Chereads / Basilisk / Chapter 57 - Let's go to China

Chapter 57 - Let's go to China

"Greetings, my dear ones. Are you prepared for your journeys in China?" I inquired, stepping through the portal into the assembly hall, having navigated by the signatures of those I cherished, whom I could immediately discern before me.

"My darling, we have missed you so much!" It was but a moment since I had arrived in the Citadel when Maria flew into my embrace, heedless of the witnesses or the presence of two of my younger students standing behind me.

"Koneko, why do you stand there as if you are not part of me? Or do you not wish to greet your husband?" I had to summon one of my arms and invite our feline companion to join us. With my other arm, I embraced and held tightly to my golden-haired maiden.

Koneka, as ever, remained silent, yet she joined us in our embrace. Only when the three of us were together did my wives deign to pay attention to the twin sources of cuteness that were ablaze with curiosity, timidity, and a hint of envy. They feigned disinterest in what transpired, as if trying to look away, but their gaze continually returned to our triad.

"I finally had the opportunity to meet your students," Maria said, her voice more like a purr than actual speech. She extricated herself from my embrace and approached the girls.

My students were clearly disoriented by this sudden change in circumstances. It was as if they had just been at Hogwarts, practicing self-discovery and exploring their own mana. Then, in a flash, they were transported by a portal, something they had only read about in historical accounts, as contemporary European mages were not capable of such feats.

Upon arriving in this unknown location, they followed me and witnessed an intimate scene of three individuals expressing their love for each other. For them, this was the epitome of impropriety, given their upbringing in a puritanical environment. I doubt that they had ever seen their parents demonstrate affection in such a straightforward manner. And now, without warning, such shamelessness had been thrust upon them.. Only after a brief moment of initial awkwardness did they finally come to the realization that the stunning blonde in my embrace was none other than the legendary Maria Badoer, the founding chairperson and head of the International Council of Magicians (ICM), who had been instrumental in establishing this organization. She had spearheaded the introduction of the Statute of Secrecy, implementing a system of oversight and other precautionary measures to safeguard the magical realm from the prying eyes of the uninitiated.

The other woman, a fiery-haired beauty no less captivating than Maria, was Koneko. She was always by her mistress's side, and it had recently come to light that she was also the wife of our mentor.

"That young lady reminds me of someone," Maria thought, "not in appearance, but in her emotions."

She realised she was paying more attention to Bellatrix, and she felt a connection to her sensual nature. Maria chuckled, like a cross between a cat and an Uchiha, feigning disinterest. Four centuries spent with a feline companion had not gone unnoticed. She was behaving this way because she saw herself in Little Black from four centuries ago.

"Hello, young ladies," Maria said. "My name is Maria Zmieva, née Badoer. My husband's name is Svyatozar Koneka. You know him as Ormarr Drake."

"A pleasure, Honoured One," the girls responded in unison, curtsying. They introduced themselves.

Maria chose to speak to Bella first, not wanting to be rude to the younger one. However, her initial reaction was not due to dislike for Black. It was because she saw a reflection of herself in the past, and that was not something she enjoyed.

I once had the pleasure of knowing your ancestor, Bellatrix. Betelgeuse Black, the matriarch of your lineage, was an active member of the MCM community for quite some time. While we were not exactly friends, we certainly held a mutual respect for one another. You should explore the family archives; you will find fascinating insights there. She was a woman of great dignity, not dissimilar to the spirit of England itself.

As Maria's focus remained fixed on Bella, Koneka, also having left my side, now engaged in intense observation of Sylvia, circling her with a predatory grace that left the girl visibly uneasy. Despite Sylvia's attempts to maintain composure, it is difficult to remain calm when a partially transformed werewolf circles around you, particularly when they possess the ears and tail of a feline.

«You smell like the forest», my cat moved swiftly towards the girl and breathed in deeply near her skin, at the base of her neck. She finished her thought by saying, «Your ancestors must have had the spirits of the forest in them».

There was no need to question her assumption. After all, she was an astral goddess, a spiritual being that had attained the ninth layer of the soul. We had a family legend that our founder fell in love with a nymph, and after one night of passion, she disappeared from his sight. A year later, however, she returned and presented him with their child, who went on to become the heir and later the head of our family.

I had suspected something similar after observing my students. Greengrass exhibited a remarkable aptitude for astral, light, and nature magic, making her an ideal candidate for training as a druid. Her mother, on the other hand, possessed an innate empathic sensitivity that was truly remarkable.

