Chereads / Personal Meta Essence / Chapter 2 - [Potential] Roots

Chapter 2 - [Potential] Roots

Essence of the Transcendent Self [progressive]

● You gain a body that is the peak of your species mentally, physically, and spiritually sculpted to your tastes.

You are immortal and undying, and will not succumb to the ravages of age and can continue to live in perpetuity not requiring any form of sustenance to live.

Your body will never degrade, decay, or weaken even if you sit alone in a void for eons. This also makes you immune to all poison, disease, mundane or supernatural as well as any form of corruption or curse.

You have limitless amounts of stamina and life force.

Any supernatural energies you can manipulate or tap into are internalized allowing you to generate those energies independently of the original source. Any supernatural energies you possess are incredibly pure and always filled to capacity allowing you theoretically limitless endurance with any powers or techniques using those energies.

Any energies that come with negative side effects of their use or existence are blunted so you won't be accelerating entropy of the universe by harnessing the cosmic abyss or twelve you might have crammed into your body unless you want to.

You are also self-cleaning, and dirt and grime roll right off of your body, you will never smell bad either, at worst being odor neutral. You can alter your appearance at will and can shift between male, female, both or neither or even alter your apparent age near instantaneously.

● Your memory is perfect with infinite storage and indexing with potentially limitless trains of thought and multitasking ability as needed.

You are immune to all types of mental and spiritual attacks, control, or manipulation.

Your mind and spirit will never degrade, decay, or weaken even if you sit alone in a void for eons.

You are unique and there is and can never be another version of yourself unless you allow it.

You cannot be erased from reality, killed through time travel, or retconned from existing.

Your singular existence renders things such as luck, fate, prophesy, narrative force, plot armor and similar things as weak as tissue paper. These things can still function if you allow them too, only surviving within your proximity at your leisure.

Your body, mind, and soul is shielded from hostile or detrimental form changing, body control, or modification from any source including transformations as the result of one of your own powers.

You regenerate within seconds from the damage you take and cannot completely die, at worst taking some days to reconstitute from your soul if destroyed completely.

You will find that you will always manage to get free of any prison eventually whether it be dropped to the bottom of the ocean chained to a stone or cast into a void between realities, they can't stop you, only slow you down.

● The transcendence of your form means your body and its fluids are extremely valuable in several regards. They act as universally potent reagents and foci for supernatural abilities, your blood could easily substitute for the sacrifice of virgins or the use of one-of-a-kind artifacts to cast a spell or perform a ritual.

They are also universally useful in the creation or modification of items, able to enhance the essential qualities of anything they are used with bringing it closer to an ideal perfected form as well as repairing and purging any corruption or weakness from its form.

Finally, it acts as a universal panacea and can supply all the nutrients that an individual needs to survive. It will re-energize them, filling their stores of energy, stamina, and heal any injuries, correcting flaws, weaknesses, or impurities to their mind, body or soul. It will even repair the damage of age and restore a person to their prime and purge any corruption or curses from their system. This can even be used to revive the dead regardless of how long they have passed on even those who have been reduced to ashes or fragments.

You can also use this to share lesser versions of your transcendence to others, improving them across the board. Others can only benefit from these properties that you allow, cutting you to pieces or collecting samples from you will render only impotent material with no effect.

Any material from yourself that hasn't been refined or used in some manner such as working it into an artifact, potion, or healing someone will quickly and harmlessly dissipate into the aether as long as you wish it to. Nothing of your body will ever rot or decay otherwise.

● You have infinite and unbreakable willpower, and you are able to forcibly mute or shut down feelings of fear, guilt, anger, and other emotions so you can keep going even if it should be gut-wrenching to a normal person.

You can keep going even if your body is falling apart and breaking at the seams. Getting your head cut off or destroyed is merely an inconvenience as your body could keep fighting until you were damaged to the point of immobility.

You retain absolute control over your body under all circumstances as long as that piece is still attached even if it's mangled. You do feel pain but you can dampen it and still register where you have been damaged.

● You have the ability to learn and train in anything you have the capacity for at a blistering rate. You could go from an untrained novice to a master of a profession or set of skills in a few weeks, effectively growing in leaps and bounds to achieve the same sort of prowess it would take others a whole lifetime or more.

● This speed increases if you have a teacher or some form of instruction cutting it down to under half but you can get by just with experimentation on your own and figure it out.

Your self-experimentation is self-correcting and you won't have to worry about accidentally giving yourself lasting injuries, suffering catastrophic failures, or introducing an unnoticed flaw in whatever you develop.

You can also bend or even break established rules with things like magic or other supernatural powers with enough improvement.

● You can also train others quickly, though they will learn at a much slower rate depending on their aptitude for what you are teaching and possibly teach them any exploits you know.

● You are able to bring mind shattering levels of pleasure to any of your partners just by natural talent. Hentai orcs, tentacle monsters, and faceless fat old bastards have nothing on you. You have all the benefits of porn physics on your side when you desire, letting you perform inhuman feats of lewdness.

