Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 129 - The Mindscape Battle

Chapter 129 - The Mindscape Battle

The Two Dorothys are locking eyes to each other, waiting to make a move.

Crawford rapid fire Glyph Shots.

Gardner dodges each shot then about to throw a punch. Crawford dodges after each punch then goes for her own punches, Gardner dodges then grabs the last punch then Judo tosses her over.

Crawford quickly spins after grabbing Gardner's wrist then takes aim. Gardner quickly leaps over then both of them roll to the same side while Crawford still has the wristlock.

Gardner quick with a pump kick on the head of Crawford, who then pulls the wrist in for a lariat that flips Gardner back to her feet to a superhero landing pose.

Crawford then goes for the punch, Gardner quickly leans back and applies the sleeper hold but she gets out by rolling back to her feet then wristlock pull-up to Judo toss Gardner away with a Glyph blast assistance.

Crawford tries to make a break for it to the door itself, but a Halo ring latches onto the lifting leg ankle then Gardner pulls Crawford away, using the blast momentum to slam Crawford down.

'You ain't gonna get a sneaky win over me, Witch.'

Crawford quickly tossed a Glyph Saw up to the air where Gardner is flying then tossed multiple Glyph Saws.

Take Aim.

'Ricochet Shot!'

Each round blast has two orbs that are attached to a small string, in order to bounce off of the Glyphs at Crawford cast.

Gardner flies around to avoid each shot as each time she tries to make it through, a ricochet shot has prevented her from moving towards the door itself.

Fly towards the Glyph that is the closest to Crawford then punches it, releasing a hellfire punch towards her.

Crawford quickly moved out of the way, but speared down onto the ground where Gardner started to punch down onto her.

'Just give up already! The modern day world needs a stronger mind to lead them all back to a simpler time. What does progression and change can bring?'

'What's wrong with a little change and progression here and there.'

All of the Ricochet Shots had bounced back down to hit Gardner from behind, forcing her off of Crawford.

Crawford used this opportunity to fly towards the door, Gardner quickly grabbed the ankle then pulled her in for a punch. Ducks under then goes for a punch of her own.

Gardner dodges each punch then tries to go for a flying spinning leg kick. Crawford rolls under the kick then Glyph blasts from the foot to launch herself to knead Gardner up in the air, both are flying.

Using the strike as momentum to backflip kick Crawford even higher.

Lightning fast speed to punch onto Gardner, and continue to punch from all angles then grab the head from behind, in order plant Crawford down onto the ground.

Crawford flies underneath the ground to deliver an uppercut onto Gardner.

Glyph Shot aims then twirls the Glyphs to enlarge it, throws a punch towards it while shouting a variation of her signature spell.

'Pyrobolum: Drago's Burst!'

Sending a large burst of flame towards Gardner.

Quickly pull two feathers then enlarge them to use them as a shield while she spearheads towards the large burst of flame.

Managed to go throw the burst of flame then extend her wings out then throws the Heaven's Smite punch onto Crawford.

'You remember that when God had cast a bolt of lightning to give Cain a mark of evil, so I mine as well do the same to you, Witch. Just as God would.'

Looking at the door.

'Now it's time for me to take over.'

Gardner flies towards the door, Crawford uses the wheat and vines to prevent her from reaching the door.

'You seem to forget. Just because you're using Thy name for your own goals, doesn't justify his name at all.'

Struggling to get out of it, as she's trying to burn the restraints. Crawford pulls Gardner away from the door, who grabs a long case.

Using the momentum to fly towards Crawford to spear her down onto the ground.

Crawford kicks Gardner off and doubles as a Glyph blast to send her further.

From the long case, there's a star-like staff.

Crawford sees it while Gardner foot slides then uses a Halo Saw to throw at Crawford.

Quickly grabs it then under swing slash to split the Halo Saw.

Gardner quickly flies up close to Crawford then throws an uppercut punch to send her flying, forcing her to drop the star staff.

After hitting the ground hard, Crawford rolls back to her feet then goes for her Glyph Saws, Gardner counters it with her Halo Saws.

The Glyph Saws circles are slowly disappearing for the star in the middle of it, but Crawford doesn't notice it.

The Saws clashed, Gardner goes for a sucker punch. Crawford ducks then wraps her arm around the leg to roll Gardner back to her knees for a Glyph Shot, point blank range.

Gardner grabs the wrist then pulls Crawford down, she rolls before the grip has been applied.

Holding Gardner by a side headlock. Punching onto the midsection to try to loosen the grip then she flies up in the air with Crawford keeping the hold on.

