Staring up at the canopy above my bed, I gently stroke a hand through Alice's hair, replaying the events of the day in my head, from waking up to the 3 of them to spending the whole day with them to the talk Gio and I had over drinks after the kids went to bed. He had seemed genuinely upset that the kids were struggling, his anger palatable when I told him what Alice had said to me. My heart breaks at the reminder and my free hand comes to grasp the necklace Hunter had gifted me after our trip to the zoo, a smile taking over the sadness as I study the pendant. The necklace was of a little brown bunny, its nose and tail each a rhinestone, and my heart sores at the thoughtfulness of the gift. Sleep evading me, I gently slip from bed, tucking the blanket around Alice before tip-toeing out into the hall. Heading towards the stairs, I stop in Hunter's room, smiling when I spot him curled up in bed, his hair plastered to his face as he dreams peacefully. Walking quietly over to his bed, I gently swipe the hair out of his face, pressing a light kiss to his forehead, and exit the room. Content both kids are safe and asleep, I head down the stairs, hoping a midnight snack might help me fall asleep.
Once In the kitchen, it doesn't take long to find a container of cookies in the cabinet, and I set out to fix some cookies and milk. Grabbing two cookies out of the box, I place the rest back in the cabinet and grab a glass, heading to the fridge and grab out the jug of milk and pour some into my cup. Turning I place the jug back into its spot on the door and whirl around, cursing silently when I accidentally knock over the glass of milk I'd just poured, unable to see it properly in the darkness of the kitchen. Propping the fridge open for more light, I grab some paper towels off the counter, dropping down to clean up the milk, knowing Jacky wouldn't appreciate coming into a dirty kitchen in the morning. I'm so absorbed in my thoughts as I clean, and throw away the evidence of my mess, that I don't hear him approach, nearly dying from a heart attack when I catch a glimpse of him leaning against the doorframe, his whole body rigid, his raven hair tossed with sleep, and his whole shirt minus the last button is undone exposing his lean abdomen, swirls of black ink trailing from the top of his chest, trailing down his muscular stomach, and as my gaze travels lower, following the inky tendrils, My breathe catches.
The front of his jeans does little to hide his erection and a wave of liquid heat pulses from my core, as I gnash my lip between my teeth, embarrassed and turned on by his clear arousal, my nipples pebbling beneath my silk chemise. I had been kept under strict lock and key by my father my whole life, never having been on any date except ones he'd arranged, never kissed a man, and certainly never stood before one practically naked, let alone one who happens to be my boss, and if his pants were any indicator, my very aroused boss. Clearing my throat shyly, I mutter an apology keeping my eyes on the ground, my whole upper body hot with a blush. As I go to slip past him, I barely breathe a sigh of relief before im suddenly spun around, his arms caging me to the wall, before his lips crash on mine.
My whole body tenses, electricity shooting through me, before relaxing against him, his hands finding their way to my hair as I wind my own around his neck. The kiss is hot and urgent, my whole body coming alive at his touch, drowning in him. Finally forced to come up for air, we break away, my whole body buzzing as I stare up at him panting, a breathy moan slipping out as he runs a coarse finger over my lips, the sound seeming to snap him out of his daze, and he jumps away from me. Aroused and confused, I rush out an apology, my whole body shaking, before darting back up the staircase and into my room, closing the door quietly but firmly, before laying down next to Alice, a hand to my lips as my body buzzed with the leftover electricity from the kiss, and fall into a blissful sleep with no dreams.
I wake to silence and panic when for the first time in over a week, I wake up alone, neither Alice nor Hunter in sight. Pulling my robe on I tighten the tie, flashes of the kiss coming back to me, my face flushing as I head out the door. The halls are strangely quiet, the slight sounds of staff moving about the manor doing their jobs the only sound I can hear. Checking both bedrooms and the playroom and coming up empty, I pad barefoot down the steps, my feet sinking slightly into the lush carpet before I reach the landing, and head into the dining room, finding a note on the table next to a cup of coffee. Reading it over as I take a sip, a sigh leaves my lips, both relieved and disappointed at the news that I'd be alone the next two days, gio having taken the kids to his mother's to give me a break.
I read over the letter once more as I place the empty cup in the sink as if reading it for the tenth time would expose some hidden message about what had happened last night, disappointed that the words didn't hold the answers I wanted.
