Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 100 - Tanya and the Majors

Chapter 100 - Tanya and the Majors


One of the Neo Brauns soldiers continue to protect the tank weak points, then noticed that multiple AWM soldiers are making their way towards public buildings of the church and the community center.

'They're heading the buildings out there!'

Amalia looks to see the building as multiple Magical Girls are trying to bring down the Tanya, but Amalia advanced shield protectors are blocking any heavy blows.

Grabbing her radio. 'Alright. Soldiers and Familiars, evacuate away from that sector in 15 seconds. Little Majors, start shooting those buildings down in 16 seconds, starting now.'

After a full sector evacuated, while the AWM soldiers and Magical Girls with Esmeralda Cruz among the group are covering up there. After the 15 second mark, the Majors start firing, killing anyone who's hiding there with a few managing to escape but still got hit in some form.

Flying around the Majors, multiple gunfire that are barely knocking Dorothy down and she tries to make a pot shot.

'Fairy Shot!'

It did nothing, but the regular turret guns are making scratches from the front.

'Guess I'll take down the big one over there!'

Dorothy is flying by then tries to bring down the Tanya with her powerful attack.


The shield barriers are protecting it, and redirect the fire blast onto any nearby Magical Girls and AWM soldiers, while the Neo Brauns are protected by the shields.

Amalia snickers. 'Poor little bird.'

Dorothy wing had been shot by one of the soldiers, and hitting a rooftop. Lyra had came to Dorothy's aid then teleport her away, right before the Tanya took it shot onto the rooftop.

Dorothy, Lyra, and Becky join together.

'Where's Esmeralda?!' Becky asked.

'Either dead or surviving.' Lyra answered. 'What are we gonna do?' They observe the battlefield, as the Magical Girls are continue on trying to protect each other.

Serena walk up to Dorothy. 'I got word that air support had been destroyed, and now they're bringing in more ground troops. Professional Magical Girls here.'

'Like back at Oztown with the Archangels?' Becky asked.


'That ain't gonna work.' Lyra spoke up which left Serena confused.

Dorothy nods. 'I agreed with her. They got better air support. Do we have anything to counter it? Besides us flyers?'

Becky look over. 'Even if we do have flyers, those tanks are not build to fight against air support, but enough to bring them down. If close enough.'

'And we're Witches.' Lyra adds. 'They're working smarter, so they're only bring down the flyers to gun level and also avoiding friendly fire. I had seen enough fights from my sister and her MGK. So it's a simple tactic to all Witches in larger groups.'

Dorothy looks around, 'Where's Cassie?!'

'Being held up at that farm over there! What's worst, Jaeger and Schulz. They transform.'

'Tarnation!' Dorothy looks frustrated. 'Then if they find out that whatever deal I have with Wolfgang had been null and voided after I declared war against the Neo Brauns, then they'll go for the kill.'

'You're serious?!'

Serena looks worrisome. 'Great, more Witches as Magical Girls. How dangerous are they?'

'Jaeger is a bear, and Schulz is a Medusa.'

Dorothy is angrily glaring at the farm house.

'Let just cut our losses. Rescue Cassie, and leave everyone else here.'

Serena seem disapproved about the idea. 'That's very Witchy of you!'

'Yeah, well, look what we are going as Magical Girls! We're getting slaughter out here!'

Becky is looking at the tanks position, then sees the protecting spheres around the Tanya while the soldiers are gloating at any nearby Magical Girls. All this while both Lyra and Serena are arguing in the back.

Each time the Majors are using their cannons, the blast of it, hits the Tanya barrier, knowing it will protect them.

'I have a thought.'

'What?!' Both Lyra and Serena said to her.

Dorothy calm them down. 'What is it, Becky?'

'It's the positions. Why would they position the little trio over there. To any battlefield, placing the tank in the middle while multiple tanks continue to take shots at the big one, but not shooting back at that direction. That's such a big flaw if only one side can dish out the blows. And seeing those little items protecting them. Wonder if they're powered up by something. Like a video game.'

"Powered up?"

"Video game?"

All of them are confused.

'Those tanks!' Becky points. 'But the question is, where's the RPGs?'

Dorothy and Serena point at the Tanya area.

'That big one, is taking the RPGs away. Away from those three little ones. So why gloat while you have three others working?'

Dorothy took the time to think as she remembers the turrets from before. 'Then test out your theory then!' Dorothy got up. 'And Serena,' turns to her, 'How long will our backup arrive?'

'In about 30 minutes from the East.'

