Chereads / World End Multiverse / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Force Awakening.

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Force Awakening.

There are two options for getting down: either crawl carefully down the cramped collapsing stairway, which Azrin hesitates to do because he doesn't like confined spaces, or follow the pathways that were made when they were trying to escape the basement, where Laasuks are wandering around. Azrin then sprints out of the stairwell. While sprinting, he reaches for a metal pipe that was lying on the ground; the pipe had been used for excavation.

Then, in an effort to attract the monster's attention, he yells as loud as he can and hits the floor and wall with the metal pipe. The Laasuk promptly pursued him, proving that it was effective. Azrin then makes a large leap from B3 to B5, badly injuring his ankle, and sprints toward the alien apparatus. As soon as Azrin gets there, he swings the pipe ferociously at the blue-glowing glass tank, yet the tank sustains no damage. Azrin then throws the pipe at the Laasuk to annoy it, and the Laasuk responds in kind by speeding up toward Azrin while doing some kind of shoulder charge.

Azrin turns toward the alien device at the last second because he doesn't want to die while staring at that abominable bastard. At least the glowing blue is beautiful when he closes his eyes. A loud sound, resembling a tank of air being forcibly punctured, can be heard a few seconds later. As a result of Azrin's face being sandwiched between the glass tank and the shoulder charge, his skull just split open like a watermelon.

The fully concentrated zereviolite entered Azrin's eyes, mouth, nose, and split-open head through the fracture in the glass. Remember that zereviolite is the Laasuks' only weakness; ordinary zereviolite can harm or kill them; now picture zereviolite that has been entirely concentrated. Instantaneously, the Laasuk body starts to dissolve, melting into Azrin's split-open skull as well as his mouth, eyes, and nose.

Azrin's head was aching, his vision was foggy, and he felt as though the world was spinning incredibly quickly. Through his bloodstream, the zereviolite entered, and with the zereviolite's assistance, the Laasuk DNA started to completely meld with his own and evolve. Being a difficult process, it took days to complete. What he is going through right now is extremely painful, as the zereviolite has forcefully awakened his body.

Kraexils believed that since humans lack an organ to use zereviolite, only they could use its ability. When coupled with zereviolite, the unique and only-found-on-Earth oxygens can produce a poison that is fatal to Kraexils. Of course, it will also kill a lot of people because the human body cannot withstand the combination of oxygen and zereviolite, but it is not fatal to people; rather, it has the same effects as inhaling smoke or anything similar. You cough because it makes your lungs sick.

Unfortunately, a lot of people will pass away, but those who are left will experience an awakening. Humanity will evolve into a stronger version of Kraexils, or Kraexils 2.0, when exposed to this new zereviolite-oxygen, also known as Oxylite, in the near future. Not only will humanity evolve, but all life on Earth will as well, healing the planet in the process.

As we return to Azrin, the combination of zereviolite and oxygen is already excruciatingly unpleasant, but when combined with Laasuk's black, gooey substance, it becomes even more agonizing for him. The zereviolite-oxygen combo is continually working to forcefully create a new organ to house the zereviolite, while the black gooey is working nonstop to attack his immune system and take over. It is quite amazing to see his body try to evolve against all odds. The blood all around him shows how his body is resolving this issue after many trials and errors.

Azrin, on the other hand, is not having a good time; the intense pain he experienced prevents him from even screaming or moving. He simply lies there in a vegetative state, staring at the ceiling while being aware of the alterations in his body. But in his mind, he frequently cursed to handle that painful process.

The evolution of his body has occurred after a full week of it altering ceaselessly. He exudes an overwhelming sense of power. His body is still human, despite the presence of black roots throughout it. The black roots stretch out from his heart like a line to each of his arms, then spread out to each of his knuckles like a gauntlet. The same is true of his leg; the black roots go through it like a line before eventually spreading out to each of his toes. The red glow then began to softly pulse through the black roots.

[A/N: Picture Alex Mercer (Prototype) roots glowing red with Akaza (Demon slayer) black line.]

His height is the same as before at 164 cm, but he has a body that resembles Henry Cavill's Superman physique, which is preposterous given his relatively short stature. As a result, he has compressed his body to appear somewhat less bulky. He has no idea how he does it; he simply knows he can. He returned to the device after thoroughly inspecting his body, breaking open each of the glass containers, and absorbing the zereviolite once it had combined with oxygen. His instinct tells him to absorb it, so he does.

