Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 101 - The Apex Predator

Chapter 101 - The Apex Predator

As the battle rages on, forms of Alice and Lwa, respectively, Dorothy and Lyra are skating down to the field.

They saw Becky, Katherine, Allison, and Esmeralda.

Esmeralda and Allison look grossed out by Lyra look.

'Ew! What the hell are you?!'

Dorothy looks at her. 'Question that later! I got two men working on the tank over there! What's the damages?!'

The AWM captain walk up to her. 'We're losing flyers, very fast. And the professionals will be in ten minutes at best.' He sees Lyra. 'And apologizes, is she a Witch or a Magical Girl? The form is confusing me.'

'She's a Magical Girl, but I had been a called a Witch when I was under my Maleficent form. So I can sympathize with her.'

They see the hellfire and thunder clouds bursting out in the distance, as a loud bear roar is heard across the field.

Dorothy ignore it. 'Whatever. We need to get our flyers out, so let go straight forward, while our heavys keep this tank busy!'

'Yes, Dorothy!'

Dorothy leaps forward, but as time seem to be slowed down. A Cheetah Vigilante leaps towards Dorothy, preparing for the blow.

Everyone noticed and Lyra managed to make the save.

'What the hell?!' Lyra shouted.

Everyone that isn't Apex Predator are confused. Another bear roar is heard across the field, the Apex ears twitch then spoke.

'Yes, Queen. Orders to bring Dorothy Crawford, and kill anyone who gets in between of us. Apexes! I got Dorothy Crawford on my sight! On me!'

Multiple Apex Predators rush to her position, and the Neo Brauns looks happy to see backup from an unlikely ally.

Dorothy remembers the Locket that Cassandra have. 'Lyra, remind me. What Locket did Cassandra have?'

'Apex. And seeing that these are all the same, then she'll likely to...'

Cassandra leaps towards Dorothy to strike her down.

Katherine protects her then toss her away.

Dorothy seem to be scared of the situation, and seeing how violent Katherine can be when it comes to killing, she's worried that she might finished what she had started months ago.


Dorothy makes a quick call.

'Can you take care of whoever taking charge of these Apexes? Because knocking her out might be easier than destroying the Apex Predator Lockets. Like with those who can fly, those rings up there. We don't have that many options, and I don't want to avoid any unnecessary deaths out here.'

Apexes are slowly circling around the Vigilantes as the Neo Brauns are slowly making their way out of the Vinyard.

Lyra asked. 'How many Familiars out here?'

'We must had killed most of them.' Allison said. 'I've been killing them, but they keep coming.'

'Then let try to survive a couple of more minutes! The professionals will be here!' Dorothy said to all nearby Vigilantes. Press her earpiece. 'Captain! You and you soldiers kill all of the Familiars! They only need a few to teleport out of here, so don't let a single one leave this place!'

'Yes, Dorothy!'

The Apex Predators and the Magical Vigilantes engaged in a fight with each other, while the most is ganging up with Dorothy, overwhelming her.

Serena is looking over at them from the tank.

'Serena?! Is that you?!'

She turns to see Darien. 'Darien?!'

'2 Questions! One, what happen if a Magical Girl kill another?'

Serena looks at them. 'That's what I'm worried about. Brainwashing and all, if they kill another, they'll be fine or even be sent to jail if they're found guilty. They can easily blame a Witch, but like a Magical Girl can't kill other Magical Girls, not until the Tokyo Death Battle. Where Magical Girls where they did nothing but kill one another.'

'That's not very helpful, Serena.' Johnny said.

'Knowing Dorothy, she'll find a way to avoid that outcome. But I can't say the same about the other three, since they do have a history of violence.' Serena gives out a concern sign. 'And what's your second question?'

'Do you know how to operate a tank?'

As the battle rages, Dorothy's side continue on trying to avoid lethal blows while the Apex Predators are going for the killing blows. While Becky is rushing up to the farm.

Lyra is trying hard to protect Dorothy, while both of them are also trying to make sure that they aren't going for the killing blow on Cassandra.

Cassandra using the lightning speed to run around, while both Dorothy and Lyra couldn't keep up her speed till Dorothy hunch kicks in, then ducks Lyra as Cassandra was going for a knockout punch onto her, taking the full force of the punch.

