Two days had passed from the unexpected meeting with the association branch vice director,
and Bruno was now sitting on his soft bed with a worried expression on his face.
Today was the day the gate would break and monsters wouldn't even take two hours to reach his hotel room.
the call full of good news he was expecting from the association still hadn't come, and he was starting to doubt the reliability of the ex vice director.
When all his doubts were beginning to slowly squeeze his brain, a familiar ring resounded through the silent apartment. Finally, the call was received.
He answered it; the crazy lady gentle but loud voice burst his ears, he was instructed to quickly make his way to the temple and bring all the necessary equipment he had.
He did as he was told and arrived at the temple in less than two minutes, passing through the abandoned hallway of the once-glorious five stars hotel.
Waiting for him there were the crazy lady and a team of the association branch, that explained them the route to get to their destination: Iceland.
They could've just taken a normal road if they wanted to go normally, but not only were the roads now clogged, Iceland and other important countries that weren't lacking awakened, had closed their borders not letting anyone through to avoid the flooding of immigrants from Russia in their business ecosystem.
So they had to find a way to sneak through the border without getting caught by the guards, on top of having to cross almost 2400 kilometres (1500 miles) of land.
The team had planned a very basic escape route for them, they would start by heading north, crossing the ruins of St.Petersburg and then proceed towards the north of Norway where they would find a boat that would take them to their desired destination.
The plan was improvised so there could've been a ton of accidents along the way, but the team didn't really care about that since they knew that both of them were awakened and they could've handled some unforeseen circumstances if they were to cross roads with some.
Without thinking much about it, they both agreed and mounted on the vehicle that was prepared for them, it was a pickup, but not a normal one, the wheels were enormous and the back was full of something, but it couldn't be seen as it was covered by a black veil.
He sat on the driver seat even though he didn't have a license, since he would've never let his fate in the hands of the crazy lady.
Their new car slowly disappeared between the deserted streets of Moscow as the vice director sighed and turned his back to them.
He entered the temple and sat in the throne that was standing in the middle of an empty room with three out of four walls made of glass, he stared far in the horizon watching the setting sun, slowly the light emitted from the sun faded and the skies became dark, a suffocating amount of mana spread around the city as if it was a toxic gas.
Between the skyscrapers, a couple of miles away from him, a dark figure appeared, it was enormous.
He exhaled, all his muscles started contracting as a yellow aura started flowing around his whole body, his blond, short and messy hairs started growing, only when they reached his waist had the aura around him turned calm and warming, his once work swallowed face turned as new, and the dark circles under his eyes disappeared,
leaving space for a magnificent beautiful face, it couldn't be called handsome, because his facial features were smooth and resembled more the face of a woman.
"I'm not as strong as you, Dimitri, Ivan, but now that you both left me, I have no choice but to fight alone like you used to do, I will try to buy time for the people of our land, even if it costs me my life, wait for me in Nawia"
As his sorrow filled words were hardly heard by anything between all the chaos and noise caused by the beast, others monsters started coming out of the gate, on the contrary to the first one, who was way higher and took the form of an abomination with three heads, the others were small in comparison and had human features.
Andrei released his aura completely making his position known to everyone who could sense mana,
the giants slowly started closing onto his position until they reached a distance of about half a kilometre (a third of a mile) where they stopped.
Even the small ones seemed huge from that distance, not to talk about the boss, that dwarfed the others by far.
Andrei stood up proudly and looked straight at the biggest without even glancing at the relatively small ones.
[name: Andrei. Deities ranking: 92.
Russia ranking: 1.
Awakened bloodline: Dazhbog]
Knowing the danger he was going to face, he decided that using his life force to enhance his power from the start would've been necessary if he wanted to last at least a little bit.
The aura that surrounded him was now way out of his league, it could be comparable to one of the top fifty.
A destructive fight broke out, and for two full hours the noise of the banging attacks resounded through the empty city, even Bruno who was already well over a hundred kilometres( 62 miles) away could still hear them, the moment the noise stopped, the world knew what happened to the Russian deity, chaos started invading the world, and quickly, a hint of fear was instilled in the normal people hearts.
In one month, only one month, three of the world's most powerful guardians that were supposed to defend them fell, and the monster that killed them was still alive, roaming around the streets of Moscow and destroying the city already emptied of the people thanks to the sacrifice of Andrei.
All the twelve top gods of Olympus plus one, were reunited, sitting around an oval table, only one end of the table was left without any seats, leaving place for a screen that showed the horrifying scene in the Russian city.
Andrei whole body was drenched of purple blood, around him, the carcasses of a couple dozens giants were laying dead.
Only one colossal being was still standing on its feet, even if severely injured.
The hole in Andrei body was beyond repair and there was no hope for recovery, he took his last breath, as his teary eyes closed forever.
As always, the first one to speak was Hercules, he exclaimed: "what a pity, for someone like that to die powerlessly, he could've made a good sparring partner"
Zeus, who was sitting at the end of the table, scolded him saying:"have some respect, he died with honour!"
A reply came and it said: " what honour and honour, he died, only weaklings die"
Zeus killing intent filled the room, and the moment Hercules felt it, he hurriedly rephrased his last exclamation:" I mean it would've been better if he was stronger so that he wouldn't have to die"
"You know I like strong people"
Zeus intent toned down a bit and Hercules took a sigh of relief.
Everyone in the Olympus top knew that you shouldn't angry Zeus, only the newly added thirteenth member always forgot his place and risked his life at every meeting.
When the meeting finished and everyone left the room, Zeus turned his seat and faced a glass window watching the completely black sky above his head, he let out a long and loud sight with a melancholic expression, "my son, where are you now, when have I ever wronged you so much for you to leave the house"
~I still remember it, that day when I awakened, he was looking at me like I was a monster, he then suddenly left the house, and I couldn't stop him~ his hands slowly reached his whitening hairs and he turned his head, now facing down.
Hermes, who had returned to the room to check on Zeus saw his desperate side once again.
He left without being noticed and thought:~who could it ever be his son, able to escape the eyes of him and Hera for five full years, and leaving both of them lost in thoughts at least one time a day.
If the opportunity were to arise, i would for sure be pleased to meet him.~