Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 119 - Three Voices

Chapter 119 - Three Voices

Friday at 4 pm in Oztown, Kansas.

Rebecca "Becky" Wolfe has come home from school. 5'9". Short blonde hair girl, lean but muscular figure. Wearing denim shorts, sneakers with ankle socks, a sports crop top, and a hoodie.

Taking a deep breath as she placed her bag at the side of the door.

'I'm home!' She shouted out.

Both Darien and Johnny were napping in the living room.

Walking up to the kitchen, looking in the fridge to see what she can have for a meal. Then take a quick look at the freezer up top to see so much frozen food.

Go up to the air fryer then place some fish and chips into it to start heating them up.

She takes out some of her school work while being given a bunch of good luck cards for her trip and schooling to Paris, France.

Looking down at her work, she seems to have more problems when it comes to math. Stuck in one of the questions till the air fryer had finished up with her food.

'Ooo! My snack is done!'

Went up to grab one of the plates and place her food onto it.

'Nothing beats fish on fridays.'

Licking her lips then taking a big bite onto the fried fish with tears going down her eyes.

'So good! And I don't have Serena around to nag me about my weight or my placement. They'll be gone all weekend, I can do whatever I want!'

A woman's voice is heard in Becky's head.

'Why on Earth are you eating junk? You should eat something that's healthy, or at least cook something, even breakfast food is much healthier than this.'

The same looking girl is sitting across herself with a name tag that reads "Mary" in blood.

'As much I don't want to agree with Mary here, but I didn't came out of my cancer bed to eat something that I could ask for at the hospital'

Another girl, who looks the same, is sitting in between of them. Her name tag reads; "Annabelle" in rose petals.

With a mouthful to reply back to them. 'What I eat, is what I want to eat. So lay off you two.'

Mary speaks to Becky.

'I'm not laying off, since as your true Mentor, I'm ordering you to go out and order something from a restaurant. An actual restaurant.'

'But I don't want to.' Becky complained.

Annabelle then looked up at the fridge. Not actually looking but looking through Becky's memories of what was inside to simulate opening a fridge.

'Then let's try making breakfast. Can't be worse than last time, right?'

She suggested. Mary agreed then stood up.

'And this time, I'm making sure that she does cook those eggs right. Like who the hell uses bacon grease for eggs? Or at least do some baking, that always kills time and creative fun.'

'I don't really know how to bake!' Becky shouted.

Both Darien and Johnny woke up, disgruntle. Walking up to see Becky arguing to herself about baking.

'She's arguing to herself again' Darien comments.

Johnny is not taking it seriously. 'I hope the Magical Girl Academia has a psychiatrist on campus for her. Because these past two weeks, all she has been doing is arguing with herself. And I'm saying this out of concern.'

'Alright Johnny, then go up to tell her that.'

'I would but…' Johnny awkwardly turns to Becky to see her in her Magical Werewolf form. 'I don't want to be mauled by a dog.'

'I can hear both of you!' Becky barks at them.

'We know that!' Both Cats shouted back.

'I'm gonna go to the Bad Apple, to check up on Master Ollie.'

'Can I join? I haven't been there, and a good chance to see how Master Dorothy is doing.'

Johnny teleports both of them to the Bad Apple, leaving Becky alone with her thoughts.

'Good. The kitty patrol is gone, we can have our own fun.'

Mary smiles thus leaving both Belle and Becky confused.

'If you two want to do something, we can go to my lab. I have a setup.'

Mary placed her hands together.

'Come on! It's much better than what we're doing, and we can get paid. You know, spending money for your little trip in Tokyo.'

Becky happily stood up that freak both Belle and Mary out. 'I'm game!'

Belle is dumbfounded.

'What?! Already decided?!'

Becky leans towards her. 'You have no idea how much money you need to have for Tokyo, since the currency is up in the thousands. Like I heard Netflix costs around $1591.46, so we might need something up in the thousands to pay for that.'

This made both Belle and Mary look embarrassed due to Becky's miscalculation or understanding economics.

'You do know how much that is in USD, right?'

Becky looks at them as she's getting ready and activates her Locket to transform into her Little Red Wolf; wolf features of arms, legs, tail and ears; torn up dress shirt with vest, and denim shorts; and finally a sleeveless red hoodie. 'I just said it. It's $1591.46. So I bet buying food got to be around the five digits.'

Becky does her stretches while both Belle and Mary look at each other out of embarrassment.

Mary spoke up.

'You idiot. And why play dress up? We have to go to the washroom.'

Becky looks at her out of disappointment. 'Eh? Why? Because I wanted to go for a run.'

'We can take you to a park later, but now we have something important. Now get your hairy ass to the washroom, please.'

Becky's wolf ears went down out of disappointment then she transformed back to her normal state. Painfully pulled out her tail, due to her Jinxed Locket. The cruel prank of Witches who sent back the Lockets to the Magical Girl Global Association (MGGA) Building.

