Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 72 - Convoy Robbery

Chapter 72 - Convoy Robbery

A day later.

Several convoys are making their way towards a small town, and only one of them have a police escort with a person is sleeping in the back of the police car, laying down.

Each convoy have a Vigilante sitting next to the driver, in uniform.

Out in different locations of the five convoys. Makayla, Olivia, Dorothy, Almira, and both Darien and Johnny are set up as a pair.

All of them are wearing jeans; shoes but not Dorothy due to her slippers are her Wand; tight top with sweaters; tactical vests; Dorothy and Almira are wearing classic Witch's hats while Makayla and Olivia are wearing ball caps; and finally, ear pieces to talk with one another.

The Alegrias are making themselves home at Oztown, refusing to take part of the operation.

"Kayla, have you done any robbery?" Dorothy asked.

"A couple times, but that was my pre-Witch days. Didn't turn out well for me."

"What about you, Mrs. Green?"

"Only online. I never done like actual robbery, even in my lifetime."

Olivia shrugs her shoulders.

"Then this is new for all of us." Dorothy smiled then sees her convoy as the rest are seeing theirs as Makayla convoy is the police escort.

"Shit..." Makayla mutters to herself that she got the police escort convoy.

"But no killing. I want to keep this as clean as possible. The Vigilante, just knock her out, alongside with the driver. Just grab the money, and Malvonia will teleport the money while we fly back to Oztown. And if Abbie was here, she could had set up dirt trap, that way it can be somewhat easier."

"Boss, are you sure that both Kayla payment and this will be pull off? We're are getting deep into the enemy territory."

"We'll have to wing it. So on my mark, we all execute our plan, got it?"

Everyone replies.

"Got it!"

Everyone is waiting till each convoy is getting closer.



Dorothy skates up to the convoy as she Glyph Shot the tires to cause the driver to make an emergency park.

The Vigilante inside realize it's a Witch.

"Stay here, and please don't make the call to police. I gotta bring her in!"

The Vigilante got out of the convoy passenger side to confront Dorothy.

The Vigilante is wearing the Zodiac Locket, Tiger model.

Fair skin, black scars across her body. Gloves with finger claws, and boots with claws on them. Revealing outfit of a tiger skin crop top and shorts. She even have wild cat eyes as she's thin and muscular.

Dorothy toss her hat away as she is skating up to her with a spinning kick that she blocks it with her forearms.

Pushing the kick back to throw a couple swings.

Side stepping each swing then bicycle kick, but the Tiger roll to her side.

Dorothy makes a couple of Glyph Shots that knock out the driver, but the Tiger dodge each shot.

She gave Dorothy a hard uppercut then a spinning back leg trip to force Dorothy to be in a sitting position. Quickly slides up to Dorothy for the knee strike.

Barely dodge the knee strike, Dorothy roll to her side.

Throw a punch towards the Tiger.

Underhook Dorothy's punching arm then rapidly spin her body around while switching the holding arms for a back elbow to catch Dorothy offguard, and it was followed by a snap spinning elbow strike from the front.

Shoot kick the chest hard to force her to lean down, then kicks Dorothy back up till a spinning back kick onto the stomach to force her leaning back down. Stomp kick onto the back of the head, then a spinning elbow strike.

Barely caught the elbow strike then delivers an uppercut of her own.

The Tiger kip back up till Dorothy bicycle kick the back of the head then lay to her side to place her arm around her thigh to pull her back to her knees.

Delivers a Pyrobolum punch but not enough to knock her out and only hurting herself, just enough to send her flying onto the dirtied road.

Self healing herself as the Tiger is getting up, rubbing the punch away.

"You're a tough one."

Dorothy scoff her off. "I fought a wolf, and she hits much harder."

Lying to herself as the continue repeating assaults to the head had effected her.

The Tiger grins as she's on all fours, preparing for the pounce while Dorothy is up in a defensive position.

Runs up to Dorothy as she's about to throw a punch, she cartwheel off the punch to land behind her then immediately flips over the same back only to land back to her feet till she leap back down for an overhead kick onto the arm.

Tiger tries to shoulder tackle Dorothy down, but she held her in a guillotine choke. Using her Pyrobolum to heat up her arms. The Tiger tries to go multiple midsection punches then pierced the back near the kidneys, trying to cause some pain but the heat to finally knock her out while leaving burned marks around her neck and her right arm.

The Tiger form transform back into her regular form of a larger teen girl.

Dorothy looks at the convoy then use her Glyph Saws to cut the back of the convoy.

"Alright, Malvonia. Need a teleport."

Malvonia teleport to Dorothy's location as she sees the money and duffel bags. They grab the money as fast as they can.


Olivia is flying next to the convoy with her bike-like broom.

The driver noticed her. "We got a Witch!"

The Vigilante has a Zodiac Locket, Rabbit.

Bikini top. Shorts with a puff tail. Rabbit ears hoodie but operate like actual ears. Furry thick legs.

She open the door while driving. She leaps off then rolls till she got up to her feet to immediately caught up to Olivia from behind as she pop with her Switchblade Wand on the tires.

Using the turning convoy to push herself over the sliding Rabbit, both in combat positions.

Olivia put away her Switchblade Wand to rush up to for a couple of swings, but the Rabbit is playing around with Olivia as she's dancing around her. Literally.

Going for a punch, the Rabbit kicks the punch back and using the punch for a backward handstand.

Immediately runs up to Olivia for a leaping single foot kick onto the side of the head that made Olivia rolling to her side.