I've taken the kids to my mother's home for the week, please use your first weekend off for your pleasure. We'll be back by dinner Sunday night.
I trace his signature with a sigh, my mind at a loss for how to spend my free time, and my phone buzzes as if hearing my plea, reading it I sigh, irritated.
Heading upstairs I look through my closet, and decide on a black cardigan and jeans, matching them with a pair of sneakers, I ignore what feels like the millionth call coming into my phone. As I apply mascara to my left eye, trying to ready myself to go out, my phone begins to vibrate, and I answer this time, trying to keep my voice neutral. "Yes, father?" I skip the pleasantries and his answering growl tells me my disrespect had not gone unnoticed, but he surprises me by clearing his throat, and when he speaks his voice is strangely pleasant. "Hello, my darling daughter." Uneasy at the sickly sweet tone of his voice, I remain silent. Realizing I wouldn't be revising my greeting, he continues. "Listen, I wanna apologize to you." My heart nearly stops in my chest. Father never apologized to anyone, ever. I had never seen him apologize once in my 26 years of life, and the words sound wrong coming from him. "Come have dinner at home tomorrow." His voice is pleading, traces of a command underlining his words. My stomach turns at the idea of returning to that house, even just for dinner, setting alarm bells off in my head. I had spent months preparing to leave that house, and the memory of my father's unbridled rage at my decision comes back in full force. Concluding it would be a bad idea, I'm about to decline, when he says a single word that has my eyes widening almost comically in my skull. "Please." If there was something even more rare to hear from him than an apology, it was the word, please. Her father was ruthless, loving, and cherishing nothing in this world, the only exception being money and his company, and he never apologized or begged anyone, ever. My fabricated excuse dies on my tongue, and I chew my bottom lip, uncertainty blaring in my head. Despite my father being a ruthless businessman, he was still my father and part of me desperately wanted a connection with him, he was my only family. "Come tomorrow belle. Think of it as a peace treaty, just you and me." Despite the anxiety curling in my stomach I agree to come, my father shocking me one more time as he thanks me before ending the call.
The rest of the day flies by in a blur, and I think back to my phone call with my father as I sit on the back porch. Munching the croissant I'd picked up on my run into town, my stomach turns, a sense of hope and dread turning my gut, the idea of an apology dinner with my father making me nauseous. Trying to distract myself from the upcoming event, I let my mind wander and find my thoughts drawn to the kids, immediately wondering how they are, and missing them. Since starting this job a week ago, I'd spent all my time with them, and now that they weren't here my heart felt a little hollow. They had quickly made a spot in her heart for themselves, and relating to their struggles, she'd bonded much quicker than she'd meant to. Still distracted I answer my phone, which I didn't even realize was ringing, without looking at it.
"Hello?" The person on the other line says something I can't quite decipher, and a loud clinking sound drags me from my thoughts, and I look at the ID and see Sofiya's name. "Sofiya? Is everything alright? Are the kids and go okay?" My heart races as the silence stretches before her laugh chimes across the line, and as she speaks I finally relax a bit. "Everything's fine dear! We're putting the kids to bed and they insisted on calling you to say goodnight, but I told them I needed to make sure it was okay first." I don't try to stop the smile on my face before I answer. "Of course it's okay!" A few pleasantries later, I say goodnight to both the kids, and as I'm about to hang up, I'm shocked when his voice comes from the phone, my heart racing. "Goodnight Belle."
I toss and turn relentlessly that night, my king-size bed feeling cold and lonely without Alice, and after what feels like an eternity, I finally fall asleep, the sun beginning to peak through the tree line. A few hours later I'm awoken by my alarm, and panicking I shut it off, silently thanking God that I'd thought to set an alarm to remind myself I had to go home tonight for dinner. Home. That word hadn't fit my father's house since Mom left, and it still didn't fit now. I had about an hour to get ready so dragging myself to my closet, I throw on the mossy green cardigan I'd found the day before at a cozy boutique, and a pair of jeans, deciding to wear a tan pair of heeled ankle boots, and slip the bunny necklace on and head to the vanity. Tying my hair into a ponytail, I glide mascara over my lashes, line my waterline and swipe my favorite red lipstick across my lips. With one final look in the mirror, I nod, satisfied that I looked well enough.
