Essence of Talent
by cliffc999
Drinking this golden shining liquid seems positively unfair somehow, but it's highly enjoyable all the same.
* Your natural aptitude for any activity or field of endeavor is beyond ridiculous. This degree of talent applies to any and every activity that you have even the slightest potential for.
* Your talents are not only unprecedented but exponential. The more you learn and develop the faster and easier you can continue learning and developing, endlessly. Your skills are only limited by the ability of your body, mind, and/or soul to execute them. You could soon enough advance your mastery to the point where inventing or discovering incredible new skills and techniques could easily be done in mid-fight, if you cared to.
* Your instincts for avoiding self-harm or dead-ends to your development will be flawless.
Nothing you learn will have any costs, setbacks, backlashes, or handicaps that you are not aware of and voluntarily and of your own free will choose to risk.
- If you ever fall to something like Dark Side corruption or the madness of the Warp or suchlike, it will only be because you went in with your eyes wide open and willing to pay the price of using such knowledge.
- You will never suffer any harmful effects, corruption, or loss of sanity merely from knowing about such things in theory, or from your talents in general.
- You will never have to worry about suffering boredom or loss of empathy from being 'too good' at things.
* Your only limits will be those absolute ones imposed upon you by the nature of whatever universe/multiverse/reality/etc. you are in.
Sheer talent alone might not make a purely human body capable of living forever or punching through a planet or suchlike, but if there were any possible way at all that a sufficiently talented and motivated individual in your position could work past a growth cap or a limitation, or tap into a given source of power, then you would be able to find a way to do so with sufficient effort.
* To give you a fair start at developing your talents, at the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments and disabilities.
- You are also made aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may be suffering from and may have any or all of them cured at your discretion.
- You will also also receive a one-time appearance upgrade based on your wishes and idealized self-image, with the exact details of your build and "endowments" being up to you.
* As a special bonus, you receive full control over your fertility and other related buffs.
* Finally, your skills and abilities will never degrade regardless of disuse, lack of practice, etc.
Essence of Potential
You now have Absolute Potential otherwise known as Ultipotence, Endless/Infinite/Limitless / Meta/Omni±Potential/Immeasurable / Infinite±Growth/Perfect Potential, etc. allowing you to learn/master absolutely anything you want.
• This potential becomes your new baseline that you can never go below.
• You gain Potential Manipulation allowing you to manipulate the potential of anyone and anything.
• [Creation] - Grant potential to anyone and anything.
• [Enhancement] - Enhance the Potential of anyone and anything.
• [ Reduction] - Reduce the potential of anyone and anything.
• You gain the ability to grant Peak/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Potential to anyone and anything.
• [Realization] - Fully bring out/realize the Potential of anyone and anything.
• [Augmentation] - Augment the potential of anyone and anything.
• [Destruction] - Take away/destroy the Potential of Anyone and Anything
• You gain Potential Calibration allowing you to perfectly calibrate the potential of anyone and anything.
Essence of Skill/Power Creation
This essence tastes of self-improvement and future victories
• By consuming this essence you gain 1 skill point (SP) every second that you exist and you gain more by performing actions like combat, satisfying actions like eating fulfilling lusts, or feelings of any sort.
• SP is granted similar to Danmachi the greater the danger, or deeper the feeling, the greater the SP reward.
• Skills rank from E to D to C to B to A to EX with E being kind of useful in certain situations but still weak and EX being an isekai or essence level cheat and the creation of such skills are priced accordingly.
• All created skills/powers will start at rank E.
• Using SP you can create, modify, upgrade, or merge skills/powers.
• Skills/powers can be anything so long as you can describe it, or simply rip off powers/skills from elsewhere just remember how they start out.
• While you can spend SP to upgrade your skills/powers you can train them up as well.
• You may create meta-skills, skills that increase SP gain or decrease cost for skill creation or modification but it will cost two to three times the skills rank to do so.