How bright are the stars to you? How vast is universe in your mind? Do you find it endless, or is that not imaginable to you? How about the idea of existing, how it started or if it has end. Beyond the idea of death of course is there an end to it all or does it go thru some kind of cycle? But most importantly...
Why does no one on these planets wonder these things as I do? Do any of them know when the first thought was formed? When something or someone becomes self aware? those I hope came before me, were they gods or mortals? Are those the right words to use? did fall in between the two definitions? why are the beings that exist now the way they are? Was the big bang truly a beginnings from nothing or the first reaction to a long forgotten tragedy from an existence long lost to nothingness.
In a Dsea of darkness and nothing so heavy and all consuming was something born? Was it one? Were they many? did that even begin the define it? while the void exist and within in is something is that something a remnant of before? Is it part of the void and therefore nothing at all? Yet knowing it's there doest it then exist? and if they are aware what does it mean to exist for them? what does it mean for me?
Truly I wish I had all those answers, thought I do have a few. For instance, though I had lost count for a bit, I believe the lights turned on a few million years after I "woke up". One day realizing you are there is a hard thing to explain. but anyway this universe is more the a measly few billion years. pretty sure we are in the 20 trillions at this point. If it wasn't for there shorter lifespans most. being would know that's but seeing as this existence is seemingly organized chaos world and galaxies are coliding in eventuality. the longs I've seen a world last was a few billion years and that was due to the direct involvement of that world's civilization and their abilities and intelligence. within the first few generations they were harnessing the power of there entire galaxy. by the time I'd met them they had spread across a decent sized area of the universe. Though, these instances are few and very far between.
you may be wondering who and or what I am. How do I know all this? well that's a simple answer. My name is Negyro. I came from before time and space, before light, before things, before people. i can still remember the "big bang". I call it the weirdest moment of my existence. Millions of years of nothing but me and well nothing, in that one moment that entire nothingness seem to compress and contort and become a violent riptide of various singularity point everything was pushed and pulled at once into so many point suddenly there was more then the nothing with the very first flash of light my entire being was enveloped in a strange feeling. shaped colors matter energy in an instant it was all there spreading in every directions. so much it felt as though the consciousness that I was would shatter into a new kind of nothing. what I would later realize was panic and fear ,things I would forgot to feel later on, I willed myself anew. stealing this thing that was matter and energy forging something from within that consciousness and melding it all together into what would be my existence. From the very big bang itself, I created my existence thru will. And it was all to see existence itself unfold. I guess you could say the big bang was my birthday. and for a wish all I had was to exist in the fullest of the sense.
due to my means of creating myself I was awarded a connection to the universe which seemingly allows me to do anything and everything. if it exist and is tangible thing or even an idea I can control, create, or destroy it.
limited to only my minds eye. size and thing of that sort mean zero to me. I'm an existence beyond this universe and it's limitations. thankfully it allows for easy travel all over the universe though being similar to me, most are pale comparisons to my power. thought there are a handful I'd rather not have a problem with lest the universe meet it end out of spite and envy. I guess these would be the gods some would refer too. tho I see no reason to worry over them now. over the eons I have come to meet the forces that government this existence tho they have sway in some instances they have no real power over mine. yes that includes death. She is a friend honestly. though she did get to hold onto my "soul" for a while when I was ripped apart by a few black holes...that's a long and embarrassing story. Avoid being at the epicenter of multiple singularity merging at once. took forever for my "pieces" to find each other. tho that experience let to me learning how the multiply myself so I guess it was a lose/win situation. for eons I would split apart to search for worlds with interesting properties wether it was something that fought physics or life on the planet or something that I just thought was cool. one day, a clone caught sight of a world with light shining on the night side and instantly he knew, life was there is it had electricity. which ment it had culinary art. sending a message to the main body and disappearing, an excited negyro popped put of nowhere and look at the surface of the planer with anticipation
"I can't wait to see what they got going on down there. I just hope it not a Rock people situation....not a fan of there food." flying straight now like a star he stopped short of the surface above a vast area of water. this planet was teaming with all sorts of life of various kinds."Well thankfully I won't be eating molten soup tonight." Suddenly he turned facing a the direction where a strange feeling was pushing into him...mortals. and not that far at all. with a thunder clap he was off into that direction promising to study what lies beneath all that water at a later date. sky a beautiful various blues and Grey's sprinkled with clouds and various land shapes past his vision as he flew across this world's sky's, he barely sense a single existence bellow ,curious he stops and slowly decents towards the trees.