As I head down the stairs I run into Renaldo, smiling at me in greeting when he sees me. Sometime during the last couple of days, he'd started warming to me, though he still didn't say much. "Hey, could you let Giovanni know that I ran to my father's for dinner when he gets home, please? I may not make it home before the kids go to bed, and I don't want them waiting up for me." He grunts and nods, and I smile at him, thanking him before heading out the door, climbing into my truck, and heading down the drive. The whole ride to the house, my stomach ties into knots, anxiety curdling my stomach. It's just dinner. He wants to apologize. Maybe he finally realized I deserve to find my way in life. Pulling into the driveway, I spot an SUV I instantly recognize, and the dread doubles in my gut. Didn't he say it would be just us? Why would Adam be here, Father had heard me turn him down, not to mention the shit show I had thrown moving out, he couldn't possibly be here for me. Deciding he had to be there for another reason, I try to calm myself. Everything would go fine, it was just dinner. Oh how very wrong I was, Swallowing the knot in my throat, I walk up to the door and press the bell.
The door opens and I'm greeted by my father, a fake smile plastered across his face. He wears one of his luxury suits, his hair slightly disheveled, a five-clock shadow covers his chin, and I've never seen my father so unkempt. "There she is! My beautiful daughter! You don't need to ring the bell! This is still your home." He chastises me while maintaining the smile, wrapping his arms around me, the greeting awkward. "Hello, Father." Pulling me tightly to his chest, he whispers into my hair. "Do not embarrass me." Feeling like a bucket of ice had been dumped on me, I try to keep my smile polite, my fight or flight kicking into high gear as he leads me to the dining room, his grip on my arm tightening. As we enter and I spot the man who owns the dreaded car in the drive, the lump of despair in my stomach grows heavier, as anger begins to burn through me. Trying to remind myself that he couldn't be there for me, I take a few deep breaths, trying to keep my feelings of trepidation off my face. At the table sits one of the suitors I'd met in the beginning, an older man with thinning hair, and he smiles as he greets me. "Arabella! How lovely to see you again" He stands, grabbing my hand and I swallow bile as he presses his lips to it, the touch sending shivers of disgust down my spine. "Hello, Adam." I keep my tone even, The fake smile on my face dies when I see the contract in the center of the table, any hope I had of fixing my relationship with my father dying.
I don't even bother to excuse myself as I leave the dining room, fury burning through my veins like wildfire. As I head to the front door I can barely hear my father apologizing to Adam profusely before storming down the hall after me. "Arabella Rebecca get back here this instant." I ignore him and continue my race to the door, moving as fast as my heels will let me, when suddenly I'm yanked back by my hair, a pained yelp coming from me as my head snaps backward before my father grabs me by my throat, his hand just tight enough to make breathing hurt. "I told you not to embarrass me, Arabella." He seethes, anger and disappointment clear in his tone as he glares down at me. "You used to be so obedient, I don't know where you got this rebellious streak from, but it ends now." I stay deathly still, staring my father straight in the eyes. "I am not a child anymore! I have a job, a life, I am fully capable to handle my own life!" His eyes narrow, the grip on my neck growing tighter as his patience wanes. "You will marry Adam." I struggle against his hold, stars dancing in my vision. "I will give you a month to keep up this fairytale but be warned my patience with your bullshit is waning thin. You will quit this silly little job, get this rebellion out of your system, and you will marry Adam." Looking at the man I'd once respected, I spit into his face, "fuck you." And then the world went black, my father hitting me so hard I fall unconscious.
I don't know how long I've been out, but I recognize the feel of these sheets, the smell of the pillows, I'm in my room at my father's. I keep my eyes shut and lay still, running through the events of the night, wincing as waves of nausea curled through me. I had to get out of here, Gio and the kids were expecting me, and at the thought of them my blood goes cold, panic racing through me. What would I tell them? How could I explain the bruises I could feel blooming into a garden of purples and reds on my face? How do I explain that I've brought trouble to our home? Home. How that word fit a place I'd barely been a week more than where I'd grown up, I'll never know, but I do know the words fit. Just as I'm about to sit up my breath catches as someone touches my face, followed by my neck. "He damaged you pretty thoroughly." Adam's nasally voice makes my stomach lurch, disdain, and disgust coloring his tone, but I stay still, hoping he'll leave. "Such a shame, he should have known better than to go for the face." The coffee I'd had on the drive here hurdles in my stomach at his words, vomit threatening to spill as his hand slowly trails down from my neck. I don't think twice before grabbing his hand and twisting it hard when It lands on my breast, a sickening crunch coming from the bone.