'Dorothy!' Lyra cries out.

Turn to Cassandra, nearly dodged her punches with slick movement. Criss cross wristlock, then spins Cassandra around for a spinning roundhouse kick. Cassandra matrix slide then a kip up. Using her tail to wrap the ankle. Tossing her to the tree.

Lyra slithers on the tree, to land safely.

Cassandra rush up with a paw punch. Ducks under the punch, then palm strike on Cassandra chest to push out a butterfly that made Cassandra standing still.

Slowly grab the Apex Locket then crush it, then the butterfly flies back in.

'Woah!' Cassandra snaps her finger to call for her Wand, which Johnny was holding on it. He flies through the tank's barrel and fly towards Cassandra. She grabs it while seeing Johnny. Her eyes widen out of shock, 'Johnny?!'

Dorothy got up.

'Dorothy?! What happen...?' She then remembers, 'Oh shit...!' She leans back while holding her head.

'Master Ollie.' Johnny leaps up to her shoulder.

'It's alright, Cassie.' Dorothy walk up to her. 'Let's get through this first.'

All three are seeing the Neo Brauns are in formation with Dr. Amalia leading the group at the high school, while everyone else is fighting the against the Apexes.

Dorothy earpiece. 'Serena, how long will the professionals will come?!'

'In five minutes.'

'We need one shot at them.' Lyra said to the other two. 'I know you don't want death Dorothy, but look at this field, there's nothing but death.'

Dorothy grits her teeth out of frustration.

Cassandra placed her hand on Dorothy's shoulder. 'Look, they aren't making it easy but we gotta put them all down. They aren't scared, so we have no choice.'

Looking around then trying to come up with a plan as she's holding her crown, then sees the second Major then see the destroyed the aircraft while holding her crown. An idea pop to her mind.

'Then we'll make them scared. They don't want to submit, then we'll make them.' Turn to Johnny. 'Johnny, can you teleport back to the tank?'


'Teleport the tank to that carrier, because I might got something. I'm supposed to be the evil fairy, right? Then I'll give them something to be afraid of. And till I get the orders.'

'Alright, Ms. Dorothy.' Johnny teleport back into the tank.

Turn to the Tanya. 'But we still need that tank though.' Dorothy points at it.

Cassandra looks around for her Locket. 'I don't have a Locket.'

Lyra looks around at her kills, then picked out an unknown one.

'What Locket is that?' Cassandra grabs it after Lyra offers.

'Don't know. I think it's a prototype, but been months since that's my first kill.' Lyra said.

Cassandra sees a rose-like Locket.

'Does anyone got a plan on taking out that tank?' Dorothy asked.

'I got one. Good thing it worked once.'

Cassandra transformed, both of them turned to her.

Dorothy slowly grins as she got even more plan. 'And if we time this up, we'll catch them all up in one swap.'


The Neo Brauns in the tank are operating the tank and making their way to the road till Dorothy from the sky, start shooting down.

They watch as she's standing in front of them. Inviting them to fight with their barrel.

Looking at each other with a grin. They're about to load up, and about to fire, Lyra head bounced off the end of the inside barrel. And like before, she transform back to shoot down each Neo Brauns.

Cheshire teleport back to Dorothy, giving her a thumbs up.

'Alright, Serena. Tell both Darien and Johnny.' Dorothy calls Serena.

Both of the Familiars teleport there then teleport the entire Tanya tank to the location.

'Now, it's time to get rid of Jaeger.' Dorothy said as both she and Lyra rush over at the farm.


Emma, Mia and her Raubvogel are flying back to Vinyard.

'Doctor? Status report!'

'Eva, I'm rounding up our troops, while those AWM soldiers are gunning down our Shepherds, but we're managing.'

'And Crawford?'

'Still alive, but we're making sure that... wait... we lost the Tanya now?!'

'It would be bothersome if we bring the Majors and the Tanya with us. All I want is our soldiers to either fight to the death, or survive. And how are you keeping the Magical Girl situation?'

'Don't know what happen, but it might be either Jo or Ursy, might had done something to them. Hence, why I'm taking the advantage on rounding our troops. And since we're having professionals coming, we need aid from you and the Raubvogel, Eva.'

