Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Abby And Camilla’s Agreement

Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Abby And Camilla’s Agreement

(Camilla Anderson POV):

'Hello?' It was dark in Ethan's car, the only light coming from the glowing green digital display of the car stereo. I was propping myself up against the center console as I looked at the very drunk boy giving me shy glances. It was really cute how he behaved when he was drunk, a small smile growing on my face as he gave me a dopey grin.

"Hey Abby, it's Camilla." Any tension she might have had about receiving another late-night call went out the window with a sigh when I told her who I was. I couldn't really blame her for the paranoia either as that big blue bitch's final warning was definitely like a cliffhanger leading to a schlocky horror film sequel.

'So what's up?' Her tone was…defeated, resigned? Whatever it was she seemed to have made peace with it as she sighed again. My eyes couldn't help but drift over to the boy mumbling about how pretty I was with his slurred speech. Maybe he was what she was resigned about.

"Ethan's drunk…" I couldn't even formulate what I was going to say to her beyond that. 'Hey your boyfriend is shitfaced and horny so I'm going to take advantage of him even though I know he's my student and ten years younger than me to have some kinky fun with him'. That doesn't sound too good right?

'Horny too?' Yeah—wait!

"Why do you sound so calm about that?" When I found Jacob balls deep in some broad a month right after graduation I threatened to relieve him of the burden of having to carry them. The cops found it funny but my parent's lawyer did not as he had to pull off a tricky 'just kidding' defense. Actually he used my emotional instability at finding my fiance balls-deep in another woman to get me off Scott free, well there was a restraining order but now that I'm in another state I haven't even had to think about it.

'Because when I sent him with a bottle of Fireball and he told me he was going to see if you'd be willing to drink with him I knew he would do something stupid.' She sounded like a mother chiding her child for putting their grubby little hand in the cookie jar when instead she should be at least a little miffed that Ethan would willingly walk into this situation. But maybe this was a test not for him but instead—

"What's the correct answer here, Abby?" The oldest Miller sister had always been an enigma to me as her behavior around her friends didn't line up with her attitude toward Ethan. She was polite and cordial with her classmates but she wouldn't hesitate to glomp on Ethan every chance she got despite him being to son of the town pariah. You would almost think she was the one who he proposed to in kindergarten and yet that wasn't the case. She was like a ghost hiding in the shadow of her younger sister and her much more public romance (or lack thereof) with Ethan and only now had she decided to strike.

'If you deliver him in the state he is to his sister and Pepper then they will take advantage of him.' She spoke like it was a fact, and I couldn't help but nod along as I remembered how that girl looked at her stepbrother. I bit my lip as I glanced over at Ethan and more specifically the massive tent in his pants, it looked painful is all I could think of as I saw the way it made his dick curve against the denim.

"Then what about you?" The line went quiet for a moment and I couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't jumping at the opportunity. Her boyfriend was right here horny and ready to go and all she would have to do is come pick him up.

'I-I'm still sore from last night.' Her embarrassed words came out as a quiet whisper, a blush spreading across my cheeks as it finally clicked in my head what she meant.

"T-then what the hell am I supposed to do with him—!?" I nearly jolted out of my seat when I felt Ethan's hand brush against my inner thigh, a perverted grin growing on his flushed face.

'Take him home with you, Rachel will take care of him for you.' For some reason, the thought seriously repulsed me. Rachel has been my friend since our days in college together when we were wild and stupid and that probably had something to do with why I was hesitant to let her sleep with him. She'll give him a good time for sure but I doubt it'll lead to anything good as she was rather notorious for leading guys on. The thought of Ethan looking as distraught as one of her former exes was enough to make me begin thinking crazy thoughts.

"Won't she take advantage of him as well?" I already knew the answer but I wanted to know why she thought Rachel was a good pick to handle a drunk Ethan. My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited in nervous anticipation for her to give me her answer.

'Yeah, but she's better at keeping feelings out of it compared to our other options.' She wants to keep it casual, a FWB (friends with benefits) scenario. A thrilling physical relationship without all of those icky things like feelings. My eyes drifted back over to Ethan as he took off his shirt for some reason, the little thrill that went up my spine when I thought about doing it with him was addictive.

"A-am I not capable of doing it?" It was wrong, not illegal just highly scummy and something that would be grounds for termination. Did I hold an unfair power imbalance over Ethan? Mention any other student and I would agree as most of them still seem to act like kids even though the seniors are eighteen, but Ethan is different. He works already, lives by himself (financially), and is far more mature for his age than the others. It was still wrong and I knew I was making excuses but the butterflies in my stomach urged me to press forward.

'You are—I just thought you would be more hesitant about the potential of losing your job.' I was hesitant, no, a better word would be terrified. If I lost my job to such a scandal I would have to go home to my parents in Imlay, and my degree would become practically worthless as no one would hire a teacher with such a stain on her record.

Despite the fear though a thrum of excitement ran through my veins, my years in college had outed me as an adrenaline junkie. Someone who took risks and faced the consequences later with a smile on my face because it was fun. It had been years since I had fun, living vicariously through my pink-haired roommate was about all I had in terms of a thrill. Tonight I'll blame the alcohol but truthfully this is something I wanted.