"You rotten bitch." He hisses in pain, his broken wrist held to his chest as he eyes me, hunger and anger burning in his gaze. The room spins as I unsuccessfully try to stand, dizziness and nausea threatening to pull me under. Sitting up as much as I can, I glare daggers at him, venom dripping from my tone. "You shouldn't touch women while they're sleeping. Especially ones who aren't yours." My voice is seething with anger, the dizziness finally wearing off as I stand, turning to collect my phone off the bed table. Just as my hand skims my phone, My head is yanked back, fire burning across my scalp as he rips a chunk out my hair, a cry falling from my lips. "You are mine, and the sooner you learn that the better off you'll be." Struggling against his hold, I kick and swing my arms, trying desperately to free myself from the iron grip he has on my scalp. A nice laugh rips from his chest, amusement at my struggle clear on his face. "Easy there, you might hurt yourself." His words only make me struggle harder, the need to be free of him growing stronger. Using his free hand, he lands a punch to the left side of my stomach, a startled cry leaving my mouth. "I already paid for the cow, what harm is there in trying the milk." He punctuates the statement by tightening his grip on my hair, the force of it making my head tilt to the side. I spit in his face, my father's lesson doing nothing to stop me, and he hits me in the side, hard. "I'm not for sale, asshole." The words struggle to leave my mouth, my whole body fighting hard to catch my breath. Bringing my knee to his balls, he lets out a cry of anguish before letting go of my hair, dropping to the ground, and guarding his pathetic excuse for a dick. I use his pain to escape, running to my truck, phone forgotten.
Without looking behind me I throw the truck into reverse, narrowly hitting a very pissed-off-looking Adam followed by my even angrier father, and without a word I speed down the driveway, taking the gate out with my truck as I barrel through it, trying not to panic as my windshield shatters, the sound of metal on metal grinding my ear drums. After what feels like an eternity, the gate flies off the front of my truck, and I push the gas pedal to the floor, trying desperately to get away from those monsters, and to the safety of home. I get halfway home before my truck begins to slow, the damage taking its toll. A string of curses leaves my mouth as I pull into a bar parking lot, and the engine gives out. Tears stream down my face as I search for my phone to call for a tow, picking up in pace as I remember that I left it at my father's, sacrificing it to make my grand escape. A knock comes from next to me and I turn to find a burly man with a long beard at my window, a shotgun in one hand, a flashlight in the other, a look of concern on his face. Rolling down my window, I look at him as I try to stop my tears, knowing I must look like a wreck. "Can I borrow your phone?"
The man, who introduces himself as Tank, ushers me into the empty bar and hands me the landline from behind the counter. "Thank you." I manage to keep my tone even as I take the phone from him, and stare at the buttons for a moment, only one number coming to mind. With shaking fingers, I dial in the phone number, all but holding my breath as the phone rings, before letting out a shakey breath of relief when I hear his voice. "Hey, gio..... it's belle." There's a beat of silence, followed by the rustling of papers. "Belle? Whose number is this?" Taking a moment to glance at Tank, sitting behind the bar watching my truck through the window, I take a deep breath. "I'm at a bar a little ways outside of town. It's complicated but, my truck not gonna make it home and the man who owns the bar is letting me use his phone to call. Help." I try and fail to keep the wobble out of my voice and wince as he barks a million questions at me, and I can hear a car starting in the background. "I'll be there in ten belles, stay put, okay?" Renewed tears leak down my face, shock settling into my bone. "Okay. See you soon Gio." Handing the receiver back to the tank with a grateful smile, he places it back in the cradle before turning back to me, concern on his face. Grateful he hasn't pried, we wait for Gio in silence. 5 minutes later a sleek black car speeds into the parking lot, and I finally let the tears fall again as I rush out the doors, and straight to Gio.
