Chereads / Basilisk / Chapter 52 - A near-disastrous incident and an encounter with the Black and the Greengrass family.

Chapter 52 - A near-disastrous incident and an encounter with the Black and the Greengrass family.

Svyatozar, my dear! Do you have anything you would like to share with us? Upon my return from the Moscow region, where I had the privilege of encountering a fascinating vixen, I was almost immediately confronted by my husband and wife, who pinned me to the wall. And while Koneka merely gazed at me with an expressive and judgmental gaze, Maria was practically spitting with jealousy, which created a tense atmosphere around me.

With Maria's emotions surging, overflowing from her soul through her aura, the room was filled with the emotionally charged energy of her dreams. The space around me now resembled the delirious state of a schizophrenic, as if hundreds of colors had spilled into the surroundings, attempting to blend together. However, each individual color in this space possessed its unique physical properties and followed distinct universal laws, distinct from the others.. Red sought to eradicate, pink to distort and overcorrect, white to disintegrate, yellow to transform in a random sequence of states, and blue like sulphuric acid. None of these colours had any positive influence on those that filled the room. All of this was happening around me because Maria was in a terrible mood, her Venetian temperament manifesting itself.

"Now, control yourself!" I exclaimed. "I understand your feelings, but have I ever given you a reason to doubt my loyalty to our bond?" If you need a reminder, I cannot betray you. Therefore, you must calm down and rectify what you have done.

I gestured towards the ruined, charred, acid-etched, disintegrated, and otherwise mutilated furniture and fittings that had once adorned the interior of the chamber, now reduced to a state of utter desolation.

I addressed Maria, drawing her close and embracing her as I spoke. Koneka remained standing in the doorway, having not followed his mistress into the room as she had fled. He stood for a moment, waiting for Maria to process her overwhelming emotions of guilt and regret. I kissed them both on the nose, then released them from my embrace. I told them that I would await them in the adjacent room, adding, "The atmosphere there is far more agreeable than this.". With a gesture of my hand, which I had earlier used to circle the interior, once a cozy living room where I enjoyed spending time in my subterranean palace, I evoked even greater guilt in the passionate Italian woman who had become my soul mate. After this pantomime, she headed for the exit, leaving me to ponder the consequences of her jealousy.

It was evident that Maria would not have much time to rectify the damage caused by her jealousy. With a wave of her aura and a simple desire for order, she could restore the room to its original state. In the first instance, I left them to allow Maria time to collect her thoughts. Alas, my efforts were futile, despite my struggles with her impulsive nature and fiery temperament. When she interacts with those she cares about, logic and reason give way to emotions and the Southern temperament she inherited from her forebears.. Not ten minutes had elapsed since I had taken a sip of the newly distilled brandy at Rocky Haven when my wives entered the room. Judging by their sombre demeanour, one of them was about to lay the blame at my doorstep, while the other seemed inclined to silently support her.

"Sit down, please," I said. "We need to have a serious discussion. Oh, what a dreadful expression of fear and despair they are wearing! Of course, I intend to set things straight, but I did not intend to cause them psychological trauma or distress."

— There is a more efficient way to approach this! No need for alarm. I have no intention of taking any action against you, not this time, at least. Now, someone please enlighten me as to what has brought about this sudden and aggressive reaction. Surprisingly, Koneka stepped forward, while Maria averted her gaze, fixating on her shoes. It was almost as if I had transported back in time, to four centuries ago, when Maria was but a child, for her ears were now burning, a crimson flush spreading from her cheeks to her shoulders.

The air was thick with the scent of desire and passion, a potent pheromone emitted by a powerful magical being that was not my own. My feline companion responded in a manner that was both abrupt and occasionally accompanied by a feline growl.

How curious, I wondered, that I could not detect any trace of this scent on myself. After a momentary pause, I realized that I had inadvertently taken a significant amount of May's fur with me from the manor, and she herself was still reeling from the encounter with this magnificent being.

The young lady was visibly perspiring and clearly agitated, and as previously mentioned, her fur served as a crucial conduit for her power. It was therefore only natural that I exuded her own desires and passions, which my wives instinctively detected.

