Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 35 - Chapter 34: Kidnapped In The Woods

Chapter 35 - Chapter 34: Kidnapped In The Woods

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I muttered as the sound of my feet crunching the autumn leaves filled the air. In my hand were most of the gun cases, the plate carriers strung over my body like a heavy ballistic poncho. Betty's headlights glowed behind my back, my shadow lengthening into a thin stick as I walked deeper into the woods. The fog leaking from my breath came out in rolling waves as I gasped for air, my footfalls growing louder in the silent hollar.

I didn't have a shovel, if I did I could bury the evidence and wipe my hands clean of it all. Dylan that little bastard would get what's coming to him! The unmarked car was no doubt related to the police, and I had made sure on the ride here to make it as confusing as possible for them to try and follow me. I had taken every back road to get to the Daniel Boone National Forest, and currently, I was parked at the edge of someone's private property. The 'trespassers will be shot' sign did little to comfort me.

My eyes scanned the valley between the two hills, the number of toppled trees littering the ground giving me hope that I'd find what I was looking for. I was too busy gawking at the trees to notice the rocks hidden under the leaves, my foot slipping as I fell to the ground. My face landed amongst the thin padding of the leaves before bouncing off of one of the stones, the dried creek bed acting like a terrible mattress.

The cases had clattered to the ground, the metal plates in the bulletproof vests on my body had slammed against the forest floor and my chest. I gasped for air as the wind had been knocked out of my lungs, my hands scrabbling to grab the handles of the case nearest to me when I heard something that made my blood run cold.

"Freeze, don't reach for that case!" My hand stopped just short of the handle, the feeling of a cold steel barrel being pressed against the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine. Before I could even speak a leather boot pressed down hard in between my shoulder blades sending a hiss of pain from my lips.

"Sis, I found more in his car!" A girlish voice far lighter than the one that just told me to freeze chimed in behind me, the sound of leaves crunching filling my ear as she galloped down the hill without so much as stumbling.

"Bringin' a buncha guns out into the woods at night is awful suspicious Mister." A giggle came from the side, a pair of boots walking in front of my eyes as they kicked the case further away from my hand. Just like the other two this voice was also feminine, a teasing tone somewhere in between the two others.

"Well, what do you hafta say for yerself stranger?" God, was this how I sounded to people from Clairmont Heights?

These three had more twang than a six-string guitar, my eyes trying desperately to peer up at the girl standing in front of me to see just what she looked like. All I got a view of was the ruffles on her dress, the off-white fabric looking like it was straight out of the 1800s. Before I could look up further the barrel of the gun was pressed hard against my head forcing my face into the dirt, the smell of damp soil and dead leaves filling my nose.

"S-sorry, got a little distracted there with the frilly getup, but to answer your question I'm here to hide these cases." I could've lied, but what would that help when I'm already at the mercy of these ladies? Better to pray for mercy than to lie and ruin any chance of being spared. The trespassers will be shot sign probably wasn't for show.

"Why're ya hidin' 'em?" The one with a gun pressed to my head asked. The sound of her snorting followed as I watched a white glob of spit land right near my face.

"An idiot I'm working with is apparently popular with the police so I thought I'd take the scenic route and dump the cases in a hollow log and when I needed them I could just come and pick them up." I knew I was rambling but with a gun against my head I doubt anyone would blame me. All it would take for her to end my life now is a pull of the trigger, and there would be absolutely no way the mystery of my disappearance could be solved. The thought of Clara, Elsie, Abby, and even Olivia searching for me without ever receiving closure was terrifying more so than the thought of dying.

"Ah, did ya hear that sis?" The one in front of me spoke, her teasing tone growing throatier as she squatted down in front of me.

Under the glow of my headlights, the sight before me was something entirely unexpected—even alien. Thin delicate fingers pinched at my chin and even though they were cool to the touch I don't think it was that cold to make her skin that blue. Our eyes met and hers crinkled in amusement at my shock, her light blue eyelids clashing with her deep emerald eyes. Her dark violet lips pulled back in a smirk revealing her pearly white teeth, but unlike anyone I'd ever seen they were sharp like a shark as they fit snugly together.