Marching her way to the room at the far end of the Gardner House. 'Then do you have a spell to shave all of this body hair?' Becky asked.

Belle agrees.

'Yes. I didn't know a woman could grow such an indecent amount of body hair.'

'I'll teach you when we go to the workshop.'

Becky enters their large bathroom which feels much more like a workplace station washroom stalls that's under the powder room, a sauna room and a hot tub.

Becky then goes to the powder room where they placed the toilets and sinks.

Becky is staring at her reflection, then makes goofy faces then starts doing a teeth check up.

'Alright, why am I here?' Becky turns to Mary.

'Alright, cut your palm and smear blood on the mirror.'

Becky then looks at the cabin to find a razor blade to cut her palm and does so.

'And what's next?'

'First off, keep that razor blade. Now say; Bloody Mary three times.'

Becky and Belle are freaked out from her suggestion. Mary looks at them, baffled then clears it up for them.

'It's a Portal Spell. When I say it, it takes me back to either my home, workplace or any stupid idiot who calls for me. But right now, we're going to my workplace for this occasion.'

'Alright then.' Becky is hesitant. She then noticed some lyrics in the garbage, written by Olivia. 'Johnston loves to sing, does she?' She reads it. 'She had such a lovely voice, I was mesmerised by it.' Becky clears out her throat, wanting to sing the lyrics but is interrupted by both Belle and Mary.

'Are you gonna sing, Wolfe? Because... you ain't gonna sing right?'

'Please Becky don't. From your singing I think you gave me cancer.'

Becky is annoyed. 'What's wrong with my singing? Everyone else didn't mind it at all. And Belle, cancer jokes? Really?'

'Because one of them must have put on a Silence Room Spell.'

'But unlike us, we can't escape it since we live in your mind. And we need your eyes to be our eyes, or else we will be looking at a blank wall. From your most desirable thoughts to your most lustful thoughts. By the way, you should be judged for assault play.'

'I may have been a serial killer, but I never liked those kinds of freaks. If they wanted to be assaulted, then just walk around naked while having "rape me" written all over your body. At least you get straight to the point.'

'Fine! Let's go to your stupid workplace! And for your information, it's a fantasy and it's really hard to find someone attracted to dominate you when I look like a wall of pure muscle. They find that intimating!'

She smears the blood then spirals in the mirror to reveal that it became a portal to all of the locations that Mary had been in.

'So which one is your workplace?'

Mary points at the black empty space, which Becky points at. Enlarge and the portal opens up much wider and larger for Becky.

'Does this always happen to anyone who does this?'

'No. Just for me, since I'm the one who used it. This is a Four Star Spell.'

Both Becky and Belle look confused as they look at Mary.

'Four Star Spell?'

'Yupe. Anyone who dares play my game, they can use the password as they please. For them, nothing won't happen but for us, this would be the image. Now let's go to my workplace, please.'

Becky then walks through the portal.

Freaking out, Becky is stumbling around the room. 'Oh my God! Am I in Hell?! Tell me I'm in Hell!'

'You're not in Hell, just let me take over for a bit.'

Becky's eyes brighten up then calm down. Walking steadily then placed her hand on a wall? A few taps then found the light switch.

The room brightens up to reveal a Doctor's checkup room with doors that reads; "surgery" and "blood lab". All cleaned up. Becky is back in control after Mary took one good look.

'This is my workplace.'

Mary seems proud of her shop.

Belle then walked around and noticed the name of the medical degree.

'Dr. Scarlet Moone? Wait!'

Recognised the name.

'You're The Dr. Scarlet Moone?! The famous doctor in cellular biology?!'

'Yeah. Besides being a serial killer, my side gig is being a doctor.'

Becky is confused and dumbfounded as she's picking her nose. 'Who's Dr. Moone?'

Belle smacks Becky, but it goes through the head while Becky just looks at her.

'Okay, what's with the smack?'

'Dr. Moone is one of the first people who had managed to identify the cancer blood and perhaps origins. She's also one of the very first doctors who was on the frontline of COVID-19 when it broke out! How the hell do you not know about Dr. Moone?!'

Becky then scratched her head. 'I barely remember the doctor who look after Pete.' Becky then remembers her once transsexual who lived with them at the hotel which Mary interrupts.

'Enough with your lustful tranny thoughts! Let's get to work!'

Mary walked up to a closet.

'Open that up, and wear a uniform, Apprentice.'

Becky did so but Mary stops her when she's in her underwear.

'Alright, I'm gonna tell you a simple but effective spell. Grab those razors.'

Becky pulls out the one she came in with.

'Grab at least five or six. And the shaving cream too.'

Becky does so. 'Alright, so what's next?'

'If you remember your shaving techniques, pour your blood on them and say; Shave.'

Becky cuts her palm with the razor then smears her blood all over the equipment.


The razor and shaving cream start moving on their own as the blood just disappears. It started doing all of the shaving for Becky, cleanly cutting all of her body hair from arms, pits, legs and crotch area.

'Wow! So simple!'

