Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 15 - Chapter 14: Drivin’ Ms. Anderson Home

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14: Drivin’ Ms. Anderson Home

"Oh wow, they really weren't kidding, this thing's sick!" I grinned at her praise, my steps leading me to the passenger side door as I popped it open for her.

Camilla grinned at my gentlemanly act, her hand grabbing at the one I offered her. Lowering her in nice and slow I got to admire her thick curves as she rested on the grey velvet of the seats cushions. Her blue jeans clung against her meaty thighs, and her juicy heart-shaped ass pressed across the seat. It took all of my willpower to tear my eyes away from the sight along with the sound of someone clearing their throat. Actually, it might have been just the throat-clearing that broke me from the spell of my teacher's delicious curves.

"Ms. Anderson, what're you doing getting into one of your student's cars?" A low voice came from behind me, the accusatory tone causing Camilla to stiffen in her seat. Her grey eyes were wide as she looked behind me, and when I turned I found myself face to face with Mr. Mathews. His brown eyes were busy glaring at the redhead sitting in my car as he had his head turned to the side. The man's double chin was revealed from the compression of his neck fat, his five-o'clock shadow doing little to hide it.

He had short black hair cut in a crew cut. The folds in the back of his head where his neck fat scrunched up were revealed due to the short nature of his hair. His pale skin gleamed under the afternoon sun, the clammy skin of his face was drenched in sweat. The clear beads running down his greasy chin fell onto his pink and white striped polo. My eyes immediately stopped going lower as the thin fabric revealed every unflattering part of his torso to the world.

"Your headlights are on…" I muttered under my breath, the man had tits larger than most girls at school.

"What was that Mr. Langston?" The man narrowed his eyes, his chubby cheeks forcing his eyes into a squinting glare. It would be intimidating if he was 100 lbs lighter and wasn't shorter than me by about three inches.

"I was just saying that I think I see my sister and her friend." I pointed to the two girls walking across the parking lot. Both of them had showered after practice it seemed, their damp hair and flushed skin giving them a beautiful glow under the evening sun. When they saw Mr. Mathews standing in front of me they paused, their feet coming to a stop.

"Hmm…anyway, why're you riding with this boy Camilla?" The way her name rolled off of his disgusting tongue made me grimace, the urge to punch the creep grew as his eyes leered at her with barely hidden lust.

"I-I didn't want to impose on you and Mr. Langston offered to give me a ride…" She turned her grey eyes toward me as she gave a silent plea for help. Mr. Mathews shook his head at her words, his gaze conveying how naive he thought she was.

"I know you see the best in everyone Camilla, but Ethan Langston isn't someone you should get in the car with by yourself." He sneered up at me, the blubbering walrus really thought he was superior to me. I fought hard to stop myself from scoffing but it seemed the redhead sitting in my car lacked the care to hide her displeasure at his words.

"I am 28 years old James. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and unlike you, I don't judge a book by its cover. Ethan is a good man, and I trust him to get me home just fine!" Her words lit a fire in my chest as a grin threatened to split my face in two. Mr. Mathews seemed to recoil like he'd been burnt, her stern glare looking straight into his soul.

"I-I see, well if you ever need a ride you know where to find me." With those parting words and an ineffective glare toward me the man waddled away. His penguin like frame made his walk across the parking lot to his car incredibly slow, and his poor stamina didn't help. The man paused several times to catch his breath, his chubby hand wiping away the sweat from his brow.

"Hey bro what did Mr. Mathews want with you?" Clara asked as she and Elsie walked around the giant tub of lard, the man glancing back at them with the same lustful look he gave Camilla. Our eyes met almost immediately as I gave him a happy smile, his pale face and even faster pace as he scuttled away told me he got the message.

"Nothin', he's just pissy he couldn't ogle Ms. Anderson on the ride home." Camilla snickered at my words, the sound alerting the two girls to the occupant in the car.

"W-wait, is Ms. A-Anderson riding w-with us?" Elsie looked at the slender legs dangling in the floorboard, her honey-colored eyes narrowing into slits.

"Yes, I'm not comfortable with letting her ride with that fatso and I owe her for the cigs she's let me bum." I wasn't going to debate this as I began walking toward the driver's side, the two girls huffing in annoyance before following behind. Opening the door up I lowered the front seat forward to let them climb on the bench seat in the back. Once everyone was loaded in I sat in the driver seat before firing up Betty.

"Darlin' you got to let me know, should I stay or should I go?" The radio blared the lyrics as the car rolled into reverse, the song picking up as I pressed my foot hard on the gas and drove out of the parking lot faster than I'd ever driven.

"Woohoo, holy shit!" My passenger in the front with me was more than happy. I looked over to see her massive grin as her red hair fluttered in the wind. The sight of her seatbelt digging in between her mouth-watering cleavage brought an uncomfortable feeling to my pants. Don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard!

"Pretty cool right?" I yelled over the roar of the engine and the sound of air rushing inside the open windows.

