Chereads / Curse Of The Beast / Chapter 20 - Learning Aikido

Chapter 20 - Learning Aikido

Wanting to explain all the remaining Aikido techniques left for the students to learn, the instructors began explaining the other forms before finally decided to provide a demonstration on each of them. Honestly, it was a lot for the students to handle. They had just managed to learn one technique, and now, they were being forced to learn five more as soon as possible.

"After Sankyo, we have Yonkyo, which is also known as the Forth Teaching. This is a basic Aikido wrist control technique involving a pressure point. It is one of the Basic pinning techniques of Aikido. Within Aikido circles, it is considered with something of an awe, because of the distinct pain it induces.

"Then, there is Gokyo and Rokkyo. Gokyo, also known as the Fifth Teaching, is a basic Aikido elbow control technique used in situations such as removing a knife or a dagger from an opponent's hand. While Rokkyo, which is known as the Sixth Teaching, is a basic Aikido arm control technique. This Aikido technique is also called Elbow Arm Bar Pressure or Hiji Kime Osae.

"We will focus on teaching you all these give techniques for the next two weeks. Beyond that, we will begin focusing on more advanced forms of martial arts. I would like to remind you all that this is a military academy. You are not here to relax and have fun. You are all here to train hard and become the future protectors of humanity!"

Once the instructors were done explaining the variations of Aikido, it was finally time for them to demonstrate the movements of each of them. Before doing the movements for Sankyo, they repeated the movements for Ikkyo for the students in case they ended up forgetting bits of it during the learning process.

"Let's start with Sankyo. Firstly, you grab your opponent's arm with both of your hands, then you twist the arm forward and down. Pressing one of your hands against the base of your opponent's arm, your other hand is clasped against the wrist of the same hand. Then, you want to lift the hand so that then you are looking at the palm of your opponent's hand.

"You wrap your fingers right around the inside of the palm. You step back, then point everything directly at your opponent, as you turn and cut. This is where you see the sword work that you will learn to do in Aikido. Also, you don't want to point the fingers down and cut with the bottom of the sword. You want to try and cutting off the tip, from the elbow of the sword then continue to cut through the front. Then the pin down is incorporated.

"Then, you have the technique for practicing Yonkyo. Once your opponent grabs you by the wrist, you raise both of your arms in the air, then move your opponent's body, twisting forward then turn. Give your opponent balance. Then, you will lift the arm you're still holding onto, so that you are looking at the underside of your opponent's forearm. The side that your opponent's thumb is so, you're gonna place the knockle alongside the bone of your opponent's forearm.

"You want to use the pressure from the knockle to point your opponent's elbow towards the floor. There are a series of nerves that move right long the inside of that hand. Then, there is the technique form of Gokyo, the Fifth Teaching.

"When your opponent raises his arm high to strike you, both of your hands come underneath your opponent's arm. Then, one hand blocks the elbow of the same hand. You then rotate over, your other hand moving upwards towards the base of the arm. So then the other hand moves to grab your opponent's wrist. You move away from your opponent, shoulder goes down.

"The knee closest to where your opponent is down should be raised up, then you will lift the elbow. The had slides underneath the elbow, then you pressure down on the elbow. Lastly, we have what is known as the Sixth Teaching, Rokkyo. Listen carefully as we explain and show you the movements.

Nearly everyone looked lost after having to watch the instructors demonstrate not one, but four techniques in the span of less than an hour. Not many remembered how to use Nikyo, yet here they were being forced to learn four other techniques right after Ikkyo. A lot of the students looked tired and frustrated, but they knew that airing their complaints would get them no one, so no one chose to say anything about the severity of the situation. The truth was that, they were all being overworked.

"To start Rokkyo, you first establish the right spacing between you and your opponent. You then move forward, making sure that your body is in alignment with your opponent's. Then, you grab onto their wrist. Make sure that yours and your opponent's arms ate in alignment as well. Then, from here, your arm is already extended out. Bend forward, then down. Break your posture.

"As you bend down, your opponent's arm is going to stretch. Then, you scoop it up. That arm you're holding on to, grab the back, apply a Nikyo stretch. Your elbow should be rolling over that of your opponent. His elbow should be pressed against your torso. From here, you should step back. Make sure that you keep the connection, then you go down. Then, you should still be keeping the connection.

"You should still be stretching the arm. Make sure that you are still sandwitching the arm between your elbow and your body. The hand clasped tightly against your opponent's hand is still applying Nikyo. From here, if you want to pin the shoulder, you drop your centre down. If your opponent wats to get up, the pin down should stay. And that is how you practice the last teaching of Aikido known as Rokkyo.

"We will be taking two whole weeks to teach you all these five Aikido teachings to the best of our abilities. However, this time around, we will not be waiting for everyone in the class to fully catch up. If the two weeks period is up, and you still haven't grasped the teaching, then we will simply move on without you. You are at liberty to ask your fellow classmates to help you catch up with the teaching if you are truely serious about this class.

"Since the second week of these lessons will be clashing with the interschool fighting competition, the second week of the teaching will happen right after the competition. I wish you all success in the match to come a week from now. I hope you all make us prowd and show that you are improving well from this class. I wish you all grow and become powerful people in the future. However, that cannot happen if you aren't willing to put into the hardwork"

A lot of the students seemed moved by what this instructor had said, so much so that their expressions changed from frustration to excitement. They could wait to become great, that was the while point of them living in the first place. While a percentage of the class wanted to try practicing the techniques, others weren't too interested in exerting themselves.

In the end, there were students who came from wealthy families having strong backings. They technically didn't need to grow stronger, as they would sooner or later inherit their families' wealth and live good lives. The only reason such students were even at the academy was because it was compulsory for every teenager in the world from the age of sixteen to be at the academy. Still, there were parents who refused to send their wards to any military academy and end of receiving no punishment for their decision.

Students such as Blake, Zain, Kayden, Hilda, Shawn, Markus, Madison, Paul were learning a little faster than others. Later today, Madison had been discharged from the hospital after Al her wounds we're healed. She was back to full strength and was ready to continue with the classes along with the others. Still, she remembered the words of her roommate. Filled with fear, she had no plans on challenging her anytime soon.

Other students such as Carter, Dan, Josh, and Steve were finding it difficult to keep up with the demonstrations. From time to time, they would slip and fall. Other times, they would use too much force than necessary, injuring those who were either weaker than them or unprepared for what their partner had ended up doing. There were those who didn't even know what to do in the first place They weren't quick enough to pick up and remember the movements the instructors had made.

While all these things were going on, all three of the instructors would spend the remainder of the class walking across the room, helping whomever they stumble across practice the movements a little better than they could on their own. They had managed to help write a number of students. Still, not all had learnt the third technique called Sonkyo.

It would be a while until they had learnt it then progressed towards the forth teaching. It seemed like the instructors were eager to help the class learn as soon as possible. This was what they were paid to do in the first place. Although keeping up with the movements was difficult on most, there were those who seemed to have given up on the class all together.

They showed no interest in sparring with their partners. Seeing this, the instructors chose to pay them no need and continued to focus on those who were taking the class seriously. At the end of the day, there wasn't enough time for everyone to learn everything in the first place. So they couldn't afford to waste anymore of their time on such students.


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