Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 102 - The Wicked Dragon

Chapter 102 - The Wicked Dragon

Emma is looking up to the skies of World War 2, where she sees multiple planes flying through the the clouds to form a stream where it look like a dragon trail as they're diving down to shoot down at the civilians.

Horrified, Emma closed her eyes, and open them up to see the Wicked Dragon in front of her.


Emma shouted an order to the Raubvogel.

Mia and her Raubvogel start to fire it at all sides, trying to bring it down.

The Wicked Dragon then spread it wings to start flying with the Majors blasts boost from the feet.

Esmeralda turn to both Dorothy and Lyra. 'How did you make that, Dorothy?'

'Not just me.' Dorothy answered.


'It's mostly us three, Lyra and Cassie are also in help here.' Dorothy reveal her palm cut hand with Lyra. 'We have to use our actual magic to bring that up and to operate, and using our Locket abilities, it's indestructible.'


'One major flaw, which is why Lyra here have to say conscious the longest.'


'Cassie is using thorns and roses, while I contribute the brambles, and my blood marks a spell of my Pyrobolums, but they only got five shots for those shells, and most of my magic. The vehicles, are the skeleton. But Lyra is doing all the hard work. But if either one of us lose conscious during the fight, both the magic and the abilities. So it's now or never.'

Multiple trucks came.

'And our backup is here.' Dorothy turns. 'We gotta tell them everything.'

Esmeralda looks around, 'And where is Cassie?'

Asked, and she shall received. Cassandra leaps down, revealing her new look.

Beauty and the Beast Locket. Dress suit top and pants. Rose petal side cape. Eyes are beastly, as her hair waves, and fangs of a beast. Horns on top of her head, pointing back. And lastly, a rapier sword with a bone-like handle and teeth around the blade.

Esmeralda looks amazed by her look.

'I might keep this Locket.' Cassandra smirks, showing off her fang.

'Alright! Let's tell our backup, minus the Witch magic.' Dorothy pull all four to the backup.

Esmeralda stops Dorothy, 'But why a dragon?'

She looks at the Wicked Dragon. 'Saw it in a moving picture, and death reminds me of the tornado I got myself into.'

Meanwhile at the battle against the Wicked Dragon, the Raubvogel tries to shoot it down, and each one that get close to the body, the brambles and thorns, pull them in and constrict them up.

Mia is looking at the body, then looks at Emma, being horrified of it.

Flies up to Emma out of concern.


Placed her hand on her shoulder that broke her trance.

Heavy breathing, turns to Mia. 'Sorry. Just remind of those times.'

'We'll bring this down, under your name, Emma.'

'It's just that... whenever I see those planes, the dragons, they bring fire and brought death.'

'And death is what Crawford and her group will feel in the end.'

Mia join the battle with her Raubvogel, as Emma looks down to see Dorothy flying. 'Yes. She'll feel death again.'

Inside of the Tanya, Johnny and Darien are operating the cannon. Inside, there's five shells where there blood that have the Glyph patterns from Dorothy, written in blood.

They're loading up.

'Serena! Give a target!' Johnny is foot hopping at the trigger press.

Serena is looking through a special kind of binoculars, that fuction as the eyes. She smiles when she saw Amalia. 'Fire away boys!'

'One the way!' Johnny pressed.

The Wicked Dragon head glows up as it open the mouth to reveal a Glyph is at the end of the barrel, then it fires. The shell cracks and into a flamethrower that turn into a burst of lightning.

The soldiers are gearing up to protect themselves from the blast, while one of the professionals is using her powers to hold up every Apex Vigilante, with another destroying their Lockets.

There's a medical tent for those who have suffer serious injury.

The AWM Captain is ordering. 'To those who finally broken through, grab a Locket! There's should Lockets all around you but we highly recommend on you going to the medical tent first! And expect an upcoming impact from the Dragon!'

Multiple girls are being treated, while Katherine and Allison are looking around.

