Wang Xun frowned his browns as he tried to read a page of the book his teacher recommded; "The history of the Han Dynasty". It was an enormous book with two thousand pages full of characters he could not understand, but he couldn't complain because it was him who asked for a suggestion; Wang Xun wanted to learn how to read, then he could be as inteligent as his seniors.
"Is this... family? Imperial family?" The boy asked.
"Uh? Oh yes, congratulations A-Xun, you're getting better!" Guo Meili, his friend, replied. They met each other two days after he arrived at Dragon's Mountain when she helped him clean the Medicine Hall.
Wang Xun smiled victoriously, "Soon I will be as smart as Jiejie."
"Haha, but if you be, you won't need me to teach you anymore!"
Wang Xun made a thoughtful expression and looked at his hands, "Well, I will need Jiejie to teach me forever, you will always have something new to teach."
"Hum, I hope so."
Saying this, she stood up and walked towards the window. After a few minutes, she turned around again. "A-Xun, one of the messengers is coming here, have you done somithing bad?" She asked in a playful voice.
"Wang Xun" a man in royal clothes entered the library, looking elegant and impatient "Master Sui is asking to meet you."
"Master? What does he want with me?" Wang Xun asked, standing up and a little nervous.
"I am not the one to say that" he rolled his eyes "just come."
Wang Xun nodded and put the book away on a shelf. Before following the messenger, he turned to face Guo Meili, just from her gaze he knew that she is supporting him. She knew about his fear of other people, so she always tried to calm him down. Seeing this, Wang Xun felt more confident to talk to his master.
Arriving Clound Peak, where Master Sui's hall was, the man stopped and Wang Xun imitated him. After few seconds, the messanger looked at him with anger.
"What? Are you staying there forever? Go meet Master Sui!"
"Won't you guide me along the way?"
"Are you a child? Can't you even walk by yourself?"
Wang Xun's cheeks flushed, he looked down and started walking again, trying to make his way to his master's chambers. After walking for a long time, Wang Xun was suddenly stopped by a man as he tripped over him.
"Oh little boy, watch where you're going."
"I am sorry Master, it was this disciple's fault."
"Don't worry about that. Wang Xun, I have something important to tell you." He smiled gently "I have only been training you for a few day, but I can feel that you have a strong core. Every teacher can. Since that, I have made an important decision for you, Madam Shi asked me and the others masters if we want to send some of our disciples for a mission with the purpose of training. And I gave your name."
"Huh? I am going on a mission? But I don't know anything! I just arrived!" Wang Xun started to panic, how could he survive a mission beeing so naive?
"It's not a dangerous mission, besides, the best cultivators will go there and protect you, the only thing you need to do is learn from them."
"Best cultivators? Who is coming?"
"Don't worry about it, you probably don't know them. I can only assure that they are competent and good people..."
Master Sui continued to speak, but Wang Xun could no longer hear him- there were many things on his mind. Who are the cultivators? What is the mission? Will he be able to lead with everything? It was even more frightening when he remembered that that Guo Meili, trainig at Dragon Mountain for two years, had never gone on a mission, but he, the anxious Wang Xun, will go at one being there just some weeks.
Why did this have to happen?