Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 116 - Battle of the Guild Leaders

Chapter 116 - Battle of the Guild Leaders

All six Guild Leaders are stretching out in a plain open field of the Rocky Mountains. Outside of Billy and Devina, all four Guilds are present, hyping up their leader.

Makayla is at Dorothy's side while Olivia is placing palms up to let Dorothy do some boxing punches onto the palm.

'Glinda, I hope you know what you're doing here.' Makayla is showing concern over her leader's decision.

'Unlike Emma, that was on me. This fight, I'm being forced due to being threatened by two, Two Guild Leaders of Salem Witches' Sub Guilds. It's either have them hunting us down, or just face them here. No real harm if I just fight them here.'

'Don't worry boss. We can handle everything, and plus, this would be a great experience for us, Kayla.' Olivia is trying to make a positive output. 'If these two aren't strong, then we can run roughshod over the other two.'

Makayla pulls both Dorothy and Olivia in closer. 'That's not what I'm worried about. If they decide to take over our territory, and if you beat them, they'll see you and us as a threat.'

Dorothy is confused as she's not seeing any good outcome. 'I don't see an upside to this situation. I lose, they can overpower us. I win, they'll come after us.'

'Kayla, let the boss handle this. As long as she has a good showing, I think we'll be good.' Olivia replied to Makayla's concern.

'Alright, Dorothy. Just don't show off too much.'

'I'll try, but that depends on others since this is a fight. And I had been doing nothing but fighting ever since I got here.'

'That's pretty accurate to the rest of us.' Olivia agreed.

'This isn't new to me, you two.' Makayla is frustrated by both of them. 'Then again, both of you whities tend to live much more peaceful lives than me.'

Olivia turns to her with a clear throat.

'I didn't forget. Sorry.' Makayla looks around. 'But I'm used to that on a regular basis.'

Dorothy is doing some stretches.

Beatrice walked in the middle of the battlefield, 'All of you, Guild Leaders have agreed to have this fight! May you all submit your blood to my shadows, so the blood can be mixed into an agreement.'

Each Guild Leader cut themselves to place it into the shadows, they all went towards the middle to see the blood glow and turned into an agreement.

The blood swirl then fires up to the sky to signal the fight to begin.

Beatrice used her shadow to travel out of the field.

Only the four that arrive at the Catch-Up Cabin, fly towards the middle in their own methods.

Dorothy uses her Slipper Wands to fly as usual.

Karen managed to conduct a pink electrical movement.

Bianca hops around, revealing her Broom is a pair of ankle bracelets. Like Dorothy's Wands, her Wands double as a Broom.

Ambrosia is riding her Wand Broom of a death scythe with the blade at the back.

Only the two Salem Witches' Sub Guilds Leaders are staying back and watching the battle between the four other Guild Leaders.

Karen stomps down onto Ambrosia broom front, to flip Ambrosia over and hitting the snowy ground hard.

Immediately electrical travelling, making her way towards Glinda, and going for a punch.

Dorothy sidestepped with a knee lift onto the midsection.

Spewing out spit from the knee lift, then Dorothy goes for a swing. Karen immediately dodged by using her electrical travelling.

Behind Karen, Bianca flies up to Dorothy with a flying knee. Dorothy's forearms block while being pushed back till she hits a tree.

Bianca flips backwards then goes for a forearm strike, Dorothy catches the forearm, then trades places with Bianca.

Goes for a haymaker, Bianca catches it then snaps a jab.

To Dorothy, the jab felt like she had been hit by brass knuckles that nearly cracked Dorothy's jaw.

Sending Dorothy onto another tree.

Bianca then has Glyphs reveal around the Bracelet Wands, then throw shadow punches that launch multiple brick blasts towards Dorothy.

Rolls out of the way, Bianca then casts a belt whip towards Dorothy's wrist which the wrist has a burning effect to it. She then overhead tosses her to the air.

