Chapter 2 - Land, ahoy!

"Land, ahoy!" The call rang out, and people slowly gathered on the ship's deck, eager to catch a glimpse of the newly found island. As everyone gathered, a voice echoed, drawing their attention. It belonged to a middle-aged man, the captain of the ship. His black hair was speckled with gray, and his face showed the marks of age through a few wrinkles.

"My name is Alex Miller. I am the captain of this ship. We have found an island and are planning to temporarily dock there. Since we left in an emergency, there are not many resources on this ship, and the communication devices are not working properly.

So, we can't communicate with the other two ships. That's why we are docking here to communicate with other ships and get some resources if possible. Luckily, one of the ships that came with us is a shipping boat, so we can at least have some fish in case of emergency. Then I humbly request your cooperation."

As Captain Alex's voice echoed across the ship, a hushed silence settled among the passengers. People exchanged uncertain glances, grappling with the unexpected turn of events. Yet, Captain Alex's reasoning was sound, and the potential benefits of docking on the island seemed undeniable. With tentative nods and understanding looks the passengers acknowledged his request.

After a while, all three ships safely landed on the mysterious island. Passengers disembarked, each with their own mix of emotions. Some eagerly searched for familiar faces, while others wrestled with the fear lingering from their recent ordeal. Amidst the crowd, some reached out to the ship's crew for assistance, while others offered their support.

Despite my inner apprehensions, I resolved to contribute. Letting fear dictate our actions wouldn't improve our situation. I decided to aid the crew, recognizing that it was the only way to prevent starvation and dehydration in the days ahead. With the intention of speaking to Captain Alex about helping, I noticed he was occupied discussing the situation with the other captains.

A familiar voice broke through my thoughts. "Hello, I don't think we have properly introduced ourselves before," the attendant from earlier said.

"I don't believe we have," I replied. "I'm Slander, Francis Slander. You can call me Frankie, and this is Rex." Rex, my loyal K-9 companion, gave a friendly woof.


"Nice to meet you, Frankie. I'm John Smith, but you can call me John."

"So, John have you seen anything like that before?", I asked John, curious as to what he was about to say.

"No, I was very shocked to see something like that just pop out of nowhere, luckily They didn't do anything and because of the captain's decision we are still alive"

"That's true, I used to work in the Navy so I have seen my fair share of weird things but that one takes it to the next level"

"Is that so? then are you also planning to help the crew?"

"Yes, that's the plan. But it seems they're preoccupied at the moment. Do you know what's going on?"

John proceeded to share the information he'd gathered. "We have enough food for a few days because of the shipping boat and the delivery boat. It seems that the shipping boat returned from one of their fishing trips when they got caught up in a tsunami.

As for the delivery boat, they were planning to deliver food, spices, and alcohol for the resort when they got caught with the others."

"I see. So, what about water and communication?"

"As for water, we have enough for 2-3 days, and we also have some alcohol that can be used in emergencies. Communication is being discussed."

"How do you know all this?"

"I've known the captain for some time. He works at our resort, and I've also met some of the delivery guys. They shared information about the situation with me."

Amidst our conversation, a loud noise abruptly filled the air. Reacting quickly, I covered Rex's ears. Dogs were sensitive to loud sounds, and I didn't want him to get hurt.

"Are you okay, buddy?" I asked as Rex whimpered slightly.


I knelt down and comforted him. "Don't worry, Rex. We'll find out what that noise was."

But it wasn't just us who had heard it. People all around us were covering their ears, and the ground beneath us began to shake violently.

"Woah, what's going on?" I exclaimed in a panicked frenzy. I could hardly stand.

John quickly stabilized me, the fear in his eyes evident, "We need to get to the ship now, The Island is sinking" he screamed.

"Come on, Rex. Let's go," I called to my dog.


Woofing in agreement, grabbing Rex, I sprinted towards the ship, barely making it as the ground vanished beneath us. Captain Alex's voice was urgent as he commanded everyone to get back on the ships, and soon enough, we were moving away from the island.

As the island we'd been on started to move, the shocking truth became evident. It wasn't an island at all; it was a massive whale. The sheer size of the creature was astonishing, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of creature it truly was. Memories of the colossal sea serpents flashed through my mind, further deepening the mystery of this strange world.

