Chereads / Shadows and Stardust: A Tale of Ambition & Quest for Recognition / Chapter 42 - Chapter 42 - Ramparts to Ruins: Our of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

Chapter 42 - Chapter 42 - Ramparts to Ruins: Our of the Frying Pan and into the Fire

We might be surrounded, but that simplifies the problem of locating the enemy and killing them - General George S. Patton

Operation Menu: Phase Dinner (D+7.1 hours)

The ground rumbled as the artillery fired off another volley of shells across the sky. 

Estelle continued to stare at Harvey as he hurled expletives at her, occasionally moving her finger around in little circles. 

"Short…short version, please," Estelle said when she was able to get a word in between Harvey's short pauses. 

He inhaled deeply and said, "…With a stick right up your tuna-smelling cooch. And you can try to wear yourself out by running, but I already got an Insta-lock on you. A single 254 milli bolt will kill you and your greasy granny no matter how many wards you have up."

Estelle sustained her glare at Harvey. The glow from the railgun increased in intensity. 

"Got nuttin' to say now huh, trog?" Harvey asked. 

"In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni," Estelle said and walked around Harvey and Bun-Bun. 

Estelle continued to repeat the chant over and over. 

"Bla, bla, bla, like that's going to scare me, Witch," Harvey said then tapped his earpiece. "What!? (slight pause) Da Fuck do you want Citadel? (another pause) Well, tell that gooney-ass bird you call a girlfriend that 'Eye-for-an-Eye' doesn't affect robots…Dipshit! Bun-Bun take the damned shot."

The weapon emitted an escalating whine, resonating through the air, as parallel capacitors charged the electromagnetic motors of the rail gun. Within the weapon's housing, the diamond-tipped tungsten carbide rod coated in Teflon spun rapidly. Bun-Bun's advanced computational system integrated into the mechanical rabbit calculated the distance, analyzed the atmospheric conditions including air temperature, and, within moments, processed the optimal speed required to break terminal velocity. The bolt was swiftly ejected from the weapon system.

As it tore through the air, the bullet unerringly homed in on its target. A high-pitched pop reverberated as the round pierced through the kinetic barrier protecting Harvey and Bun-Bun. The single shot struck Harvey in the back of the head, penetrating through the other side of the barrier, and continued its trajectory until it forcefully breached the fortress wall. Harvey's body disintegrated before turning blue and it disappeared into limbo. 

In the aftermath, the artillery initiated the next volley, maintaining a relentless assault. 

The mechanized rabbit powered down. 

"How…did you do that, Little One?" asked Bee. 

"While the individual engaged in unrestrained verbal assault upon my ears, I undertook the task of activating a de Sitter doorway—correction, a de Sitter mousehole—located in the barrel of the weapon," Estelle thought. "It was a relatively simple process of positioning the portal exit just behind his head."

"Wow, there may be hope for you yet," Bee said. 

Estelle ignored Bee and tapped the mechanized rabbit with her foot. It didn't budge an inch. She kicked it harder leaving a dent in the armor. 

"That's one way to check for traps," Bee said. "Not the method I'd use."

She ascended onto the back of the mechanical rabbit and accessed a panel situated just behind its head. There, she disengaged a brown cable, then released a round and somewhat worn battery secured with a steel clip. Afterward, she reinserted the battery into its designated compartment. Estelle then detached the cover to a secondary brown and white colored power cable, counted three seconds, and proceeded to reconnect it. The servo motors emitted a robust roar as Bun-Bun powered up.

Contemplating the intricacies of the mechanical creature, Estelle posed a question to the rabbit, asking, "I wonder how this mechanism operates."

A yellow exclamation point momentarily flashed the corner of Estelle's visual interface. Promptly responding, she activated the corresponding icon, unveiling a loading screen. Upon completion, a menu materialized, which presented a variety of tabs. Directing her attention to the weapon's configuration, Estelle selected the loadout option. Navigating further, she engaged the options to peruse the available weapon selections: tri-barreled 20mm gun, FF0000-Ruby rail gun, dispersal mechanism emitting a smokescreen colloquially termed "fart smoke," and a device labeled "bunny basket".