Dorothy flies then dives down towards Bianca. Seeing Ambrosia flying towards her, Dorothy midair backflip kick to force the Broom to hit Ambrosia head then drop down.

From behind, Karen's Umbrella Wand that also doubles as a Broom, opens up and floats behind Dorothy. Karen grins as she closes the Umbrella for an overhead swing, but Dorothy quickly dives down to rescue Ambrosia from certain death.

Karen is comically floating there then noticed. 'Uh oh.' She also falls, but unlike Ambrosia, she can save herself with her Umbrella Wand by opening it up.

Dorothy saves Ambrosia by holding her then gently putting her down.

'Sabrina, how about you opt out of this fight? You're clearly not ready for this kind of battling.'

Ambrosia flustered out of embarrassment, and was called by her real name. 'First off! My name is Ambrosia Branwen! Secondly, I want to prove myself!'

'Well, just don't try to prove yourself when it comes to a fight. Just do what you can do.'

Dorothy gives out her cheerful cackle while smiling.

Karen surprises Dorothy by a punch, then she quickly kicks Ambrosia's head.

Bianca flies by Ambrosia. 'She's right, Ambrosia. Just bail out while you have the chance.' Give her a back pat then fly towards the trio.

Ambrosia felt inferior to the other three. She stood up then slapped herself to motivate herself.

Karen swings her Umbrella like a bat while Dorothy continues to dodge and slight footing.

'You seem pretty angry.' Dorothy comments as she dodges.

'Because I am!'

Karen thrusts the Umbrella. Dorothy takes a step back, Karen grins that she did, so she can open it up for a Glyph pattern design at the top.

A big gust of air has pushed Dorothy back.

'Since you want to talk, how about this, Gardner? If I knock you out, I get to have Johnston in my Guild. Sounds fair, right?'

Dorothy put up her fists. 'If only you can knock me out.'

'Good to hear.'

Multiple Glyphs arrive around Dorothy, Karen then electrically travels in order to make multiple hit and run strikes with her Umbrella, hitting Dorothy at all angles.

Going for a swing towards the head, Bianca used her belt whip to catch the Umbrella. Pulls Karen towards a tree.

Landing in front of Dorothy.

'If we're agreeing on taking in members, then I want in.'

Bianca shows off some of her fighting style as she throws punches and kicks, Dorothy keeps dodging and blocks any strike from her. Talking while striking.

'If I knock you out, then I want Jackson in my Guild.'

Dorothy replies as she's blocking. 'I'm very popular today, but sure.' Dorothy leaps for a dropkick to push Bianca back. 'But I ain't gonna be beaten that easily.'

'This is gonna be fun!' Bianca smiles.

'No you ain't gonna beat Gardner before me!' Karen dives between them with an Umbrella air pulse to push both of them away.

Dorothy uses her Glyph underneath her to blast and leap over Karen, getting in between both Bianca and Karen.

Dorothy is used to fighting multiple opponents but never as a Witch, so she tries to use what she has to learn from her time as a Magical Girl in order to fight back.

Each three Guild Leaders are using their Wands the best way they can.

Dorothy leaps over a leg sweep kick from Bianca then ducks an Umbrella swing. Ducks from a back swing from Karen.

Bianca side-slides over Dorothy's back to wrap her legs around the neck from behind, then she flips Karen backwards, which uses Karen's legs to kick Dorothy back.

Bianca rushes up to a kneeling Dorothy for a pump kick.

Catches the kick then swings Bianca around to let Karen hold the kick. Goes around to throw a Superman punch onto Karen, forcing her to spin Bianca around who uses the momentum for a leaping kick.

Dorothy ducks, Karen leapfrog over her for a double foot stomp onto Bianca back, then Dorothy rolls over Bianca to face Karen.

Karen snaps for her Umbrella Wand.

Going for a Glyph push, Dorothy counters with her signature spell; Pyrobolum.