Indeed, I would need to provide an explanation, though it was inevitable. However, there was no need to rush into it; it could wait until a more opportune moment.

I shall commence at the outset. Today, I found myself in Moscow, where Yaroslav informed me that a diplomatic delegation from the newly revitalized Celestial Empire had arrived in the imperial capital. Among the delegation was a kitsune — not a fae, but an ayakashi.

I made it clear to Konjiki's ears that my feline companion harbored a personal animosity towards the fae race of werewolf foxes, known for their predatory tendencies. Thus, I resolved to encounter this individual in person, seeking to engage with her and gather information about her.

"I understand the nature of your desire," murmured Maria, glancing at her friend. "I also know about your promise to help Koneki find her family, if she has any."

"Precisely. I should tell you about the fox-spirit who started all this. It would be a lie to say I do not like her. She is a beautiful young woman. In addition to her attractive appearance, she possesses a playful disposition and a vindictive nature towards her enemies and mere offenders. She is clever, yet childishly curious and naïve, all combined with the worldly wisdom of one who has lived for centuries.

Born in the twelfth century, she is a nine-tailed kitsune ayakashi. To put it simply, I am attracted to her, yet I will not bring her into my family. However, there is one significant factor in her favor. Apart from her appeal to me as a potential companion, given her likable personality and captivating appearance, she also has another significant advantage in becoming my soul mate. She is a virgin."! Need I elucidate the implications of this for myself and my family unit?

The couple's cultivation of their marriage is a delicate process. Ehhh... I understand, I suppose," she said, glancing at Koneko. "We understand. And my former student expressed it so sadly, as if she were resigned to the inevitable.

Koneko, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed by the situation, judging by her emotional state. Her initial reaction was primarily driven by feminine solidarity and her deep connection with her master, which is why she felt so jealous of Maria. As a faerie, she sees herself as more of a creature of the wild, and while the concept of familial pride may not be inherent in nekomata, it does not cause them to resist. They are highly social beings and have been accustomed to living in clans throughout their existence.. My beloved cat, having been effectively isolated from the opportunity to be surrounded by her own kind, is seeking an alternative in us, her family, or those she could include within this close circle, those whom she deems to be her pack. In our case, this is only feasible through the expansion of the family through the addition of new members.

In her eyes, a nine-tailed cat is a formidable fighting unit that would be a valuable addition to our family. This is merely her instinctual desire to acquire such a member for the pack.

Sir, you are aware that once a kitsune has responded to a human as a potential partner, they will stop at nothing to pursue them, correct? Indeed.

There is little cause for indignation among the various magical species. Whether it be the Veil, the Kitsune, or other werewolf or magical creatures with animal origins, in which women are not relegated to a position of disenfranchisement, if a woman has set her sights on a man who has ignited her essence, she will do anything to capture him.

And because any magical creature is closer to nature and its understanding, such ambition is primarily driven not by irrational impulses but by the desire to imbue their offspring with paternal genetic material, thereby providing their children with greater chances of survival and a more privileged status in society.

Mei immediately identified me as an ideal candidate for reproduction. Indeed. But I do not care. I have no objection to children and will not deceive myself. I am deeply attracted to the kitsune.

«Shall I care?» I inquired. «If you do not care for her, she has no place among us. I am not the sole one who must live with her; the decision is yours.»

«I see,» replied the vivacious Maria, her cheerfulness not attributable to having been granted the power to veto May, but rather to the fact that I had refrained from excluding my wives from the decision-making process. The choice was theirs, and I was not unduly concerned. I was confident that the charming siren would be able to win Maria over. Koneko did not oppose the idea, and due to the ambivalence of my jealousy and sense of duty, she would not want to pass up the opportunity to strengthen her husband and, through intimacy, herself. Consequently, Maria eventually acquiesced to expanding our family to include the fox. How could she resist nine fluffy tails?

By the by, how is Feza faring? When was the last time you laid eyes on her? Ahh… I knew it would not be easy with her. This young lady, who has not even reached her first century, will not let go of her infatuation with me or abandon her attempts to entice me. And she is well aware that if I were to approach her with such intentions now, while she is still under the age of consent, I would face severe consequences.