'Roger, Doctor. We'll be in around a minute or two. Keep our troops motivated.'

'Yes, Eva!'


Doctor Amalia is standing in the middle of the troops, lining up. Motivate them all in German.

'Ladies! These so-called Magical Girls out here, wanting to end our magnificent dream. And look at the price they're about to pay! They're running out soldiers, ammunition, and Vigilantes. And soon, those professionals will also be here to assist whatever left. But like Crawford little army here, it will mean nothing in the end! She may have came back from hell, only to bring others with down to it! We fight for the Eva! We fight for the Neo Brauns Army! And now we're all fighting for the fallen Princess of the Fourth Reich!'

Amalia stands in front.

'Forward! And march!'

The Neo Brauns marching down the road, as the Apex Vigilantes are fighting against the other Magical Vigilantes out in the field.

Amalia grabs her radio. 'Jo, Ursy. Bring it in. We're gonna leave in ten.'

'Give me us, a couple of minutes? But Jo will there ahead of me, and she'll look like a Medusa, so cease fire on her. And I, well, found out that I have the power to control these other Apexes out there.'

'Oh, that will explain them. I guess they work like animal kingdom rules? Emma and Mia will be here in a minute, and we're gonna be a fight soon with the professionals!'

'Hell yeah!'

Dorothy flies in front of the Neo Brauns Army.

'Hold up, Ursy.'

They stop as Dorothy is standing in front of them.

'Look what we have ladies! Ms. Dorothy Crawford, standing in front of a firing squad!'

They line up and take aim in a two tier row, with the front kneeling and the back standing.

'If you want to die that quickly, then why with the show?' Amalia insult with her cackle.

Dorothy shrugs.

'Is it because you're nowhere near on beating a Salem Witch and her Guild? And declaring a losing war, was it all worth it?'

All weapons cocks up.

'I only have one message for you, Doctor.' Dorothy grins. 'And that...'

The firing squad start taking body shots to interrupt her, shooting her down, and they continue to shoot her more till Amalia held her fist up. They hold.

Dorothy got, being covered nothing but bullet holes.

Out in the distance, hiding. Lyra, using her actual magic with strings, body possession and mirror image of using a dead Vigilante body, thus taking a form of Dorothy. Dorothy using her phone to talk and using it like a microphone.

Esmeralda, who managed to hide away, then saw both Dorothy and Lyra.

'How are you managing to do this?' Esmeralda asked Lyra which made Dorothy jumped a bit.

'Well I had practiced voodoo, and know some dark arts, but I had learn from my Mentor prior of my rebirth. But there's a price here.' Lyra turns to a dead animal. 'Body possession is such a taboo art, but a dead body? Thankfully, some voodoo practitioner have some knowledge on such, but it does cost me part of my lifespan though. Unlike how other Witches learn Necromancy. But Dorothy, now or never, because they haven't stop shooting.'

Out at the field, the Neo Brauns continue to shoot the body till it's down to a bit of chunks.

Dorothy looks over. 'Alright then.' She creates fire to create an illusion of her power.

Dorothy use her phone then tells Cassandra to be in place. She use her phone to address the Neo Brauns.

'Neo Brauns! You all fought mightly, but it's time for you to feel my power at full! And thus, you will challenge my Wickedness, and in a form of all Apex Predators!'

The fire consume the body, then a shadow cast down on the Neo Brauns, which the AWM soldiers, Familiars, Vigilantes and Apex Vigilantes are completely horrified on such shadow.


Emma and the Raubvogel fly through the clouds near a hellfire of Vinyard. They passed by the clouds, Emma and the entire Raubvogel stop at their place.

Seeing a creature, covered in; roses scales on the outside with underneath filled with brambles and thorns. Blood-like eyes. Insides; the Majors work as the back legs and the midsection; the aircraft wings used as the claw wings; the aircraft head works as the neck; the aircraft tail work as a tail; and finally, the Tanya works as the head. The mechanical wiring of all the vehicles, are working as a nervous system to the Tanya.

Together they formed as the tyrannical beast of all apex predators, with no equal on this Earth. The Wicked Dragon.

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