Punches the Umbrella Wand, causing both spells to clash with air and fire causing the snow nearby to melt a bit till Dorothy's spell cancels out Karen's spell thus sending her back, and she feels the hellfire heat from the punch.

'Did you go to Hell for that spell? Because that feels like actual Hell itself.'

Dorothy's arm is burning up but self healing due to her Virgin's Blood.

'Burning building, not many people can relate to an actual burning building incident.'

Finger gun gesture with a Glyph appearing at the tip. Glyph Shots but sees Bianca flying up to her.

Rolls out of the way, ducks under a back end of the Scythe Wand.

Glyph Shot to knock out Ambrosia, eliminating her out of the fight.

Beatrice's Shadows pull Ambrosia away from the battlefield safely.

One down, two to go.

Dorothy thinks to herself.

'Sorry Sabrina!' Dorothy waves at her.

She turns, Bianca and Karen deliver a punch onto Dorothy, knocking her down but not out. Dorothy rolls back to her feet but shakes off Bianca's punch due to it feeling much heavier.

Dorothy skates towards them then throws a punch. Bianca hooks Dorothy's arm.

Glides around while Bianca kept the hook lock, kicking Karen's Umbrella Wand to flip backwards with Bianca.

Karen launches herself upwards and goes for an Umbrella overhead swing towards both Bianca and Dorothy.

Bianca is forced to roll Dorothy forward as she rolls back to her feet, then stomp down onto the back of the head of Dorothy's, using it as a stepping stool to land a Superman punch onto Karen, spinning her around.

Using the momentum, Karen snaps a hard swing. Bianca ducks and hits Dorothy when she gets up. The hit felt like a metal bat.

Dorothy then used the momentum of the hit to deliver a heavy punch onto Bianca when she turned to face Dorothy.

All three went down to their knees, leaning onto each other. They lean back, Karen slaps Bianca, Bianca slaps Dorothy, and Dorothy slaps Karen.

Karen punches Dorothy, Dorothy punches Bianca, Bianca punches Karen.

Karen snaps back up and goes for a kick. Bianca catches it, Dorothy leaps up and punches Karen.

Swings Karen's leg to let Dorothy hold it, then Bianca leaps up and throws a punch onto Dorothy.

The punch forced Dorothy to swing Karen's leg, using the momentum to kick Bianca.

Dorothy snaps a punch then Bianca snaps a pump kick onto Karen.

Karen is going for a punch, but Dorothy immediately snaps a headbutt that forces Karen to go down to her knees and hands, while Dorothy is tumbling back.

Going for a sliding headbutt onto a kneeling Karen, Bianca quickly rushed up a sliding Dorothy with a running punt kick to the head.

Using her foot under Dorothy's chin, forcing Dorothy to stand up, all wobbling. Twist her legs for a spinning back kick, Dorothy ducks.

Her arm lighten up with two Glyphs from the wrist and shoulder blade appeared, she's thinking of her Pyrobolum spell but extend it onto the arm rather than releasing it for a punch, she pulled her arm back and snaps a forward swing for a clothesline, sending Bianca down and completely knocked out.

Dorothy's arm felt limp and suffered second degree burns.

Seeing Karen is running up to Dorothy, she leaps up and jumps for a knee strike onto Karen and then musters enough strength to use her Heaven's Smite punch.

The punch is strong enough to send Karen back, and completely knock her out.

Taking a few heavy breaths, but can't move due to using Heaven's Smite, all she can feel is nothing but the intense burning sensation of her Pyrobolum.

Using all of her Virgin Blood in order to heal up the arm to a certain point till both Billy and Devina came by and looked down at her.

'You seem to be quite powerful for a newbie.' Billy's compliment.

Devina smiling at Dorothy. 'Then you don't mind if we can go all out against you?'

After completely healed, she puts up her fists as she's ready for the real fight.

'Alright then. Let's see what you two can bring.'

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