After my wife had physically disciplined her, sparing no mercy, and cast a curse that caused her discomfort for an entire month, she eventually ceased her attempts to invade my bed for her own pleasure. However, she spends her time in the shelter, resenting her mother and me, and engages in raids within the depths of the mystical realm, venturing far from our fortress, covering hundreds of kilometers.. And almost every time she embarks on an expedition beyond the frontiers of the known territories, it is fraught with adventure for both of us, without a moment of calm. Then I must shield her from the perils in the form of an enigmatic creature that lacks a name in the magical bestiaries. It seems that all those who had the fortune to encounter this mysterious beast did not survive to recount their experience.

The creature was imposing. Standing at about three metres at the withers, it possessed a massive feline head with exaggerated fangs, its body covered in scales and keratinous plates instead of fur. Surrounding its head was a mane of half-metre-long needles, which it could hurl with remarkable speed, accuracy, and distance. These needles were filled with a potent venom that, once injected into the bloodstream, instantly paralyzed its victim.. Nonetheless, if this substance came into contact with air, it would ignite and burn like napalm upon contact with oxygen. To this, we must add the speed of a master yogi, complete immunity to magical assaults, and the presence of a second pair of limbs at the nape, just below the front paws' shoulder joints. These limbs were one and a half times longer than the other limbs, with three joints that allowed for movement, and a tail that was three meters long and incredibly flexible. This tail allowed the creature to move with the agility of a monkey in the upper branches of the magical forest, making it an incredibly dangerous opponent. My clones had to work tirelessly to contain the monster while Feza sought to put as much distance between herself and it as possible. I was constantly having to rescue her from various magical anomalies and portals, which might have transported her to unknown locations.

No. That odious girl has been ignoring me and Koneka for the past two months! I do hope her adolescence ends soon, and she regains control over her body and its hormonal fluctuations. How can women so quickly shift from one state to another? Just a few days ago, Maria considered a global issue to be a potential candidate for her third wife. Now, she has completely abandoned any thoughts about it, as if she did not want to throw a tantrum at me in the very best Italian family tradition just twenty minutes ago.

She will not come to you seeking reconciliation, and you are aware of this. Therefore, I implore you to exercise more wisdom than a fickle young woman and take the initiative in mending the rift between you. I have been compelled to dispatch forty-six of my duplicates to replace the secret protectors, who maintain her safety from harm. This is because they do not survive the perilous journey through the less secure regions of the magical realm, where she frequently ventures. I am weary of this state of affairs. Let us strive for harmony in our home. Very well, then.

My golden-haired maiden sighed, "Tomorrow, Koneka and I shall pay a visit to the Rock Shelter. It was necessary for me to speak with Gloria, anyway, and she does not particularly like to leave her domain. We shall see the little one, and then make up. I thought it would be fine. I hope they will come to an understanding swiftly, and for the sake of my ward's safety, I shall not have a care."

We sat in the drawing room for about an hour, and gradually, our discourse evolved into flirtation. When the semantic weight of everything we said to one another was aimed solely at bringing us closer to a horizontal plane, I was unable to resist and gathered up my squeaking spouses and carried them with me to the bedroom.

I spent the time leading up to the evening in my own world, and concluded it with great delight for my soul and body, and, most importantly, I knocked out of my beloved's lovely heads any doubts and concerns about the fact that I had begun to love them less.. In general, I endeavoured to execute everything in the most optimal manner, striving to instil in their minds the notion that they were not adequately meeting my expectations. To this end, I exerted myself to the utmost, pushing my soul to the limits in order to maintain a steady, maximum acceleration of time in my world of Hogwarts, while concurrently generating the requisite amount of energy necessary to harmonize my soul with those of my soulmates.

Through my efforts in Earth's realm, I experienced only three hours passing, whereas in my own world, a full week elapsed, and I returned to Hogwarts in an exalted state of mind.


