My whole torso feels like it's on fire, embarrassment oozing from every pore as the silence stretches between us, my admission hanging heavily in the air. Gio is studiously silent, his face hidden from view graciously obstructed by my hair, my confession catching him off guard. I try in vain to tug my face from his grasp, desperately wanting to escape this situation. Im about to tell him to get off of me, but the look on his face makes me pause, the look in his eyes practically devouring me. "Gio?" My heart continues its frantic beat, His dark gaze raking down from my eyes to my lips, my body tensing as his gaze zeros in there. "I would say that the amount of men who you've been with doesn't matter." I jolt as his grip changes from my chin to my wrists, gathering both of them between his left hand, holding himself up with his right as he leans in close, pressing his face to my neck. "And to some degree, I suppose it doesn't." The words are barely registered as he nips at my neck, marking a trail from my collarbone up to my ear, my whole body shaking as his teeth sink a little harder into my ear lobe. "But the caveman in me is more than a little pleased that ill be the only one who had the honor of seeing you like this."
My eyes widen, his comment should piss me off, should dehumanize me; id spent my whole life being ordered around by possessive men, and it was one thing I truly loathed; but coming from him the words make my pulse race, a vicious sense of need building in my chest. "Gio please" I barely recognize my voice, the sound so breathy and needy, and he lets out a low chuckle, the sound both amused and dangerous. "Please what Belle? Tell me what you want me to do. You always act like you know everything you want and need, so tell me." My skin flames brighter, indignation and anger temporarily outweighing the ever-growing hunger for him. "That's not-" His teeth pinching my throat stops the complaint, my back arching as much as it can with how my arms are pinned. "Fuck! Gio!" His mouth moves lower, hovering over my chest as my nipples pebble through the thin material of his shirt. Moving back up my body, his erection burning a path up my leg, he stops in front of my face, our noses touching, and I stare into his eyes, afraid to even breathe. "Don't worry, Sweet girl. I know what you need. I was just teasing you. Trust me, Baby, ill make you forget about tonight so you can sleep without those sorry sacks of human garbage haunting you." His words have tears building in the back of my eyes, but I keep them back, not wanting to ruin this when I was so close to finally doing it. Before I can ask him again, he shuffles on the bed releases my hands, and climbs off. Fighting the familiar hurt of rejection, I lean up on my elbows, my disappointment dissipating as I take in the sight of him.
He finishes sliding his boxers off, his erection finally bouncing free, and my eyes nearly pop from their sockets, my throat going dry. I'd never kissed a man before the other night, and now standing in front of me was a very horny, very naked, and very BIG man. The look on my face must give away my thoughts, a wicked smile on his face as he stalked forward, my eyes tracking his every step, and the closer he got the more I worried he wouldn't be able to fit inside me, especially not without killing me. Okay, that may be a little dramatic, but that thing should be considered a lethal weapon. "Don't worry baby." His words cause a shiver to break out across my skin as he slowly climbs back into the bed, and I sit up taller on my elbows as he gets closer, struggling to see his face from the angle I was sitting at. "It'll fit, and I promise it will be good. It may hurt just a tiny bit, but I promise ill have you ready first." Grabbing my hands he pins them to the bed on either side of my torso, my heart racing in a mix of panic, lust, and embarrassment as he lowers his face toward my center, squirming in his hold when his breath hits my pussy, the fabric of my thong so wet that it feels like he's directly on my skin. "Trust me, Belle."
Staring down at him, I realize I do trust him, he came to save me. For the first time in my whole life, someone came to rescue me from the nightmare that is my father. Swallowing my nerves, I nod shyly, wanting to finally feel like I have some real control over my life. "I trust you, Gio." His face remains unreadable, but his smile grows, pleased with my response. My breath hitches as my hands are released, flexing my fingers as the blood comes rushing back to their tips. "Don't move baby. Stay just like that." I try my best to remain still, not wanting to end whatever was happening between us, but my control wavers as he slips my thong down my legs slowly, his eyes never leaning toward mine. Once he finally got them off, he brings them to his nose, his eyes fluttering shut as he begins inhaling deeply with a low grumble, and my blush darkens in embarrassment at the lewdness of it. His eyes flash back open, the grin on his face making me squirm as he lowers himself toward me, my lacey underwear still in his hand. "You smell so good, baby." The words make my insides liquify, need singing through my body. "I bet you taste even better."