My heart raced as I watched the colossal whale-like creature come to life, its movements strangely serene for its size. The ship's engines pushed us away from the creature, and a mixture of fear and astonishment gripped everyone on board.

Captain Alex's voice finally broke the silence. "This colossal whale... It's unlike anything I've ever seen or heard of before. Stay vigilant, but don't provoke it. We need to gather our thoughts and determine our next course of action."

The ship's crew immediately began discussions, recognizing the potential dangers that the massive creature posed. Thankfully, the communication issues seemed to be mostly resolved, and we could expect them to be fully operational within a few hours.

Around me, I could see a range of emotions on people's faces – fear, fascination, and even some doomsday speculations. Rex, sensing the unease, let out a low growl. Kneeling beside him, I reassured him with a calming touch. "It's okay, boy. We're in this together."

As time passed, the colossal creature gradually faded into the distance. The ship's crew managed to reestablish some form of communication with the other ships. With communication reestablished, the decision was made to move away from the creature's vicinity and rendezvous at a safer location.

It was evident that staying near such an enigmatic being might pose unknown risks. The ships set sail, and our encounter with the mysterious island became a distant memory as we sailed further away.

As the sun began to set, concerns grew among the passengers. Many were tourists from bustling cities who had come to relax, and the prospect of spending the night on a boat in the middle of nowhere was unsettling.

In contrast, my past experiences in the Navy and my current role as a police officer gave me a measure of preparedness for such situations. With Rex by my side, I felt a sense of responsibility for the well-being of others.

"Land, ahoy!" The call rang out again, signaling the discovery of another island. However, the initial enthusiasm had waned, replaced by skepticism and caution. The previous encounters had left an indelible mark on us all.

Curiosity compelled me to investigate this new island, despite the lingering uncertainty that our recent experiences had left behind. The island's appearance was more typical of what one might expect, adorned with coconut trees, palm trees, and lush vegetation.

It was a stark contrast to the colossal creature we had just encountered. Adding to the intrigue were the boats that were docked on the island – a large ship, bigger than our shipping boat, and several smaller motorboats.

Captain Alex's voice once again broke through the air, drawing our attention. "Everyone, can I please have your attention again?" he called out, his voice carrying a mix of hope and caution.

"It seems that we've found another island, and this time it looks more like what we'd expect. It has proper tropical trees, and we've confirmed the presence of boats on the island.

We've discussed this with the other ships and are planning to dock there. Who knows, we might find other people who can help us find our way back home."

His words resonated with many of us. The prospect of finding a more conventional island and potentially encountering fellow humans filled the air with cautious optimism. While skepticism still lingered for some, the need for progress pushed us forward. After all, staying stagnant wouldn't improve our situation; it would only prolong our uncertainty.

As the ships successfully landed on the newly discovered island, a mixture of emotions swept through the crowd. Some remained cautious, unsure of what lay ahead, while others clung to the glimmer of hope that this island represented. Stepping onto the island's soil, I felt a mix of trepidation and curiosity. What kind of people lived here? What challenges and opportunities awaited us?

The island appeared to be inhabited by a group of individuals dressed in leather garments adorned with fish scales and bones. Their wary gazes followed our every move as we disembarked from the ships.

Bonfires illuminated the area, casting dancing shadows that added an eerie quality to the scene. People were busy tending to tasks, some preparing food in large pots, while others engaged in discussions.

With a blend of caution and determination, I made my way closer to the islanders. Captain Alex and the captain of the fishing boat took the lead, initiating a conversation with the islanders.

"Hello, there. Please don't be alarmed. We come in peace and mean no harm," Captain Alex began, his voice projecting both respect and reassurance. "We find ourselves in need of assistance and would appreciate any information you could provide about our location."

The islanders exchanged glances and responded in their native language. The attendant translated their words, "Quién es usted? Qué estás diciendo?" It became clear that the language barrier remained a significant challenge.

Frustration prickled at the back of my mind. After all, we had been through, communication hurdles were the last thing we needed. However, I knew that letting frustration take over wouldn't help us move forward. Instead, I focused on the potential for understanding and cooperation, even in the face of such a profound barrier.

"I hope things go well this time," I muttered to Rex, patting his head gently. His calm presence served as a reminder to stay composed, no matter the circumstances.