the elderly gentlemen and his troupe of soldiers trailing behind him.

The soldier Atlas, who stayed behind, addressed Tuzi like a puppy who was given the biggest treat. "Shall we begin your training, my Lady…?"

Moon opened her blue eyes and gently removed her hands from Tuzi's temples. The memory that had just played out so vividly in their environment, gradually began to dissipate. 

Tuzi's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the setting of the palace kitchens. She smiled gently when her vision settled on her master. "My Goddess, that was amazing! I did not know that one can relive a memory so distinctly."

Moon couldn't help but note how Tuzi's heart fluttered, when she peered into the silly lady's memories. Was her heart beating for Sky…?

The Goddess cupped her friend's face in her hands. "I'm so sorry I did that… It's not that I don't trust you. I just wanted to see, so I can make sure, Tuzi. I don't want you getting involved in any of Sky's schemes. He has power and influence that few have… This makes him a very complex person and the trouble that comes with being associated with someone like him is not ideal."

"I understand," Tuzi said, taking her goddess's hands in her own and squeezing them. "Don't worry. I trust you, my Goddess. I've only met Lord Sky a few times, and always at the Celestial Halls. He's always been respectful and gentlemanly towards me. He's always tried his best to help me and give me thoughtful advice. I've never seen a bad side to him."

Moon sighed. She was skeptical but kept her thoughts to herself. She wanted to blister Sky's ears for asking Tuzi to keep their meetings a secret from her. He obviously had shady intentions for doing so. She shifted her attention to another detail she witnessed within her friend's memory. "Tuzi… That man that Sky was with… His name is Genesis. Was he always with Sky when you saw him?"

"A few times, yes," Tuzi confirmed. 

The Goddess's face was contemplative, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she searched for an answer. "Genesis is the Father of History," she explained. "He has a record of events etched into his head since the start of time. He knows absolutely everything. There aren't many things that can be hidden from him. That means Sky wants to find out about something. But what? Why would Sky be meeting with him so often? What reason could he have?"

Tuzi wished she had an answer for her master, but she didn't.