My whole body tremors as he drags himself down my bed, a trail of kisses leaving goosebumps down my flesh in their wake, before going still when he plants a kiss on my hip. His gorgeous sapphire eyes meet mine, as he lowers his mouth onto my dripping sex, his mouth almost immediately latching onto my clit, stars dancing behind my eyelids as I scrunch them shut, the feeling both too much and not enough. A satisfied hum reaches my ears, and my back arches off the bed with a startled yelp when his tongue circles the bud, my whole body suddenly burning with a hunger id never felt before. My hands wind their way through his inky locks, needing anything to ground myself, my entire body taught like a string. A low growl is the last thing I hear before I'm pushed off the edge, my whole body shaking as I come apart on his tongue.
My body feels lighter somehow, and exhaustion pulls at me, the intense hunger id felt was finally sated. Gio rises from between my legs, his face glistening as he stares down at me, a lopsided smile coming across my face as I yawn. Slowly he slips from between my legs, curling up behind me, his muscular frame caging me in. "Wait...Gio. What about you?" Another yawn punctuates the question, and a sheepish smile flits across my cheeks, his grip only tightening around my waist. Kissing the top of my head, I'm almost asleep when I hear him whisper into my hair, my heart soaring at his words. "We have all the time in the world. Get some sleep." And as my consciousness slips, he settles behind me, another kiss pressed to my shoulder blade. "Goodnight Belle."
I'm woken by sunlight streaming through the window, letting out a groan I roll over, grabbing my pillow to throw over my face, not ready to leave my dreams just yet, and my heart races when the smell of cedar wood and bourbon tickle my nose, memories from the night before flooding in as a dull ache pulses from where the pillow is on my face. My father's house, totaling my truck, and... My face flushes, embarrassment coloring me head to toe as I remember waking up from a nightmare and begging Gio to - I shake the thought from my head, a mix of shame and lust coursing through me and I sigh, knowing sleep would not be coming back for me anytime soon. Sitting up, I wince at the pain coming from my ribs, a hiss leaving my lips. Struggling to my feet, I get up from the bed, and out into the hall; thankful that Gio was so tall, his shirt coming almost to my knees, though I'm thankful the halls appear empty, no sign of Gio or the kids. Heading to the opposite end of the hall, the door to my bedroom just a few steps away, when my heart stops, her cry echoing down the hall. "BELLE!"
I freeze at the sound, trying to think of what to say to Alice about my appearance. If my walking around in just her daddy's t-shirt wasn't bad enough, I was sure my face would probably terrify her. The last time id saw her, I had to fight back tears at the bruising, the large purple welts taking up the better half of my face. "Belle?" She's right next to me now, my face downturned to hide behind my hair, her little arms wrapping around my legs before pulling me close, a cry forcing its way past my lips when her head comes in contact with one of the bruises on my side, white-hot pain raging through my abdomen. Alice jumps back, startled, her little eyes widening as she gets a look at my face. "Belle! You have a BIIGG booboo! Are you okay?" Her bottom lip wobbles, tears coming to her eyes, and I drop down to her level, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, careful to avoid my bad side. "It's okay, sweet girl. I'm okay. You just touched one of my booboos. That's all." Tears begin to pour down her cheeks, loud sobs echoing down the hall as she wraps her tiny arms around me, and my dread doubles when I see Gio and Hunter at the top of the stairs, Gios face is a blank mask, but Hunter's looks ready to burst with rage.
With a sigh I straighten, both boys rushing to us as I pick Alice up and hold her on my good side. Turning to them, I look down at Hunter, his little fists balled at his sides, and keep my voice soft. "Let's all get dressed, then we can sit down and talk about everything. Is that okay with you Hunter?" The little boy nods his head, going into his room in silence, Gio hot on his heels, and I carry Alice into her room, picking a cute little green romper for her to wear, and grabbing two rhinestone frog Barrets out of her accessory chest to match. As I pull her curls into pigtails, she stares quietly at her feet, and it hurts my heart. "Are you okay sweetness?" Her eyes find mine in the mirror, sadness, and fear in them as she answers. "Daddy was mean to me before we went to grammas house." A single brow arches as I look at her, silently encouraging her to continue, grateful when she does. "He said you needed a break from me." A tear drops and my heart shatters. "He called me a brat when I kept asking for you." I struggle to come up with a response, not wanting to paint Gio in a bad light, when she reaches up and grabs 3 of my fingers, fear written on her face. "Don't worry sweet girl. I'm not going anywhere." As we head down to the living room where the boys awaited us, I realize that I'm truly not. So long as this family needs me I will be here, and no one, not Adam nor my father, would change that.