He then makes his way toward the surface. He discovers five Laasuks at B3. After seeing his mother's friend Zainab's body, or what was left of her, lying motionless on the floor, he is filled with rage. He roars at the Laasuks, and all of them rush at him, but he shreds them apart and eats them, further enhancing his regeneration and power. For the time being, he can only use his Laasuk-like power because he is still unsure of how to use his other, zereviolite-oxygen-based talent.

[A/N: Azrin still doesn't know anything about zereviolite, not even its name. He eventually will.]

No worries, though; He will gradually understand everything. He then scoops up all of Zainab's bodies, or whatever is left of them, and ascends upstairs, where he begins to slay all of the surviving Laasuks while consuming their bodies. Unfortunately, the body that Laasuks has mated with cannot survive outside of Laasuk's body as he tries to save Azrul and carry his friend's body outside of the monster.

"How did he give birth, and from what hole?" He was uninterested. He takes Azrul's body and keeps climbing. He then came across his mother's decomposing head. The body must have been eaten.

Then, at the nearby location, he gives them all a decent burial. He went up what was left of the collapsed structure while his hand was shaking with wrath, and then he roared as loud as he could. Every time he screams or roars, adjacent Laasuks will rush in. His roar somehow functions as an aggro skill. Hundreds more Laasuks began to swarm in his direction a short while later.

The Laasuks then grasp his arm and try to rip it off as the other Laasuks bite into his body and try to eat him, but Azrin's body instantly heals any wounds. As he fights, he also starts biting, scratching, and clutching like a beast. This conflict has been going on for weeks, and every time he moves, his mouth is constantly eating the Laasuks that get in his way. His power to regenerate had advanced by the end of this battle. He gains significant strength and speed. He firmly compresses his muscles as they start to enlarge once more. Even he is baffled as to how he is still able to breathe after contracting all those muscles. 'Oh, well', he thought to himself.

His senses have advanced to a superhuman level; he can now hear and see objects from a mile away. He then continues to crouch and compress all of the roots in his leg to their maximum before leaping with all his force. His jump is quite high—perhaps 2000 feet, give or take. He inhales deeply and roars as loudly as he can in midair to entice additional Laasuks while still soaring.

As he fell to the ground, he compressed the roots in his right arm to the utmost limit and punched the ground as forcefully as he could, as he could see thousands of Laasuks racing towards him. His smile widened, and his eyes turned crimson with wrath. After the smoke clears, a huge sinkhole is seen where Azrin punched, followed by a deafening noise.

Azrin exclaimed, "This is fun," as he gazed at his creation.

He then decides to go home. Kill some more Laasuks and eat them as he travels. He starts to wonder what Kraexils taste like, but there is still no sign of them. He makes a stop at a minimarket right near his house. He then starts to gather a necessary item and some snacks to munch on. He is not hungry, but if he were, Laasuks would be nearby for him to kill and eat.

His old home, a one-story, land-locked dwelling, is wrecked when he gets there, and frustration sets in. He has numerous recollections of his mother at that house. He laughs and starts singing.

"My mom is dead, my house is gone, and my friend is dead," he said while covering his face. He took a deep breath and put his hand on his waist before looking down.

"Let's move on", he said as he continued to repress his own feelings within.

He then continues to stroll through the neighborhood, but every single house has been completely destroyed. Afterward, he makes the simple decision to set up camp close to his home. He returns to the minimarket to get everything he needs for camping before going home. He erected the tent and dug out from under his house his beloved sofa.

He reclines on the sofa and looks up at the sky. Right now, he is experiencing a sense of emptiness. Even though he has a badass superpower, he is unable to impress his pal with it. Even though he is currently quite powerful, it is already far too late. The moment he lets his guard down and realizes his mother is no longer around to bug him, he begins to sob silently. Then several 'IF' scenarios start to form in his mind. 'If only I had this power earlier', he thought.

Then he gets up right away, takes a deep breath, and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. He decides to only express his feelings—happiness, sadness, or anger—when he is engaged in combat with his foe. He does this by repressing his emotions. He thinks he won't be able to escape from his regret or unhappiness if he keeps wallowing in them.

He then takes a shower after removing the PVC pipe from his alleged bathroom, which is now submerged under the debris. He has a shower and then goes to bed to give his mind a proper rest from the stress he has been under. He snoozes for a full week. It's a good thing that neither Laasuks nor Kraexils were around while he was dozing off—or maybe they were around but couldn't locate him.

Anyway, he feels great after his naps. Then, when the morning rises, he makes the decision to leave his home and roam around his land, killing any Laasuks or Kraexils he comes across. He can strengthen himself while searching for survivors at the same time. However, he must first comprehend his body before moving further. He makes the decision to subject his own body to every test he can think of.