Crawford lets go of the hold then she kicks Gardner away.

Gardner quickly makes rapid fire shots towards Crawford.

Using her Glyphs to block each blast while flying to avoid any fatal blows then quickly grab the star to throw it towards Gardner for a Glyph Saw and flies behind it.

Gardner grabs her Halo to increase the size of it in order to slam it down onto the Glyph, then uses the Halo to lock the upcoming Pyrobolum punch towards her.

Gardner quickly twirls Dorothy around then tossed her down onto the ground hard, then stomp onto the midsection.

Gardner leans down towards Crawford, unknowingly that Crawford quickly grabs the star staff.

'You can't beat me, Witch Dorothy. You ain't strong enough, and you can't protect anyone with that weak will.'

'Yeah, you're exactly right, Magical Dorothy. It just means that I can find a way to beat you.'

Crawford stabs the foot off then quickly applies a triangle choke. Using her Slipper Wands to blast both of them towards the door while burning up the wings of Gardner.

Gardner realized what Crawford was trying to do. She overcame the pain to try to pull Crawford back then deadlift her up. Crawford goes for the point blank range shot, Gardner quickly powerbomb her through the patio floor.

Glinda moved out of the way.

Crawford then quickly uses her Glyph Saws to cut through all of the pillars of the house.

Gardner pulls the star staff out of her foot then about to use it to stab Crawford.

Foot pushes Gardner off before she makes the strike.

Got up to throw a Pyrobolum punch which is met with a Heaven's Smite punch where both punches collide to each other, causing a hellfire and thunder environment around them, but not affecting Glinda.

Gardner looks around. 'Seems perfect for you Witches. Nothing but hellfire and brimstone, or in this case a grimstorm.'

'Grimstorm?' Crawford grins. 'That's actually a sweet name for an electrical spell of mine.'

Gardner looks at Crawford's arm which has been burned to a crisp. She laughs at Crawford. 'You think you can beat me with that burned up arm?' Stretched out her arm that is twitching but recovered while Crawford's arm is slowly recovering hers. 'The difference between a Witch and a Magical Girl's powers are so different, and I'm still a Witch. Technically, I can go both ways and not in that sinful awful Gay way either.'

'Not very PC of you.'

'Who cares.'

'I do.'

'And that part of you doesn't, since I'm here. Your negative thoughts about the modern world.'

'And yet, I'm willing to change. To adapt to it!' Crawford's arm fully recovered, ready to fight.

'You think people will accept the fact that we came from a literal different time where things were simple.'

'I would say, a different socially accepted environment. And if I'm gonna be honest, you're partially right. I don't really like some of the costumes of the modern day but who can I refuse their rights? I don't even understand these different sexual orientations, and I'm an AroAce here.'

'Ew.' Gardner is disgusted. 'Then that makes you one of the Gays.'

'On a technical standpoint, I'm part of the gay community in some form.'

'When I get out, we'll fix that.'

'The thing I'm gonna fix is going through some sensitivity training.'

Gardner snarls at the idea then she throws a Halo Saw which turns into a Heaven's Wheel then quick with the Hell's Ring.

Crawford uses the Star Staff to defend herself, using the star tip itself to counter the Heaven's Wheel and Hell's Ring to make them into little stars.

She quickly grabs the stars then they transition into their Witch's version of the attacks.

'Paradiso Sun! Inferno Star!'

The Paradiso Sun is a full filled star while the Inferno Star is a pentagram star.

Gardner punches both attacks but they explode on each impact.

Crawford rushed up to Gardner with her punch.


The electrical version of her signature spell, to keep Gardner to stay there for a moment, then uses her Pyrobolum: Drago's Burst spell to launch herself up in the air.

Crawford is trying to remember the tornado that made her into a Witch, then only remember the fall and decided to use that part of the memory to create her own twister and remember the rainbow itself.

'Rainbow Cyclone!'

A hurricane had been casted and the house itself started to fly up into the air, all but the door out of the Mindscape.

The wind itself doesn't create the same suction of the twister itself, but it seems to launch the house itself like it's falling.

Gardner noticed the door, she tried to run up to it but the Rainbow Cyclone forced Gardner to stay inside of the eye. The Rainbow Cyclone also used the hellfire and thunderstorm environment that they had created around them, and used it as a shield.

Crawford flies above the house itself while her eyes turn into stars, a solid star on her left and the pentagram star on her right.

'I won this little argument of ours!'

Clench her fist then punches down onto the house and both fire and lightning are correlated to each other as it swirls around the arm.