Becky is overjoyed and starts feeling herself.

'So smooth!'

'Most Witches never learn this One Star Spell, but it's quite useful. And if you keep those, it will automatically do so.'

Mary smiles with a grin.

'Then I better pack those up afterwards!'

Becky then wears a nurses outfit but feels uncomfortable due to her muscle mass and C-cups are squeezing her chest.

'Do you have a bigger size?'

'Look deeper than. There should be a pair somewhere then.'

Becky then starts closet searching to find a bigger size. She comes out with a red wig, straight cut, and a proper size attire.

She looks at the mirror to see herself with red hair. 'Makes me look like I have blood?'

Belle comments.

'It's just a wig. Why do you have a wig?'

Mary scratches her head.

'I honestly can't remember. I think it was an experiment? I don't know. But we ain't here for that.'

Becky then did up her hair in order to let the wig fit in perfectly. Putting on her coat. 'Alright, Mary, what's next?'

Mary points at the light switches.

'Turn the far left one.'

Becky does so, but nothing happens. 'Does this normally happen?'

'For patients? Yes. But overall…'

The buzzer is heard from the intercom next to the door.

'Dr. Moone, your client is here.'

Becky is stumbling then freaking out and hesitant to answer the intercom but immediately turns to Mary. 'What the hell do I say?!'

'Just say your alias name. A Witch's name. Don't compromise yourself, or else we'll have a shit ton of Witches and Magical Girls to hunt us down. And I like living.'

'Me too, Becky.'

Becky then pressed the intercom button. 'This is Dr. Moone's final Apprentice before passing.'

'And what is your name, please?'

Becky is looking at both Mary and Belle then makes up a name on the spot.

'Crimson Rose. I'll be filling in for her, I have been trained by her personally.'

'Alright, Nurse Rose. I'll send in your client in a few minutes.'

'Thank you.' Becky hangs up.

Both Mary and Belle are confused about the name choice. They ask.

'Crimson Rose?'

'Yeah. I am using both of your surnames, and it was a panic at the moment type of situation.' Becky then realised, she pressed the intercom to ask a question. 'By the way, Dr. Moone didn't fill me in on the staff, who are you if I may ask?'

'I'm the Familiar Rental that Dr. Moone had paid for it in advance. I'm Ms. Katty Black.'

'Thank you, Ms. Black. And who's the patient?'

'Client. It's the Grand Wizard, wanting results for his project.'

'Thank you.' Becky turns off the intercom then turns around excitedly. 'There's Wizards too! Now I'm gonna be so happy about this! So exciting!'

Mary held her hand up.

'Correction. He's a Trans Wizard. We don't actually have wizards, regarding myths and legends. Only Witches, and you have to be biologically female in order to be a Witch, regardless if you identify as Non-Binary, Transman, or any other sexual orientation.'

'So what is he here for then? For a checkup for his sexual transition?'

'No, he goes to a different doctor for that. I'm just paid for his Trans Witches project.'

'Trans Witch?'

Mary walks to a file cabinet and taps on it to let Becky grab what she needs.

'He has a girlfriend who wants to be a Witch, and the problem is that she's a transwoman. I had done experiments, live experiments on other transwomen in order to make his dream come true.'

Mary points out the file that reads; Trans Witches. Becky grabs it and reads it.

'But sadly, a few good results but none have reached the full capacity of them being Witches. So no real promises.'

Becky turns to Mary with a shocked expression. 'I didn't know a serial killer would be such an ally.'

Mary seems to be offended.

'Huh? I don't care what toilet these people use, or any other people in general. All I see is either potential victims or potential patients. Everything is trivial when you're a serial killer and a doctor at the same time.'

'Question, why do Witches even have to get jobs? That seems trivial to me.'

Mary uses her memories to make a replica of the file and read it.

'To pay the bills and taxes, unlike you Magical Girls get things handed over. There's no amount of magic in the world that can stop those two, even when Hades wants to do the Cauldron Bank again, which I lost a shit ton of money after the collapse. I'll never forgive Hades for that. I had to stop the killing for several years in order to make my money back.'

'When did you come back to being a serial killer?' Becky was curious.

'Full time? Oztown incident. I did some small killings here and there to loosen up a bit, but nothing too big. I was gonna make a huge splash, but we're here now.'

'Ah. I see.' Becky nods as she's looking around the lab.

Belle had a thought.

'Question, do you know this Grand Wizard? And what's the full extension of the deal?'

Mary turns to her.

'Yes, but only in a business sense. I get to work under his territory in New York, but since I'm an independent doctor, I need to be open to other clients. Also I can't kill any Trans folk on his territories. You have to make an appointment at the Bad Apple though, that's our centre for everything.'

Becky realised. 'Wait! We're in New York?!'

'Yes we are. First time?'

Both of them nods.

'If we finish early, we can go for that run you wanted Wolfe.'

'Woohoo!' Becky runs up to the intercom. 'Ms. Black, please send in the Wizard!'

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