Bella had a predilection for the dark arts, maleficence, blood magic, metamorphism, and the capacity to transmute sentient spiritual energy into mana. And she inherited from her mother, Druella née Rosier, a magical sensibility.

"Nice girls. But what brought you here? Are you planning to take them to China for hunting?"

"Why not? I can protect them, and exposure to higher-level magic will be beneficial. Besides you and me, there will be a few hundred archmages who need to accomplish something significant right away. And my illusions are always alert and ready to respond to my call for assistance. There's nothing to worry about."

Indeed, what is there to be concerned about? Even in the most far-fetched scenario, there could not possibly be more than a dozen nine-tailed foxes, and even this number of creatures is difficult, if not inconceivable, to imagine. Foxes of equal power cannot tolerate each other's presence, which is why the constant bickering among the kitsune faeries only intensifies with each additional tail. They maintain a brutal hierarchy, constantly vying for dominance within their ranks. Thus, I fail to see how such self-centered, vicious, and bloodthirsty beings could ever coexist harmoniously.

"Well, you would know best," Maria replied. "We only need to consult with Jaromir to obtain the necessary details, assemble the warriors, and set off for China." With that, Maria's words were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Russian Emperor, who hastily entered the chamber.

Greetings, everyone! A clarification is in order. From here, our path will lead us to Moscow, where Mei will join us, and together with the ambassador, we shall proceed to China. There, she shall provide us with unhindered passage through the territories of the Celestial Empire as she holds the authority of a representative of the Chinese government, Jarik explained. Vold and Olaf followed him into the meeting room.

My students once again caught a glimpse of the blue screen, as the appearance of the Emperors of Russia and Japan was well-known in Europe. It was no secret that they were magicians, and there were no statues erected in their honor in these two nations. Naturally, European wizards were not pleased with this, but who cared? The most powerful player on the European stage was the Church, which now ruled supreme and was not limited to matters of religion. Catholics and the Russian Empire enjoyed a strong and friendly relationship, and it was a source of envy for those who were hidden away in secluded enclaves.. Well, this is solely their predicament. They failed to fight tenaciously for their independence and liberty.

Neither Sylvia nor Bellatrix found the appearance of Jaromil a secret, and seeing him in person came as a surprise to them. However, for me, during the brief time they spent in my company, the girls began to develop an immunity to being surprised, and their level of astonishment upon meeting the emperor of the most extensive empire, not just one, was considerably lower than it would have been several months ago.

"Greetings, everyone, and who are these young beauties?" Witold greeted everyone and inquired about the two unfamiliar girls.

"Mine," I replied with a smile, amused by his reaction to my response, then explained, "I have recently taken on personal students. This is the dark one, Bellatrix Black, and the fair one, Sylvia Greengrass."

Naturally, upon my introduction of the ladies, they executed a simultaneous curtsy, and having listened to the reciprocal introductions from those already present in the room, they expressed their delight at the novel acquaintances, as is customary in such circumstances.

As for the Chinese, they have granted us permission to dismantle the final stronghold of the Kitsune Fae. Their sole requirement was our participation in an assault on a group of gifted individuals from China, which I am certain will be led by a certain fox-demoness who is not unknown to you. She, incidentally, during her time in Moscow and our daily discussions on trade and economic relations between our realms, has repeatedly inquired about you and expressed interest in all matters pertaining to your person.

I see. What further comment could I offer in response to such revelations?

"Is that all you have to say in response to such a revelation, my dear?" Maria realises that I can easily discern her true emotions and sentiments regarding the situation, and she is not feeling jealous. However, she is a despicable individual who has chosen to play the role of a jealous wife who has discovered her husband's infidelity.

"What am I meant to say to that?" I ask. "I have no desire to offer excuses for my allure and extraordinary charm."

Once again, that noise from my wife's lips — was it a cat's snort, or an Uchiha's?

Following a brief bout of playful banter with our wives, or rather, with Maria, Koneka merely cast us a reproachful glance. We had briefly enacted a scene of marital jealousy, feigning the role of the disloyal husband. Following the playful exchange, Vitold and I engaged in a discussion regarding the composition of our hunting party for the day.

I could have conducted such an operation alone, but I have many archmages at my disposal who have never engaged in a true battle against opponents at least approximately their own strength. Therefore, I felt it necessary to provide them with an opportunity to test themselves in a genuine combat, where the cost of a misstep would be their very lives.