"…I can do it." Firm as can be I spoke, my other hand not busy holding my phone gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

'Hoh, that's good actually. A mature woman like you with a career will be less prone to letting feelings get in between you and what you want.' She was happy with the outcome like she expected it all along. Was I really that blatant about well…whatever this was with Ethan?

"You want us to be purely physical?" I wanted this, no feelings just fun. Sex, I haven't had it since my breakup with Jacob. A several-year dry spell of using vibrators to get myself off had left me open to just about anything, my dirty mind cooking up fantasy after fantasy to spice up my very bland masturbation sessions. Now, I had an opportunity to bring someone into these fantasies and make them a reality, a shudder going down my spine at the thought.

'In a perfect world Ethan would only love me, and I would be the only one who loves Ethan but this isn't a perfect world. So instead of sending him home to get devoured by a girl that holds the key to his heart I'm taking a gamble on you behaving like the adult you are.' It was a warning left unsaid, but I knew who held the reigns here. Abby was in control of everything, and like a hidden bodyguard she acted to keep Ethan firmly in her sphere of influence. I wasn't about to challenge her on that, the other girls who were eyeing him could give it a shot but I was content with my place.

"I-I can do that." I sounded far less confident than I probably should have to talk to a girl seven years my junior. Abby seemed amused by my floundering confidence as the sound of her snickering filled my ear.

'Good, and be sure to bring him home to me, Camilla.' She'd given the green light and as I looked over at Ethan who had stripped down to just his underwear I couldn't help but flush red.

"…I will, and maybe you can help me." A small smirk grew across my lips as I planned out my night with Ethan. We were going to do something more daring and less vanilla.


(Ethan Langston POV):

"This…seems to be a common theme." It was dark, the sleeping mask around my eyes blocking out all light. Unlike last time when I had my hands tied behind my back this time, I was tied to the four bedposts of the mattress I was laying on.

"Quiet, Mr. Langston." A husky voice tickled at my ear sending gooseflesh rippling across my body. Her breath tickled at my ear, the smell of cinnamon and smoke filling my nose with its cloying scent. I was hard, and my captor would definitely notice considering I was down to my birthday suit.

"Are you sure Abby's okay with this?" I mean it was a bit too late to get cold feet but I found it really hard to believe my girlfriend was okay with me sleeping with another woman the night after we had our first time. The only thing staying my guilt was the hazy belief that she had consented to this, and if that crumbled I'm sure I would sober up real quick with even worse regret than the usual hangover.

'I am, Ethan.' I nearly jolted as the staticky sound of my girlfriend coming through on Camilla's phone filled my other ear.

"Babe, you don't have to agree to this, I can go home and—"

'Fall into Clar's arms, no thanks.' She sounded angry at the thought and with how my sister has been behaving with me I couldn't really blame her. I don't think Clara would take advantage of me, in fact, all of the girls I know couldn't take advantage of me because I'd be a willing participant. That might be why she's setting this up for me, the thought made me realize how lucky I was to have Abby.

"I-I could come to you." I was giving her a final out, a way for her to shut this down if she felt uncomfortable. Just because she says she's okay with it doesn't mean anything when she could end up regretting it. This is the last time she can let me come home and be with her without me having tasted the forbidden fruit.

'Ethan, I'm going to be honest—' For a second my heart sunk as I realized she must have hated last night. '—If we have a repeat of last night I think I'll die!'

"You mean that in a good way right?" A glimmer of hope filled my voice as a blush covered my cheeks. It was embarrassing for her to talk so bluntly about our sex life in front of Camilla.

'Yes, Ethan you had me screaming your name and cumming my brains out. It's not normal for a girl to pass out having sex you know? You made me hyperventilate from how good it felt.' I preened at her words, my chest puffing up as that was the only way I could show how happy I was in my bound state.

"Thanks for the confidence boost Abbs." Again I was blushing and for the second time, I realized how vulgar women could be when discussing sex around other women. Guys may brag about sleeping with a chick but very rarely do they go beyond making vague gestures with their hands or wiggling their eyebrows. Culture shock is real amongst the sexes it seems.

'You're welcome, now let me lay out some ground rules for you Mister.' Her tone was stern and I nodded like an idiot even though she couldn't see me. Camilla giggling at my antics made me really glad I was blindfolded so I couldn't see how teasing her grin was.

"Okay, hit me with 'em." I braced for impact, knowing it her demands would be—

'One, you have to listen to whatever Camilla says. Two, you aren't allowed to remove your mask. And third and finally, agree to never leave me.' Aren't these a little too easy?

"I, uh, Abbs those aren't even very hard demands." I was expecting something like a no sex order or a hands-only thing. One and two are super easy and three is already a done deal as long as she'll have me.

'Then it should be easy for you to follow them then, now enough chit-chat, Camilla you know what to do.' Her final words felt ominous and when I heard Camilla setting her phone against the nightstand a shiver ran down my spine.

"Fufu~ she'll be watching so try not to embarrass yourself in front of her." I jolted as I felt her slimy tongue lick my ear lobe, my teeth digging into my lower lip to fight back the girly squeak I almost released. This might have been a mistake—stupid Fireball!