20 years before the Great End arrival
In a dark alley around Makati, a little girl has woken up. The little girl opened her eyes and observed her hands. "Small," she said to herself. The little girl then looked around the area, feeling familiar all of a sudden. The girl then saw a mirror lying around the dark alley; she grabbed it and stared at it. The little girl then looked at the mirror and took a look at her face. She saw the face of a child with white hair and blue eyes; it was her.
"I can't believe this. I really did go back in time, this is incredible." She said to herself.
"Right!" a mysterious woman voice came at her back.
The girl looked behind her to take a look, and what she saw was not what she expected. What she saw was a small woman flying around her back with little wings on her back. The small woman has the size of a fairy, and with her insane flying speed, it makes it difficult for the little girl to perceive who the woman is.
"Who are you?" The little girl asked to the mysterious woman.
"What? you don't know me? this is me Krona, did you forget already, Dina?" Krona replied.
"Krona? oh right, i forgot.. You said you're coming with me to assist me on my mission." Dina said.
"Correct. With my help, we will be unstoppable!" Krona exclaimed as she clenched her hands.
"Now, you said to me back on that place. You will give the details about my mission after we go back in time.." Dina spoke.
"Oh, right. So your mission is to kill the Great End, simple right? No! currently, no one knew the identity of the Great End, even the King himself.. that is why we go back at the very time when Great End was borned to give us time to investigate about his very identity.." Krona explained to Dina.
"I see.. Looks like the investigating part is going to be a hard one. Do you got any clue about the Great End whereabout?" Dina inquired.
"Yeah, only one though. The clue is, he lived in this country called Philippines, do you know where that is?" Krona spoke.
"Yeah.. In fact were actually on Philippines right now.." Dina said.
"Oh! that's lucky! this mean we don't need to travel to another country, right?" Krona asked.
"Yeah.. Anyway, you are here to assist me right? can you show me what you can do?" Dina requested to Krona.
"Sure. I can summoned the tools that can help us to identify the Great End, like this camera.." Krona said as she summoned the tablet she's talking about.
"What the camera do?" Dina asked to Krona.
"If you face the camera at a person and look at the screen behind it, you can see how much magical power the said person got-" Krona said after she got interrupted by a mysterious voice came from the back.
"Oh Dina, you awake!." The mysterious voice said.
A boy with black hair and red eyes entered the dark alley where Dina and Krona were talking. The boy was shouting for Dina's name. "I know that voice." Dina whispered to herself, so she looked at him and stared at him for a short time. Dina then ran toward him and suddenly hugged the boy.
"Dina? what's wrong? did you got a nightmare?" The boy asked to Dina after she suddenly hugged him.
"It's been a long time since i see you, Dino.." Dina said to the boy as she hugged him tightly.
"Really? the last time i see you was just 30 minutes ago... Oh, you must be very sad that i left you, don't worry, your twin brother will not leave you ever again.." Dino said to Dina.
"No, that's not it.. anyway why did you leave me alone here for 30 minutes??" Dina inquired to Dino as she stop hugging him.
"Didn't i said to you, don't wander off alone when it was still night?" Dina added.
"I'm sorry, i just heard strange noises from there, so i went there, and then i saw a small girl with wings on it's back glowing and flying, so i went to search for it. It just look like that." Dino explained and then pointed at Krona on Dina's back.
"What! that's impossible! how he can see me!" Krona exclaimed, she then hid on Dina's hair. Krona was so small that Dina's hair was enough to hide her whole existence.
"Dina! you must not let other people to see me, even your own brother. So please convince him he was just being crazy and just don't have enough sleep.." Krona whispered at Dina's ears as she hide on her hair.
"I got you!" Dina whispered back at the panicking Krona.
"Dino.. what are you talking about? just go to sleep already, we got a hunt tomorrow morning, remember?" Dina demanded to Dino.
"..Alright" Dino said, he then went toward the corner of the dark alley, on where Dina woke up, and take a sleep there, taking the another half of the carton that they used as a bed.
"...I've been wondering this whole time, why you woke up on this dark alley, now i know why, you woke up here because this is where your home at.." Krona said to Dina.
"Yeah.. At least it's better than the orphanages." Dina said back.
"What is wrong with the orphanages?" Krona asked.
"Most of the orphanages is controlled by a vampire mafia called, Draculto. So that mean if you wanna leave there, you gotta give them your blood."
"Really? that's horrible, why the government is not doing anything?" Krona inquired.
"No one knew the true reason yet, but most of the people think the government was getting bribe, or getting blackmailed." Dina responded.
"Anyway, can i have the camera, i wanna test it.." Dina said.
"Uhh, sure, here you go." Krona spoke as she give the camera to Dina.
"Are you going to test it to your brother?" Krona asked.
Dina nodded. Dina then pointed the camera to Dino, and looked at the screen. "Nothing is showing up on the screen." Dina said to Krona.
Krona then take a look at the camera, and said. "It was not activated, you need to press the button on the side to activate it." Krona said.
Dina pressed the button, the camera activated, and they saw something no one of them was expecting. A huge black flames was forming up on where is Dino is sleeping, Krona deactivate and activate the camera to check if it was just broken, but nothing happen, the huge black flames was still around Dino.
Krona stares at Dina and said, "I think your brother was the Great End.."
"What? no, that's impossible, he was dead 10 years ago before the Great End arrived.." Dina said back.
"Really? Hmm, The Great End must be powerful, but it can't get revived.. So Dina, any idea why you brother have the same magical power as the Great End?" Krona asked.
"Yeah.. if i remember right, he manages to defeat a black demon a year ago, after he defeated the black demon, the black demon gave it's magical powers to Dino. The black demon said he was impressed by Dino's abilities, that's why it gave it's powers to Dino..." Dina replied.