It's a regular day at Nate's school, Summerville High. Ahh, who am I kidding, has it ever been normal there? Nate and his friends go to the cafeteria for lunch and Nate says something that makes their intire week a nightmare, he tells Chuck right in front of the cafeteria lady "Hay, do you notice how the cafeteria lady looks like Buffalo, in the desert, on May" And Chuck leaves the scene so he doesn't get dragged into the mess this time around and the cafeteria lady- Helen says to Nate "Hay, you, the bone head. Everyone on that table will be getting no service here until that knuckle head apologies" And Everyone on the table looks at Nate and ask in unison (What the bunk man, what did you do, what did you do?!!!) And Chuck tells them the situation and they suggests he apologizes or they'll kick his butt, especially Mike who's been in a bad mood about the dodge ball take down and has been angerly training non-stop