Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 71 - The Two Brits

Chapter 71 - The Two Brits

"So you went back to grab the Lockets?" Serena tilted her head out of confusion.

"Since Melissa here had lost hers, and she can't use Esmeralda's Locket, so I have to help her out with one of my kills." Lyra said to Serena.

Melissa look at the Lockets then picked out the Mythological Locket, the same as Esmeralda's.

"I got used to my Valkyrie look, it fits me far better than the Dwarf." Melissa place it in her pocket.

"Then I'll file the replacement Locket forms when we're at Germany. Plus 14 tickets for those ones, but that can wait till I come back." Serena bows to Makayla.

"Have safe trip back to Kansas." Marge wish them luck.

"We will Marge." Almira smiled. "And have safe flight you three."

Leaving the airport, both Marge and Serena are walking up to Abbie who's sleeping on the chairs with her stuff.

Both of them are seem to be alone as everyone is minding their own business, as they sit alone at the Vigilante booth with Marge picking her up to carry her to the booth. In order to have some private conversation.

Sitting there for hours as Serena is trying to come up with a topic, but couldn't. Marge doesn't seem to mind the silence as she seem to be used to it.

Paw tapping then asked, "Do you travel to places?"

"I do make my occasional trips back to England whenever I feel like I had live my fullest here. I only travel to the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland a few times, Italy, Spain, normally Europe in general. And a few times here across the pond. I had my journals from each of my travel, but I tend to forget to write them in."

"Must be dangerous to travel to Ireland. Bunch of hooligans." Serena look down on the Irish.

Looking up at her. "Are you saying that to be a Tosser? Because there are actual good Irish folk in the Republic of Ireland, or Ireland in general. Yeah there's bad blood, but still visit time to time, because I love seeing the emerald hills."

"Oh." Serena quickly took it back. Serena decided to put on a movie on her tablet.

Marge is looking at Serena is watching a modern Sherlock Holmes adaptation with Serena seem to be showing affection towards the Sherlock actor.

"Eh." Rolling her eyes.

Looking up at Marge. "What's wrong with Sherlock Holmes? Aren't you from that time period?"

Turning her head. "Slightly pass my time, but yes. I just didn't mind it back then, but they treat Dr. Watson like he isn't an equal."

"Well of course. He's the human element of the stories. Isn't meant to be an equal to the Detective himself."

"But why make him a doctor if Sherlock, more specifically the modern adaptations, makes his medical expertise so inadequate. Never solve crimes with his medical background nor Sherlock never had problem on finding out what kind of medical cases. I like a few adaptations, even the Downey version where that John Watson had played more with his field of expertise, both combat and medical. Personally, plus that Watson reminds me of my husband. Perhaps that why I got a soft heart for that version of Sherlock Holmes."

Serena turn to her. "You have a husband?"

"Us Witches tend to get married when that loneliness kicks in. These kids and their problems about their loneliness complaints, but it's that real feeling. Back then, there was no support groups, or even anything in common to read with the others. I may have lost my sisters, but my husband and my daughter at the time we were happy. Happy you can be when you're living in Blackpool." Marge pulls out a picture that seem to be taken as yesterday, but more like hundred of years ago. The Thomas Family.

Serena is surprised on the picture, "Oh..." Looking back to see Abigail still sleeping. "So Thomas?"

"My surname back then was Margaret Thomas. My maiden name was England. I had went through multiple marriages and divorces, but none of them were like Billy."

"Do you miss him? Even till this day?"

"Always." Marge's picture turn to an old looking photo.

Serena leaps on the chair then over her shoulders.

"Do you know the Guide who might be looking over Abbie? Because I'm not gonna like, I might stage an accident in case they get too close. Since you're under oath, but the other cat is not." Marge asks.

"I don't know really. But knowing that Dorothy and others are gonna be alone without me, I worried that they might be getting themselves too deep of a trouble. I really wish she could aim somewhere in the middle, and not as high as the Neo Brauns. But seeing her in person, I wasn't expecting her to be looking that young."

"Yeah. Us Witches do need blood of virgins or the meek, though never got that clear but it usually blood bathing that makes us looking young."

"Charming" Serena with a sarcastic tone.

"Never been a fan of that too." Marge then laughs. "You should had seen Billy when I come home, cover in blood. He thought I gutted a pig or something. For a doctor, he seems to have a case of hemophobia."

"Wait, a doctor? I never heard such a case."

"It happens here and there, but that's why I loved Billy. He shows resolve even after facing his fears on a daily basis. He have a fear of blood, but his will is nothing but pure iron."