After a less than pleasant kid-friendly conversation about why I was hurt, both kids rush off to their playroom, each giving me teary-eyed hugs before they leave, and I'm left with Gio alone on the couch. The silence only lasts a moment though before he turns to me, the action making his leg brush against mine, electricity jolting through me at the contact. "That went better than expected." I manage a nod at him in response, my whole body buzzing. "How are you feeling this morning? Did you sleep okay?" His words are sincere, concern evident in them, and I smile. "I'm okay. I slept fine." picking at a loose string at the hem of my shirt, I struggle to think of something, ANYTHING to say, and almost cry in gratitude when Alice and Hunter come rushing back into the room, a much-appreciated distraction. Despite everything that happened last night, I'm not sure where Gio and I stand, and I need some more time to figure out how this changes things. Hunter speaks up first, Alice nodding enthusiastically behind him, their eyes glittering. "
"Dad, do you remember when you called us a few weeks ago when you were busy working?" Gio nods cautiously, and my brow crinkles in bemused confusion. "Do you remember what you promised?" The room falls silent as Gio thinks about the young boy's question, and I stifle a giggle as I realize he doesn't. "ugh Daddy!" Alice's impatient whine pulls a small giggle out of me, her pout simply too adorable to ignore. "Sorry princess, im an old man. I forget things sometimes." Her nose scrunches up, a look of disdain on her face. "you're not an old man Daddy!" Gio chuckles, a genuine smile covering his face as he looks at his daughter, adoration shining in his eyes. "And that's one of the many reasons I love you, my dear Alice." Her face lights up before Hunter groans, clearly unimpressed with the detour in conversation. Letting out a little laugh I turn to the boy, smiling warmly at him. "What did Daddy promise you, Hunter?" His gaze travels to me, a pleased look plastered on his face. "Daddy promised to bring us to the big carnival. It's tonight. You didn't forget, right dad?" We both turn to Gio, the look on his face is impassive, but I notice the guilt in his tone. "Of course, we have the day to plan our trip."
All day long the kids remain glued to my hips, Hunter insisting on helping me with every little task, and Alice copying him, and to my surprise Gio runs into us a few times too. By the time 3 pm rolls around, Alice is down for her afternoon nap, curled up in my bed peacefully; but Hunter refuses to take him, insisting that 'Big boys don't need naps' and that he is wasn't tired; so when I go to head to the stables, eager to see the sweet black mare that id befriended since saving Alice that first day, he follows right behind me, only deciding to go back into the house when he realizes what I'm out here to do. Walking into the stables, the mare sticks her head out when she hears me, eager to get the treat she knows I have, and I smile.
Brushing through the horse's mane, my heart settles, and I find myself zoning out, thinking about how much my life was changing. Everything had done 180, in 3 weeks left my home and most of my belongings lost my family, bought and totaled a truck, found a job, and fooled around with my boss. Thinking about it, a shiver breaks out over me, and I shake it off, grabbing the saddle off the wall and tacking up the mare, trying to keep my mind blank, not ready to dissect our relationship knowing we all be going to the carnival later together as a family. That though gives me pause, family... Was it okay to consider these people my family? I'd only known the kids for 2 weeks and Gio even less than that... But his words from last night float through my head. He said himself that I was part of this family now. The thought makes me smile, resuming my task of readying the horse for a ride. "you ready to ride out some tension girl?" Her whiney is answer enough, grabbing the reins of her halter, I lead her out of the stables, hopping on once we near the doors. As we head outside, the sun warming my skin, a wild smile comes across my face, the itch to speed around for a while tickling my skin. The mare tosses her head, a high pitch whine of excitement coming from her, and my smile grows. Tightening my grip on the reins and adjusting my feet in the stirrups of the saddle, I give her side a solid tap with my leg, and with that, we were gone, galloping off down one of the many trails and paths in the property, and excited squeal leaving me.
