2 years went by, and Deion made his way up to Junior in high school now. The first day started, and Deion forgot he had his phones on his hip going into 1st period. Word around school, Deion lost weight after summer and got a good job. He had the latest phones and clean fresh sneakers with the 4xl all white tee shirt that came to his knees. At this time, "The Franchise Boys" had made a way into the mainstream audience of hip-hop. Deion nextel phone started to go off in class. (Three 6 Mafia playing as the ringtone). He hurried and turned that phone off, forgetting that he had a sidekick too. Suddenly, the Sidekick starts to vibrate and ring. Not knowing all eyes was on him, Deion turns all phones off and looks up and sees students being noisy now. Deion had his best friend Timothy in his class with him, so he sneaked his phones in Timothy bag.
After the bell rings, Deion proceeded to go to work study. Which is when you finish your credits, mostly for high school, they'll let you out early for work. Deion thought he was aiming to go striaght to work. Until he got halfway up the street and saw a gang of kids coming up the hill he just came from. Deion was trying to make the Metro Bus in time, but it left as soon as he got to the bus stop. Now Deion had a choice, either run or Duke it out with the kids that's coming for him. As the six kids run up on Deion, one said, "Let me see that Sidekick.Deion said, "What sidekick?" Other members of the group began to jump Deion. Deion didn't mess with anyone nor picked on anybody he knew and went to school with. He loved his fellow peers. Well, at least he thought they loved him back. Deion was placed in the hospital for a broken leg and bruised ribs.
Deion have never seen people act the way they did towards him because he was a very peaceful guy. Deion didn't trust anyone after that and went rogue. Away from family and friends and find his way in life.