Bond is trust we heard over decades of time, and people signed off on bonds and hand shakes. Some people die from not keeping their word or bond. Most make good businessmen who can sell a dream to a blind man.
As for Deion, Deion has become a known name to the buyers around the way. He had the biggest deals going when he touched the trap. His right-hand man, Kevin, now made sure Deion was set for the next adventure that they participated in that day. From Selling Trees to pushing P. These guys had it.
From having a corner to rolling a couple blocks.
Deion and Kevin were ready to branch out even further than where they were in life.
It's 7am, and the sun really hasn't made its way up yet.
Deion calls Kevin
"We opening shop, have all gas lines ready and pumping," Deion mumbled over the payphone
"Bet," Kevin answered back.
Then, an immediate daily tone
Deion didn't see anyone on the block as he came out side to look for his smokes in the car.
"Smiley," which is Kevin's cousin , had rode his bike to his uncle's house, which wasn't home, so he could leave it with his uncle. Smiley Ask Deion if he could chain his bike on Deion's fence for his uncle.
Deion didn't have a problem with that. Knowing that everyone knows everyone in the neighborhood, why not help out.
Smiley left, and 15 mins later, a strange man walked up beside the bike and said, " This my bike fam."
Deion said" thats my cousin bike. "
The man walked down the alley and left the area.
Deion forgot his iron in the house and went to the car to get a lighter.
As Deion bent down in the car to get a lighter, a sharp 6-inch butcher knife comes down in the back of his head.
Deion tries to fight, but the guy comes out of nowhere and stabs him three more times in his back near his spine now.
Now Deion is falling to the ground where his back hits the steps .
The angry guy got over top of Deion, but God had his back someway somehow. Deion was kicking the guy and punching him while on his back.
Sherl from inside her house saw Deion getting attacked, so she came to her door and fired off several warning rounds to let the angry man know who's around .
The angry man dropped the knife and began running towards the major intersection.
Sherl came to the sidewalk to make sure Deion was good, but Deion was fading our quick. Blood started to gush into the sewers and run down the block. Leaving Deion lifeless in Sherl arms.
Deion was taken to the nearest hospital and died on the table three times. Ten blood transfusions and two surgeries.
Doctors brought him back to life, but Deion was in a coma for 3 months.