Two hundred archmages may seem like a substantial number for such a cleanup operation, but there is still room for improvement. My preference would be to have even more of them, rather than fewer. While my illusions travel to assist them, one of my subordinates will meet their demise. Even knowing that my vassals will ascend to my egregore upon their passing does not alleviate my distress.

Vold, this is not open to debate. I appreciate your solicitude, but I do not wish to overstep my bounds. I am fully cognizant of your desire to demonstrate your feudal duty by stepping in and assuming my role in the forthcoming battle, and of your aspiration to test your mettle against a formidable adversary that this realm is so bereft of. However, my wives must be included. And I cannot in good conscience allow them to embark on such an expedition without their contingency plan in place.

I must confess, I was perplexed when they attempted to exclude me from the festivities, citing the need to protect me and my spouses from a perceived threat. Ha! No, perhaps I might have considered such a proposal two centuries ago, but not now, in the face of the looming threat that hangs over the world. I am determined to meet this challenge head-on.

To grow beyond my current limitations requires rigorous testing, which can be challenging, if not impossible. Fortunately, I now have a simple solution at hand. I have no doubt that I can succeed. I can flee in the event of a mortal threat to my own safety, although it is difficult to imagine such a scenario. Who would I leave behind if I chose to run?

"My lord," Jaromir addressed me, "is it wise for you and your consorts to venture forth when you have such a formidable array of powerful sorcerers at your beck and call?" This statement, coupled with his use of the honorific "my lord," revealed to my students that the twice-emperor was also a subordinate of their mentor.

"That's settled," I declared. "I will not accompany you on this expedition. You shall accompany me. Let us proceed." With that, I silenced any further attempts by my vassals to persuade me otherwise. Rising from the table, I summoned a portal to Yarik's palatial abode in Moscow, gesturing towards it with an imperious hand. As my students stepped through the portal, I followed them into its depths.

Once within the confines of the palace, I encountered a pair of witches stationed in a designated area designated for travelers. Their demeanor was guarded upon the arrival of two young women, but upon recognizing me as their sovereign, their attitude swiftly shifted. Without delay, the young ladies proceeded to escort us towards the guest quarters, where Mei was believed to be residing.

Following my interaction with Kitsune, which led to a more open and trusting rapport, negotiations were initiated to establish new trade, economic, and political alliances between the three empires, specifically on behalf of China. Mei, recognizing the opportunity, promptly accepted an offer to relocate to the palace for the duration of the delegation's stay in Moscow. However, much to her dismay, I had already departed, leaving her plans unfulfilled.

Well done, my students. From now on, I expect you to conduct yourselves with the utmost decorum. Until I need to remind you otherwise, try to remain inconspicuous, standing behind me and maintaining silence.

The young ladies have been most exemplary, and I have never had cause to be displeased with them. Therefore, I feel compelled to express my approval of their conduct. I have not given them any explicit instructions regarding their proper behaviour in my presence, leaving the matter to their own discretion. Their social faux pas can do no irreparable harm to my authority or reputation. I care not for such trifles. I am a deity, after all, so why concern myself with such trivial matters?

The path to the door, beyond which I sensed the presence of the sly fox, had now come to an end. As I raised my hand to knock, the door opened, revealing itself to me. I must admit, I was somewhat taken aback. How could we, me and my students whom I was representing, have been so easily detected, waiting at the door for our arrival?

However, as it transpired, Mei's departure was merely a fortuitous coincidence, stemming from her urgent need to attend to the subsequent phase of the ongoing diplomatic negotiations between the Chinese embassy and the Russian empire.

I failed to perceive her presence, for I had momentarily ceased to focus intently enough to pierce through the veils that obscured my vision. After all, this edifice was imbued with a personal enchantment, and even my own defenses were impenetrable. The entire domain was saturated with spells designed to detect, discern, and alert authorized individuals, including myself, to any malevolent intentions directed towards the occupants of the palace. Having detected no signals, I allowed myself a modicum of relaxation, compromising on my security measures and allowing my attention to drift, relying more on intuition than the all-encompassing vigilance of my senses.

"Mr. Noor… Svyatozar?" I hastily corrected my familiar feline, who was fountaining with delight, confusion, and a host of other emotions. And she is not playing! She is no longer a child, for whom a gamut of feelings amidst the hormonal turbulence and rapid growth phase is the norm. Long ago, she should have learned to control herself. May's excitement about our encounter was not hidden from my students, nor from even my foxes due to their acute senses. She displayed the distinctive features of her species in her fox ears, tail, and black button nose. Hm. How amused Bella and Sylvia must be now, to see a fairy with their own eyes and to remain alive — a remarkable fortune, at the very least for Europeans.