After almost an hour of rushing around, I nudge my toes into her side with a light snigger, ready to lead her home for the night, and for once she doesn't fight me. We take the ride back real slow, the 4 miles taking us nearly a half hour to get over. As we approach the stable I stroke a hand through her mane, cooing softly in her ear as I lead her back to her stall. Hopping off the saddle, I strip her down, hanging all her tack back in its spot on the wall, before retrieving a treat for her, and brushing her out, spilling my secrets and fears to her as I do. I'm so wrapped up in what I'm doing, I don't hear him come into the stables and nearly jump out of my skin when I spotted him leaning against the doorway, trying not to ogle him, but failing miserably. The dark denim jeans hug every inch of him, the flannel he has on, the perfect shade of green to compliment his hair, and his eyes, which are wide with awe as he watches me groom the horse.
"That's the meanest horse I've ever come across." his words are wistful as his gaze darts between the mare and me. " and this now marks not once but twice you've managed to be close to her without getting hurt." The mare snorts indignantly, tossing her mane, making me laugh. "she's not that bad. She's a smooth ride too if you let her do her own thing." feeding her another treat, I don't miss his eyes growing almost cartoonishly wide. "You RODE her??" his tone is incredulous, and I try not to take offense at them, his mother's words about how dangerous the horse typically was ringing through my head. "You're...." I look at him, placing the brush back in its spot on the ledge before patting her side affectionately, before heading toward him, a smile on my face. "impossible? Complicated? A pain in the ass?" My tone is light, teasing, and he smiles at me, pulling me into an embrace, before resting his head on top of mine. "I was gonna say amazing. But those work too." I let out a gasp of feigned offense, looking up at him with a pout. "HEY! You're not supposed to agree with me! That's so rude!" The smile on his face turns wicked, my pulse rocketing higher as he backs me slowly up, a gasp forming on my lips as my back hits the wall of the stable. "oh I can show you rude, Baby."
Looking wildly between him and the field out beyond the open stable doors, I chew my lip, a mix of excitement and nerves building in my belly as he lowers his face to my neck, goosebumps forming as his facial hair skims my skin for a moment before he nips at the skin, a yelp coming from my lips. "Gio! Someone gonna see us!" I say harshly, my voice caught between a whisper and a whine, both wanting to stop him and wanting to see just what he had in mind. His answering chuckle sends a thrill down my spine, every hair on my body standing on end. "Keep moaning like that and they'll hear you well before they see you, baby." I stifle another moan as he bites harder on the spot, my nails digging into his arm as he continues to bite me. Dragging his hand over my chest, I can't hold back the groan that falls from my lips, every nerve in my body on fire, needing more from him. Sliding his hand lower, he pushes my shorts to the side, the thin material moving easily, his body sagging slightly with a groan as he drags a thick finger through my folds, "Fuck you're so wet for me baby." my body shakes at his words, a blush taking over my skin. Slowly he slips that finger down, pushing gently against my opening, my whole body tensing as he enters me. "fuuccckkk and you're tight. You're gonna feel so good on my cock baby." more breathy moans leave my mouth, no longer even trying to keep them at bay as my focus is tuned solely on his finger, and I jump with a yelp when his hand lands against my ass with a loud thwack. Rubbing slow circles over the burning flesh, he coos softly into my ear, his voice low and full of promise. "You gotta stay quiet baby. If you make even the smallest sound without my permission, this ends, understood?" Fear comes to mingle with my anticipation, and I nod, my head bobbing frantically.
Another loud smack has me arching against the walk, inadvertently pushing his finger deeper inside me, the two sensations causing pain and pleasure to meld together, but I force myself to stay quiet, biting my lip to avoid messing up. "use your words baby. Do you understand?" My mind is lost as he rubs circles over the globe of my ass, soothing the sting from his strike. "yes sir." the voice is low, lewd, and dripping with sex, and it takes a moment to realize the voice is mine. His hands pause for a moment, and I swear I can feel his dick move against my leg. Leaning down to bring his face level with mine, he presses a small kiss to my neck, a low rumble coming from his throat, the next words from his mouth making me clench around his finger. "Good girl."