● When it comes to your preferred sex it is not so much a question if you can but if you want to court them. There is no being holy, unholy, eldritch or abstract that you couldn't eventually get into a relationship with. With the same absolute destruction your presence brings to fate, narratives, and prophesy the red strings that bind lovers together no matter how strong are vulnerable to yourself.

You could successfully woo someone that has only ever had eyes for one person, effectively usurping the position of their oldpartner or even go so far as to drag both into your bed.

● You have complete control over your fertility/virility. Neither you or those you have children with will suffer negative effects of pregnancy including delivering offspring.

You can set the parameters of what your children will inherit from you and the mother including any particular abilities, physical characteristics, and even skills or genetic memories.

None of your descendants will ever suffer from any genetic flaws or complications related to their makeup.

They will instead have idealized genetics, inheriting all of the best traits while outright expunging the worse ones leaving them very impressive specimens regardless of their heritage.

Your offspring have a strong genetic loyalty to you, it would take heavy and pointless abuse to see them turn on you.



Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes, beneficially for you.



Essence of The Eternal

This Essence looks like your favorite beverage and tastes truly delicious.

•You are eternal and invincible on a metaphysical level. You exist beyond space, time, causality and are immune to harm from all sources, even those of a metaphysical, abstract or conceptual nature. You cannot be killed, nor can you die or be destroyed, by any means at all.

•You possess eternal agency, being impossible to bind, entrap or ensnare. Your will and sense of self cannot be altered or manipulated. Your will cannot be compromised by any kind of direct or indirect manipulation, restraint, influence, temptation or irrationality of any kind. Even should all of existence be compromised, you will continue to exist in spite of this. If you choose, you may choose to become unaware of yourself and the passage of time until existence resumes once more.

•As an eternal being, you have absolute freedom from all Authorities and Wills, your self is absolutely inviolate. You are the only version of yourself that exists or ever will exist. You are completely immune to all esoteric effects such as time paradoxes, reality manipulation or revision, existence erasure or similar things.

•You suffer no negative side effects as a result of your eternal life. Things like boredom, apathy, depression and mental instability caused by immortality will not affect you. Should you choose so, you may pass on from this life to an afterlife of your choosing and you may return back to life at any time you choose. You may choose to be reincarnated into a life tailored to your preferences. The specifics of this life are up to you.

•You as an Eternal Being is indestructibe so you no have weaknesses be they be internal or external weaknesses as such this too covers physical, mental, emotional, existential, conceptual, metaphysical weaknesses, etc; even those who are not stated here.

•You possess complete and absolute immutability and protection from any or all alteration or change whether they come from internal or external sources and even regardless if they have limitless Reality Warping or True Omnipotence, you cannot be changed by others, only you yourself can change your own self and do so freely. This immutability of yours not just simply affects nor apply to your physical state but too affects your mental, emotional, spiritual, existential, conceptual, metaphysical state etc; making you truly immutable and an immovable object.

•You also possess complete and absolute immunity to supernatural, mutant, magical powers and even things can be classified as powers even they are going existential, conceptual and metaphysical levels, the only can affect you are your own powers.

•You as an Eternal Being no longer any bodily needs to survive as such no longer need to drink, eat, sleep, breath, urinate or defecate. If you want too, you can still feel indulge yourself to eat, drink, or sleep so feel free to do it if you want to.

•You as an eternal being will cease aging once you reach prime of your life, remaining eternally in it. You will not age, and your body and mind will be in perfect condition, with your memory being limitless and recording everything perfectly. You will never have any issues remembering or recalling information.

•This Essence cannot be altered, manipulated, copied, suppressed or replicated, nor can it be removed, negated, nullified or erased by any force or sources. Even those who possess limitless reality warping power or true omnipotence cannot disrupt this Essence.

•Any Essences or powers you acquire that are similar to this Essence seamlessly combine with this one.



Essence of the Truth

Senses unbound

• You are unburdened by such things as limited senses. The range and potency start the same, but even that may be changed with effort.

• You experience the full benefits of synesthesia. You may substitute any sense for another or just outright experience one through a different at will. This process is smoothed over such that gagging is likely the worst side effect you could get.

• You are unlimited in what you can sense. Who cares if it exists or not. With effort hearing the distortion in lies, smelling relationships, seeing hidden truth, feeling the future. You may allow this to be a 6th sense instead at your leisure.



Essence of Yourself

The essence is initially seen up front, though denying it causes it to quickly disappear unless it is wanted again. It doesn't hold a liquid in it, though attempting to drink it anyways causes an odd, nostalgic taste you can't place.

Upon drinking the essence, the following effects are achieved.

- Upon choice of the user, they may deny any attempts at fixing or changing parts of their body, mind, soul, etc. As it was before, perhaps you're just attached to it, or perhaps you feel a sense of self with it, the essence won't judge.

- You may choose to slow the injection of Abilities, Memories, Intelligence, Wisdom, etc. to a more manageable speed other than instant. This allows for a more comfortable adjustment to what is being learned or gained.

- You may reject any form of personality change or enlightenment directly from Essences. Your journey may affect both, but it will never be because an essence forced it.

- If obtaining any form of shapeshifting, your initial form from before this CYOA is always possible to replicate, even if you lack much information on how it actually was.


