Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 128 - Glinda Crawford

Chapter 128 - Glinda Crawford

Dorothy and Glinda are sitting at the patio bench, while looking up at the stars.

'So this is you in the modern day, right after the twister?'

'Yeah.' Dorothy was embarrassed. 'But you should have seen what the other girls in the modern time period wear. This is at least modest at best. But believe me, there are women who have their legs showing and reveal their upper chest.'

'Have women in the modern day lost their modesty?' Glinda seems to disapprove of it.

'There's still some who keep it modest. Even some like the olden times, but I think we call them hipsters. Or at least I've been called that whenever I do wear some of the old 1930s or 50s look. Personally, I'm kind of a big fan of the 60s look.' Dorothy is wearing a 60's checkered dress, silver gem like heels, and golden straw hat. 'I've become a Witch in the new world.'

'A witch?' Glinda is conflicted by it. 'Are you becoming an evil witch?'

'What?! No!' Dorothy then recalls some of her actions of cargo robbery, making deals with a Nazi Witch, and even leading a somewhat gang. 'Actually, there might be some merits to that claim. Guess that makes me an ugly human being.'

Glinda sees Dorothy who seems to be down at the moment, then she starts to laugh it off. 'Only the bad Witches are ugly. There's nothing bad about you.'

Dorothy bobs her head then snaps her finger to reveal all the bad Witches that she had encountered from the three months she had been living in.

Glinda seems shocked to see such beautiful women that are the bad Witches of the modern day.

'Oh. Well, beauty comes from the inside.'

Dorothy gives her a questionable look. 'Mom? Really?'

'As long as you're gay about it, it doesn't matter' Glinda continued to look over the Witches that Dorothy had met.

'Oh!' Dorothy remembers. 'By the way, mom. That word had changed its meaning since the 60's to describe homosexuals or, basically the LGBTQIA+ community. Especially the F-word.'

Glinda smacks Dorothy's head from behind.


'You should watch your mouth, Dorothy Ozite Gardner. Do you want your father to bring out the belt?' Glinda gives a stern look at her, which makes her spine shake.

'No! No! I'll listen.' Dorothy acts like a little girl again.

Glinda smiles down at Dorothy then giggles.


'This reminds me when you were ten, you imagined all of this as the Wonderful World of Oz. You even changed your friend Oscar's name as Ozcar, your Wizard of Oz.'

'I tend to call him the Wizard of Odd. Since he's always been an oddball.' Dorothy looks beyond her place.

Glinda looks at Dorothy's attire. 'You seem to be an odd girl yourself, Dorothy.'


'Well, I just like these clothes, but my Goodness, it's so hot in the modern day. Right now, it's so soothing and cool. That or maybe someone put me outside or in front of an air conditioner.'

Glinda continues on being confused. 'Air conditioner?'

'Oh, you wouldn't believe what the modern day can provide. So useful, especially those washers and dryers. They're very helpful. Food is so much better, and no offense to you, even your cooking didn't compare to it. And adding spice and different kinds of ingredients to it, makes it so much…'

Glinda smacks Dorothy again.

'Ow!' Rubbing her head. 'I don't mean to offend you, but I had to be honest here.'

'It can't be that good.'

'Well…' Dorothy nervously shrugs.

Another smack onto Dorothy.

Both of them are sitting there awkwardly while Glinda seems curious.

'So… how is the food in the modern day?'

Dorothy happily spoke. 'It's amazing! You could die from the taste of it alone.' Dorothy chefs kiss. 'Even Auntie Emily's casserole and apple pie can't compete with it.'

Glinda laughs.

Dorothy looks around, 'Speaking of which, where's Auntie Emily and Uncle Henry? I haven't seen them around?'

'Um, Emily and Henry are somewhere else right now.' Glinda points down which makes Dorothy look down but doesn't see anything but realize what she meant.

'Why would they be in Hell?'

'They were good at raising you, I'll give them that, but my goodness though. The amount of racism behind the Gardner Family, it was down to the point where I had to commit suicide.'

Dorothy's eyes widened then remember seeing a hanging woman in the barn. 'I just want to tell myself that you just ran away and saw a woman that looks like you.'