He quickens his pace with his finger, the sound of my slickness echoing around us, my body trembling as tension builds in my core, and the only thought that loops in my brain is a single word, more. I almost think I've said it out loud when he pulls his finger to the entrance of my channel, before adding another finger, the two digits gliding into me with little resistance. I struggle against the grip he has still tight on my ass, the need to moan, to scream, to do anything, driving me mad, and I nearly lose it when his fingers find a spot inside me that has me seeing stars. Leaning close to my ear, I push back against his fingers, trying desperately to cum, as he laughs darkly in my ear. "such a greedy girl. Do you want to cum baby?" His words only stoke the fire hotter, the whole situation all but bringing me to my knees as I nod feverishly, desperate for relief. "ah ah ah." He pulls his fingers almost out, his tone singsong. "When I ask you a question, I expect an answer, with words. Now tell me, do you wanna cum on my fingers, baby?" He slides them a fraction of an inch deeper, and I hurridly take the invitation to speak, the need to cry out burning my throat. "God, yes. Please, sir." His fingers resume their ministrations, And I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood, fighting to stay quiet, needing him to finish me off. "Go ahead, good girl." His words send my world-shattering, His lips finding mine, swallowing my screams as I fly apart on his fingers, the feeling more intense than anything id ever felt, including last night. he continues pumping his fingers in and out of me, his pace slowing to a stop before pulling out of me completely, my body sagging against his.
After a few minutes of catching my breath, I look over my shoulder at him, my eyelids drooping from the sheer magnitude of orgasm he had ripped from my body. Reaching a hand behind me, I grip his erection through his pants, a low groan coming from him before he gently pulls my hand away, a kiss falling to my shoulder. "Not today baby. The first time I take you, it won't be in the stables. It will be in my bed, with those perfect lips of yours screaming my name." a shudder rips down my spine, his words warming me to my core. Fixing my pants, we both jump a little when we hear footsteps rushing toward the barn, Alice and Hunter appearing in the doorway. "Daddy! Belle!!!" I try to keep calm, not wanting to give away that we'd been up to no good in the stables. "Yes, sweet girl?" Her little face lights up, rushing forward to wrap her arms around me, smiling up at me. "It's time! We gotta go!" I laugh at her before running a hand through her tiny curls, her happiness infectious. "I just gotta get changed and then we can go, okay?" We walk toward the house, the kids running ahead, and I smile when Gios's hand finds mine.
Standing in my closet, I look over my choices, needing something that would be comfortable. Settling on one of the dresses Belle had picked at the store for me, I grab a pair of ballet flats from the shoe organizer and get dressed quickly, and sit in front of my vanity, needing to get my hair fixed up, the ocean of chocolate waves untamed and tangled from my ride on gives horse. A blush spreads as I remember that wasn't the only thing of his I rode. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I finger comb through my curls, trying in vain to get them to stay neatly in their spot. Once I've gotten them as close to neat as I can, I brush some mascara over my lashes and put a small amount of gloss over my lips. Satisfied with how I look I head to the door, the 3 of them are waiting at the top of the stairs, Alice running up to me with a big smile on her face. "Everybody ready to go?" Alice and Hunter each nod enthusiastically, both more than ready, and I giggle before agreeing as well.
As we pull up to the carnival grounds, the kids begin bouncing in the backseat, shouts of awe and excitement booming in the small space, the sound making me cringe. We each unload one of the kids and hand in hand we head to the entrance, Gio and I being dragged by the two overexcited children. After paying the fee we head inside, the kids each trying to run in opposite directions; Hunter trying to drag Gio towards a group of fire-wielding entertainers, and Alice dragging me towards a woman who is sitting cross-legged on the ground, bubbles pouring from her hand. Gio looks at me with an apologetic smile before we split ways, agreeing to meet for dinner at one of the vendors in an hour. Holding Alice's hand tight so we don't get split up, we approach the woman, whose smile grows when she spots Alice. "Well hello there, little one. Would you like a magic fortune?" Alice's eyes widen, looking to me for permission, and I agree, shooting a warm smile at the woman. After getting her fortune as well as a glittery fairy sticker, Alice spots a face painting booth, insisting we both had to get our faces painted. Glad I had decided on minimal makeup I let her drag me to the booth, her excitement contagious. "Look, belle! We can match!" Smiling at the young girl, I pay for hers first, settling against the side of the tent, the booth too small for me to wait inside with her; and my blood freezes when I hear a familiar voice, every fiber of my being telling me to run.
