Mo Zhao entered the room with a variety of food; sweet and sour pork, hot pot, wonton soup...
"Thank you, Mo Zhao, now you can go." The servant bowed and left the room.
Shi Jian turned to face the kid who was staring at the food. Anyone could say that the little boy was holding back from jumping into the food and eating it all at once. Now that they were in a place illuminated by candlelights, Shi Jian could see Wang Xun's features clearly.
Wang Xun wore Dragon Mountain's clothes, but they were very dirty and torn, which was strange considering the fact that he seems to be a new disciple. His shoes were full of holes, and his hair was completely messed up, his face was dirty, but it was visible that the boy is good looking.
Shi Jian looked away, worried about Wang Xun, how could anyone be in such a pitiful state? Then he raised his hand to take the chopstick, showing that it was safe to eat. Seeing his move, Wang Xun quickly grabbed his chopstick and began to serve himself, even though he was trying to mask his hunger, Shi Jian noticed his despair, as if he wait one more second, he might die of hunger.
"Wang Xun, are you new at Dragon Mountain Sect?"
"Uh uhum" Wang Xun murmured and nodded. "I arrived here this week."
Hearing this, Shi Jian's eyes widened, 'Just a week and his clothes were already like this?' He thought 'Should it be Pei Xu who caused this?'
Shi Jian wanted to ask more questions, but he saw how the boy was focused on the food, so he decided to let it go. Standing up, he called out for Mo Zhao.
"Prepare a bath and new clothes for this boy, when he is done, escort him home." Shi Jian said and started going towards the door, beeing followed by Wang Xun's shocked eyes.