'No, Dorothy. I grabbed a rope and then hung myself, forcefully. They were uncomfortable at times. They talk about racism so much it reminds me why I had to leave Texas…'

'Texas? I thought you came from the north?' Dorothy asks.

'Yeah. I'm from the south originally. The northest part of this great country of ours I ever been to is Kansas. And the friend I'm talking about is Charlotte, who talked about racism all the damn time. It's so exhausting and uncomfortable, and ew.'

Dorothy recognized the name. 'Charlotte? As in Charlotte White?'

'That's correct. You were a baby when she came by and visited the first time around. She wanted to give me a deal that promised us a better future for something I have to own up from our previous deal, but I had declined it because I'm done with her and her racial ways. Life here is a clean slate for me.'

Glinda then placed her head in her hand.

'Well, now that I had mentioned her, I still regretted that she made me hung myself in order to keep you safe, by leaving you alone.'

'Why would Charlotte agreed to such a thing?'

Glinda realized. 'Wait a minute? How do you know about Charlotte?'

'She's a Plague Witch. One of the highest official Witches among us all. Then there's the 10 Salem Witches where I had managed to beat but by a mere fluke and luck. Then Mrs. Green, who's over there by the way, had made me into a Witch by saving me from that twister that she had accidentally caused.'

'Charlotte? Almira? Wow, there's so many Witches I know.' Glinda is astonished of that revelation.

'Yupe. And now, my goal is to bring a peaceful order between both Magical Girls and Witches.'

Glinda is even more confused. 'Magical Girls? Aren't those just Witches?'

'They're different.'

Both Glinda and Dorothy are completely confused by the idea that both magical women categories are actually different from one another.

'Even I don't understand it, and I'm both.'

'Maybe when you go to China…'

'It's Japan that I've been told about.'

'Is that like a State of China?'

'No, and this is where I gotta keep my mouth shut and pretend to be a mute, but that part would get me canceled too since I'm just acting like a person with disabilities.'

'Is the modern day really that problematic for you?'

'Not quite. It's just that people in our time period are more simple, but I do understand and agree. But I need time to adjust to it. It's nothing that easy for me, since I'm out of my own time period. It would've been easy if I would have a clean slate mind, a blank mindset where I could just agree to it without a flaw. But I don't have that character sheet. I still have it from my original time period, so I'll spill it once in a while.'

Dorothy placed her feet in, holding herself while burying her face in her knees.

'If I had grown out and aged with my original time, I would possibly naturally grow out more as a positive person. A person who's on their side, but now? I honestly don't know?'

Glinda pulls Dorothy towards her to give her a side hug. Petting her.

'I can understand too. My father was a notorious racist, and I had grown up to be a racist but after meeting Charlotte and seeing her brutality towards them, all I could see was their eyes. I grew out of my racial background, but it wasn't easy and if I'm being honest, I'm surprised I'm even up here but I guess I made enough contribution to redeem from my sins.'

'How did you grow out of it?'

'It took time, and I even stumble at times. Lucky for me though, I had a black friend who could help me. Her name was French, sounds so erotic, Laveaux.'

'Another Witch you know?'

'What?! She's a Witch?!' Glinda is surprised. 'How many Witches do you know?!'

'Too many, but get back to your racism story?'

'Right. Well, Laveaux was the one who guided me through it. Keep me in check, and make sure I go the right way. I too had stumbled a few times, but it doesn't mean I stopped because of it. No. Even your father wasn't like Henry at all. Frank, who's out there, working in the fields right now. Frank and I had continued working with Laveaux before you were born. We started out on opposite ends, she told me the one lesson that would always start in the path of redemption; it takes an inferno journey to reach a peaceful paradiso.'

'A Inferno Journey? That sounds like Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.'

'Basically it is. But I had learned so much from her, she had become a friend. As long as we all can understand and learn to get along, we can find the right way for peace. Even if it's temporary, it should be savored and help you fuel to keep going forward.'

Dorothy smiles. 'That does sound peaceful.'

'Yes it does. Because acceptance is always the first step to your new world. It will open up a new view and a new appreciation of life and everyone else in it.' Glinda then is curious about something else. 'Now answer me this; how do you know about Laveaux?'

