Chereads / Curse Of The Beast / Chapter 27 - Not The Same

Chapter 27 - Not The Same

Kayden remembered everything he had done while in that berserk state. He remembered breaking that sword and being ultimately defeated. He also remembered the utter furry that was visible on that second year student's face right before she had finished him off. All of this was just making Kayden itch for another fight.

In the midst of his thoughts, the door to the room opened, and coming in was Paul who, without saying a word, walked towards his bed and laid down. Just like everyone else, he had been defeated by the second year student with ease. Being someone who prided himself on strength, having lost that fight was starting to make him rethink some things.

Meanwhile, Shawn was no where to be seen. Kayden didn't mind this, as he was more concerned about the condition of his friends. They had all been severely mal-handled by the second year students. And although this was all just part of their training, he wasn't liking it one bit.

Images of the instructors' faces flashed through his mind, causing him to clench his fists in frustration. The fact that the were willing to put students through such severe training regiments felt inhuman to him. He wasn't sure if he could go through something like that for a second time.

Once everyone else was discharged from the infermary, Zain quickly went and met up with the others before they would go their separate ways. They shared their personal experiences with fighting the second year students to each other. After the fight, all the first year students seemed more calm and quieter than usual. Even the squad of girls who would usually go around sharing the latest gossip we're mostly keeping to themselves for now.

Everyone was shaken up after receiving a one-sided beating from the older students. Everyone just wanted to head to bed early and forget about what had happened today. However, there was something that was bothering Zain, something he thought of telling the others.

He shared with them how he had briefly seen Kayden behaving like a wild beast when fighting against the second year student. Hearing his explanation, the others looked surprised. They were finding it hard to believe that Kayden was keeping such a big secret from them. Although upset, they were still his friends, so of course they were worried about him.

'The instructors must have certainly seen him ho wild. What will they do to him now that they know this?' Carter thought to himself. The group, wanting to assist Kayden however way they could, knew that they wouldn't be able to if he wasn't willing to open up to them regarding what was going on, and they weren't going to force the truth out of him, knowing full well how that would turn out.

For now, all they can do is wait, hoping that he would eventually open up to them about what has been happening to so that they can work towards a solution together. After that, the group then went their separate ways. It was already night when the nurse started to discharge her patients, and everyone was ready to sleep their worries away.

The next day, everyone was quiet during the normal classes. The teacher, noticing this, couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He knew about how tough the other classes had been on the students yesterday, and he was also glad that the second years had finally put this group of rascals on their place.

The rest of the class went by peacefully without any form of disruption or snappy remark from the students being thrown towards the teacher. Later on, it was time for everyone to head towards the canteen for breakfast, and that as well went by quietly, without any form of noise or disruption from the students.

They might have now been fully terrified by the second year students, that didn't stop the girls, and even some of the boys, from swooning over them. They wanted to prove their love to the older students, but knew that the second years would never even bat at eye at their needs if they aren't being forced by the academy's staff to comply with them.

As all these things were going on, somewhere in the area meant for the second year students, in an empty classroom, a group of students had gathered to have a meeting. Before anyone began talking about the matter at hand, one of them had used his ability to make the room sound proof in case anyone had any ideas of listening in on their conversation.

The students who had gathered were the ten second years who had been selected to assist with the first year students' training. Even today, they would be called later on at three in the afternoon to help once more. The reason why they had been called was because of the student named Patricia.

She quickly went on to tell the students about how frustrated she was that a meager first yet student had blatantly disrespected her in the fight. In this academy, one thing that students valued above anything else was respect, and after having been disrespected by that first year, she wanted to put him in his place without any of the school staff finding out about it. However, she knew that she wouldn't be able to pull this off on her own.

She needed the assistance of those she was close to, which was why she had called upon these bunch of students. Henry, in particular, was more interested in what she was saying than the others This was because he also felt disrespected by this student as well, as was just itching to finally put the brat in his place.

"So here's the plan..." she then went on to explain how they would pull off what they wanted to do. Once everyone got the jist of what was to be done, the sound proofing ability was then cancelled, before they all headed down to their own canteen to have breakfast along with the others.

Although he was also upset by the loss he had experienced at the hands of the second year student, Shawn was more interested in furthering his research on the strange substance he had aquired. For a while now, he had been undergoing a series of tests on it, and he was glad see that he was gradually making progress. That night, he made it back to the dorm room just before curfew, falling asleep not long after.

Today, everyone was reluctant to head back to combat class for the day. Their spirits and will to fight had been shattered the day before. They were made to fight against themselves to know who would face off against the second year students, only to have themselves beaten severely by these second years right after that. They were less than interested in learning the remaining forms of Aikido so soon after yesterday.

Still, they had no say in the matter at the end of the day, so they all headed towards the class after breakfast. The instructors weren't bothered by the fact that the students looked exhausted and lacklustre. They still made them work to their bones in learning the remaining Aikido techniques. After an entire two hours of straight up practicing, they would then make their way to the abilities class.

Having obtained Mana potions the day before, Kayden and the others were wondering what they would encounter this time from the simulation. It wasn't long until they stood at the centre of the Arena, and their surrounding began to change, turning back into the same location where they were last.

Meanwhile, the other students would continue their abilities training with their assigned instructors back at the abilities class. Students such as Zain and even Carter were making progress with their abilities' growth. At the end, one can improve their abilities by exerting themselves. Meaning that everyone in the class had grown stronger and we're still growing stronger from their rigorous training.

For today's class, the instructor for the students having Razor Class abilities had decided to make the fifty students under his tutorship having one-on-one sparring matches with each other to tell each other's strength while the other instructors would continue teaching their students stuff such as total concentration breathing and a technique called Mana Control.

It seemed like this instructor's students were learning faster than the others, as write a number of his students had already learnt Mana control. However, Zain was still having trouble learning the technique. Mana Control was a skill that allows one to control their mana easier than they usually would. This technique is what allows people such as the instructors, and even the academy's nurse, to pass on their Mana to others

Zain was still having trouble learning this technique, but for now, he would have to focus on the fight ahead of him, as it had quickly begun, and charging before him, the student had activated his ability, his eyes glowing yellow but not having the blazing desire that they usually would.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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