Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: Preparations (Slight R18+)

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: Preparations (Slight R18+)

(Abby Miller POV):

*"Clean shirt, New shoes, and I don't know what I'm gonna do!"* ZZ Top blared from my Bluetooth speaker as I stepped out of the shower, my hand reaching for a towel to wrap around my body. Walking across the heat-controlled tiles of my bathroom I made it to the sink and more specifically the round vanity mirror above it.

"He turned her down…" I giggled, my cheeks flushing as my grin grew from ear to ear. Had he said he'd do anything Rachel would've fucked him then and there and I would've gotten a text from her saying he was a bad guy. For him to mention me and ask her if I'd approve meant he was committed to the idea of a relationship with me. I squealed at the thought.


My hands slapped my cheeks as I focused on the task at hand, which was dolling myself up to look good for tonight. Ethan had thought of my feelings so I would be considerate of his own, and that was mainly his libido. The poor boy is surrounded by beautiful women and with no way to release his lust I'm sure he's just itching to get busy. Releasing the towel wrapped around me I looked at my naked body in the mirror.

"Don't worry E, tonight I'll treat you real good," I whispered out with a hot sigh as my fingers sunk into the doughy flesh of my tits. A whimper leaked from my lips at the stimulation as my palms rubbed against my stiffening nipples.

I always knew I had large breasts, my current bra size being an E-cup. This has led to back pain and many hundreds of dollars spent on custom made bras due to the ill-fitting nature of the ones in the store, but every time Ethan practically drooled over them it made the thought of breast reduction surgery something I never considered. I want him to stare at me more and more.

"Hmmnnn…" A moan left my lips as my thighs rubbed together, the slick feeling between them cueing me in to how aroused I was. My mind immediately went back to that moment, the beginning of my love for him all the while one of my hands snuck lower and lower toward my dripping slit.


(Abby Miller's Flashback):

We should have never come here. The thought hit me as I held onto Roni for dear life, my fingernails sinking into her pink parka. I turned her away from the dog rushing toward us, the snapped chain around its neck skittering across the asphalt behind it. What was supposed to be a winter walk in the snow with my baby sister around town was turning into a nightmare real quick.

"Roni, I need you to run real fast all right, don't look back okay." It was a German Shepherd, its long brown legs moving in a loping stride. Foam leaked from its mouth like whipped cream, the dog's open mouth revealing all of its sharp teeth.


"No, no buts just go!" I yelled as I pushed her forward, the girl's boots thumping against the recently snow-cleared street. A sigh of relief left my lips, she was going to make it. The next thing I knew I was falling onto the ground with a heavy weight pressed on top of me. The dog's fangs bit down hard on my shoulder, the canine shaking it's body as it tore a chunk out of my coat. White stuffing from my coat filled the air along with my screams, the bite crushing my bones and bruising my skin.

"H-help, help!" I screamed, my eyes wide in terror as tears streamed down my face. The cold wind brushing against my cheeks and the dog's snarling growl was the only response given to my plea. I could feel my shoulder being exposed to the frigid air as the dog tore the last of the padding protecting me. The thing's slobbering, foaming jaws were right there and opened wide revealing its sharp teeth. A warm feeling came from my lower body as I peed my pants. I was going to die.

"Hey, get the fuck off her! Ricky go get your mom!" A loud yell filled the air along with a wheezing breath and then the dog yelped as something barreled into it.

My head turned just in time to see the wide panicked eyes of a little boy as he held onto the dog's collar for dear life. He had short black hair cut in a buzz, his coal brown eyes looking down at the dog with a terrified expression. His chubby cheeks were red from the nipping cold and the exertion of running, his chest rising and falling under his hoodie as he fought for air. Using both hands he held onto the back of the dog's collar as it bucked at him trying to shake him off.

"R-run, I don't know how long I can hold him!" His voice cracked as a particularly strong jerk by the dog nearly broke his grip. Instead of listening to him though I just laid there frozen, my eyes looking at the boy and the dog and nothing else.

"Go please!" He yelled again as his legs wrapped around the creature's midsection, the dog kicking at the pant legs of his blue jeans. In response the boy wrapped his arm in the dog's busted chain and pulled tight, the sound of the German Shepherd gagging filled the air.

"E-Ethan I told Mom, she's gettin' her gun!" Another boy spoke, my mind telling me this was probably Ricky. He was noticeably much more skittish as he squealed every time the dog began struggling against Ethan's hold.

"G-good, can you please get that girl, she won't move!" The boy jerked his chin in the direction of me and the next thing I knew Ricky had grabbed me by my leg as it was the furthest part of me away from the dog. Being dragged across the ice-cold asphalt and the rapidly cooling puddle of pee you made was not a pleasant experience, but the boy did get me away from danger.

The sound of a door being kicked open filled the air like the bang of a gun, and a woman running out into the snow in only a bathrobe and pajama pants was the first thing I saw. Her slipper-covered feet trudged through the deep snow drift in her yard as she held a gun in her hand. The pumping sound it made as she chambered a shell reminded me of the zombie hunt game at Olivia's parents' arcade.

"Ethan, when I count down to zero from three I want you to push him as far away as you can and run, do you got that?" The boy rapidly nodded as the blond-headed woman glared at the dog with the look of the devil in her eye. Her blond hair was so light it was almost as white as the snow on the ground. A few loose strands of her hair dangled in front of her face as they escaped being caught up in the messy bun on top of her head.

"Three." I tensed, the woman's blue eyes narrowing into an even harsher glare as she began the countdown. The boy had unhooked his legs from around the dog in preparation to run, his body shaking like a leaf with how nervous he was.

"Two." The safety was off but she still had the gun pointed toward the ground. Dad always said never point a gun at something you are unwilling to destroy, and Ricky's mom followed that principle wholeheartedly.

