Chapter 7 - Boris Dentine

At Boris Dentine's lab.

The evil scientist was infuriated on seeing that the vital signs of the hybrid he sent to capture Adrian showed a flat line on his computer meaning that the creature is already dead.

Cedric was chuckling silently while being chained. He didn't know the serum would grant his son those powers that he could kill a creature like the one Boris sent with ease. But he was happy anyways.

Boris was thrashing his lab, throwing, kicking and flinging things in different directions. The men outside heard this but didn't interfere. Not even Boris Dentine's personal guards dared to enter the lab at that time.

"You knew this would happen, didn't you?" Boris screamed at Cedric, who was acting casually.

"No, Boris. I've been here the whole time remember?"

"That was a rhetorical question, you motherf*cking stinky animal. Your son just murdered a bio-weapon prototype worth thousands of dollars!!"

" Oh did he? Well, what can I say? I trained him well."

Boris growled and then gave Cedric a heavy slap to the face and a knee jab to the stomach, destabilizing him.

Then he reached for a pack of cigarettes and a small plastic bag containing some dried leaves. On seeing this, Cedric was relieved. Boris was going for his smoke break. Cedric felt relief even though his stomach hurt and there was no way to soothe his pain since his hands are in chains.

Boris made his way to the balcony, took out a cigarette and a lighter and lit it. Then his hand went to his shoulder where there was a bullet wound. He kept massaging it, even though it was just a scar.

Adrian got to the airport and helped his mom with her luggage. They didn't say anything to each other but they exchanged knowing looks and smiles.

"Don't worry, Miss Nancy. You can skip this one. I heard what happened. You won't be penalized." A male voice said from the other end of the phone. "Thank you, Doctor Killian." Nancy said and hung up.

On the drive back home, Nancy asked the question that has been bothering her all along.

" Adrian, what's the extent of your strength?" Nancy asked.

"What do you mean?"

" Okay. Yesterday, you were able to lift a Lexus car from midair and you felt nothing. Today, it was something as big as a plane. Well I'm beginning to feel like I'm talking to Superman right now."

"What? Come on, mom don't be ridiculous. I'm not Superman. I'm even surprised that I could even lift that plane, talk less of landing it."

"I just got these powers, mom. I'm even surprised at the extent of my new found strength."

Adrian also talked about the fight with the bat hybrid but carefully left out that part where he removed its heart.

On getting home, Nancy headed to her room and onto her bed, silently falling asleep.

Adrian got to his room and locked the door shut. Then he brought out the bag containing hybrid's heart from his pockets and put it on his reading table.

Immediately after opening the bag, a strange smell wafted into his nostrils. It was a really bad odor but through that smell, Adrian realized something new.

He began seeing big black blotches in the air. He looked at his eyes in the mirror and found out that his eyes have turned golden, which means that his super senses are active. He looked at the heart and saw something like a dark smoke emanating from it. He deciphered this to be the source of the strange black blotches in the air.

He opened his window and looked outside his window and saw more of those blotches, but they were following a straight line, leading into the clouds.

"Maybe I can find who sent this thing after me, and why."

Spreading his wings, he jumped from the open window and hovered few meters above ground. Then he shot up into the clouds like an eagle, where he saw more of those big blotches. They were following a straight line into the distance.

Adrian flew at a steady pace so as to follow the blotches properly. After about thirty minutes, Adrian got to an abandoned industrial district in Lagos state, still flying in the clouds. The blotches began heading down and when Adrian followed, he saw it led to a certain building that looked like a warehouse and strangely, it was guarded. Three men with big guns were patrolling around the building's exterior.

"Great way to hide to concoct evil experiments. An abandoned industrial district. And who guards an abandoned building with guns like that?" Adrian then shrugged.

Adrian began searching for the entrance but it seemed he couldn't see the entrance from his vantage point. And his movement could attract the attention of the guards.

"I'm sure that thing didn't walk out of the building." That gave him an idea.

He activated his super senses again and looked up searching for the blotches.

He located them heading to the top of the building. He smiled and deactivated his super senses. Silently and speedily, he flew into the clouds and descended on the roof where the the blotches led. There was a skylight roof there. And it was open.

Slowly, he descended into the building and began looking around. There was a table filled to the brim with lab equipment. He looked around and found broken glass and broken equipment littered everywhere.

He then heard a person struggling. His eyes went to a man chained by both hands to the wall. He ignored him.

"H...Hel...Help me." The chained man said. Adrian went back to him and almost jumped and screamed on seeing who that person actually was.

"Dad?!" Adrian screamed, but silently.

At that moment, the man opened his eyes and stared at Adrian. It was like staring into the past, at a younger version of himself.

"Victor." Adrian said no more word.


Using his bare hands, he broke the chains off his father's wrists, making the latter nearly collapse in front of him.

Adrian had mixed feelings now. No he felt just two emotions. Happiness and anger, which he couldn't properly process. He was happy because he had his dad back, and he was angry because whoever sent this hybrid had left him close to death.

Carrying his dad like a bride, he flew fast out of the room and straight home.

On getting home, Adrian knocked once and looked at his dad, who had passed out and had his hair sprawled on his bloody face caused by the winds during Adrian's flight.

Nancy was surprised when she came to answer the door. She thought Adrian was asleep in his room. And the other reason was the man he was carrying. She wanted to ask who the man was but after seeing his face, she stopped.

She looked at Adrian. Then at the man. Then at Adrian again. She repeated this pattern about four times just to be sure about what she was seeing.

"Don't tell me..." Nancy said and trailed off.

"Yeah." Adrian said as if he knew what she wanted to say next. "He's my dad."