'Then tell them to be here by 15, because I might call it early if we don't bring these tanks.'

'Yes, Dorothy!' Serena runs off.

Dorothy looks around, and noticed Esmeralda is managing to get by. 'Found Esmeralda!'

Becky shake her head. 'She still doesn't have conviction.' Snarl at her.

Katherine Fitzgerald, and Allison Mathews are trying to assault the Tanya, but come up short.

'Becky, while you go Esmeralda, tell anybody else there. And keep the heavy hitters down at the big tank. I want the fastest to join me on the assault. And bring as many RPGs as we can, and the soldiers, because we're bait to those tiny ones!'

'Yes, Dorothy!'

Before they leave their spot, Lyra stops Dorothy. 'What about Ollie?'

Dorothy looks at the farm. 'We'll get her back. We need to bring them here.'

They leave their spot.


More Anti-Witch Militia continue to make their way with multiple Magical Girls, professional, ready for battle.


Allison, Dorothy, Esmeralda, and Lyra, with some of the fastest Vigilantes are making a roughshod onto the Majors, while multiple soldiers are riding Dorothy's feathers.

While at the Tanya, Becky and Katherine remains there as they are only a few strong looking Vigilantes.

Using the environment in order to avoid multiple lethal blows from the Tanya.

Dorothy is flying high a few others. 'Keep them all busy!'

They fly and run around the Majors, either avoiding or taking shots from the nonstop assault from them.

Lyra is calculating the cannon shots and their reload time. 'Hey, Mathews!'

'What?!' She angrily snaps.

'I need you to throw my head into second barrel.'

Allison seems confused of the situation.

'So I can use my teleportation ability to reach inside.'

'Alright then, but you're funeral if they blast your head straight to hell.'

Allison, with her Mad Hatter abilities, pulls out a tea whip and wrap it around Lyra's head.


Allison whips her head inside of the cannon barrel at the monent it's about to reload.

After her head bounced, her body appears then transform back, to pull our her pistols, to kill all four people inside of the Second Major thus stopping it completely.

Lyra looks around and noticed a certain item that have a unique design but not fitting for the inside of the tank.

Allison and Esmeralda looks very shocked.

'Woah!' Esmeralda seem to be surprised.

Lyra then Cheshire reappear behind them. 'See! I brought it down with ease! Now let see if we can bring down the other...'

The Tanya fires at Lyra body, and only her head survive but still feel the effects of the blow. Esmeralda catch it.

'Shit! And that fucking hurts you Nazi bitches!'

Allison tea whip the head again then pull her away from the open.

'Is there anything inside of the tank that control the tank barriers?'

Lyra float around. 'Yes. And it's quite obvious when you enter the tank.'


A group of RPGs are aiming at the side to pierce through.

Dorothy dives down to one of the tanks to deliver a Pyrobolum, but not as much destruction.

The other soldiers manage to rush into the third, killing anyone left by grenade.

Right on the moment, the Tanya fires the top of the third thank, flipping it and everyone on it over.

Amalia angrily glares at them, then the Tanya been hit hard by Becky, Katherine, and others.

'Doctor! We need to retreat back at the school...'

One of the Neo Brauns been killed by Katherine ax.

'Doctor, you need to evacuate, right away!'

'Understood soldier! Open the hatch!' She grabs her radio. 'Keep them all occupied!'

Multiple Neo Brauns are keeping them all away, while Amalia is making her way under the hatch, while one of the Familiars teleport her back to the high school.

The soldiers kept fighting at the Magical Girls and making their way towards the Tanya, but still have a strong presence as the Neo Brauns and Familiars, and keeping the Tanya safe.

Becky got hit by a shot, and hit hard down at the road. One of the Familiars took aim, Katherine made the save with a roll. Throws her hunter's ax onto the Familiar. Multiple Neo Brauns tackle Katherine down, and beating her down.

Getting up, Becky piece through one of the Neo Brauns then used her as a human shield as other Neo Brauns are shooting, then made a quick claw slash.

Grabbing Katherine and any other Vigilante, to leap away.

'Are you alright?'

'I'm fine, but this is completely different from what Crawford did at Chicago.'

They landed behind anything to find cover while multiple soldiers continue to assault.

'We have multiple buildings and civilians to be worried about, but with this isolated location, they have the field advantage. Plus...'

Becky noticed the gun turret, she grabs several soldiers, a Vigilante, and Katherine to save them.

Katherine creates a hunter's ax and toss it towards the turret, killing the Neo Brauns gunner.