"One." Easing himself into a crouched but standing position Ethan prepared to run, his eyes looking towards us on the side of the road. He was going to run this way.

"Zero!" He shoved the dog hard as he bolted out of the way, Ricky's Mom raising her gun almost immediately. Before the dog could even react to the sudden push the woman had a bead on the canine. I closed my eyes at the sound of the gun going off, Ricky whimpering at the more than likely messy sight.

"A-are you okay?" Ethan's voice forced me to open my eyes, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as I realized he was standing in front of where the dog once stood.

"Y-yeah I'm good but what about my sister?" I asked as my eyes looked at the opposite end of the street where she ran. Behind one of the telephone poles dotting the road a little head of black hair peaked out as a weight of worry left my shoulders.

"She's good, well maybe a little traumatized but I think we all are." The boy snickered but before he could say anything else the blond-headed woman who shot the dog pushed him to the side.

"We need to get you to a hospital now, you too Ethan!" What would follow was one of the worst experiences of my life but all the while I had Ethan there holding my hand. He was scared just as much as I was when the doctor went on about the fatality rate of rabies but through it all he put on a brave face for me. The amount of shots we got forever scarred me with the fear of needles.


"I got it, Ethan!" Ricky yelled as he barreled into our hospital room, the boy lying in the bed beside me grinning at his stringy blond-haired friend. In the boy's hand was one of those little egg containers you get from the machines near the gumball machine. You know the ones with the toys and useless crap kids absolutely love.

"Thanks." I watched as Ethan caught the pink-lidded egg Ricky threw at him before he turned toward me. His look was shy, a pink dusting covering his pudgy cheeks. Reaching out his hand he looked expectantly toward me, the pink container resting in his palm.

"What's this?" I grabbed at the toy, the boy shuddering as our fingers brushed up against each other. I wasn't entirely immune to it either as I felt my cheeks grow warm, my eyes refusing to meet his and instead began looking at the little plastic egg in my hands.

"Uh, I just saw the gifts you kept gettin' and thought maybe I'd buy one for you myself. It's just one of those cheap rubber bracelets they hand out at the church all the time, heck I'm not even sure what it says." His face grew red as he spoke, his eyes looking at the mountain of presents, balloons, and get-well-soon cards surrounding me in a heaping pile. My own eyes looked to his side which only had a single card made from construction paper and crayons lying on his bedside table. Two horrendous little signatures were written on the bottom in red and blue colored crayons.

"Thank you." I felt something wet drip across my cheeks as I spoke, my hands cradling the little egg like it was the most precious thing ever. A boy who had nothing and had nobody come visit him other than his sister and her shy little friend gave me a gift. I was almost embarrassed by the fact that I hadn't thought to do the same for him, my mind too busy thinking about how many thank you cards I'd have to write. None of that mattered now though as I realized they hadn't even spared the boy right next to me a glance, it was like they were shunning him.

Opening up the little plastic egg revealed a pink band covered in a clear wrapper. I tore into it with my teeth as I shook the little bracelet out. The thing unfolded and my hand turned it over to reveal a four-letter word engraved on it, love. The sound of my heart thumping in my chest made me jolt, a crimson blush spreading across my entire face. Suddenly I felt like I was on fire, my eyes quickly glancing at the boy giving me a confused and concerned look.

"Thank you, I'll treasure it forever." My voice was quiet like a mosquito but Ethan turned redder than a tomato too, Ricky staring at the both of us with a grin plastered on his face.

"Ethan and Abby sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love—!" Before he could finish his words Ms. Nash smacked him in the back of the head as she entered through the door. The woman's hand was already pinching at Ricky's ear as he groaned in pain.

"Quit your whinin' it's time to go!" The cries of Ricky being dragged down the hallway by his ear filled the air as me and Ethan glanced at each other before busting out into a fit of giggles. And around my wrist was that pink little band, the word love prominently displayed for the world to see.


(End Flashback):

"Aaahn~!" The squelching sound of two of my fingers rubbing in and out of my pussy filled the bathroom. My other hand went to work teasing one of my hard little nipples as a moan leaked from my lips.

In my mind Ethan was pounding me deep and hard, his big cock spreading my cunt wide as he pushed me against the glass of my shower. The feeling of my palm brushing against my clit sent shudders throughout my body. My muscles tensed as I clenched my jaw and released a muffled scream, my fingers leaving my pussy with achingly slow movements trying to avoid the sensitive landmine my folds had become.

With a damp sigh, I looked in the mirror to see my face was flush and sweaty, and the rest of my body was a sticky mess too. I groaned as I immediately turned on the head of my shower, my eyes glancing at the clock on the wall as I was cutting it close to being late. After a quick shower, I dried off before walking toward my closet. The thing was larger than most bedrooms in this county and it was all still paid for by 'Daddy'. They didn't want the reputational hit they'd face amongst their snobby friends if they abandoned me so I received this apartment as a form of banishment.

Stepping inside I was immediately greeted by the automatic LED lights lining the grey shelving across the walls as they lit up. First came a pair of panties, my hand grabbing the laciest little number I had. It was a red thong, the thin strip of fabric settling between my large ass cheeks while the front didn't even really cover my pussy as the lace revealed it for all to see. Next came my bra or the lack thereof as I chose to be daring today.

The last item of clothing was the cowl neck mini dress I slipped on, the black fabric clinging to my body in all of the right places. I could see most of my midriff through the plunging cleavage of the dress, my large boobs straining against the ebony cloth as nearly half the entire inner half of them were exposed. All it would take is a stiff breeze and my nipples would be exposed, a certain thrill passing through me at the thought. Ethan was going to love this and I couldn't wait to give him his reward!