Tonight's night vigil in the castle had fallen to my lot. I decided to attend it personally rather than send my clone, as I usually do. Some parts of the castle's enchantments had gone awry and required repair. The sigils bearing runes needed renewal, and in certain areas, even the magical lines of power that connected the castle altar with the intricate structures responsible for various functions within the school — from heating, which was already beginning to fail, to protecting against tiny pests such as rodents, and even to withstanding a full-scale assault on Hogwarts — needed replacement.

Alas, my illusory abilities were insufficient to operate the control console of the castle systems, adjust them, or make modifications. Thus, I must undertake everything with my own hands. As I contemplated my forthcoming duty and the tasks of the day, I mapped out my route through the castle. Meanwhile, I could sense the emotions of despair, trepidation, surprise, and incomprehension emanating from Slughorn.. Dumbledore had violated Horace's mental being, causing him to perceive his memories of that fateful pedagogical encounter in which I had placed the headmaster in his proper place, as irrelevant, and to avoid thoughts of him. However, Albus's manipulation of the illithid artifact did not affect Slughorn's sensual essence. And he was greatly terrified of me that evening, as well as of the fact that I was aware of the Slytherin Dean's secret involvement in the fate of Tom Riddle, which had led the unfortunate man to the impossibility of becoming the Lord and plunging into the abyss.

The horror that I might expose Slughorn and make him a clear target for the current Gaunt Regent, who was already notorious for his power and ruthlessness, was deeply imprinted in the outermost layer of his soul. This fear was now strongly associated with me.. Thus, dining at the standard staff table in the Grand Hall became a delightful diversion for me, where the piquancy and zest of each culinary creation crafted by the house-elves were enhanced by the dread, verging on terror, that emanated from Slughorn like molasses dripping from a pale spoon. He had endeavored to uncover the root cause, but alas, his efforts proved futile. Horace might have preferred to dine exclusively in his quarters long ago, but he could not bring himself to deprive the community of his presence, so to speak, nor absent himself from the communal meals at school lest he stir up gossip. It was tacitly understood that the Heads of Houses must attend every meal in the hall if they were present at the school. However, aside from Slughorn's presence, my time in the Great Hall was sweetened by Albus' disapproving frown.. The moment the Headmaster laid eyes on me, he was overcome with a sense of melancholy, realising that within his domain, the school he viewed as his fief, there existed an individual of exceptional intellect, utterly beyond his influence and control, who cared not for his pride or arrogance, nor for him.

With a heavy heart, he watched me go, as I, having partaken of a hearty meal of mutton stew with vegetables and dark ale, set off on a leisurely stroll around the castle. I had begun my task two and a half hours prior to my bedtime, eager to commence the process of restoring the enchantment that had been cast over the castle, but alas, my efforts were destined for futility.

Miss Porter, accompanied by her friend, sought to join me on my evening stroll, followed closely by Miss Wood, Stephen Reed, Miss Black, Miss Green Grass, Miss Abbott, and finally Miss Grand.. Ultimately, instead of following my pre-planned course of action, I found myself delivering an unscheduled lecture to a select group of freshmen during the course of our excursion through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle. In an effort to evade any potential encounters, I chose to guide the group through obscure passages and secret routes.

The young students proved to be no fools, and I cannot help but wonder if I possess such good fortune, for most of these first-year students were exceptionally bright and intelligent, meticulously memorizing our entire itinerary. They demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for spatial awareness, effortlessly navigating between floors without the need for stairwells or elevators.

Morgana, with her talent for runic magic, effortlessly conjured transitions that defied conventional spatial logic, allowing us to swiftly traverse from the ground level to the fifth floor and beyond.. Today, we engaged in a lively discussion with the children, covering a wide range of topics, from enchantments and potions to the history of magic and magical artifacts, delving into even the dark and blood-based practices. As the hour approached bedtime, I accompanied them to the staff quarters.

The nightly rounds had passed without any students being caught out after curfew, allowing me to focus on my work within the castle. Due to the neglect by previous heads of the school, including Nigelus Black, the current head, much work had accumulated, making it challenging to address all issues in one day. However, with a few more nights of dedicated effort, the castle would be restored to its former glory, if not surpassed it.