"Well, isn't this a surprise?" His voice is full of fake cheer, and I force myself to calm down, Alice giggles from inside the tent grounding me. "Hello, Adam." my voice is surprisingly steady, though I keep my attention aimed at the front of the tent, knowing id break down if I looked at him. "Stop being a child, look at me while I'm talking to you, Arabella. Is this any way to treat your soon-to-be husband?" my back molars grind, my whole body shaking with rage and fear, torn between feeding him his teeth, and running to hide. "You're not going to be my husband." I seethe, the anger winning out. "You will never be anything than a terrible memory." Before the sentence is fully out of my mouth, my head yanks back, the bruising to my throat screaming in protest, as I swallow a scream, not wanting Alice to hear and come running. "You'll have some respect for me, Arabella." His voice is cold, and finally looking at his face, a rush of bile comes to my mouth, the fear building as flashes of that night runs through my head. He asks, the sound grating on my nerves, flinching back when he raises a hand to inspect the marks on my face. "Relax, I won't hurt you. You learned your lesson about trying to run from me, didn't you Arabella?" My name on his tongue nearly brings the vomit forward, and I fight desperately against his hold on my hair, needing to get away before Alice saw, but that need quickly dies when a high pitch scream hits my ears, everyone turning our direction. "Let her go! Let go!" Alice's little fists hit Adams's legs and seem to notice all the attention, he releases his hold on me, a fake smile plastered on his face as he backs up, his hands raised. "I'm Arabella's friend, little one. I won't harm her." His words have the opposite effect, her voice growing louder. "You're not her friend! Get away from her!" With a growl of frustration, Adam stalked off, his lanky figure quickly swallowed by the crowd, and Alice plasters herself to my side. Only when I spot Gio and Hunter racing toward us, do I finally let the tears fall.
Sitting at a picnic table, Hunter and Alice both eating their dinner happily, I lean into Gio's possessive hold on my shoulders, trying not to ruin the trip. Once the kids finish eating we decide to play a few games, and I can't help the look of surprise that blooms on my face as Gio wins not one, but 3 stuffed animals from a balloon dart game, giving each of us one. By the time we play the fifth game, both kids are exhausted, Alice insisting on being carried by me, while Hunter swears he isn't tired, even though his little feet drag as we head towards the car. Buckling both kids in, we drive in silence until both kids are sound asleep in the backseat, the events of the day catching up to them. "Im going to be away for a couple of days. I have some business to attend to. While I'm gone, id like you guys to stay at the house. Anything you guys need either Jacky or Renaldo can grab." I want to fight him on it, desperately refusing to let my father and Adam control my life, but Gio's hand on mine has the argument dying in my throat. "please Belle. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you guys." taking a cleansing breath through my nose, I finally nod. "promise me, Belle. Promise me you guys will stay put till I get home." We pull into the garage, his eyes finding mine as he puts the car in park, and cuts the engine. "I promise." pressing a kiss to my forehead, he hops out and grabs Hunter, leaving Alice for me, and I carry her up to her room, trying to change her into pjs without waking her, before carrying her to my room, both bonbon and her new turtle wrapped tightly in her arms. Laying her down, I take a moment to sweep a few stray black curls from her face, my heartwarming as I remember her trying to fight Adam. Gio was right, the kids truly do love me, and I love them. The thought is bittersweet, knowing someday they would need me here, and it is gone. Shaking the thought away, I stand slowly, and head out to the hall, grabbing a light jacket from the chair by the door. Slipping my arms in, I head quietly down the stairs, slipping out the doors closest to the stable, detouring to my car to grab the spare joint I keep hidden there.
As I walk into the barn, I spark my lighter, relishing in the smoke that curls its way down my throat. I don't smoke often, the habit was one that my father would kill me for, but after the last couple of days I know I need to calm down, my fight or flight kicking into overdrive as I replay the night once again, this time fear burning through me instead of adoration for the little girl's actions. What would happen had nobody been around? Would he have hurt me? Hurt alice? The thought makes me nauseous, a surge of protectiveness catching me off guard. How had I become this invested in this family, so much so that I've become protective of the kids? This was the one thing id warned me of, the one thing I was meant to avoid. This was supposed to just be a fix to my problems, but slowly it was becoming a problem in and of itself. Eventually, they wouldn't need me anymore, the kids would grow up, and go and I would burn through whatever was between us, and id be left broken, worse than I was a few weeks ago. Stubbing the joint, I stroke a hand over Star fires mane, sighing before heading into the house, curling up with Alice, grateful when the blissful call of sleep reaches my ears.