Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 118 - The Catch-Up Cabin, Switzerland Mountains

Chapter 118 - The Catch-Up Cabin, Switzerland Mountains

Up at Switzerland mountains there's a Catch-Up Cabin but the cabin part is more loosely since it's a giant mansion.

Abigail "Abbie" Bones, who's a 5'4" tall girl with purple eye contacts. Dye black hair but slowly wash away as her dirty blonde hair is showing off halfways. Originated from 1930's Germany but became an illegal immigrant of Boston, Massuchesetts. She goes under Melissa Barthel in public and as a Magical Girl who had managed to make the cut of European 300 billboard.

She's sitting down in a comfy chair with a melted up ice pack on the top of her head, and wearing comfy pyjamas right next to a fireplace, covering herself.

Speaking in German, 'My head hurts.'

In English, 'Hope you're doing well Abbie.' Margaret Webster, her Mentor and the one who made her a Witch. Bringing in a couple of cocoas for them to drink.

Abbie spoke in English as well. 'I'm still feeling a bit better, but my head still hurts. But now, that muscle pain from the Muscle Memory Spell is coming back.' Shaking to her core then rubbing her cheek. 'Even my teeth are in pain, and everything is becoming insensitive to everything. I can't eat or drink anything without my teeth quaking in the gums.'

'That will happen.' Margaret gives her some pills for the pain. 'But you should be lucky that you get to have these.' Put them away. 'Because when I get these kinds of lessons, we have to go through an entire day worth of lessons and thus we have so much pain and problems, not even spells can't even heal from it.'

Abbie then gives herself a cuddle with the blanket.

'Never been a fan of the cold.' Abbie remarks on the snowy mountains of Switzerland. 'Reminds me of the cold days of Boston. Those cold nights.'

Holding herself up.

'Well, here's a thing about what you might end up getting through unless you want to go through the spell?' Margaret held her close.

'What spell?' Abbie is afraid.

'The Braces Spell.'

'The Braces…? Wait, the metal teeth thing?' Abbie realized what Margaret is suggesting. 'Well it hurt?'

'Yes. Like the Muscle Memory Spell, it will hurt like hell. Normally, it would last at least one year to go through, a year shorter, but now with modern Witches who can replicate the pain and speed it up to either up to 2 months or even 2 weeks, you don't have to wear the actual braces.'

'Really?' Abbie is interested as she's rubbing her cheeks, but then realizes if there's something up with the spells. 'And what's the catch?'

Margaret is bobbing her head as if she's afraid of the trade off. 'You will have to face a huge amount of pain, well, most likely every step and breath will feel like you're dying. And some of those who went through the 2 week process have died from shock alone. Either way, I wouldn't want to go through it since I heard during their period week, the pain increased tenfold.'

'Now that one I will believe, and the reason why most Witches want to avoid it the most.' Abbie held herself closer. 'But I would like to know why rush it?'

'Let's say some Witches, myself included, didn't like how our teeth turned out. And it's quite stereotypical of us Witches we might have bad body care. Not since that asshole, David Teniers made that portrait of Witches. Or at least he comes to mind first, whenever I think about the Witches stereotype.'

Abbie grabs her cup of cocoa. 'So did you go through it?'

'Yes. And I went through the one year system, and I would rather go through another war than going through a year speed up on the Braces Spell.' Margaret then drinks her cocoa.

'Well, since I'm young and I have see actual grown adults, I won't mind going through the one year program. Can't be much worse than the Muscle Memory Spell.'

'It's still gonna hurt though. Plus, we can have dental records altered for your teeth if you do.'

Abbie's phone is ringing. Grabbing it to read that it's from Calista. Margaret is looking over then grinning at her.

'You and Cal seem to be very close?'

Abbie turns red as she's reading it. 'It's just that I wasn't expecting to make friends outside of Witches or the Wicked Witches. But Cal is very nice, and these past two weeks, she makes it feel like home'

'Right.' Margaret sat across from her. 'And I remember the day you came to London with me. You saw some of the women and men, which I'm still not happy with in that situation.'

'Yeah, sorry.' Abbie is holding her crotch area out of embarrassment.

'But as long you're safe, I don't have to worry that much.'

'My main problem back in Berlin is Sammartino.' Abbie placed herself onto her hand while looking at the fireplace.

'Yes. I've been keeping a very close eye on that Italian horndog. And don't get me started on that one incident with an Italian before, while taking a boat ride.'

'I'm curious, what happened?'

