Chapter 19 - Blood?

"When we decided to explore the source of that strange light, we found out that it was coming from an opening in the sky above. The opening was big enough to fit two buff guys standing side by side.

And luckily for us, there were sturdy rocks that one could climb and get out through the opening in the ceiling. After getting out, the whole place felt different, like we just teleported to another part of the Amazon jungle. The place looked like a farmland that was just weeded. There were no plants or even grass in sight as far as my eyes could see.

Boris and I observed our surroundings. We were stuck in what seemed like a cavity between walls. Luckily the walls were scalable. After scaling the walls, we found out that they weren't walls. Instead they were trenches, dug by something gigantic that seemed to fall from the sky.

I looked forward if I could see where the trenches started their digging, but there was nothing in sight. I turned around and saw something like a big house standing in the distance. I drew Boris' attention to it and without further ado or any arguments whatsoever, we went towards it. We didn't know what to expect in that part of the jungle."

Cedric paused and took a drink of water from his glass.

"A house? This is getting interesting." Adrian said, a smile playing on his lips.

"So what was in that house?" Nancy asked, curious.

"Oh wait. Did I say it was a house?" Cedric said after he dropped the glass.

"Uhh. Yeah, dad. You did." Adrian said, getting a little confused.

"Okay. The thing is, at first I thought it was a house because it was standing at a distance from us. It took about forty-five minutes of hiking to get to that place. When we got close, we discovered something strange and scary. It wasn't even a house at all. It was something scarier." Cedric said, looking into the distance like he could see the 'building' in front of him.

"What was it?" Adrian pressed on.

"A ship. To be precise, an alien spaceship. This one wasn't shaped like a saucer but rather looked like a proud eagle sitting. If I could compare my size to that of the ship, it's like comparing New York City to the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. I was marvelled. I couldn't let anyone else see this. If the government got wind of this, they'll just take the ship away and probably deny that it ever fell into Earth."

Adrian was stupefied. An alien spaceship? This was getting more interesting. Everything was finally beginning to make sense.

"We found the door to this strange ship and shockingly, it was ajar. I hesitated but Boris insisted we pressed on. This was an alien ship before our eyes. And whatever we could bring back was the ultimate treasure.

We went in, clutching our flashlights because it was pitch-dark in there. I found a symbol on a glowing button on one side of the wall. It was the symbol of a sun. Out of curiosity, I pushed it, and the entire ship lit up. The lights weren't like those used in houses, but it was like the sun lighting up the Earth.

The interior of this ship was as big as Washington DC and NYC put together and a few strange-looking warplanes were well arranged side by side. At the far left was some vehicles. But when it came to biological life, it was empty. Not a single insect was in sight. We found our way to the control room. On getting there, the controls were still operational and intact.

But there was someone on the cockpit.

"I called out to this stranger twice. But there was no reply. Boris did the same, but there wasn't any results. The man on the cockpit faced the big window that had the landscape of the barren land in view. We were approaching from behind.

"I went around the chair and noticed something. He was already dead. Like very very dead. What stared back at us was a mere skeleton. Boris had to take a break and look for the convenience room so he could throw up. It was a very disheartening sight.

I noticed the skeleton and what I saw surpassed my expectations. He looked human. He had all the features. Two eyes, two ears, five fingers on one hand, five toes on one leg among others. He was complete. The only difference was that I saw two other bones protruding from his back. They looked like the bones of the wings of a very large bird.

Then I found his bony index finger was pointing to a button. After pressing it, there were sudden changes.

The lights went out and the big window began to get covered by a strange looking white sheet. After it got covered, a light from behind us pointed at the white sheet. The light seemed to be from a kinda projector.

A video began playing on the screen. In the video was a handsome man, with wings. He was setting up some medical equipment with some strange devices. Then after setting up some large cannisters, he began to transfer his blood into it. The blood began going in drop by drop.

Then he looked at the camera. I can still remember his exact words.

'My name is Solaar. If you're seeing this, I'm probably dead. Well, the big asteroid event happened about a week ago. So this planet's going to be sprouting with intelligent life soon. I just hope to pass on the Aava's bloodline. I'm currently transferring what's left of my blood into these cannisters. The blood of my lost comrades are hidden somewhere in the ship. They're left for the possessor of my blood to find. God, I really hope someone sees this. I feel my life force draining.'

"He said then the camera went to the cannisters. Adrian, I have to be honest. That serum was actually the blood of this so called Aava. I didn't know how you'll feel if you find out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Cedric said.

Adrian was stunned. His father injected him with blood from a strange civilization. The most amazing thing was that he was still standing.

On the other hand, blood transfusion should have some effects on the human body if it's not compatible. Some cases even cause death.

But looking at Adrian's growth and progress since he took the blood, the blood type of a higher race shouldn't matter when fused with that of a lower race.

"It's fine dad. Normally a blood transfusion should kill me but I'm still standing. So it's fine." Adrian said.

"Thank you, son. Well back to the story. I found the Aava's blood in a closet after the video ended. I called out to Boris so we could leave because that day was the last day of our vacation and we were supposed to resume at Phoenix laboratories the next day.

Boris came after a minute, bearing two big cannisters like the one I was holding, but these ones contained a liquid that was as black as raw crude oil."