Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 42 - Chapter 41: Clara’s Anger

Chapter 42 - Chapter 41: Clara’s Anger

(Clara Langston POV):

"…" Ricky tapped away at the metal back door of the van, his fingers working hard to match the rhythm to the song Every Breath You Take playing on the radio. His eyes peered out of the window with his face pressed close to it, the glass fogging with his breath.

"…" Billy was suddenly interested in the design choices Dodge Ram employed when creating the vans ceiling, his fingers trailing the cold metal and picking at the support frame. His eyes had zeroed in on a particular screw and he had refused to look anywhere else.

"…" Becky's face was practically glued to her phone, the familiar theme of Subway Surfers filling the all too quiet back of the van. Despite her idle swiping, her eyes were focused to the left of her. She wasn't as cowardly as Ricky and Billy, but it probably had more to do with the fact that Becky was generally a nosy girl. She wanted only the juiciest gossip and with what I was fixing to say there was no doubt she'd get it.

"…" Veronica sat propped against the wall of the van, her hands fidgeting at her pleated dark navy blue skirt. There were no back seats and no seat belts as it was a cargo van so when Rachel hit a bump in the winding road we were on the girl was thrown around.

She slammed into me, her face burying in my chest as she fought gravity to push herself away. Her eyes flickered up to look at me as her face made the best impression of a ghost by going pale white. When she went to push herself off of me her hands had slipped inside of my tank top and were now touching my bra.

"S-sorry." She muttered, her hand jerking away like it had been scalded. I myself merely grunted, my eyes boring into her as she sat herself back down.

"I don't need your apology, bitch." She stiffened in her seat as her fidgeting stopped entirely. Ricky and Billy became suddenly much more interested in whatever the hell they were doing and Becky was still watching with interest. My eyes glanced up at the front of the van and more specifically the pair of blue eyes reflected off of the rearview mirror. Rachel was looking at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"U-uhm I-I—"

"In fact, it would've been much better had you not bothered showing up." My words were full of venom, of anger I held since the day she rejected Ethan. I didn't care that she rejected him, in fact, that made me happy but when she tore his heart into pieces in front of everyone that was what pissed me off.

"B-but I want to help find Ethan—"

"Really, because I distinctly remember you calling him disgusting and beneath you. Why would you want to help someone like that?" I glared at her, my eyes trying to convey just a fraction of the hatred I felt toward her. She was scum to me, the lowest of the low not even fit to be on the bottom of Ethan's shoe.


"Save it, I don't want to hear your apology. Do you know how much you hurt him? He doesn't cry in front of people and if he was told to write down his life story there would never be a scene where he mentions himself crying. But in the bathroom, in the shower he allows himself to cry, and I could hear it in the kitchen. That's the loudest I had ever heard him sob." I had played it off when he came out of the shower and kept up the act because I knew Ethan would never open himself up to tell me what he was feeling. That thought alone only added fuel to my fiery rage.

"I-I didn't mean it…" I snorted at her words, a derisive sneer spreading across my lips.

"Bullshit, you meant to hurt him. You may have just wanted him to stay away but all you needed to do was say no. My brother may be a bit of a knucklehead but he would've gotten the message, and he would've respected your wishes." Even if it would've killed him on the inside he would've buried his feelings deep, and somewhere deep inside I was grateful she destroyed the love he had for her. But that drop of gratitude was nothing compared to the raging sea of anger burbling at the surface.

"…" She looked away, her teeth digging into her bottom lip with enough force to draw blood. A crimson streak trailed down her chin before she wiped it away with her hand.

"Your sister told me why you did it, but I don't give a shit! I don't want you around my brother so after tonight I better not catch you around him." The van went quiet after that, Veronica hanging her head low as her fingers crumpled the edge of her skirt with a white knuckle grip over her lap.

The sound of tears splattering across the backs of her hands hit my ears, and when a sniffling sob filled the entire cabin everyone looked away.

I felt zero guilt, a small smile splitting my face as I watched her break. I'll torture you bitch, make you feel tenfold the pain Ethan felt. You had been a thorn in me and Else's side for so long and now look at you, you're nothing more than a miserable wretch!


(Veronica Miller Flashback POV):

"…Hey, hey, hey are you okay?" I jolted, my face looking up from the gash on my knee. With teary eyes, I gazed up at Ethan, a concerned look marring his chubby cheeks. Before I could even sob out the word 'no' he had already lifted the bike still lying on top of me.

"I-It hurts Ethan." I whimpered, tears streaming down my cheeks in large rivulets. With shaky hands I fought hard to wipe them away but no matter how many times I tried they just kept coming. It wasn't until I felt a warm cloth brush against my cheek did I look up to see a suddenly shirtless Ethan.

"H-here use this, I don't got a hankie or anything like that…" His cheeks were flush and his other hand was busy covering his chest as his eyes looked around to make sure no one saw him. He was always self-conscious about his body, the pale skin of his farmer's tan attesting to that as he didn't let his torso spend any time under the sun.

