Chapter 20 - Boris' Greed

"When I asked Boris where he found those cannisters, he took me to a part of the ship where there was a case of some kind. But looking at it, it looked eeriely like a coffin.

He opened it and there were tens of similar cannisters. There was another coffin beside that one. I asked Boris if he had opened that one but his reply was in the negative. This coffin had a stone lid, and on it was engraved something. It was a picture.

The picture was that of an alien. The typical alien emoji. The ones with the big heads and big black eyes. The ones called the Greys.

Curious, I asked for Boris' help and opened the coffin slightly because the lid was very heavy. But the smell that hit our noses was enough to make us vomit blood. It was horrific.

Covering my nose, I looked into the coffin through the small opening we created. Staring back at me was a big black eye, but the body that harbored that eye was already dried to a husk.

Boris and I quickly closed the coffin and got out of the ship, and I locked the door. Boris asked where I found the two cannisters I was holding and I said just found them lying around on the ground and I decided to investigate the luminescent liquid.

We went back to the lab the following week with the four cannisters of strange liquid. I tried the luminescent blood on a lab rat and kept it on observation. The rat grew wings and was peacefully flying around its cage. It could even hang upside down without falling. Boris saw this and was marvelled.

Then I saw a strange behavior in him, but I ignored it. He was my friend and it was wrong to suspect friends.

We tried the pitch black liquid on another lab rat. This rat was the exact opposite. The cute and harmless mouse with its white fur slowly turned black, it grew to the size of a mature rat, baring fangs and spitting violently. It became so violent that it broke its glass cage and came after me and Boris.

We were both so scared. And we already locked the lab because that experiment then was illegally performed. We didn't want the higher-ups knowing about our discovery.

With our backs to the lab door, we awaited our deaths. The rat kept growing and becoming more violent and by this time, it was as big as a human being. It had really sharp claws and it's teeth were scarily sharp.

Then, suddenly, there was a loud sound. Like something big was slammed against the wall with full force.

We opened our eyes and saw the little white mouse which has grown wings flying in front of us with its front paws stretched out, and the violent mutant mouse groaning in pain on the ground at the far end of the lab.

While we watched, the small white mouse flapped it's wings, flew towards the giant rat and stretched its front paws. Slowly, the black mouse looked up and opened its mouth wide. A black liquid began coming out in droplets from its mouth and was suspended in the air. Each time any droplet came out of its mouth, it got suspended in the air.

The black mouse began to make cracking sounds indicating that its bones were snapping. The body slowly became white as more of that black serum was escaping thanks to the white mouse. It also began shrinking.

About a minute later, the violent mouse became a harmless white mouse again. The extracted black serum eventually became a blob the size of a golf ball, and it was still suspended in the air.

The flying white mouse moved it to a nearby sink and dropped it. I rushed after it and turned on the faucet, flushing it down while making sure it didn't touch me.

I then advised Boris to dispose of it. He agreed due to fear of the outcome if it gets used. We put the lab materials back in place and luckily for us, nothing important was broken apart from the glass cage containing the white mouse which became berserk.

The next day, while coming to work, I saw Boris coming out from the building of one of our biggest competitors, Griggs Pharmaceuticals. I wondered what he went there to do, but couldn't place a finger on it.

I called out to him and he smiled on seeing me. When I asked him what he was doing there, he said he went to see his brother. He was also shaky. I knew it was something different. His phone then beeped. He pulled it out. It was a message that made him gtin widely.

The message was a transaction alert of eight hundred thousand dollars. And the money was from Griggs Pharmaceuticals.

I was right. Boris didn't work for the betterment of the society or humanity. He was in it for the money. I acted normal like I didn't see anything. Then he asked me what I'll do with the cannisters I found. When I said I'll turn them in to the company, he was angry. His greed was registered boldly on his face and in his actions.

Ever since, I've been avoiding him. Anytime he came to my workstation, I'd tell him I can't hang out that I'm busy. It seems he noticed then stopped disturbing me.

When I turned it in, I did the company good. The CEO of Phoenix Laboratories, Doctor Albert Gordon, commended me and gave me a huge sum of money. I just told him I wanted my own genetics firm. He assured me that I should accept the gift. He also told me that he'll give me anything I need for my own genetics firm.

A year later, Alexis Genetics was born. At the inauguration ceremony, my friends, family and well wishes came over. The only other person I expected to see was Boris, but he never showed up. I asked his colleagues. They said he quit and went to Griggs Pharmaceuticals. I wasn't surprised. I knew he'll switch soon. That huge sum of money he received was over twenty times his salary."

"Dad, what about the little white mouse?" Adrian asked.

"The little white mouse was my secret. When Boris began avoiding me, I took the little mouse home and fed it. It's comprehension of human language improved too. And it's still alive. With the others."

"The others?" Adrian asked.