Chereads / The Bodyguard Wife / Chapter 10 - Unexpected Changes

Chapter 10 - Unexpected Changes

Auralia felt an intense aura around him and instantly found herself moving closer to Mrs. Davidson, feeling a need to protect her from the mysterious man. The man gave off predator vibes as if he was ready to pounce. The man noticing what she was doing, smirked.

"Of course." Mrs. Davidson suddenly said as she smiled, breaking the tension in the air.

The man nodded his head in thanks before walking off with Grace. Auralia watched in shock as the man's personality did a complete 180 as the two disappeared. She watched as Grace scolded him, acting as if he was a puppy who had chewed a shoe.

The man took the scolding, even trying to butter her up. It was weird watching him go from predator to mischievous child in a matter of seconds.

"Interesting couple, aren't they?" Mrs. Davidson exclaimed unexpectedly, breaking Auralia away from her thoughts.

"They are…Who is the man?" Auralia turned away to look at Mrs. Davidson.

"Daniel Princeton."

Auralia eyes widened as she recognized the name. "You mean the chairman of RT Tech, Daniel Princeton?!"

"The one and only." Mrs. Davidson smirked. "Would you believe that Grace's company was giving him a run for his money three years ago. Still does in fact."

Auralia frowned, not able to wrap her head around the last comment. How did two business rivals land up together? It just wasn't adding up.

"The look on your face is how everyone felt when the two announced their marriage. No one could believe that they were in love. Some even through the marriage was Princeton's way of getting rid of competition as Grace was taking no money."

"So what happened?" Auralia asked curiously.

"Let's just say a little bundle of joy ended all that. And the fact the two companies are still rivals." Mrs. Davidson paused for a second. "Looks like the film is going to start. I guess we should go to our seats."

"Alright…" Auralia sighed in disappointment, wanting to know more about the couple.

Their story would be far more interesting than any movie right now.


The next day, Auralia found herself waking up much later than usual. The after party for the movie premiere had gone into the early hours of the morning, Mrs. Davidson and her only making it back home at around 3am.

She was thankfully that Lucas, her bodyguard instructor, had given her the day off so she could recover from yesterday's activities. Her feet ached in a way they never had making her wonder how some people were able to do this every day.

Sitting up, Auralia stretched her arms in the air and got out of the bed. As she did, she heard a knock on the door and turned to look at it.

"Young miss, I have breakfast." A voice called out a second later.

"Come in, Elina." Auralia replied.

The door opened and a woman in her late twenties walked in. She was carrying a small tray with a cover on it. Auralia caught a small whiff of coffee as Elina passed her to place the tray on the nightstand next to her.

After placing the tray down, Elina turned to Auralia and stared at her with her brown eyes. "Will that be all, young miss?"

"Yes, and thank you for bringing breakfast here."

"Of course. Madam instructed that breakfast be brought to you." Elina paused for a second. "Please let me know if you need anything us."


Elina nodded and soon left the room, it becoming quiet again. Auralia pulled the tray cover off to find a small bowl of porridge, some fruit slices and a mug of coffee.

Grabbing her phone and the mug of coffee, Auralia went through her emails to check for anything important as she sipped on the coffee.

Seeing the registration email from the tournament organizers made her smile a little with joy. It seemed her students had successful been entered into the competition and would be starting in two weeks.

She quickly finished her coffee, deciding to use her free day to tell them personally about the good news. Placing the mug down, she grabbed some clothes and a piece of mango before heading to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

Ten minutes later she was done and finishing her breakfast, when she heard a knock on her door. She turned and called out, "Come in."

The door opened and Auralia saw Marius, the butler who had carried her luggage, standing by the doorway.

"Mrs. Davidson is asking that you come to the drawing room." Marius said as he walked over to where she was sitting by the vanity table.

"Alright, I'll be there now." Auralia replied, tying her hair up.

Marius nodded and took the tray now holding the empty dishes which had held her breakfast.

"Thank you."

Marius just smiled before walking off with the tray. Auralia meanwhile made her way to the drawing room where she had met Mrs. Davidson for the first time. When she got there, she knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Auralia did so, opening the door and entering the room. "You call-"

She stopped midway, spotting Maria Ezra in the room with Mrs. Davidson sipping tea. Auralia felt a sense of déjà vu as she looked upon the familiar scene.

"Good morning, Mrs. Ezra." Auralia said as she closed the door behind her.

"Morning dear." Maria turned to look at her and smiled.

However, Auralia could see that something wasn't right. Despite the smile on the older woman's face, she could feel tension in the air. Something had happened and Auralia didn't think it was going to be good seeing as Maria had come all the way to the Davidson Mansion.

"Is there something wrong?" Auralia asked as she took a seat next to Mrs. Davidson.

"To the point…But yes you are right. Something has come up and it isn't good." Maria paused for a second before sighing. "It seems my son has decided to come back earlier than expected. He's coming back in two weeks."