"We've got a naughty boy here, and what do we do with naughty boys?" She glanced up at the girl still pinning me to the ground, but now instead of standing on top of me, she's straddled my torso. Fortunately, her gun was no longer pointed at me but when she leaned in close—her breath tickling my ear—I wonder if I had only traded one danger for another.

"We eat 'em!" Three sets of giggles filled the air, my own nervous chuckle joining a beat later as I wonder how literal they meant it. Sharp teeth, blue skin, and in the middle of a nearly endless sea of trees I wonder if I've left the realm of the real and ventured into one of the displays at the Shelley County Paranormal Museum. Maybe fact is stranger than fiction after all.


"So, where are you ladies taking me?" I asked from the passenger seat, my hands bound behind my back in baler twine. Lynae, that's what her sisters called her, sat in the driver's seat. My eyes glanced over at her before quickly focusing back on the pitch-black forest as we drove down an old gravel road. Her ability to drive stick was honestly impressive, but that wasn't what kept catching my eye.

Unlike Livianna—the one with sharp teeth—she lacked the shark-like fangs of her sister. I'd come to find out after asking a rather awkward question that Livianna had done it out of aesthetic reasons and not because they were a bloodthirsty tribe of mutant cannibals. Lynae's skin was a lighter shade of blue than her sister, with splotches of pale white skin spread across her breasts and arms, and my God were her breasts massive.

The fabric of her emerald dress was fighting a losing battle trying to contain those knockers. Every bump in the poorly kept road sent them jiggling in a hypnotic sway, my eyes being drawn to the sight like a moth to a flame. She'd caught me doing it almost every time but unlike the normal reaction of disgust and anger Lynae seemed to bask in the attention.

I gulped, my mouth feeling really dry as I watched her pale blue fingers grip at the top of her dress. Slowly, and with a teasing smirk she shimmied the fabric down her massive tits a millimeter at a time. For what felt like an hour I watched as the tops of her large areola were revealed. Her right breast was colored a deep blue, the dark violet of her areola was revealed as she peeled off the fabric. The left was pale, the doughy flesh with light sky blue splotches was topped with a pretty pink areola. Before I could see everything the airy voice of Linna excitedly chimed in.

"To see Ma, silly!" She giggled as she smacked the back of my head sending me nearly face first into the car's dashboard. I don't know what they fed these girls but I've noticed how much stronger they were than me and I'm no slouch. Freshmen year I benched 250, and I've only grown since then in muscle mass but for these girls, I'm a total wimp.

"…Can I ask why?" I grimaced as I rubbed the back of my head. Some part of me wondered what my odds of survival would be if I somehow got the passenger door opened and bailed. The sound of a stick snapping under the tires of the car snapped me out of it almost immediately as I realized I probably wouldn't be able to push myself far enough away from the car with my ankles tied like they were.

"Ya already did." Livianna teased and I found my headache throbbing even harder from Linna's attempt at braining me. I wasn't particularly happy about meeting another one of these crazy bastards and it had less to do with the blue skin they had and more to do with being hog-tied and held at gunpoint.

"Harde har har, now can someone other than the comedian answer me?" The other two ladies barked out a laugh while Livanna glowered at me with her arms crossed in the backseat. It seems the middle sister was the black sheep of the group.

"Ma, was expectin' ya!" Linna seemed to only have one volume setting, and that was loud. Despite being the youngest and most petite of her sisters she was loud enough that I winced nearly every time she spoke.

"Expecting me?" I glanced over at the sanest person in the car other than me, my eyes sending her a pleading look to bring some sense of reason back. Her smirk didn't give me any confidence however and when her eyes peered back onto the illuminated patch the car's headlights made and a hollow look overcame her gaze I knew I wouldn't receive a logical answer like I was looking for.