Wrapping my arms tightly around him, the stress of the night finally catches up to me, and I begin to fall apart in his arms. Looking up at the tank, he tells Gio the name of the garage that's coming to take my truck, and Gio thanks him before helping me into the passenger seat, and buckling my seat belt for me. I shrink down in the seat as the driver's side door slams, and Gio turns the sports car out onto the street, his knuckles white from their grip on the wheel. I'm dying for him to say something, anything, but We ride the whole way home in silence and remain that way even as he parks in the garage, killing the engine. Turning to me he slowly raises a hand to my cheek, his face a careful mask of calm as he inspects the now very swollen wounds, retracting his touch when I flinch as he roams over one of the bruises. "Who did this to you belle?" His voice barely a whisper, anger radiating from him like the sun, and I turn my face away from him, shame burning through me. Careful to avoid my bruises, he grabs my chin, gently but firmly turning my face back to his, anguish clear in the oceanic depths of his eyes. Closing my eyes, I lean away from him, and after a few cleansing breaths, I start from the beginning.
I fill him in on what happened over dinner and afterward, and by the end, his eyes burned with murderous rage. "I'll handle it." The words are laced with malice and anger, and as much as it warms my heart that he cares, I know it isn't his fight. With a sigh, I look up at him. "Thank you for coming tonight gio, but I've got it handled. I can-" I'm stopped by him gently grabbing my face, pulling my head to rest against his, staring straight into my soul. Stroking a careful hand over my good cheek, his eyes never leaving mine, I can't help but lean into his touch, craving comfort after the night I had. "I know you can handle it, but I want to fix it. You have made my kids happy, they adore you, and you'll never know just how much that means to me. Let me do this for you, please." I look up at him, the tears falling faster at the helpless plea in his voice as well as his words about the kids. All I can manage is a nod, and he presses a kiss on my forehead. "Let's go get you fixed up belle." Following him out of the car and up the steps, I keep my head low as we pass Renaldo, and immediately he freezes when he sees the bruises on my face, his greeting dying on his lips. Moving in front of me, my whole body stiffens as his sharp gaze roams over me, a million questions swimming through his eyes. Gio simply gives a small shake of his head, messages seeming to pass between them without a single word, and he moves out of our way. Offering him a weak smile I head inside, the tears slowing to a stop.
Gio leads me up the stairs and to the opposite end of the hall from my room, and leads me into a bedroom similar to mine, though a much larger bed is in the center, with no canopy and dressed in deep Reds, black, and gold. Everything in the room screams masculinity whereas mine was feminine, and it fit him well. Sitting on the edge of the massive bed, he disappears through a door, appearing a minute later with a first aid kit. Crouching in front of me, my heart rate spikes as he runs his hands gently over the bruises on my face, rubbing an herbal-smelling cream on them before moving to the ones on my neck, his face a mask of calm fury, cleansing my wounds with practiced efficiency. Satisfied with his work, he places the cream back in the case on the bed, before wrapping his arms around me
A pained gasp rips from my chest as he touches the spot where Adam had struck me in the abdomen. Freezing, he removes his arms from me carefully before sitting back on his heels, his whole body rigid as his fingers grab the hem of my shirt. Without a word he gently pulls the shirt over my head, gritting my teeth as the fabric rubs against my wounds. As soon as my shirt is over my head and I can see him again, he's staring at my chest, but not sexually. His gaze is locked on my side, and I'm almost too scared to look, my whole body shaking as I slowly look down to find a massive welt on my ribs, the whole area swollen, raw, and red. He quietly picks up the tube once more, carefully applying the cream to my ribs, a single tear escaping his left eye, racing down his face, before landing silently on my thighs.
He doesn't say a single word to me as he replaces the tube into the case, tremors working down his body, as I reach out to rest my hand on his arm. He may be sitting right in front of me, but his eyes were a million miles away. "Gio?" he remains unresponsive, the trembling in his limbs growing along with my concern. I reach my free hand out, and he jumps as it comes to rest on his cheek, his wide eyes finding mine, and I force a smile. Settling on his heels, he lets out a long sigh, a loose black curl swaying as he does. "why don't you sleep in here tonight? I have a few phone calls to make, and Alice is asleep in your bed." The smile on my lips morphs into a frown as he stands up, my eyes darting around his room. "but this is your bed? Where will you sleep?" with a chuckle he cuts off my questions with a gentle kiss, pushing me slowly to the bed, my heart racing in my chest. Pulling back, he rests his head against mine, and I can feel his own matching mine pace under the hand I have on his chest. Looking up at him, my eyes wide, he plants a softer kiss on my forehead, before carefully standing straight. "If I get tired Im sure ill find somewhere. Goodnight Belle, Get some rest." With those final words, he's out the door, and I surprise myself by falling asleep, though what awaited me there, is worse than reality.
