As Tuzi's voice began to wind down towards the end of her tale, a sense of impending doom began to traverse through her body. A cold chill spun down the length of her spine, as she shivered slightly.
She hadn't thought about the memory in such vivid detail for centuries now. The rabbit shifter was unsure what made her resurface those thoughts about the Death Lord, for they were most certainly repressed echoes from the past.
But now that she recollected…
Something about the Underworld God's face felt very… Present…
Tuzi swallowed nervously, trying her best to remember– Yet no matter how hard she forced herself to, she couldn't recall why he felt so… Real…
Why did the man's face conjure such intense feelings of helplessness within her…? It felt like a dark cavern opened up in her mind, threatening to swallow her whole.
How terrifying.