"Ma's a Seer, God gave her eyes that can peer into his plans for everyone. She sent us after ya, told us you'd be in the hollar and down on yer luck. Are ya down on yer luck Mister?" I wanted to retort, say something sarcastic back but before I could the car broke through into a clearing in the forest. Like the eye of the storm, the overgrown blue grass swayed in the breeze.

In the center of the clearing, illuminated by the pale light of the full moon was a tent. The red and white stripes running down from the conical top told me it was a circus tent, but the sign saying King Circus wasn't ringing any bells. Like how a caravan would circle the wagons during an Indian attack a series of trailers surrounded the main tent like a defensive wall. Plastered across them was a series of oddly shaped animals and clowns that would look more in line with a haunted house's decor.

Everything combined for quite the eerie sight, my eyes flicking toward the open flap in the tent. A soft lantern's glow cast a flickering shadow of a person, the dark night obscuring their features. Lynae drove the car across the grass until she had nearly wedged my car between two of the caged trailers you use to hold circus animals. Looking outside of my window I could see the glowing eyes of something basking in the pitch-black darkness of the cage. A low growl vibrated the glass of my window as I scooched my ass as far away from it as I could.

"Is there any chance we could—ya know, turn this thing around and let me go home?" I looked over to Lynae who was already climbing out of the car, but not before lowering her seat so that the other two blue sisters could escape the backseat.

My face fell as the three girls walked over to my side and pried open the door. Unlike any other group of girls who would have to work together to get me out of the car, all it took for these three was Livianna grabbing hold of the baler twine binding my ankles and hands, and picking me up like a square bale of hay. As she pulled me out I found myself being carried beside her right hip, my body now closer than ever to the cage.


I jerked hard against my bindings, the snarling maw of the lion in the cage growing dangerously close to me. Livianna seemed to be amused by my fear as she giggled at my squirming, Linna smiling down at me as she walked over to the monster like it was a stupid plush.

"Don't be scared, Aslan wouldn't hurt a fly!" I watched in horror as the girl stuck her hands in the cage but instead of being witness to an IRL Liveleak moment, the stupid fucking cat licked her hand like he hadn't just acted like he was going to eat me alive.

"T-then why did he roar like that?" I gave the weird little girl—even weirder than blue-skin weird—a funny look which she just shrugged off. Her airheadedness acted as an impenetrable shield against my attempts to show her just how silly she sounded.

"Because he thought it was funny." As if to confirm her words the lion growled, the girl smiling back at me as if to say 'See!'.

"Lynae, Livianna, and Linna what are you three doing bullying our guest? I told you to treat him with respect not hogtie him!" The three girls freeze at the mention of their names, Livianna's grip on my binds loosens and I hit the ground on my shoulder. I couldn't see what she looked like but when I heard her click her tongue at her daughter's careless actions I felt a pair of delicate hands scoop me up.

"I am so sorry, Ethan. My daughters are a little rough around the edges but I assure you they're good kids." My cheeks flushed red as she held me in a princess carry, the woman's pale blue eyes looking down at me with a tender look as she gave me a soft smile. It took me a second and in that brief moment, I watched the woman's smile widen like she knew it finally clicked for me.

"W-wait, how do you know my name?" I stuttered as I realized just how high off the ground I was, the woman holding me like a doll was a veritable giant. Her massive breasts pressed against my body, the blue skin of her cleavage exposed as the warm flesh pressed against my cheek. I only realized now that she was wearing a near-transparent white chemise, the delicate fabric doing little to hide her immaculate curves.

"Oh, where are my manners? I am Larmina, a lowly servant of God blessed to see all who are meant to interact with me and my daughters. Now come, son of Cain, we have much to discuss." With that I was carried inside of the tent, the three blue sisters following behind. I still was no closer to an answer than when I had asked Linna about what the hell was going on, my stomach twisting in knots at the crazy situation unfolding before me. For Christ's sake, I just wanted to hide the guns not get caught up in some Blue Fugates bullshit!