"Wait, you had killed someone that day?"

"Um, I'm not proud of it but I did had to kill a virgin. Some Pikey that was coming to town, but was a complete bitch when I saw her. But looking back now, I guess she doesn't know that us English have a different offensive terminology. So she had been saying something offensive to us that kind of pissed us off."

"How long does virgin blood to last for a Witch?" Serena is curious.

Marge is thinking then trying to do some calculations but can't find the right math. "I honestly don't know. You should go asked Mira about this, she's the math genius."

"Perhaps. Speaking of which, I didn't know that Abbie wasn't one. So when did that happen?"

Marge had a grin look. "Let say he's like a dog with two dicks."

"Oh." Serena realized what she means. A man whore.

"So yeah, Abbie was quite gullible when she first came to this time period." Marge rubbing her head. "Still can't believe she had managed to lose it that fast, then again, I do recall the boys from her time period that they usually call her smelly or a corpse bride, since she sleep with the dead."

"Ah." Serena then walk up to Abbie who's holding onto her lamp and shovel. "I honestly can't believe they allow her to keep the shovel. The lamp is one thing, but the shovel?"

"Family memento. Doesn't always work, but lucky for us and you, that we do got it through customs. Barely."

Serena is looking out at the map. "So what's the best place to live in England? Since I might try to convinced Dorothy on living in England."

"Maybe Bristol? I do recall visiting an inn, and not many Magical Girls I recall, and there are some trouble making Witches from there but nothing to brag about, but still good hunting for Vigilantes." Marge seems to be proud.

"Any names I can look up?" Serena pull up England's Wanted list.

"Hmm..." Marge is laying back. "Maybe this is a cliché of us British, but there should be an Irish group, not the group you're thinking of. I already have problems with their Witches even during World War 2. I lost some to Frieda Reinhart, but I lost more to Amanda Quinn and her Witches. It had been a stalemate even till this day."

Serena look into the database to read that she is deceased.

"But the Irish group I'm thinking were called the Lucky Charm Guild?"

"Name please?"

"Rhea O'Shaunessy."

Putting up the name in the search, only Wanted.

"Doesn't seem impressive compared to Quinn."

"Not too surprising. They had been only a Guild for five years." Serena then remembers one of the names that Dorothy wanted to hunted down after she came back from the Coven Meeting. "That reminds me..."

Looking up the name Juliet Valentino. Wanted.

"Also not impressive, but what I had been told about her exports, I filed a report that she is a serial rapist. By proxy if her crime is true. She mentioned a New York incident, Mina and Allison came to mind. So I hope she'll be on the Most Wanted list soon, because I had got multiple reports from sexual crimes, and her Magical Love Guild."

"Every one hates that freak, and her Guild. Only she finds Magical Girls sexy or at least find them sexually attractive. I can understand affection, but her, she basically lust over them."

"Base of operation?"

"New York most likely."

"Then Dorothy is gonna be one happy girl after her stuff against the Neo Brauns had been settled." Serena happily purr.

"Flight to Berlin, Germany, is now boarding."

Marge got up with Serena. Then she wakes up Abigail that she yawns loudly.

Speaking in German, "What time is it?"

"Time to go home, Abbie."


Elsewhere, Emma and her high officers are having a private meeting while outside of an abandoned warehouse with a house nearby, are the Neo Brauns are working and building a lone tank.

Evan von Wolfgang is walking into the house where the Emma and her high officers are talking about the incident happen at Garfield Park.

"Eva, I have some urgent news that you need to hear, right away."

"Do speak." Emma welcomes him onto the table. "But what is the topic?"

Evan in his human form then walk up to Emma to whisper in her ear. From a chuckle of amusement then turn to realization of what he saw.

Grabbing her paperwork and looking at Oztown then starting thinking to herself. Think and think, till she gives off a sinister smile with a Witch's cackle.

"What is it, Eva?"

Emma stand up.

"Ladies. I believe we got the upper hand against the Wicked Witches. Bring the First Wave for our potential meeting, and start preparing operations back at Germany. Princess Hilda, I want you and your Royal Guard to head back to Germany. Because I want to make sure that our German Princess will be safe."

"I'm glad you assist, Eva. But may I ask on why?"

"Ever heard of the story of a wolf in sheep clothing?" Emma pulls out a picture of Glinda Gardner then Dorothy Crawford in uniform. "Then we're gonna hunt down this wolf. And Evan, bring her as my assistance."

"Right away, Eva." He smiles then teleport.

"Prepare for our meeting with this wolf of ours."

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