Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 41 - Chapter 40: Rescue Group Assembled

Chapter 41 - Chapter 40: Rescue Group Assembled

(Abby Miller's POV after talking to Olivia):

"…" The car ride was quiet, the only sound coming from the tires gliding across the road. The high beams of my headlight lit up the light-colored asphalt, my eyes glancing away from the oasis of light to the girl sitting in the darkness with me in the passenger seat.

"How are you so calm?" Her voice was quiet, but in my ears, it sounded like the crackling boom of a thunderstorm. Elsie had crossed her arms up under her chest, the black fabric of her tank top straining to contain her doughy tits.

"I could ask you the same question, why are you calm when your crush has been kidnapped by a tribe of hillbilly women?" The car once more descended into silence, my eyes turning back to the road.

"…I-I think it's because he's safe." She muttered as her eyes looked out at the sloping hills of the valley. Her finger idly dragged at the glass of her window, the girl mimicking an airplane in flight with it. I huffed at the silly distraction she was using as I lit up a cigarette and took a drag.

"How do you know he's safe, for all we know they could be torturing him right now." I play Devil's advocate, giving voice to the worry still hidden in the back of my mind.

"Pfft, if Dylan escaped them without getting hurt then there's no way Ethan's in danger." She snorted, a smirk growing across her lips as she mocked the skinny drug dealer. I found myself nodding at that logic too, Ethan was jacked. Every time those big arms of his wrapped around me I knew he could crush me at any moment, the knowledge of that made his tender touches all the better.

"Yeah, you're probably right…" Despite my words, I didn't feel confident, my mind replaying the potential scenario Dylan's warning of the blue sisters injected into my brain. They wanted a husband, and the idiot made it sound like they weren't hideous. Could Ethan be—

"Think he's fuckin' them right now~?" I sputtered as my hands gripping the wheel tightened, the car drifting over on the shoulder of the road kicking up leaves and rocks.

"W-why would you say that!?" I hissed, my arms gently spinning the wheel to get us back on the road.

"'Cause Dylan said they were lookin' for a husband and Ethan must be a really juicy catch." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, her lips quirked into a wry smile.

"H-how are you not freaking out about that?" I know I was, the cigarette hanging from my lips growing an angry red as I pulled in a sharp breath.

"Because I know Ethan will come back to me and Clar." She spoke with conviction, her honey-colored eyes gleaming under the passing orange glow of a streetlight.

"You're pretty confident about that even though he's dating me." Smoke poured from my lips as I spoke, my eyes looking at the dimmed sign of Rivera's just up ahead. Rachel's van was parked there alongside Olivia's car and Pepper's Civic, a crowd of people standing by the cars in a semi-circle talking.

"I'm confident because my position is closer to him." She sniped back as I flicked on my turn signal, the soft clicking sound it made filling in the gap of silence needed for me to gather my words.

"As a little sister." It took all of my effort not to throttle the girl's neck when she gave me a smug smile in return.

"One he gets boners over." The cigarette in my mouth drooped as my teeth ground against the filter bending it.

"He won't touch you though." It was a weak rebuttal, my eye twitching the entire time as we turned into the parking lot.

"You can cope all you want but one day he'll be with us and you will just be a distant memory." Her words were vicious, her eyes gleaming at the sight of Clara standing with her arms crossed. The way Elsie looked at the blonde seemed to confirm what Ethan said about their relationship as her expression softened into a tender face. Clara on the other hand was too busy glaring at a very nervous Roni who was still standing hunched in the open doors of the van.

"…That may be true, but I doubt even Ethan knows what he wants." I muttered, my eyes looking down at the pink rubber bracelet on my wrist. "He's being considerate to me because I'm his girlfriend but I know how he looks at the rest of you. How he lusts after all of you."

"Hehe, even when he was little he was always such a perv. Remember when he got in trouble for looking up Mrs. Caldwin's skirt in the second grade?" She giggled, her voice tinkling like a silver bell. Her eyes were unfocused as she reminisced about memories past.

"Yep, or the time he convinced Roni to show him her panties." I snickered at the thought, Mom was so pissed when she came back home with no underwear. When asked where she put them she told Mom 'Ethan said he needed them!'.

"And don't forget Nakie Club—"

"Noooo, don't mention Nakie Club!" I hissed, my cheeks flushing tomato red. Damnit, unwanted memories flooded my mind almost immediately. How many times had I flashed my boobs to Ethan when we were young just because he said those two idiotic words?

"What's wrong, excluding the two dorks, Ms. Anderson, and Pepper this is a Nakie Club reunion." Elsie grinned at me as I covered my eyes with my hand and groaned. We had already parked a few spaces away from the meeting spot, and now she was trying to make me a blushing mess before I got out of the car.

"H-how are you not embarrassed by that, we used to parade ourselves around in the backyard buck naked! Hell, even Rachel got involved!" The pink-haired girl was probably just looking for an excuse to strip, but still, it was really embarrassing!