As a first test, he needs to know the limits of his regeneration abilities. He removes his nail, and it instantly grows back. After that, he starts to cut his own finger—obviously only a small bit of it. Then it instantly regenerates. Then he continues by repeatedly cutting his limbs, his entire finger, and even his stomach. His regeneration power kicks in and restores everything. He is still capable of feeling pain, but due to how quickly his regeneration ability takes effect, he only experiences it briefly. All of his wounds healed instantly.

He then starts to burn himself, which causes his regeneration ability to kick in, but he keeps doing so to reveal the limit of this power. After an hour, he began to grow bored and still wasn't exhausted, so he decided to quit burning himself. It's time to put him through more rigorous testing, such as chopping off his head and harming his brain and heart, but he decides to postpone it since, for some reason, he feels uneasy about it. Once he felt a little more assured, he would take the test.

He then visits the mini-mart to look for poison, a bottle of bleach, rat poison, a chemical to unclog a drain, or any other substance that is harmful to humans. It's just a common household item; there's nothing exceptional about it. He then ate them all at once and even forced himself through it, despite his body protesting by gagging. He consumed the rat poison, all the dangerous chemicals, and everything else he brought with him. He vomited blood and also started to bleed from his nose because his body temperature started to spike. The regenerative power begins to work as soon as he notices that his throat is burning and that he is having trouble breathing.

For whatever reason, his skill comes into play late. When he wounds his hand, it heals in a matter of seconds. He then consumes bleach until his throat begins to burn, at which point his regeneration begins. He mused to himself that perhaps internal injuries heal a little slowly. He then moves on to the next test, which is his Laasuks talent.

Every time he used his Laasuks power, he was reminded of the old video game Prototype that he used to like playing. He selects the name "blacklight" for this power. He then attempts to summon a weapon from his arm in a manner similar to that in the game, using it as a point of reference. Nothing happens. Then he recalls that in the game, there is a mechanism called biomass that requires a particular number of biomasses before he may summon a weapon, but he already has plenty of those. A total of 2640 or so Laasuks have been consumed by his body, and all of their body mass has combined with his and been compressed.

He made a weapon out of the mass he had consumed inside his body by applying the law of equivalent exchange. In the game, Alex Mercer can choose from four different weapons: the Blade (hybrid or strength + dexterity), the Claw (pure dexterity), the Whip (long range), and the Hammerfist (pure strength). Then he fashions those weapons in accordance with his preferences.

For the Blade or hybrid build, he pictured a two-handed sword, a gauntlet, and a pauldron on his left arm to block or parry, and just a gauntlet on his right arm. He also wears a faceless helmet with a red root pattern on it, and his whole armor is black in color with red roots pulsating slowly. The two-handed sword features a red Damascus-like pattern all over its blade, which is black due to the blacklight's power. Red is pulsing gently on Damascus in sync with the blacklight on his body. Likewise, his gauntlet was black with red roots that pulsed steadily.

The pauldron on his left shoulder is quite large, yet it doesn't restrict his movement because every time he moves, it takes on a leather-like quality. However, when he attempts to shoulder charge with his left side, the pauldron hardens. He tests his blade prowess first, then moves on to the claw.

[A/N: Here is the picture for easier imagination]

He then visualized his favorite animal, the mantis shrimp, for the claw, or Dex build. His entire physique underwent a transformation, becoming more like a mantis shrimp. He still has a human upper torso, but now he has four arms, two of which are enormous and project from his back like wings; they resemble mantis shrimp spears. His height is 160 cm or 5.2 feet.

His lower body resembles that of a mantis shrimp, with thick, muscular carapaces on each leg. His body is covered in a black carapace that acts as full body armor, with red roots that pulsate. His headgear, which resembles a carapace, is black and only has a red-roots pattern on it; it lacks an eye, a nose, ears, or even a mouth.

[A/N: Imagine, a human body with a shrimp lower body with a spear mantis wing, something like that.]

The other two arms are similar to his natural arms and have three claws that hover above his arm like a wolverine. The claws that float above his arms move in response to each arm motion. One claw measure four feet in length and may stretch all the way to ten feet. Additionally, the three claws can combine into a single, extendible, thick blade.

[A/N: for easier imagination, the claw hovering above Azrin's arm is like Nei li shadow Devil sickle form. That form appears in chapter 86. The title for that manhua is Tales of the Demon and God.]