"Yeah, I haven't got to ride in something like this in a long time!" Her words piqued my interest, my eyebrow raising as I looked over at the older woman.

"When's the last time you rode in a muscle car?" I asked, and all of a sudden the woman became bashful. A pink blush spread across the bridge of her nose as she twirled a strand of her fiery red hair.

"I was a bit of a wild child during my college years, and I owned a red Pontiac Firebird." I could easily envision her in it, my brain adding in the sexy leather jacket and black combat boots for extra effect.

"You must've been really wild if you're still blushing about it now," I smirked at her, and she responded with a pouty huff.

"Hmph, enough chit-chat, have I given you my address yet?"

"Nah, but it would probably be helpful." Once again she pouted at my sarcasm but this time she also slugged me in the shoulder. I have never known a woman who could punch that hard in my life, her tall frame lent itself well to power. My poker face nearly cracked as I fought desperately not to wince, my mind focusing on the map she pulled up on her phone. The engine roared as I sped down the road heading toward her apartment.


(Camilla Anderson POV):

The ride home was fun, the usual boring hillsides and barren trees were still there but the company in the car with me made it 100x more entertaining. Ethan continued to chatter, his dopey grin and wheezing laugh filling the car. His current conversation was between him and his sister about the best item on the menu at Pleasers.

"I'm tellin' you the Big Pleaser is the best thing on the menu!"

"Nuh-uh, it's literally just a discount Big Mac."

"Says the girl who gets the Super Pleaser and picks everything off but the pickles."

"Hmph, why should I eat vegetables on a burger? I'm not going to a burger joint for a salad!"

"B-but I l-like their t-taco s-salad."

"Can it Else, we already know you're weird!"

"Yeah, every place you go to you order the thing they're least known for."

"She'd order pizza in a Chinese restaurant if they had it on the menu." The brother and sister duo snickered at their friend's expense, but the little brunette seemed to take it in stride.

"Ms. Anderson, what's your favorite item on the menu?" Clara asked from her position in the middle of the bench seat. The girl had leaned her head forward to peer at me and for some reason, I felt really uncomfortable. They brutally tore into each other about minor disagreements over what was the best burger but I had never eaten at Pleaser's.

"Sorry, but I haven't eaten at Pleasers before." The car got deathly quiet, and all of a sudden all eyes were on me. I felt like I'd just committed an unpardonable sin and my soul was being judged for it.

"Haven't…eaten…at Pleasers?" Ethan mulled over the words as if he'd never heard them before.

"Crazy…it's like literally the best restaurant in the county easily!" Clara chimed in with genuine shock, her gaze looking at me like I was some poor hick from the boonies who hadn't seen electricity.

"W-where are y-you f-from Ms. A-Anderson?" Elsie asked and suddenly I felt very self-conscious about being an out-of-towner.

"I'm from Inlay." I didn't want to mention what particular part of the town I came from as I'm unsure if telling the kids I'm from the ritzy area of Clairmont Heights would be a good idea.

"Godwin County right?" Ethan asked to which I nodded yes, the conversation dying as everyone stewed over my admission of guilt. Yes, growing up in a richer county is a sin in the small town of Munford. Hopefully, they wouldn't take it out on me too much—

"I knew it, there is no way all of these pretty girls could come from one county. There had to be another source!" His words caused my eyes to widen, the man smiling like he'd solved the biggest mystery since Jack the Ripper.

"Clairmont Heights right?" Clara asked and once again I was left stunned, the pair of siblings were the cause of both.

"H-how did you know?"

"You talk like 'em." Her words made me pause, did I have an accent? I always prided myself on lacking the southern twang that the average Kentuckian had but did it make me stand out more?

"Don't take offense to what Clar's saying, she means you talk like you actually have a lick of sense unlike us." The boy gave me a reassuring smile as we pulled into my driveway. The sound of gravel crunching under the car's tires filled the air.

My eyes immediately caught sight of my roommate sitting out on my front porch, her eyes widening as she looked at the muscle car flinging up gravel as it zipped down the road. Her short pink hair was disheveled like she'd just woken up out of bed and knowing her it was probably true. A lit cigarette dangled from her pink lips as her jaw nearly hit the floor, her blue eyes were wide like saucers.

The girl was wearing nothing but a loose black tank top and a pair of plain panties to go with it. Her chest was nearly exposed as one of the straps of her shirt slipped down her shoulder. The fabric of her shirt had ridden up her pale midriff exposing her stomach to the world. All in all, she looked like a sexy mess and Ethan seemed to agree as his eyes were practically glued to her.

"Holy shit that's Rachel!" At his words the other two in the back perked up, their eyes peering from the open area in the middle of the car. I could tell both of them were unhappy, their narrow glares at my roommate confirmed it. My eyes turned back to Ethan as I realized something, he was blushing, hard. I had no idea what was happening but I knew one thing, it was really entertaining.