With my hair neatly fixed and my attire adjusted, I mustered my courage and stepped out of my room. As I descended the stairs, I spotted Blanc deeply immersed in her studies, while Lily attempted to converse with Lady Sakuya, who responded with a nod.
"Lady Tatiana, good morning," greeted Lily, offering a warm smile from the table. On the other hand, Blanc remained indifferent, engrossed in her newspaper, seemingly ignoring my presence.
Refusing to be deterred, I approached Blanc with determination and requested, "Lady Blanc, if I may say a few words with you?"
In her usual haughty manner, Blanc sneered, "What is it? Has the rich girl finally found the courage to speak her mind after a good night's sleep?"
Feeling my patience waning, I boldly stepped forward, snatching the newspaper from her grasp to get her full attention. This act took both Lily and Lady Sakuya by surprise.
"I demand you listen, Lady Blanc. I intend to end the war between these two countries, whether you like it or not! My goal is to save people from unnecessary death and the horrors of war," I passionately declared.
War had been haunting my thoughts since our kingdom was embroiled in it. The trauma it brought made me determined to prevent anyone else from experiencing its devastation.
Blanc, taken aback by my strong words, seemed lost for a response. Nonetheless, I continued, "I've already faced the consequences of war. If given the choice, I will try to prevent its recurrence. Though I may be insufficient, I refuse to let despair consume the land."
Her expression softened, seemingly connecting with the sincerity in my eyes.
Feeling remorse for my earlier rudeness, I promptly apologized, "For that, I am truly sorry for my manner. I ask for your help not just as fellow villains, but as myself, Tatiana Tremaine."
As I observed my companions, I noticed the kindness they had shown me, suggesting a glimmer of goodness within their villainous personas.
"Lift your head, Tatiana," Blanc said, standing up and taking the conversation seriously.
Lily, always supportive, stood up and applauded, "Congratulations, Lady Tatiana, you have successfully persuaded Lady Blanc."
Lady Sakuya smiled from her seat, silently expressing her approval.
Blanc, though initially resistant, crossed her arms and averted her gaze, but her acceptance was evident.
"Heh, I guess I've got no choice. But remember, my assistance doesn't come cheap, alright?" she reluctantly consented.
Grateful for Blanc's wisdom and guidance, I bowed once more, expressing my gratitude.
Blanc seemed taken aback by my gesture, muttering, "Not again… What are you doing now?"
"I want to form a good relationship with you, Blanc," I explained as I extended my hand for a handshake.
She appeared surprised but eventually agreed to the gesture.
With Blanc's hand in mine, I couldn't help but sense a slight distance between us. Yet, I held on to the hope that this handshake might be the start of something meaningful.
"Blanc?" I looked at her, sensing her distracted demeanor.
She huffed, "Guess I have no other choice but to go along with your primitive ways," but eventually shook my hand.
My heart swelled with joy, despite the cold sensation from her hand. Lady Sakuya and Lily joined in, strengthening our bond further.
With our hands stacked on top of each other, we formed a united front—a group of four villainesses with a common purpose.
"Congratulations, Lady Tyrant and Lily, of course!" I announced with a smile, embracing the warmth of our newfound companionship.
Time passed, and together with Blanc, I began to regret my decision to seek her help. She presented me with a mountain of books, and I was astonished at how quickly she had gathered such a wealth of knowledge.
"Now, learn all of this," she instructed, clearly amused by the task she had set for me.
Feeling overwhelmed, I protested, "Whaaaa? I can't possibly memorize all of this!"
Ignoring my complaints, Blanc encouraged me, "Quit complaining and get on with it. You're the leader, act like one!"
I had become the leader, a role I felt nervous about, considering my lack of experience.
Lily, in her gentle manner, declined the position, admitting her own nervousness. Lady Sakuya remained silent, offering neither confirmation nor denial.
Despite my doubts, I resolved to take on the responsibility. I was determined to do my best for the sake of others, even if I felt unsure of my capabilities.
Blanc's approach to teaching was strict, and I couldn't help but feel that her methods were harsher than a spartan training regime. However, I persevered with the support of Lily and Lady Sakuya, who checked on me throughout my studies.
I recalled yesterday's conversation after we formed our group, realizing that I had become the leader almost by accident.
"I'm the leader?" I pointed to myself, feeling astonished.
Blanc's response was straightforward, "Hmmph, you're the one who wanted this to happen, right? So you're the leader."
Lily, known for her sweet smile, shyly declined, "My apologies, but I can't become the leader. I get too nervous in such positions."
Hoping for Lady Sakuya to step in, I turned towards her, but she remained silent, leaving the decision to me.
Feeling torn, I questioned my abilities, unsure if I could live up to their expectations.
However, I realized that my determination to save others from the horrors of war outweighed my fear. Though I might not possess the same qualities as Catherine, perhaps a part of her courage resided within me.
As I reaffirmed my resolve, I explained to Blanc, "Besides, Lily and Lady Sakuya are counting on me. I can't let them down."
Blanc seemed irritated, throwing a fit and turning away.
But I couldn't back down. "But, Blanc, you've been so helpful and your teachings have been valuable and easy to understand," I sincerely praised her.
She huffed, trying to hide her pleased expression. "Sheesh, of course, who do you think I am? It's obvious I'm the best," she retorted, her arrogance shining through.
After yet another challenging study session, Blanc assigned me an immense amount of homework, expecting me to memorize it all in a single day.
Feeling overwhelmed, I doubted my abilities once again.
Blanc noticed my distress and said, "If you think this is hard, then you have the option to stop now."
The temptation to give up lingered, but I knew deep down that I couldn't abandon my goal. I wanted to save others, and that determination burned within me.
Even though I was not as fearless as Catherine, I knew I had to carry on and give it my all.
"Blanc, I won't give up. I want to save them, and there's no way I'll back down now," I asserted, finding my determination once more.
Acknowledging that I wasn't Catherine's mirror image, I still believed that I had the potential to make a difference.
I continued my studies with Blanc's strict guidance. Lily and Lady Sakuya, with their gentle encouragement, made the process bearable.
Although the road ahead was daunting, I knew that with the support of my newfound friends, I would be able to face any challenge that came my way. This unexpected camaraderie filled me with warmth and hope as we embarked on our journey together, united in our pursuit of a better future.
As I grappled with my weaknesses and embraced change, I couldn't help but marvel at the humor and heartwarming moments that arose from our unlikely alliance.
-Chapter 6 End-