McKenna had to control herself seeing the very shocked and embarrassed look on Blakes face. She was trying so hard not to laugh as the other woman continued to call her all sorts of unsavory names just for answering the phone. She hadn't introduced herself at all but knew she wouldn't get the chance to at this point. She simply hung up the phone and started laughing incredibly hard.
"I know that you said she's your stalker but she seems very convinced that she is your fiancé. Are you sure there's something you're not telling me?" McKenna asked while trying to keep a straight face.
The look of absolute disgust on Blakes face was absolutely pricelessly Hilarious and McKenna started laughing even harder than she had when she ended the phone call. "Why would I Ever let someone like that near me, let alone having her as a fiancé! She's egotistical, full of herself, convinced she does no wrong! Heck I'd go so far as to label her a classic narcissist and stalker! And she isn't half as beautiful as you are! Why are you laughing so hard?"
McKenna was laughing so hard at this point that she was seeing stars and trying to stay upright to the best of her abilities. "I just-hahahahahahahahaha-I just can't believe that-hehehehehehehehe-your face could make a look like That! And how offended you got-HAHAHAHA" Everyone in the surrounding area were also starting to giggle a little at McKennas' obvious mirth.
"Yeah, yeah. So glad I could bring you Such joy in my own pain and discomfort. Like I really want some hyped up celebrity to be so fixated on me."
"Wait, wait, wait. You have a celebrity gunning after you and you staved her off in favor of me?" McKenna started sobering up at that thought. Why would anyone turn down someone like that for someone like her?
"Of course, besides the fact that you're far more beautiful inside and out than she ever could be, you're the mother of my children and I'd be more that happy to make you my wife when you're comfortable enough with me for that."
McKenna, who had been taking a drink at this time to help calm herself more, choked on her water and started coughing. The girls, wide eyed and paying attention to everything of course, stared starry eyed at their dad. "You are so romance Daddy." They said together. This made McKenna giglle again despite her efforts to stop coughing. She could feel her face burning up and didn't want to stay on this particular topic for longer than necessary. "Ahem, yes girls, very romance, I mean romantic. However mommy isn't after that kind of relationship, I Just want you two to have your father in your lives. Nothing more."
To McKennas' surprise, Blake looked just as disappointed as the girls did by her claim. Not to her surprise though was when Blakes phone went off, showing his Stalker as the contact coming up. McKenna grabbed it again before Blake could and answered. "Blakes phone, mother of his children speaking." There was a surprised gasp on the other end of the line. "MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN?! EXCUSE ME?! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU HUSSY, STEALING ANOTHER WOMANS MAN?!" McKenna spoke up before the woman could say another word.
"Just so you know, I'm not lying or joking, I am literally the mother of his twin daughters. Oh and he has you in his phone as 'Stalker Don't Answer' so I know you're not his fiancé. You really ought to give up and move on to your next target because it won't be the father of my children you win over, you disgust him. He seriously lost his appetite when you called the first time with that haughty claim. BYE" and she promptly hung up the phone and handed it back to Blake. "I don't understand why you don't just block her number."
Blake was staring at her with a stunned expression on his face and took a second to come to and answer her. "Uh, yeah, I tried that, she just got a new number and called me again anyways. I'm still not entirely for sure how she got my private number but the two times I changed it she just got the number again. My family got tired of me giving them new numbers and requested I block her, but then that didn't work so I put her contact in as Stalker instead. Crazy woman is relentless.
McKenna was silent as she contemplated her next words, hoping to say them in such a way to not give him a reason to propose again. "Have you considered getting married as a way to get her to leave you alone?" She was unsure of what answer she wanted to receive but knew she had to keep a game face on no matter what he said.
"Yeah the last time I showed up to an event with a plus one she went ballistic and started yelling and screaming at my sister about being a man stealer and a whore. It didn't go over very well with the rest of high society and I haven't been able to procure a plus one for any other events. I've just been going solo and having my security team keep her away from me as much as possible. I try not to go to events she goes to regularly if I can help it as well."
McKenna felt bad for Blake at this point. She wanted to help but also didn't want to suggest it knowing that he would take that as a chance to propose again and her heart couldn't take that again tonight knowing that he was obviously trying his best to woo her for the girls' sake. "I hope the situation is able to be resolved soon, I know what it's like to have someone stalk you like that. I had a guy start showing up at the bakery acting the same way towards any male that came anywhere near me and I had to call the police and get a restraining order against him. He hasn't been around lately but sometimes I still get the feeling like I'm being watched."
Blake seemed agitated at her words. He got really quiet and appeared to be lost in thought. McKenna urged the girls to finish their food and she finished hers as well as Blake absently picked at his pizza. They got to go boxes for the leftovers and left the restaurant after Blake paid for everything. They started walking towards home, the girls talking non stop the whole way there.
They arrived at their apartment and Blake, to her surprise, looked around the shabby place and just nodded his head, asking "Is it safe here? I noticed there's a passcode to get in but is there one per apartment or one for the building?" "Per apartment. This was the safest one I could get in my budget, even on state help." He just nodded his head and proceeded to help get the girls ready for bed, even going so far as to read them a bedtime story and giving scratch backs until they both were dead asleep.
Once in the living room, Blake just stared out the window for a little while as McKenna moved around the apartment, picking things up and then moving into what he figured was her bedroom. She came out carrying a towel and washrag and handed them to him. He gently set them down on the ragged coffee table and grabbed her hands in his. "McKenna, we need to talk."