On the sixth day of November, in the year 1962, at the residence of Bellatrix Black.

— Hmm... This is a risky proposition, Cygnus. Do not misunderstand me, I hold your ancestors in high regard, but Nigelus has a somewhat controversial reputation as an eccentric visionary. And to place our trust in a portrait of him as a source of guidance on such a momentous matter is a rather bold step.

Dear Henry,

I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all that you have done for my daughter. I know that many «noble» people would not have devoted so much time, effort and resources to their own child as you have to mine. I greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity, but in this case, I will not allow pragmatism or logic to prevail.

Whatever my ancestor's reputation may have been, he was committed to bringing honour and goodness to the Black name in every way possible. He believed that Bellatrix's training under Ormar Drake was not only valuable but a blessing, as he discouraged us from demanding oaths of loyalty from Ormar for fear of insulting him. This shows that my ancestor held Nigelus in high esteem.

It is difficult to gain Nigelus' trust, for he could see through even the most devious of schemes. Therefore, I intend to follow my great-great-grandfather's advice without hesitation.

"Indeed… there is a reason why you Blacks are regarded as extraordinary. I apologise, but I find your claim preposterous. Did you hear me at all? I have just informed you that for the past few centuries, neither the Guild of Charms nor the Dark Magic Guild has admitted a wizard bearing the surname Drake and named Ormarr, nor anyone remotely similar to them. Henry endeavours to dissuade his friend from taking a fatal path regarding young Miss Black."

"Really, my dear, calm down," I said. "I have told you many times that neither my sister Druella nor I have any apprehension about this professor. You know very well how keenly attuned our intuition is. It is perfectly calm for our little girl's future if we simply assume that she might be in the complete power of a magician about whom we know nothing and can only rely on the judgment of the portrait of a distinguished ancestor."

A respectful nod was given in the direction of the painting, which depicted not its rightful owner but Nigelus Black himself. However, the conversation was cut short by the arrival of the housekeeper.

"Mistress, an unidentified individual has appeared at the threshold and is awaiting admittance into the premises. It is likely the guest you have been anticipating. What are your instructions?"

The news that someone had circumvented the protective measures surrounding the grounds of Blackhouse and only halted at the entrance to the dwelling, which had ceased to be a barrier to the intruder and had become the primary line of defense for the house, left the occupants of the living room in a state of great agitation.

"But how?!" the sisters exclaimed in unison. They had been expecting the professor to arrive via the fireplace network, and this was quite a turn of events.

"Indeed. And tell me, Henry," one of them said, "did your informants within the Guild of Dark Magic and Enchants only examine records of masters from the past two hundred years?"

— Yes, but… it can't be! Have you considered the possibility that he may be mistaken? Why did he not think of that, and ask to see the records from when the guild was founded? Has his mind, which he believed was so flawless, started to fail him, leading to such obvious errors?

— Yes, Henry, that is precisely what I have been thinking. This building was constructed five centuries ago, on the very day that the junior branch of the Black family in England was founded. The protection around this house was created by the founder, who was skilled in runes, numismatics, artefacts and dark magic. Then, a voice spoke from the portrait.

«Are you going to keep talking for much longer? There is a wizard of unknown strength standing at our door for the past minute, having effortlessly circumvented the house's defenses, and he is waiting to be greeted! Druella rose from her seat and departed the sitting room, but as she did so, she instructed the house elves to set the table for the impending dinner party and prepare for the arrival of our guests.»


I found myself at the threshold of the dwelling place where Bellatrix had spent her formative years. Access was not particularly difficult, although it is fair to say that the security measures in place here were only marginally inferior to those I had encountered at the Vatican's military infrastructure designed for the Inquisition and the Order of the Creator. Every aspect was executed with meticulous precision, reflecting the lofty standards of a bygone era when nothing was taboo save for utter obscurity.