The burst of lightning struck around Vinyard, creating a yellow aura and red lightning that spread all over the town, and even the medical tent, but no effect for the AWM soldiers, Vigilantes, and the Magical Girls. It did effect the Neo Brauns, most of them, as Dr. Amalia protect them with some barriers but it had damages it. The Raubvogel haven't been caught up due to being up in the air.

The Wicked Dragon is grounded, have to recharge due to the magical cost of everything will be offline for one minute. Thus the Raubvogel are taking the advantage, Darien goes up to the top of the head to operate the machine gun.


Cocks the machine gun.

'Bring it on, you bitches!'

He start firing at every Raubvogel start shooting at anything that flies while laughing.

'Yeah! Bring it on!'

Gunning down the Raubvogel, while they're firing back at him.

Serena and Johnny are looking over the system till it finally been booted up.

'Alright! Time to take flight!'

The Wicked Dragon start flying while Darien continues to fire back.

They fire a Pyrobolum that was the skies to be covered in hellfire as the Wicked Dragon shadow had cast a massive shadow.

Out in the battlefield. Johanna and Ursula, had managed to survive the lightning blast, but still effected from it. The Magical Vigilantes with a few Magical Girls came by, Johanna used her Locket abilities to have eyes come from her snake skin, to use the Medusa Stares. Majority of them, have been turned into stone, and only a handful survives.

Ursula grabs one of them by the throat, holding her up high while Johanna shoot multiple Snake Arrows at the others with them injecting their poison into them.

'Now why are you lot still standing?' Ursula asked her, then plants her down. 'And why aren't you all effected by the Medusa Stare?' Ursula accidentally killed her by snapping her neck.

She transformed back, and noticed the Magical Girl Form. She picks it up, then look at it. Seeing the form, she sees a certain part of the application form.

'Jo, I think this might be interesting, involving to your form.'

Pass it over, then Ursula taps onto the "sexuality preference".

Johanna grins as Ursula laughs. 'I thought this was stupid question, but now?' Johanna cackles. 'Since this is the modern day, and this is taboo from our time period. We'll use this as our advantage. So my theory right now, it will work on the lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, as long you're attractive to a women.'

'I doubt they're using the Apex Lockets in order to counter me, so you're our ace in the sleeve. And they don't know that.' Ursula cackles.

'Ursy! Throw me at that medical site!' She points.

Ursula grabs the tail then twirl around till she had been released.

Johanna open up all her eyes as she's above them all.

'Medusa Stare!'

A light flash from all of the eyes as stones form from majority of the Magical Girls, Vigilantes, and soldiers. Leaving a small unit.

Darien noticed her out in the field. 'Shit!' Took aim at her with the machine gun.

She slithers away to avoid the shots.

Dorothy noticed. 'Tarnation!'

She dives down, goes hand-to-hand grip with Johanna. Tries use her Medusa Stare, but it have no effect on her. Perhaps its due to her AroAce preference. So Johanna snakes start snapping, Dorothy face stomp till Ursula runs by and tackles her off the air, and onto the ground.

Punches down, then clubs down onto Dorothy till Becky, manage to make the save with a punch onto Ursula, forcing her off of Dorothy.

Johanna tail wrap Dorothy leg. 'Oh cra...!'

Dragging her away, while both Becky and Ursula are alone.

Rubbing her cheek. 'You can throw a mean hook, little pup. I guess you won't go much easier than the rest.'

'I've been working out. Not since Oztown, I'm quite use to fighting stronger Witches.' Becky grins.

'Well, Little Red Riding Hood. You had met the Big Bad Bear over here.'

Becky is excited of the challenge.

They runs up and throw heavy punches onto each other. They throw boxer style punches onto each other with each one have a different style. Becky have the speed advantage as she's moving around, sliding around to avoid Ursula's power based, heavier punches.

Meanwhile, Dorothy managed to get out of Johanna grip and flies away.