'A friend of mine, she's the Apprentice of a Witch named Laveaux from the 1980s. And she does knock me around, even on my trip here, I get hit.'

'Just remember, she's only doing so because she sees you as a friend. Keeping you in check. And as long as you don't say the word in general, you should be good.'

'I'll be honest, I'm glad we had this talk. Because it does lighten things up for me. I can finally learn to adapt and grow into this crazy world we live in. And that asshole from Alabama, my goodness he's such an asshole. He pretty much made me hate choosing the democrats, but it wasn't until, oh wait, I forgot to mention. We have a black president, and women's rights have improved so much.'

'A black president?' Glinda nods with an approving smile. 'Now that is quite interesting.'

'I'll be honest, I was shocked when I saw it too when I woke up into the modern world, but I was surprised at the amount of change that people are willingly fighting for. Honestly, it makes me happy.' Dorothy smiles as the dawn is about to break.

'And why were you worrying about slipping out?' Glinda asked her.

'Because I'm afraid of the consequences that my old ways of life will prevent me from progressing. I want to progress into this new world I entered in 3 months but have been hiding it behind the reconstruction work of Oztown.'

'Oztown? Is that where you live now?'

'Actually, this part of Oz County has been recalled as Oztown, which I also caused the destruction of.'

'Ah! But have you done some good?'

'Honestly, I don't know about that yet.'

'Then just try what you can do. You can't do everything on your own.'

'I will.' Dorothy smiles. 'You know, this epiphany has finally helped me out. I think I can finally wake up from this, well, also realizing that this is nothing more but a one-sided conversation since we're in my mind.'

Glinda bobs her head then says to Dorothy. 'Actually, I'm not in your mind, or at least from what you are saying. No. You're actually experiencing a near death situation right now.'

Dorothy turns to her with a dumbfounded look. 'Huh?'

'That's correct, Dorothy. You're actually dying right now, or just lingering around. I'm just here to visit you, to either welcome you to the afterlife or guide you through the valley of death and wake up from it.'

'Then…' Dorothy is freaking out then looks around to see some familiar faces here. 'Why am I even here?'

'I don't know, you just appear here. I honestly thought you were part of my imagination of my paradise until you speak of this modern world you just came from.'

Dorothy continued to look around. 'Then where is the doorway? I've been here too long!'

'Then how did you come here?'

'From the door of our…' Dorothy turns to see the door. 'I need to go through it.' Stops then turns to Glinda. 'I want to say thank you, for everything.'

Dorothy runs up to Glinda to give her a teary hug.

'I missed you everyday, and I hope dad will understand.'

'He will understand.'

They let go as the sun is rising.

Dorothy runs up to the door, reaching out for the handle, a Halo ring cuffs her wrists together.

'What the…?!'

Dorothy had been pulled away then been slammed down onto the ground. Got up to see the other Dorothy she met when she was here.

Glinda is scared and concerned of seeing her daughter being slammed.

'Where do you think you're going, Ms. Dorothy Crawford?'

'Getting out of here.'

Dorothy Gardner grins with a smug look. 'You think you deserve to leave?'

'What is the matter with you?!'

Gardner looks down at Crawford. 'Huh? Do you think this modern day world can accept a person like us? No. And you seem to love this nostalgic feeling, so I was wondering if I can take over. While locking you away here. This modern day world needs a mind who values the simple ways of life. So why bring change? Let's bring what life is meant to be. And since Magical Girls are a bunch of simpletons with a simple idea. I'll sell out those things you call friends.'

Gardner walks up to the door with a smile.

Glinda is about to try to stop Gardner but stops due to seeing Crawford fly towards Gardner.

Gardner turns, she is gut kicked back onto the wall then followed by a chest uppercut and haymaker. Grab the wrist then pull back to blast her away from the house.

Glinda is completely shocked that Crawford is combat capable.

Getting back to her feet then her simple clothing changed into a Witch look with a hat. In a fighting stance.

'I thought you wouldn't go down without a fight.' Gardner smiles as she gets up.

'Well, I'm a fighter in the new world, so you should had expected to fight back. So I ain't gonna let you go out without going through me first.'

Crawford is determined.

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