To illustrate, if Hogwarts could be rated on a scale of one to five, with five being the highest, it would receive an A. The residence of Cygnus and Druella, however, would likely be given a solid C+, particularly due to the inclusion of blood-red runes infused with vampire thaumaturgical elements in the defensive systems. I even detected traces of Sidhe techniques employed in the mind-bending mechanisms employed here. Similar to what the Dark sorcerer may have employed in creating this masterpiece, the Irish Sidhe utilized these methods to conceal portal passages linking Earth with the realm of magic, where their settlements resided.. Finally, I thought I would be faced with an impasse, trapped in front of a closed door for an indefinite period. However, it took more than five minutes for me to breach the defenses, find myself in front of the dwelling, and feel the attention of the resident housekeeper.

"Welcome, Mr. Drake," she said, "to our humble abode." She paused for a moment, as if contemplating something. "Cygnus treats me with deference and respect, as if I were not some professor from Hogwarts, but a member of the royal family. He even had his wife waiting for me at the door."

I nodded, acknowledging the greeting. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Black," I replied, trying to pull off an ear-pulling nod with equal effort. "It's a pleasure to meet the parents of one of my brightest students. They seem to be in good spirits. Even in the depths of their minds, they haven't focused on my behavior. Just at the edge of awareness, they have accepted it as a given, confirming their own beliefs about me."

It is truly gratifying to hear such an accolade from a mentor of your esteemed calibre, who himself was mentored by Alfonso Brance. Bellatrix is overjoyed to be part of your curriculum this year. I have heard nothing but praise for your teaching, and Druella joined in on the commendation.

"Mrs. Black, there is no need for thanks. I am merely acting in strict accordance with my contractual obligations to the castle, and in relation to the students of my class, I am performing only what is required of me. Neither more nor less."

"Oh, I apologize. We were simply conversing on the doorstep!" You are not the sole guest today, Mr. Drake, and there are others waiting for us at the dining table. Let us enter and partake of some of the housekeeper's delights. Ollie has been working diligently, and her skills are exceptional.

Hm... It is a delightful sensation to engage in a game of one's own emotions. Druella was genuinely pleased to have guests, myself included, but her greatest hope was that I could assist them in resolving the situation with her daughter. However, Cygnus is a fatalist who, having made a decision, does not intend to deviate from it, hence he is now following the predetermined course of behavior towards me. Once again, there is no hypocrisy on his part.. This worldview had been instilled in Ollie in her early years, and she could not conceive of living any other way. I, too, was drawn to Ollie's approach to the housekeeper, the warmth in her tone, and the affection with which she spoke of her and her skills.

When I delved into Druella's memories, I discovered that Ollie had served as her companion and caregiver in her formative years. Ollie applied healing balm to Dru's injured bottom, despite going against her mistress's instructions and having to face consequences for her actions. Such is life!

Thus, it is said that some apples fall far from the tree, some even rolling far away. The Rosier triplets serve as a testament to this. Despite their challenging upbringing, they found solace and support in their siblings, and thanks to that, they did not become embittered towards the world and did not grow up to become haughty members of high society.

Please, take a seat at the table and let me introduce you to my brother-in-law and closest friend, Lord Henry Greengrass, along with his grace and consort, Lady Sylvia Greengrass.

This is the distinguished Professor Ormaru Drake, whom we have often heard about from our daughters. Cygnus personally escorted me to my seat, then introduced me to this beautiful couple across the table who were studying me with a curious expression. I was eager to respond with delight at the opportunity to meet them, when a voice suddenly echoed from the wall:

"No need for introductions. Greetings, esteemed Ormaru. Who could have doubted? Nigel wouldn't miss a day if Salazar Slytherin were to appear on the doorstep of Black Manor, even if it wasn't the main branch."

Greetings, Nigelus! I am sorry to say that I cannot wish you a pleasant evening, as it is no longer appropriate to do so. Might I ask you to explain how you came to meet your untimely demise at such a young age?

My interaction with the previous Headmaster of this school elicited a variety of responses from those in the dining hall, but all were positive and reasonable. Upon discovering Nigelus' presence here, I decided not to play the part of a young mage, despite his potential for greatness. Let us see what they have to offer for the training of their beloved Bella, shall we?