'That! That is why we don't know much about this town. It's like sending pigs to the slaughter.'

One of the Vigilantes comments. 'Could you had used a different animal?'

'Sorry.' The Vigilante went off into combat. 'Now, we need to bring down this tank, because I got a feeling that we the air support isn't gonna last very long.'

Observing Katherine's version of the Little Red Riding Hood Locket, then her uniform. 'I gotta admit, your uniform is much better than mine.'

She smiles down at Becky. 'Thanks.'

At the high school, Amalia start typing in her laptop, then started booting up a gravitational pull with rings. At her side, there's flying disks, then they start flying around.

She cackles. 'Time to test out these bad boys out.'

They fly out of the school.

The flyers of the Magical Girls are avoiding multiple turret shots from the ground.

Dorothy flies around the second tank, then observe it.

'Master Dorothy!' Darien loudly whispered, as he and Johnny runs up to her.


They transform into their human form. 'We managed to bring down the Shepherd asshole. We're back to report to combat.'

Dorothy looks into this tank. 'Can you operate this tank?'

'We're tank expects, nor we can't drive that, Dorothy.' Johnny replied.

'Doesn't matter, I need this tank to take a few pot shots onto that tank and that school!'

Darien and Johnny looks over.

'We'll try.'

'Good enough! Now move!'

Dorothy flies up, but her wings got clipped by the rings then slam down hard onto the ground, alongside with multiple Vigilantes that are flying, had too suffer the same fate. The rings are starting to drag them towards the school, then any Neo Brauns start shooting them after they try to fight back.

Darien noticed. 'Shit!' He rushed up to her, trying to grab the ring but it cause it to shock him. 'What the hell is next?'

Dorothy reach for her Locket, but the ring seem to detect it and cause it to shock her.

Darien looks worried, he sees a dead AWM, and grab his pistol. 'Sorry if I miss, Master.'

Took a shot onto the Locket, destroying it, and Dorothy transform back.


Darien looks around, and found a Mythological Locket. 'There's one!' Darien grabs it.

Dorothy seem to be quick on the situation after she saw that the ring flies away and went after another flyer.

'Here you go, Master.'

She looks at it. 'No, not that one. Bring me anything that isn't mine or a Mythological Locket.'

'Yes, Master!' Darien looks around for it.

'Heads up!' Lyra shouted out. She floats but the ring isn't active around her.

Transform back to normal, while diving down.

'You can use mine. Since yours is Alice, right?'

'Correct.' Dorothy grabs Lyra locket, to transform into Alice from the Wonderland Locket.

They observe the field.

'I'm used to flying with wings, but I can skate. That's a plus.'

Lyra grabs a Mythological that Darien brought to Dorothy.

Transformed into a voodoo fashion with snake skin clothing. Her eyes are serpent-like. Just as Dorothy with her Maleficent form, she gives off a witchy look.

This left Dorothy and the two Familiars confused.

'What myth are you?'

Lyra observe her form. 'I think... it might be based of a Lwa?'


Professional Magical Girls are making their way to Vinyard, while the flying Magical Girls continue their fight with Emma and the Raubvogel till the last one had been killed by Emma's hand, via neck snap.

Emma grabs her radio. 'Doctor! Status report!'

'We lost the Majors, and the Tanya is still functional and the Familiars had destroyed the barrier, but we need back up!'

'We'll be on our way...' Emma saw a small orb and it came into her mind, and Mia Engel who's flying next to her. Eyes shifted then horrified as she stutters. 'This can't be!'

Mia hands are over her mouth, out of shocked from what the orb showed her.


Amalia is speaking through the radio.

'What is it...? What...? N... no!!!'

Emma made a fist till her palms are bleeding, and have hatred fill her eyes.

She gives out a hellish scream, as her wings spread out hellfire and thunder across the night skies.


Back at the farm, both Johanna and Ursula are seeing, shedding tears while clenching their teeth.

They angrily look down at Cassandra, who's all bloodied up from her distraction.

The speaker is heard all over Vinyard.

'Neo Brauns Army, this is Dr. Amalia! I had received word from the Eva... the Princess is dead! And an order by the Eva, ignore all other Magical Girls and Anti-Witch Militia soldiers, and bring her Dorothy Crawford!'

Ursula gives out a monstrous roar. So loudly, other Apex Predator Vigilantes are heard around the surrounding area. Eyes changed as if they're following orders, and even Cassandra eyes seem to be caught in a trance.

'What is your order?' Cassandra eyes seem to be blank and blacken, as she delivers a deadpan tone.

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