"Greetings to you as well. I am not alone this evening, as you can see," I replied, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug of my shoulders, before proceeding towards her chambers. The sly fox, caught off guard by my unexpected arrival, had to turn around and allow me entry into her quarters. What I had to say remained for her to decide upon. In her charming head, I am Nurarihyon, one who does not typically enter through doors, but rather slips invisibly through windows and vents.

"Allow me to introduce this charming ayakashi, Mei, a kitsune of the fox spirit. In terms of power, she stands on par with the ancient European archmages. These are my students, Sylvia Greengrass, and Bellatrix Black." I gestured to my companions, prompting them to avert their gazes from the fox, attempting to suppress their curiosity.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You can call me May," the prospective candidate for my soul mate nodded to the group. The fact that she was a candidate became evident from the thoughts and sentiments that fluttered in her mind and her sensual aura. In addition to her clear desires for me, she sought to win the favor of my entourage, beginning with my students.

"What delightful young ladies!" After a brief assessment of my charges, May chose to express herself with a smile and tone that left the young ones rather taken aback and embarrassed. Foxy did not even attempt to employ her innate talents in my presence but confined herself to the conventional psychology and acting skills.

"Very well, let us dispense with the compliments. My subjects will be prepared within the hour. Will you require time to prepare for the journey to China?"

"No, I am ready to depart at a moment's notice," the ayakashi responded with a touch of excessive joy and enthusiasm.

She must harbour a personal grudge or have an interest in man-eating faeries, for she was overjoyed at the news. In light of this, I did not depart May's residence with my students.

While Witold and Olaf assembled the necessary contingent of archmages for our expedition to the fox den, we partook of delightful tea accompanied by apricot preserve until we were disturbed by my brother, who descended upon me like a snowfall, his countenance one of indignation and even affront.

"Greetings, Svyatozar, my lady!" Alfonso inclined his head towards my companions, but his attention remained focused on me, as he began to voice his displeasure. "Of all people, I least expected such a development from you, my friend!" exclaimed the elderly and contentious grandfather, only to be joined by the appearance of a young man in his twenties, who materialized in the chair beside him.

I find myself at home, as you can see. I do not know where to flee, Lyubavushka, my beloved, even for the briefest moment. And here it transpires that you are about to embark on an enthralling safari, yet for some reason you do not invite your brother along! Can you consider yourself my companion?

Indeed, it is true. I have completely lost track of Alfonso and the intricacies of his family situation. His wife is once again expecting, and she is not the most amiable person I have ever encountered. Thus, the poor fellow seizes any opportunity to leave the household without a quarrel.

I apologize, friend. I am still adjusting to the idea that you do not need to get into… ahem, well, you know. At least this time I considered the wizards. But the irrevocable has not occurred yet, has it? Therefore, cease spoiling the ambiance with your pessimism! Respond to me: would you like to accompany me on an exhilarating journey where you could release some steam and satisfy your predatory instincts?

"Ha… Well, now then, come along. And of course I agree; when do we depart?" Alfonso's mood shifted like a child's, and he began to fidget in his seat. There it was! How could he not have a sore bottom? He did that every time he became impatient for some exciting event.

«Actually, we can depart now», I said. «My illusions in the fortress informed me that the archmages summoned by Vold have already assembled in the Citadel and are awaiting my signal to depart. While I took a cup of tea, my wives engaged in similar activity, with Jolanta, Agnieszka and Gloria, and recently joined by Lubava, who is now expecting a child».

Following my agreement with Alfonso, and with peace restored between us, I found myself repeating the introduction process between the girls and my twins, once again leaving my students in a state of astonishment and wonder. They had yet another legend to witness. Alfonso Brance, despite his reclusive nature, remains one of the most renowned and «elderly» magicians in Europe, holding great respect among the discerning public who understand the art of magic.

Today, in this «adventurous» endeavor, I aspired to participate in almost the entire top echelon of the Order's leadership. Why not? I am not the sole individual seeking to stretch my limbs and engage in physical activity, leaving all my spiritual faculties humming with fatigue after a rigorous exercise.