At Dr. Amalia area, her remaining unit, are holding back at the frontal assault but struggle due to the static blast from the Wicked Dragon, which is flies above them with the Raubvogel continue to take shots at it.

Dorothy flies right next to the Wicked Dragon, Mia flies behind her then push her down onto the body of it.

Throws a couple of punches while the Raubvogel and Darien are providing cover fire for their respective side.

Johanna grabs onto one of the fallen Raubvogel to fly up, then join in the fight. She slithers too quickly for the brambles and thorns to catch her.

Dorothy felt overwhelm when Johanna is about to make the killing blow, till Cassandra made the save with her Beastly Rapier.

Johanna used her Medusa Stare but no effect to both. She scoffs at it. She slithers, and Mia flies away.

'Get back here!' Cassandra follows Johanna, while Dorothy flies behind Mia all over the Wicked Dragon, trying to her down while dodging magical bullets from the Raubvogel.

Flying next to Mia, trying to tackle her towards the Wicked Dragon, but she rolls over then kicks her onto the Dragon. Emma flies up to Dorothy for the kill by her sword. Dorothy flew up to avoid the piercing strike. Emma caught up then stomp her down onto the Dragon, and holding her down with her heel.

'You should had stayed dead!' Preparing to stab down.

Cassandra looks back, then takes aim. 'Dorothy!' She cries.

Throwing the Beastly Sword towards Emma, stabbing through her hand. Crying out of pain and made her loose focus. She pulls out the Beastly Sword.

Meanwhile Dorothy, pull the foot over her, then finger strike upwards between her legs, that made Emma felt like something else had been pierced and torn apart.

Pull her hand out, covered in blood, she flies away. 'Serena! Let's ground everyone else here!'

'Roger that, Dorothy!'

Emma is shaken out of fear. She looks to her stabbed hand, and to her horror, she's not self healing instantly and slowly does so with the power of the Locket. Eye twitching, and death glare at Dorothy who's standing in front of her, ready with the Beastly Sword.

'Sorry, Emma.' Dorothy gives her an awkward apology, while the Wicked Dragon landed on the ground for another static blast up to the sky, to shock everyone down onto the Dragon. Dorothy flies away while Emma sees the majority of the Raubvogel got hit with no fatal injuries while Mia and some got out of blast radius.

Dr. Amalia can't activate any of her technological weapons, and had to rely on whatever weapons they have left.

Becky been tossed through a tree, and angrily snarl down onto the ground then got up to continue to duke it out with Ursula. Punched down on Becky, who replies with a heavy uppercut. Face grab her then toss her hard again, facing down.

Ursula laughs. 'You think because you Magical Girls have such limited power and looking frilly, but what happen when you face a Witch with more intellect or power powerful?' She bear crawl up to Becky then placing her hand over the back of her head, forcing her down onto the ground. 'And granted, this does feel constricted, but with enhanced strength, that's all I need.'

Becky is afraid as she's feeling back of her head, being crushed.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk.' Mariel Crimson, again appears up to Becky as she's walking up to her in her mind. 'First, it's nearly being violated by those Magical Love freaks. Now you're getting your ass kicked by a constricted Witch? But I can teach you a spell. Just make a wound on your hand, and say this;'

Becky claw pierced her palms, then place it on the ground.


Her blood then expand across the forest and picking up the blood of either Neo Brauns, Vigilantes, Familiars and soldiers. Pulling the blood into Becky's blood stream.

Ursula watch as Becky blood veins are glowing, and her wolf fur is spiking up. She smiles.

'Yes! Another one who understands the taste of blood.'

Becky is getting up to her feet, while Ursula tries to keep her down with her hand, but met face-to-face.

After a full minute, the brambles and thorns pull and capture each fallen Raubvogel.

Emma flies up to Mia position, 'Captain Mia!'

Mia listens to whatever plan Emma have.

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