'Well, me and a couple of my fellow Dames were taking a trip from England to France at one point. Then we encountered Juliet Valentino for the first time. She straight up assaulted us, after drugging us. I'm so glad she's behind bars.'

'When was this? A decade or two ago?'

'Last summer. Perverted bitch, I would've set her on fire but she lives at Magical Girls hotspots where it's suicidal for us to raid at. I'm hoping she'll get what she deserves in prison, getting rammed.' Margaret gives out a Witch's cackle over the thought of it.

'Did you want to jump on her when she was at the Coven Meeting?'

'Actually, the first time I tried to assault her. Well, assault is a soft word, attempted murder seems appropriate to it. My body was burned up like breaking a Witch's Vow. She found a way on how to manipulate the situation. I'll be honest, if a Witch can get her hands on that, they can manipulate the system without a problem.'

'I thought you needed consent for the Vow?' Abbie is confused as she's replying to texts to her group in Berlin.

'I too originally thought so too, but she found a way. Even lesser Witches like her will know advanced spells or ways. Never underestimate a lesser Witch, or else they'll face the consequences.'

'Like when Emma underestimated Dorothy?'

'That's right. But I'm more proud of you, when I heard that you're the one who killed Emma's sub guild leader, Princess Hilda von Kaiser. Didn't realize you had it in you.' Margaret raised her cup for her, while Abbie didn't raise it as high as Margaret's.

Showing remorse. 'But I gotta follow Dorothy's ideal. Not wanting to kill someone, but I wasn't planning on killing her. I can understand that she's a Nazi Princess, but she's still a human being underneath the flag.'

'Look, Abbie. I do understand that, I really do. But when you're out there fighting a war, you have to understand that you will be the one who'll have to make the tough call. And it was a tough call on what you did.' Holding her hand gently. 'I'm not a Saint myself, I killed child soldiers myself in order to save my friends. Even the Magical Girls aren't Saints, as much as they want to paint themselves as such, but I had seen so many Magical Girls killing our own for decades.'

Abbie is looking at the hand then slightly grabs her hair to realize what she'll have to do in the future, as she sees her Lantern Wand and Shovel Broom. 'Am I gonna kill my auntie?'

'If I'm being honest, I hope not. Because that's my job since I'm the one who started that war with her, so I should be the one who ended it.' Margaret looked out the window. 'There were times that I was worried that you might end up seeing me dead, and her, Frieda Reinhart. I'm more afraid of what she'll do to you. And if that day comes, I'm praying that the rest of the Wicked Witches will be there to help you.'

'And since you survived, how is Mrs. Green doing?'

'She'll be back home on Sunday. Maria will stay by her side till then. She just had to go through such a painful process of losing her right arm and eye. And as for Malvonia, I doubt she'll be using her cat form that much, but she's only doing her Familiar job. To always keep their Masters alive.'

'Still can't believe even three powerful Witches can't bring down my auntie.'

'I wouldn't say powerful, to describe both Mira and Maria, but yes. Frieda is powerful. And I'm gonna tell you right now, once you get into the Magical Girl Academia, I will not only be leaving you, but I'll be spending my time finding this woman. Trying to kill her, before you ever meet her.'

Margaret is playing with Abbie's hair then smiles down at her.

'You certainly do look like Meliisa.'

'Do you miss her?'

'Every day.' Margaret then pulls out a hair clip with jewels, even a diamond on it. 'This is her Wand. Or at least I want to believe so.'

'She became a Witch?'

Margaret did Abbie's hair in a back bun with her dirty blond hair at the base, and her black dye hair in the bun, placing the hair clip on it.

'She was, but it was during when Amanda Quinn came to attack my place. I was trying to save her, but was killed while she was in the Cauldron. My husband, Billy. He understood why I needed to do it. To this day, I still believe that he believes that he had been tricked into falling in love with a Witch, but I'm the one who did the falling.' Margaret then sees Abbie's new hairdo. 'Amanda took away someone who's far more dear to me than Victoria herself. I love Alex and all, I would die for my Queen and Country, but I love Melissa far more. I'll go to Hell and back just to bring the fire to her, to let her burn. I swore that I'll kill Quinn with all my heart.'

'Then what happened to Amanda?'

'She died. I don't know how, but I wanted to be the one who killed her. I want to kill your auntie, but Quinn comes first.' Margaret grits her teeth as she's angrily remembering her.

'Does she have an apprentice?'

'There's one, but it's a loose connection though. Rhea O'Shaunessy, the leader of the Lucky Charm Guild. So I don't know who her Mentor is, but I'm putting my money on her, since Quinn died when she woke up.'