After completing his transformation, he puts his gigantic mantis spear arms behind his back and begins to run. His legs exerted so much force that the tar road cracked as soon as he began to run. A tremendous boom then followed. It appears as though he teleported while he ran. Every time he runs, the impact he creates destroys the environment.

After that, he started to shadow fight. He can harm other people just by moving quickly, and he then deploys a powerful spear that moves quickly even without the aid of a blacklight. But then he proceeded to charge the blacklight in the spear like an iai sword technique, and as he let go, the spear pushed forward at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

When he is happy with the outcome, he creates the Whip, which is the next weapon. In the game, Alex Mercer utilized the whip to target enemies that were airborne. Then Azrin makes the decision to completely swap out the whip for the Pile buster. He makes it pure long-range, but it can also be used at mid-range. The armor for this build is leather-like with some cloth parts made out of blacklight, which covers his whole body like in Assassin's Creed.

Then, he creates three fox tails from his back, each of which has pile-buster-like claws, and wraps three pile-busters around each of his arms in the shape of a triangle. Similar to the three pile busters around his arm, the tails can combine to form a thicker, larger tail with a larger claw-like pile buster. His pile buster, which can expand as quickly as the speed of sound, will be extended at his opponent when he is fighting at mid-range. The pile buster has a ten-foot extension range.

He employs the Pile buster like a sniper with a pole-like bullet for long range. His biomass functions as ammunition. He then inspects the pole, which acts as ammo and is 3 feet long and 3 inches wide. It also has a steel-pole-like appearance with a pointy end. He continues to fire, and each time the target is destroyed, he laughs like a child with a new toy.

After that, he switches to a hammer fist or pure str build, which in the game behaves like a Thor hammer and makes your fist so heavy that it nearly sends you flying when you strike. He begins to ponder, after which his body begins to transform in accordance with his fantasies. He changed back to his Dex build and made it bigger; before, the Dex build was 160 cm or 5.2 feet; now, it was 240 cm or 7.9 feet.

He transformed his two enormous spears from his back into a large, muscular arm with fur and his other arms into those of a shrimp mantis. His lower body likewise altered, going from a shrimp mantis to large, muscular rear legs that resembled those of a tiger. His body is covered in pulsating red root tattoos that start at his heart and move down to his mantis shrimp hands and tiger-like leg. His body is black in hue.

He then starts to test the strength of his str build and starts punching with hands that look like mantis shrimp without first charging them with black light. Every time he punches, a piercing sound can be heard, and an air cannon is also produced due to the pressure of his blow. With his str build, he can now deal close and mid-range damage to opponents. He then starts to completely charge his mantis shrimp hands, at which point he unleashes a punch.

When he releases the punch, the air around his arms warps and briefly exceeds the sun's temperature. His punch exceeded the speed of sound, producing a huge boom. His railroad-like blow left a crater in front of him. The crater was also scorched, as if by an energy beam. Because the punch's force completely dismantles his arm, his regeneration also begins to work. Afterward, he grinned and reflected, 'Wow, this is entertaining.'

He does a few more tests with the str build before moving on to the armor test. Before switching to his other build, this armor will become his default armor. He decides to employ this armor in a battle with a weaker foe, so he won't have to think and can simply take the blows from the foe. He, therefore, creates tremendously durable and tank-like armor. Beginning with his head, the helmet is identical to that of his dexterity or strength build. His armor is also black in color with a red root design on it, and it also appears to be heavy and tank-like. The armor also features a textile component that was made using a blacklight. Overall, it's plain-looking armor, but it's robust and substantial.

Then he plays around with his armor, and after that, he decides to test all his newfound abilities with the Laasuks, which he did. It was easy; he lost track of time and ended up slaughtering the Laasuks the whole day. Since the Laasuks are almost everywhere in Malaysia, he doesn't have a problem finding one. He ends up slaughtering a total of 100 or so Laasuks and further enhancing all his abilities.

He then packs his suitcase, stops at a store to buy some snacks, and starts to walk towards Perlis, the northernmost state in Malaysia. However, he must first travel to Kedah and Pinang Island. He intends to travel to the north first, then from there to Johore, Malaysia's most southern state. In addition to eliminating the Laasuks and Kraexils from the states, his goal is to look for any survivors. Naturally, many individuals prefer not to walk, but there are no reliable transportation options. He doesn't want to use his loud build. He doesn't seem to get tired from simply walking, so he thought, 'Why not?'

He then sets out on his quest to rid his country of the monsters.

A/N: Enjoy