Upon observing my companions — May, Alfonso — as well as my spouses, Witold, Olaf, Markus, and Iolanta — adorned in ornate armor, their features obscured, resembling dwarves from mythical tales, chained in their protective attire, I realized that there was no further delay. It was time to depart.

"May we proceed from here to the portal leading to the Kitsune realm in the magical realm?" I inquired. "Do we need to travel to your customs facility in China first?" I was unaware of the permissions granted to us by your authorities for movement within the Middle Kingdom.

"There is no need for us to go through any customs formalities, and I am free to move to the post of wizards who are currently on duty at the portal, ensuring that no one attempts to slip through from that direction."

"Then you may proceed, and my companions and I will follow you."

Upon hearing my words, May instantly conjured a portal, maintaining it open for just a few moments, granting me the opportunity to meticulously calculate the coordinates of our destination, although it was unnecessary. I had already determined these coordinates while she first cast the spell, creating a narrow corridor stretching from a hall in the Moscow palace to the base of the Guilin Mountains in southern China, situated almost on the border with Vietnam, measuring approximately one step in length.

Well, it is time for me to once again deceive the sly one. My instincts and forebodings seem to urge me towards this step. I do not feel any discomfort at being mistaken for another, but rather, I feel a need to do so.

It was with this idea and purpose in mind that I focused my power around me, Alfonso, my disciples, my wives, and all those witches who were now within the Citadel, awaiting my signal to move to China. As I had bonds with everyone I led (marriage, apprenticeship, vassalage, twinship), it was simple for me to envelop each of them in my power without inducing resistance from those who possessed sentience or rejection of my influence from their own magics.

When all those who were to accompany me in my journey to China were enveloped in the cocoon of my influence, I harnessed my affinity for darkness and shadows, bolstered by my deep connection with spatial magic, thanks to Zakhar and the guidance of Snake Tree. I conjured us all to the edge of our realm, where the veil between worlds was thin, and from this vantage point, we swiftly transported our group to Mei's vicinity in the heart of the Chinese forest.

From the perspective of the vixen, it must have appeared somewhat alarming. Upon her arrival in the realm of the Celestial Empire, a transformation occurred in the shadows surrounding her. In the blink of an eye, the shadows came to life, expanding until they enveloped an area equivalent to half a football field, creating a dense forest.

The shadows merged into a single entity, forming a vast expanse of darkness, seemingly intelligent and pulsating with life. It appeared ready to pounce upon any intruders. However, this eerie transformation lasted only a moment, leaving May with no time to be truly frightened. Just as she prepared to react, the darkness began to dissipate, revealing Svyatozar first, then retreating into the distance, as if drawn back into the shade of its master.. And where not so long ago, there was nothing but a few trees and shrubs swallowed by darkness, now there were a considerable number of powerful wizards who were only slightly inferior to Svyatozar himself. There were at least fifteen hundred of them, although she could not accurately determine their exact number, as her senses were failing her, and she could only estimate the number of combatants brought by Svyatozar by visual observation.

Once again, after Svyatozar's performance, May became convinced that he was none other than Nurarihyon, who disappeared five centuries ago and for some reason did not wish to reveal his true identity by his given name. But what was the point of her figuring it out?

"As I understand it, those two kittens hidden in the thicket behind you, along with the tsuchigumo accompanying them, serve as sentries?"

I turned to the Tsuchigumo, who still appeared bewildered by the sudden paralysis of the yokai that had taken the form of a spider as large as a minibus. Her reaction was understandable. Despite my best efforts to conceal my aura and prevent it from interacting with the world, my presence still affected the spiders, causing them not merely to flee in fear, but to suffer real harm to their spiritual shells, akin to the effects of fumitoxin. My presence can even kill acromantulas, although only the most ancient and powerful specimens can withstand my power. This transformation seems to have occurred after I consumed Llos' daughter in a single gulp.

The Tsuchigumo shared my fear, as she too is an arachnid and my essence as a basilisk, reborn as a divine serpent, serves as their nemesis.

"Yes, they are agents serving the Chinese government," replied Mei, still frowning. "I cannot explain what is wrong with her."

The vixen's thoughts continued to whisper in my mind, now directed towards herself, rather than me.

"If you are referring to Tsuchigumo's state of stupor, it is my doing. Alas, my presence has this effect on all nearby spiders, and there is nothing I can do to change it. Therefore, it would be the humane course of action for you to relocate her to a distant location while I and the witches engage in eliminating the foxes."