'Wicked End!'

The punch hit the house and the Rainbow Cyclone had been sucked up into the house while it was falling down, being sucked inwards.

Looking up after seeing the house falling down then crashes onto Gardner, crushing her with all of the weight of the Rainbow Cyclone being redirected downwards and inwards onto her, finally defeating her.

Dorothy then drops down after her fight, only landing on the bed which somehow managed to survive the crashing house.

Landing deep like landing inside a marshmallow. 'That's so comfy!'

Glinda walks up to Dorothy, pulling her out of the bed.

Looks up to see Glinda is above her. 'Sorry that you had to see that mom. It's something I've been doing ever since I entered the new world.'

'It's alright, Dorothy. You were only defending yourself against something that could've caused you to go down a darker path.'

Looks at the body of Gardner then grabs the Magical Girl Locket. 'Now I see why Witches who stayed here in the Mindscape too long, would end up losing to their worst sides of history itself.'

'You seem to be like a sorceress rather than a Witch.'

'That's a neat title.' Dorothy and Glinda are walking up to the still standing door out of the Mindscape. 'Sorry about the house though, I didn't know what else I would have done though.'

'You're like a sorceress when you're fighting against your other half.'

'A sorceress? That's a nice title.' Dorothy then had a quick thought of it then smiled. 'A very nice title indeed.' She gives out her Witch's cackle.

Glinda seems concerned about her cackle.

Dorothy looks down to see the broken staff then picks it up. 'And sorry about your staff here.'

Glinda smiles. 'Don't worry about it. It was a gift for you, since you always like to play as a fairy.'

'Oh really?' Dorothy then snaps the wand which made Glinda freaked out. Picks out the star tip then uses her magic to break it in half, making it thinner.

'Why did you do that?!'

'To use the tips as Wand attachments for my broom here.'

Glinda is still confused as she sees Dorothy attaching them onto the side of her slippers where the ruby and silver start melting themselves onto the stars with a silver star with ruby highlights.

Dorothy smiles then taps her slippers three times and it sparks little glitter stars when tapped.

'You Witches are quite unique.'

'I'm more of a Wicked Magical Girl. Now I know what I can make as my Wands while my slippers will be my Brooms.'

She smiles at Glinda who smiles back at her daughter.

Open it up to see a spiral imagery.

She looks over to see Glinda one last time. 'Mom, I'll come back to visit you. If I'm good enough to be here.'

Glinda smiles. 'If it eases your mind, I can still visit you in Hell. Only people in Heaven can make a visit to their loved ones. So either way, we'll see each other.'

'I love you, mom.'

'And I love you too, Dorothy.'

Glinda walks up to give Dorothy a kiss on the cheek then one last hug before heading out to the fields.

'I'll make you proud mom.'

Before walking through the door, she sees Gardner who's still breathing to Crawford's surprise.

'You know that the modern world won't accept us. Once we slip up, boom, we will be unaccepted.'

Dorothy lingered onto her words then replied.

'That may be true, but it's up to me if I want to accept that. And want to know the secret to adaptation?'

Kneel down to offer a handshake to Gardner.

'It's Acceptance. That's why it is always the first step to everything. I will slip up, eventually, but I have my friends to keep me in check. I'll learn then adapt to it. And if our mom is here, then I know it's possible to change.'

Gardner accepts the handshake then she evaporates away.

Dorothy walks through the door to go through time itself as she's falling from her usual 1900 lifestyle and entering the modern day with the end ending in a big flash of blinding light.

Slowly waking up, Dorothy is seeing the light of a ceiling.

'Did I die again?'

'Oh!' Darien's head pops up and rushes up towards her. 'Master Dorothy!' He licks her cheek.

Everyone rushed up to her, who were all worrying about her. Even Lorona Alegria is there, all but two are absent; Abbie and Becky. Even Ambrosia seems to be worried about Dorothy.

After a minute of seeing them, Dorothy felt incredible pain from her head and her body.

'Ow! What the Hell did that Spell do to me?!'

Everyone starts to laugh it off, but Dorothy doesn't find it funny.

'No, seriously. What the hell did that Spell actually do to me? Because this is much more painful than yesterday.'

'Does our beloved Guild Leader want something to eat?' Charlotte requested.

'A breakfast sandwich would be nice.' Dorothy answered then sat right up. 'Oh, when I was down under, I finally came up with a Fancy Title as my Leadership.'

Everyone is leaning closer to Dorothy.

'I'm the Sorceress of the Wicked Witches.'

Gives out her cackle.

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