'Maybe when I go to Japan, during the Magical Girls gathering, Dorothy and the rest of us Wicked Witches can look for this Rhea.'

Margaret smiles then pets her while playing with bun hair.

'That's sweet. But she's no threat. Like all Irish.'

'You Brits and Irish are like the Yankees and the Red Sox.' Abbie is taking a drink.

'Or like Magical Girls and Witches.' Margaret adds that made both of them start laughing at the comparisons.

Abbie tries to stand up but her body shakes, Margaret quickly grabs her.

'Take it easy. You have all week to recover.'

Lifts Abbie up on her back. Carrying her to her private room, slowly revealing that the entire Switzerland place is being heavily guarded by Margaret's Victorian Dames Guild.

'I told Amy that you'll be gone for a week or two.'

'Wouldn't the other Salem Witches be attacking here?'

'I had to pay Wagner's pub tab in order to get some protection, but you'll be safe here. Not until you meet up with your Magical Girl friends.'

'I wouldn't call Santana a friend. As a matter of fact, I doubt she calls me friend and have a bossy mean streak.'

'I really don't understand Mexicans at times. No matter how many times I visit their country, they are either the most straight forward folk or the most confusing folks. That's how I met Maria. She was straight forward, but also very confusing. Evan her La Llorona tale is quite confusing for me to understand. And don't get me started with the Central America situation.'

'It's like the United Kingdom with Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the Republic of Ireland.'

'No, no, no. Nothing like that though.'

'Is racism gonna be a problem?'

'More of nationalism, I'm from the Victorian Era. We call the Indians, both west and east, as savages.'

'No, that sounds more like racism.'

Margaret sign. 'Bloody liberal thinking. Well, I don't know, maybe ignorance? The world changes, and even when you live in it, it changes faster than you at times. And I see it all before my eyes!'

'You'll catch up, eventually.'

They walk up to a room with a great mountain view with a few of the forests nearby.

Placing Abbie on the chair, looking at the beauty.

'I'll be right back in a minute.'


Abbie is looking out to see the beauty of it all, till she notices two red orbs in the far distance.

She tries to look at something else, but every time she looks around, the red orbs turn into eyes.

These red eyes, never blinking, keep coming closer to the Catch Up-Cabin. Closer, closer, and closer the person with red eyes is in view.

Abbie looks deep into the red eyes, captivating until she blinks. The person, Frieda Reinhart, is standing in front of her on the other side of the window.

The red eyes are coming from her modified Nazi uniform with a wolf's hoodie, obscuring her face while smiling.

Placing her wolf's hand on the window then slowly scratching on the window, leaving marks.

Door opens, Abbie turns. 'Margaret! There's someone here?'

'Someone? Like who?' Margaret laughs it off. 'I'm sure that it's just you, me, and my Dames here.'

Abbie turns to see that Frieda is gone, then she holds her head like she got a headache.

Margaret looks out to the window but sees no one but has shifty eyes towards it. Smile down to Abbie, to let her know that she's alright.

'I swear I saw a wolf here.'

Walking towards the window, and to Abbie, still see the claw marks next to Margaret. 'I'm sure you're still feeling the effects of the Shadows Spell.' Margaret whistled.

An English Bulldog Familiar came to the room. 'Yes, Lady Webster?'

'Please take Abbie here to the center of the Cabin. I think she needs something to eat. The dishes here are to die for.'

'Right away. Come along.' The Bulldog then transforms into a butler then teleports her away from the room.

Margaret's smile turned serious.


Another Bulldog teleports into the room. 'Yes, my lady?'

'Tell the Dames to make double and third checkups around this location. And to any Witch that wants to come here, tell them to leave.'

'And what if they don't?'

'Us, the British do have a dark history that most people tend to ignore. Kill anyone that isn't a Dame, a Valkyrie, or our Familiars. I ain't letting Frieda here.' Turn around to see the claw marks of the window then look out to see the same red eyes staring back.

'And the Guests that are already here?'

'Let make examples out of them.'

'Right away, my lady.'

Margaret continues to stare back at the red eyes, slowly revealing herself out in the open. Bloody smile, and waving at Margaret, like she's taunting her.

'Ta ta, English. I'll be coming back for my niece.'

Frieda laughs.

Margaret pulls out her gun to take her shot at her. Frieda disappears with small lights appearing behind her, the trees reveal some of the Witches that were making their way to the Cabin, murdered and hanging onto the tree as display.

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