A stand still.

Rabbit runs up for a bicycle kick, but used Olivia's head to land behind her to double underhook her arms back to pull her back then on her knees for a standing dropkick.

Catching the dropkick then held the ankles under her arms, but the Rabbit quickly turn her upperbody then use her arm strength and rolling her upperbody in to flip Olivia over.

Rolls with Olivia for a knee strike.

Olivia managed to catch the Rabbit then runs up to the convoy to hit her body hard on it.

Placing the legs over her shoulder to grip her better and grabbing her shorts for another convoy slam then immediately turn to powerbomb her down onto the ground.

Deadlift her as she's quickly transition into a triangle choke.

Carrying her half ways, Olivia made a quick decision by swinging the Rabbit onto the convoy then continue till she loosen her grip.

Noticing the Locket, she grabs it and using magic to break it, revealing the Rabbit reveal form of an thin looking girl.

Easily unhook the legs to roll her back to her feet to give her a knockout punch.

Olivia went to the driver to see he's knocked out from the crash. Tossing the Locket shards to the Rabbit.

Going to the back, using her Switchblade Wand to create a larger magical blade to cut open the back.

"Alright, Malvonia. Need some bags."

Malvonia teleport to her position to start grabbing her money, carefully.


The Familiars are up ahead of their target for Johnny, who's afraid of the idea as he's laying down in the middle the road and wearing a special kind of gear that help him to plant something underneath the convoy. "I want to let you know that is I die, I'm gonna haunt you, Darien."

"You'll be alright. Just swallow your courage. And besides, I outrank you due to that my Master is Guild Leader." Darien is waiting at the driver side.

Rolling his eyes. "Next time, your turn to for this suicide mission." Johnny shouted.

The convoy is coming, but oddly no Vigilante and the driver isn't paying attention to the road. Johnny then slowly walk up to the convoy then runs straight at it to go under the truck to plant some kind of explosion.

"Now Darien!"

Darien press the button to reveal it's some kind of a pulse grenade that flips the convoy upside down.

Both of them go to their human form, wearing the same the tactical uniform as the others. Darien is wearing a flat cap while Johnny is wearing nothing for his head.

They walk around the passenger side to see that a girl who's wearing glasses and a school girl uniform, not in uniform is checking her jaw and wiping her mouth off till Darien smack her from the back of the head to knock her out with his shillelagh club.

Johnny leans down to see then understand. "Alright, that make sense." He transform back to his cat form to grab the driver's keys from his unbuckled pants to go to the back of the truck.

"We got lucky. We're not train to take on a Vigilante yet." Darien grab the keys and start putting each key in as Johnny is looking out.

"You're not train to fight a Vigilante yet. I had my fair experience."

Darien got the back door unlock. "Gotcha!"

They open the door to see a slight mess in the back.

"Oi, Malvonia. We need bagging assistance." Darien call it in.

Malvonia came up to her. "You two seem to have it easiest convoy. Besides Master Mira though" She said as she's starting packing the bags while checking for dye packs.


The convoy stop as the driver and the Vigilante who's in uniform of a Bear as she seem more bulking than the other three, are looking at Almira wearing her traditional Witch uniform as she sits in the middle of the road, on her chair.

Gives out a Witch's cackled.

"My, my, my little pretty."

Revealing her green face with black markings going down from her eyes.

The Vigilante came out to reveal she's much taller by standing 6'.

Looking up at the Bear, seeing that her Locket is the Apex Locket.

She preparing for a fight but unknown to her, Lorona using her Ghost Walk to pull the Locket as she rush inside the convoy.

The Bear reveal to be a much smaller girl, standing 4'11. She's looking for her Locket.

"Where is it! Where is it! Where is it!"

Almira didn't mind it. "Well that's a freebie."

Throwing a spell blast from her Traditional Wand to knock her out, then another towards the driver.

Lorona happily came out. "That was easy!"

"A bit too easy, little Llorona." Almira is walking at the back of the truck. "I gotta learn on how to do that Spell. Perhaps you can teach me." Leaning on the side of the truck as Lorona felt she's being pressure by it.

"Well... me mama told me that I should teach others Spells if they can't learn it themselves."

Almira raised her eyebrow then shrugs it off. "Mal! Need an assistance."

Malvonia quickly teleport her way.

Seeing Lorona here. "What is she doing here?"

"I don't know, maybe she's bored."

"Actually, I want to help out since I'm part of this Guild after all."

They open the convoy back to grab as many cash while Malvonia is checking for dye packs.


At the final Convoy, the driver had been tranquilized by Makayla's Pistol Wand.

Hiding behind the convoy to be engage in a shoot out with the two police officers as their radio had been shot, alongside with their radios. The person in the back is still sleeping.

Slowly look over but the police officers quickly took their shots. Pull out a couple of rocks then toss them above herself.

Takes aim making making midair calculations then using magic to let the bullets bounced off the rocks in order to knock down the police officers.

Sign as she start grabbing the driver's keys to open the convoy, but the police car door open up from the back. A young adult then grab her special Locket that's nothing like Makayla had seen before.

The young women have short brunette hair with colorful streaks, as well wearing casual looking clothes of loose T-shirt, torn-off jeans, shoes, and bracelets. She got this valley gal look.

Cracking her neck. "Sorry, Witch. I'm afraid of you're under arrest."

She transform into a Magical Girl but has a Police Officer look with a green look outlining.

Makayla use her ear piece. "Glinda. Ollie. I'm gonna need back up, right away."