Keep running, gotta keep running. My chest burns as I try desperately to reach the front door, every time I manage to get closer to it, the hallway stretches impossibly longer, the two men at my heels seeming to grow continuously faster. My whole body aches, feeling as though I've run a marathon, and I struggle to keep my pace, a scream tearing out of my chest as a hand wraps around my ankle. "please, please no. I'm your daughter." tears stream down my face as a cruel smile mars my father's face, Adam standing beside him with a length of rope in his hands. I struggle against their hold as they wrap it around my ankles first, then my arms, a steady stream of screams and pleas pouring from my lips, and neither of them even flinch as I flail in their bonds. With a wicked smirk from Adam, I'm lifted off of the hall carpet, my struggles being rewarded with a sharp pain in my leg. I continue to scream, wiggling as much as I can, trying to get free. I have to escape, I have to. "belle." My name floats through the panicked fog in my brain, and Adam lands another hit to my side, another scream of terror coming from my lips. "Belle" I try to focus on the familiar voice, struggling to get free, to find the owner. The more I struggle, the tighter the ropes become, a searing pain coming from my side. I can't breathe, my panic doubles, and another scream lodged in my throat. I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I- "ARABELLA!"
Ripped from the clutches of the nightmare, I twist and flail desperately, my brain still foggy, the bonds from my dreams still feeling very real. Panic courses through my veins, tears streaming down my face. "Easy, easy. I've got you, Belle. It was just a bad dream." I freeze at the sound of his voice coming from behind me, before my whole body sags, my brain grasping that I'm back home, the ropes nothing more than gios sheet tangled around my legs, the rope around my arms being his arms, as he holds me tightly. "I'm sorry" The words are barely a whisper, and he silences the thought with a kiss to the back of my head. "shhh. It's okay Belle. You have nothing to be sorry for. It's okay, you're safe now." He continues rubbing his hands soothingly over my arms, murmuring reassurances into my hair. Turning in his arms, I rest my head on his chest, needing something to ground me, my whole body still buzzing with adrenaline. He doesn't say a word, just runs a hand through my hair.
After a while, the tears finally stop, and I feel incredibly foolish. "Do you wanna talk about it?" A trembling sigh is all I can muster in response. Trying to focus solely on his hand's path through my curls, I recall my dream of him, my body shaking as I imagine the cold look on my father's face. Gio listens in silence, and as I finish, the tears have returned to my eyes. "I was so scared..." He uses his free hand to grab the good side of my face, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "It was just a dream, belle. Nothing else, they can't hurt you." frustrated growl tears out of my throat, anger quickly burning through my fear, the growing hopelessness of my situation getting to me. "Not just then gio. Last night I was terrified..." My voice drops a little, the fear slowly creeping back into my voice, despite my bravado. "They've already hurt me Gio, and my father will come for me. What if it's when I'm with the kids? Maybe I should just-" his lips hit mine with a fevered urgency, any concerns I had dying on my tongue as he deepens the kiss, sweeping his tongue over mine before breaking away, holding my face between his hands.
"Nobody will hurt the kids, or you, ever again Arabella. I've spent the whole weekend trying to remind myself why I can't feel the things I do for you, but when I got your call from that bar my heart almost stopped." My eyes widened as I listen, my heart racing with anticipation and fear. "when I saw what they did to you... When I saw how hurt you were. " His whole body is rigid, his eyes misty as he stares into mine. "I realized that it's worth the risk. You're a part of this family now Belle. Nobody will hurt you again." A single rogue tear falls down my face, and he snatches it up with his thumb, and my resolve hardens, and whether it's the adrenaline or I'm truly in shock, I press my lips to his. He's still for a moment, his hands tightening their grip on my face before he gives in with a groan, and I deepen the kiss. Stroking my tongue against his, I climb up into his lap, both of us groaning when my pussy lines up with the hard ridge in his sweat pants. Pulling away from me, he stares into my eyes panting, lust and hunger dancing in the icy depths. It's now or never, and even if it's just tonight, even if it's fleeting, I want to forget the feeling of Adam on my body. Staring straight into his eyes, I try to ignore the anxiety building in me as they widen. "fuck me, Gio. Please. I just want to forget it." I rub myself slightly against him, only my flimsy thong between us. "help me forget. Please?"