Chereads / Claire David: Love And Lust / Chapter 16 - CHAPTER 16

Chapter 16 - CHAPTER 16

"Mom!" Claire Davis yelled, her hand on the front doorknob. "I'm leaving now!"

"OK, honey, have fun!" Darlene said, walking into the room.

"I don't know how much fun it will be," Claire said. "Mrs. Norris's dog is terrible on a leash! If he can pull her around, I can imagine what he will do to me. Probably drag me along behind him."

"Well, that's why she's paying you to train him. And hopefully, you can teach him to stop shoving that big nose of his into everyone's crotch! Sultan is even worse than Duke used to be."

Darlene smiled at her daughter. "You'll do fine, Claire. You have a real special bond with dogs." she said. "'You know how proud I am of you. I keep telling all my friends how well you trained Duke and soon, you'll have more dogs than you can handle!"

"Thanks, mom," Claire said, walking out the door while faking a smile. She did not share her mother's confidence.

Claire had a lot on her mind as she walked to Mrs. Norris's house. She wasn't sure how well she could train Sultan without using her secret weapon – her sweet-smelling pussy.

She couldn't just walk up to Mrs. Norris and say, "Excuse me Mrs. Norris, I'll just take off my panties now and teach Sultan that only well behaved dogs get to sniff and lick my pussy. Then, I'll come back every day after school to jack him off to keep him from humping your leg, unless you don't mind if I give him a blow-job instead. Would that be OK, Mrs. Norris? You wouldn't mind if I suck your dog's cock, would you?"

Claire took a deep breath and sighed before knocking on Mrs. Norris's door. She immediately heard loud, deep-throated, barking. Mrs. Norris opened the door while trying to keep her body between Claire and her huge Great Dane, Sultan.

"Hi, Claire," she said. "Come on in!" Mrs. Norris struggled to hold Sultan back who seemed desperate to investigate the new, sweet-smelling human.

"Get down, Sultan!" Mrs. Norris said, still struggling to hold onto her dog's collar. Claire walked up to Sultan and let him sniff her hand. He immediately began licking it with his long, pink, tongue.

"He seems friendly," Claire said, petting the big, black, Great Dane. Sultan suddenly shoved his nose under Claire's skirt, deep into Claire's crotch, and began to sniff her pussy. The force of his snout hitting her cunt almost took her breath away.

"OMG! Sultan, stop that!" Mrs. Norris said. "I'm so sorry, Claire," she said tugging and pulling Sultan away. "It's like I told you on the phone, he's friendly all right, but all too friendly around us girls! Your mom said you trained your dog Duke not to do that, do you think you can handle Sultan?"

Sultan raised up on his hind legs, tugging against his collar, wanting to return to Claire, Claire glanced at his large cock sheath and didn't know if her tight pussy could handle him at all.

"Um, I don't know, Mrs. Norris," Claire said. "He's pretty big." She pulled her eyes away from his cock and low-hanging balls. "I mean, he's a lot bigger than Duke, and he probably weighs more than I do."

"Yes, he's a handful alright," Tori said, taking Claire's hand and leading her to the couch. "Let's sit down so Sultan can get to know you without knocking you down. Just keep your legs closed, OK?" she smiled. "And, please call me Tori, Claire."

The two sat on the couch. Claire petted and played with Sultan but kept her legs clamped tightly together. Sultan was very unruly, jumping on the couch, sniffing her and licking her face. Sultan would need a lot of training, Claire realized, and she said so. "He's very rambunctious," Claire said. "He's going to need a lot of training. Much more than Duke. And, I got to spend a lot of time with Duke after school and we had obedience training every Saturday."

Tori continued. "All I can ask is that you do your best. If you can get him to walk on a leash without pulling me up and down the sidewalk that would be a big improvement."

"OK, Mrs. Norris. I mean, Tori," Claire said. The two discussed Claire's pay (a lot more than Claire expected), and decided that Claire would walk Sultan every day after school, and Tori would even pay for Claire's time to take Sultan to Mrs. Hill's obedience classes starting next Saturday, since Duke's graduation was this weekend.

"It won't be a problem for you to be alone with Sultan after school will it? I don't get home till almost 6:00 PM. You're out of school, at what time? Three?"

"Well, by the time I get home, change my clothes and let Duke out, I could be here around four," Claire calculated. That would give her almost two hours alone with Sultan and time enough to give Duke a quick hand-job or a blow-job.

"Uh, what about your husband?" Claire asked.

"Oh, your mother didn't tell you that I'm divorced?" Tori said. "I bought Sultan for protection and to keep me company since my husband left. I think I've had enough of men for a while."

"I know what you mean," Claire said. "Some guys are just ass-holes, pardon my language. That's why I love dogs so much more than boys." She quickly added, "I mean, dogs are so nice and they don't break your heart, you know?"

Claire then thought to herself, 'And, they don't tell everyone what a dirty, little, slut you are.'

"Exactly!" Tori said.

With everything settled, Claire quickly instructed Mrs. Norris how to correct Sultan whenever he tried to sniff her crotch. Claire stood up and called Sultan over. When he shoved his nose firmly into her pussy (which was already getting damp, just thinking about being able to play with Sultan and his big cock), Claire corrected him by blocking his access with a raised knee, told him "No!" and pulled his head away, denying him of a close-up snort of her female essence. Then, she tried to make him sit.

"The best thing to do when company comes over is to make him sit and stay, so he won't get a chance to act rude in front of your guests."

"Oh, Claire! You know so much about dogs! And you're so young, too!" Tori said. "But, what can we do about…, that?" Tori pointed to the Sultan. He was still sitting down with Claire's help, but the tip of his long, pink, dick was sticking out.

"Uh, well…, he is a male dog, and it's going to happen," Claire said. "You can put him away when company comes, or.., you can have him fixed..," Claire added softly.

"Oh, no! I can't do that! The dog-breeder told me Sultan wouldn't be as good a protector for me if I did that! Besides, I could never hurt my poor, big, baby!" she said, hugging Sultan tightly.

"I know how you feel," Claire said. "I'll see what I can do with his…, ah.., problem," she added. "I learned a couple of tricks from Mrs. Hill at her obedience school. She owns the kennel just outside of town."

"That's where I got Sultan from!" Tori squealed. "She was so nice to me."

"Yes, she's very nice," Claire said. "She really loves dogs too," she added.

"Yes, I could tell," Tori said.

"Well, I better get started," Claire said. "If you show me where you keep his leash, I'll take him in the backyard first, to make sure he can't get away from me. Then, I'll try to take him for a walk."

"Sounds great!" Tori showed Claire where Sultan's leash was kept, his food, water, and his dog crate. Tori was so happy to know Sultan would be let out of his cage earlier every day and getting some exercise too. Finally, she handed Claire a spare house key.