"Thank you," I muttered with a small smile playing on my lips, a warmness building in my chest as I looked at his shirt. He had given it to me even though he never liked taking it off in public. With shaky hands, I began wiping away the tears and snot on my face, an embarrassed flush covering my cheeks as I dirtied his shirt.

"Don't mention it…" He squatted down as he spoke, his hands looping under the back of my knees and my shoulder blades. With a strained grunt I was lifted airborne. "Now let's get you home."

The walk wasn't that far, we had just been riding around in the employee parking lot of my family's quarry. Even though it was a short distance Ethan still struggled, his breath coming out in short choppy bursts. The wheezing phlegm in his lungs rattled against his chest as he huffed and puffed toward our house. His arms shook with strain, his steps growing unsteady due to the top-heavy nature of the way he carried me. All of this combined for a rather unpleasant time for Ethan and it would only get worse as a familiar voice called out to him.

"Hey fatty what's up?" Tanner snickered at his own insult, the clicking sound of his bicycle spokes filling the air. Behind him was James and Javi, the two older boys grinning at the sight of Ethan.

"…Roni fell, so I'm takin' her home." He answered reluctantly, his eyes shifting back and forth to the vultures as they circled around us on their bikes. His chubby cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Oh, did wittle Roni get a boo-boo~?" His mocking words brought a flush to my cheeks, my eyes stinging with new brimming tears. The other boys laughed while they continued to shrink the circle around us.

"Don't listen to them." Ethan's breath tickled my ear with a whisper, his eyes narrowing as he glared at Tanner smirking back at him.

"You're gettin' pretty big for your britches there lard-ass!" I yelped as Ethan stumbled forward, his balance undone by a kick from Tanner.

"Pffthahahaha, he's getting big in more ways than one!" Javi laughed as he combed back one his dreads, his flip-flop slamming Ethan from the front. Ethan groaned as he fell on his butt, his arms coiling around me in a defensive hold as he leaned forward to cover me with his body.

H-he felt so warm, my nose pressed against his sweat-slick skin inhaling his scent. Those arms tightening around me made me feel so safe that I almost forgot about the danger outside. That was until a stray kick from James landed on my back. I gasped, the wind knocked out of my lungs.

"Damnit, James why'd ya kick her? Now we're going to get it!" Tanner's voice was shrill, the boys scurrying off on their bikes to leave the scene of the crime. If Abby or Rachel saw them doing that then they'd be screwed.

I felt so scared, my lungs burned and I thought I was going to die. In that moment Ethan took my hand in his, the soft feeling of his lips brushing against my cheek sending soothing waves of comfort through my body. My hand tightened around his as I rode out the breathless feeling until my lungs spasmed and I gasped for breath. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed in Ethan's arms.

"Shh, it's okay…I'm here…It's gonna be alright." I nodded, my face burying itself against the soft flesh of his chest. Even though he was self-conscious about it I still wanted to compliment him about how huggable he was. Shaking my head I cleared that thought, my eyes peeking up at my hero with a growing flush on my cheeks.

"Thank you." I pecked his cheek, the chaste kiss leaving the boy stunned like a statue. Reaching up with a shaky hand he brushed his fingers over where my lips had touched him, a goofy grin spreading across his lips.

"It's no problem, a husband is supposed to take care of his wife after all." My cheeks felt like they were on fire, my face once again burying itself in his chest. Dang it Ethan, there you go saying things that make my heart beat like crazy.

"Y-you still remember?" I peeked up at him, a shy smile on my lips.

"Of course, even though we're third-graders now I still plan on keeping that promise we made."


"…You're right, Clar." I muttered those words as I wiped my tears away with the black sleeve of my shirt. "I fucked up, bad, but don't you think for a fucking second you can tell what I can and can't do—!"

"Hey you two, don't go starting a fight in the back now. I don't want to clean blood up off of the floor…again." Rachel's voice was like a wet blanket to my anger, the girl's stern tone brokering no arguments.

"You were saying…?" Clara's sarcastic tone had me zeroing my bloodshot eyes back down on her, a snarl tearing from my lips as I clenched my fists.

"I'm going to make it up to Ethan, and I won't stop until I've earned his forgiveness. You can hate me all you want and on a certain level I hate myself just the same as you do, but until Ethan says those words I'll keep trying to make things better." I smiled, with the wicked smile of someone on the brink of losing it. Abby may have promised me a place by his side but I wanted to be more than a living fleshlight. I longed for Ethan to look at me like he used to and even if I may never get it back I still want to try.

"Hah, you can try Roni, but don't expect any support from me." Clara huffed before turning to her right to look at Becky, the bluette recoiling as the blonde leaned over her shoulder to look at her phone. "Can I get a turn?"

"U-uh, sure." Becky handed her phone over as the sound of the guard yelling 'Hey!' filled the air and the dinging sound of coins being collected followed suit. The rest of the car ride there was quiet, no one was willing to break the awkward atmosphere except for Rachel but did anyone ever really pay attention to her rambling anyway?