"Fufu, I'll let you in on a little secret." She practically purred as she spoke, her body leaning over the center console. Her pale cleavage was exposed as the front of her tank top sagged, the tops of her areola peeking through the gap as my eyes were drawn to them. "I helped him convince you guys to do it~!"

I shuddered as her breath tickled at my ear, the damp sigh coming from her lips was super erotic. My mind reeled as I dug up the memory of the first time Ethan asked us to get naked, it went about as well as you'd expect. Before we could pummel him though for his pervy ways a very beet-red and shy Elsie stripped.

The summer dress her mom had picked out for her went over her head in a flash, the pink hello-kitty panties hidden underneath were now revealed to the world. Her flat chest was bare except for her hands hastily coming up to cover her mosquito bites. That had been all that Rachel needed to switch sides, the girl throwing her tank top off to reveal her slightly more developed breasts. We used to be so jealous that she had a reason to wear a bra, and that jealousy born from Ethan looking at them while drooling had convinced every other girl that they needed to strip too. That day the Nakie Club was born and every girl in it became eager participants in Ethan's fantasies.

"Y-you stripped because—" Before I could finish speaking Elsie's index finger pressed against my lips, her own smirk widening as she looked at me.

"Ethan looked sad, and I didn't like seeing him sad is all." She gave me a meaningful look, her finger leaving my lips as the girl opened the door to her car. With shaky hands I unbuckled my seatbelt and did the same, a puff of smoke leaving my lips as I prayed my blush had gone down.


(Camilla Anderson's POV):

"This is ridiculous…" I found myself stunned, the number of girls surrounding me reminded me of the time they had me fill in for the gym teacher who was out on my free period. The only difference was that these girls weren't happily chatting, they looked more like they were ready for war than anything.

"E's got his work cut out for him it seems." Rachel spoke from beside me, a wide smile splitting her face as she looked at Clara giving the youngest Miller sister a death glare.

"I always knew he was a perv, heck he even flirted with me…" I muttered that last part out for only the pinkette to hear, my eyes shifting over to Becky typing away at her phone on my other side to make sure she didn't hear anything.

"Oho, so Ethan's got a thing for redheads~?" I felt my cheeks heat up against the cool night air, my hand gripping the faded fabric of my olive green jacket sleeve. The old thing was an Army surplus my Dad bought for me when I went to college, a very dorky gift back then but damn if it isn't useful now.

"Shut up, it seems he's got a thing for women in general." I gave her a little shove, and poor Rachel struggled to stay upright as she stumbled into a distracted Olivia. "S-sorry." Sometimes I forget how strong I am, Dad's genetics shining through I guess.

"Yeah, sorry about that Liv—anyway, E's a bit more picky than that. After all, to catch his attention you have to be pretty." A compliment to herself and everyone here, and it wasn't even flattery for the sake of flattery. Every girl here was a genuine beauty in their own right and right now they've all gathered to rescue one man.

"Uhuh, he definitely has a type if you consider pretty girls a type and speaking of that there's his girlfriend." I pointed toward the curvy black-haired girl strutting toward us, just a step behind her was a just as curvy brunette. Abby Miller was the average height for a woman and Elsie Smith was still half a head shorter than her.

"Okay girls, and dorks." Her jab at the boys didn't even earn her a protest as the two of them had been stoically silent the entire time. "We all know why we are here and that is to get Ethan back, Becky do you have any info on our suspects?"

"The property is under the name of a man named Jason King, a former circus owner and ex-husband of Rita Crespo. The place itself is heavily wooded, Google maps only showing a small clearing with a circus tent in the center. There isn't any permanent structure and the only way to get there is through a small drive leading deeper into the Daniel Boone National Forest." As she spoke Becky pulled out several sheets of paper and began passing them out. Being one of the first to get one I got to see what she had pulled up, my eyes catching sight of three female clowns with blue makeup and skimpy outfits.

"Abby do you see that?" Olivia's voice snapped me out of my reverie as I looked up. The girl was giving the Miller girl a meaningful look, her eyes narrowing as she glanced back down at the paper.

"Yeah…the blue sisters." She grimaced like she just heard she had a terminal illness. Olivia seemed just as unhappy but she seemed to turn her dissatisfaction into anger as she gritted her teeth.

"Uh, guys who're the blue sisters?" Ricky finally asked, his eyes looking up from the paper that he was holding upside down. Billy gave a little sigh as he adjusted the paper for his dumb friend.

"We'll tell you on the way there, but right now we need to get rolling!" With far more pep in her step Abby began rushing around, my eyes narrowing at her as I tried figuring out the reason for her growing impatience.

"I…I thought it was just a legend." Rachel muttered beside me, a look of awe in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"The blue sisters of Shelley County is like an urban legend man, they lure unsuspectin' men, and wham! They try to force them to marry them and stay." I gave her a look that screamed 'bullshit', the girl shrugging her shoulders at my disbelief.

"I've never heard of that story before, where do you get these legends from?"

"It's a Secret~!" I rolled my eyes as we loaded back up in her van, Clara hopping inside at the last second as she sat between a stunned Becky and an even more nervous Veronica.