May responded with a peculiar, unreadable expression. Within half a minute, Ader, accompanied by his son and several archmages proficient in spatial magic and artifact manipulation, examined the physical portal, which served as the anchor for an elemental portal connecting Earth to the Magical World, intricately woven with magical threads. It resembled a fissure in the rock measuring half a meter in width and three meters in depth.

"Hmm, an intriguing weave indeed," Ader remarked, circling the entrance to the realm of the foxes. "Everything about this portal appears logical, yet my intuition warns me of impending danger should I venture through it."

We have been contemplating the portal within the realm of energy for approximately fifteen minutes, attempting to discern the reason why none of us is willing to traverse it. Nonetheless, all indications and attributes of the transition into another world suggest the safety of this action. Yet, it cannot be that four Archmages and a God possess a dysfunctional sense of caution, can it? Thus, we find ourselves perplexed by this enigma.

While we endeavored to unravel the mystery, my wives, their students, and May engaged in a tea party, allowing them to get acquainted with one another. Observing Maria's reaction to Mei and my students, I determined that it was time to cease our deliberations and delve deeper into the creation of these two worlds and the formation of natural artifacts. Whereas previously, as an Archmage, I struggled to comprehend the logic behind such genuine artifacts, after becoming a God, it has become more accessible than ever. The metaverse has become considerably more tangible and evident to me.

My mind reeled with disbelief as I peered into the depths of the crevice, attempting to unravel its mysteries. After a further fifteen minutes of intense scrutiny, I finally grasped the true nature of this enigma.

It was not the genuine elemental portal weave that we had all been observing and analyzing. Instead, it was a masterful illusion, so intricate and cleverly crafted that it had deceived even me. The trap itself was multi-layered, and as I attempted to break free from its grasp, I stumbled into yet another magical portal weave — another illusion.

The fox, having crafted this masterpiece, had accomplished a remarkable feat. She did not merely superimpose several illusions upon one another. Rather, she constructed a vast and multileveled complex of illusory enchantments, incorporating an analytical component that was almost like an independent artificial intelligence capable of learning. It reacted to interactions with itself and had numerous strategies to thwart and deceive those seeking to circumvent the enchantments and peer beyond them.

Until I fully comprehended the intricate nature of the multilevel illusion and grasped its full scope, including its concealed aspects, the illusionary web continued to elude me, presenting a new illusion in place of the actual portal.

I had to resort to my own illusionary gift more than ever before in order to navigate through this intricate web and to examine the creation of an ancient nine-tailed woman from within (I was certain that no one else could have crafted such a thing). It was only then that I fully appreciated the peril of illusions.

Gazing upon another illusion, I discerned that if employed as a means of traversing into the realm of magic, specifically to the fox enclave where the original gateway should have led, the illusion would instead transport the unwary into primordial Chaos — its intended destination.

In the end, I remained near the portal for approximately half an hour, dismantling the deception that led to death only after meticulously memorizing it and comprehending all its intricacies. The knowledge I gained from this set of nine-tailed talismans proved highly valuable in the field of illusionism.

Upon dismantling Kitsune's creation, a natural gateway materialized in place of the erstwhile trap.

Hmm. I can now see why none of the scouting parties ever returned from the other side. I had explained this to May and Maria as soon as they joined me in observing the archmages examining the portal.

"So none of them survived..." the fox-woman said sadly, and I realized that some of those who had gone to explore were close to her in intelligence.

Alas, it was likely true. Except, perhaps, for those with the ninth layer of their soul. They might have had a chance to survive a brief sojourn in Chaos, and if fortunate, to escape in time if conditions were suitable. In Chaos, one cannot predict or formulate any theories; it is all a matter of chance.

Not so... My sister was present, and she was only a girl with seven tails.

After I had extinguished May's final glimmer of hope, leaving her utterly despondent, she found solace in the embrace of Maria, who held her close. Koneka stood beside them, tenderly caressing May's shoulder and back, offering comfort.

The intricate workings of the female mind remain a mystery to me. Even now, Maria's thoughts and desires seem to shift, from the urge to chastise the insolent newcomer to embracing her as if they were old friends. It is a remarkable transformation, considering their brief acquaintance.

Ah, well. Such are the vagaries of human emotions. My own thoughts turn elsewhere, as I contemplate sending my illusions beyond this realm. Let them explore, and when they return with their observations, we shall forge our own path. Thus shall it be!

Heh. Now all that remains is for me to bid my family farewell and await the signal from my scouts to depart.