Observing the absence of security measures, Estelle remarked, "I would've anticipated password protection or at least a semblance of countermeasures. Let us address this oversight promptly." Subsequently, she manipulated several interface controls, implementing security measures, and culminating in the activation of combat mode. Following these adjustments, she ascended onto the mechanical platform.

Inquiring with a tone of strategic deliberation, Estelle asked, "Shall we eradicate the field cannons, Bun-Bun?"

"Affirmative," Bun-bun replied. "Rabbit hop."

The rabbit catapulted itself and Estelle into the air, while orange strips of light tore through the sky from anti-aircraft guns strategically positioned on the fortress's southern and eastern walls. Rounds whizzed past Estelle and Bun-Bun, occasionally deflecting off the kinetic dampeners. The mechanized rabbit descended back to earth, and Estelle adjusted their trajectory towards the 105mm gun located in the south courtyard of the fortress. The teams manning the large guns either ignored or failed to notice the 10-foot rabbit hurtling toward them.

"Ahhhh!" Bee screamed. "You're going to get us blasted out of the sky!"

Estelle quickly checked the readout, confirming that the kinetic dampeners were holding steady at 71.58%. The Insta-lock targeting system began tracking potential targets. Estelle activated the rail gun at half power, and the first shot hit a gunner in the chest, turning him blue. The bolt continued its trajectory, vaporizing his companion standing nearby.

"Harvey was indeed correct; the 254-millimeter bolt is quite effective," Estelle remarked.

"Should we really be exposed out in the open like this?" asked Bee.

Checking the weapons, Estelle attached the tri-barrel gun to the hard point on the other arm, and it materialized with a puff of red smoke. The mechanized rabbit swiveled its arm around as the barrels began to spin clockwise. Bun-Bun's targeting system fired at the closest red team members, and the gun unleashed hundreds of 20-millimeter rounds toward the enemy combatants. Brass casings flew into the air and landed with a loud ping. 

The anti-aircraft gunners tried to turn the weapons systems, but the barrels couldn't be aimed down. Bun-Bun picked off their crews with carefully placed shots from the rail gun. 

With the elimination of the last artillery and anti-aircraft gunners, Estelle jumped off the rabbit and headed towards a steel door, with Bun-Bun hopping behind her. She tugged at the door; it was sealed shut.

"Could you kindly assist me in gaining access through the door?" Estelle asked as she gestured towards the door. 

"Rabbit punch," Bun-Bun said and slammed his fists into the door knocking it off its hinges. 

"Thank you, but I regret that I can't take you with me from this point on," Estelle said, judging the size of the doorway. 

The rabbit slumped over and lowered its ears. Estelle opened the screen and typed up a few commands. 

"But I do have a new assignment for you," Estelle said patting Bun-Bun on the side. 

Bun-Bun's ears twitched, and it backed away. In a single, agile hop, it cleared the walls, vanishing into the hills and towards the forest.

As Estelle cautiously stepped through the entrance, the metallic hum of motors reverberated within the walls. Unseen mechanisms triggered, causing thick blast doors to swiftly descend from the ceiling and ascend from the floor, sealing her fate with a loud slam of the doors. The abrupt closure echoed through the confined space.

A box camera descended silently from the ceiling through a concealed opening, its red light clicking on. The lens was fixated on Estelle. She began to feel nauseous and nearly dropped to one knee. Bracing herself against the wall, she prevented a fall. 

"Witch Sight," Estelle muttered, scanning the electromagnetic range. 

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until she inspected her Broach of the Spider and detected a .001-second spike at the 3-megahertz range. 

"Ultrasonic assault?" she asked the camera. "I was under the impression that such practices were prohibited." 

The wave of nausea subsided, and she waited for the anomaly to recur. When it didn't, she straightened up, smoothing out the wrinkles on her dress. In this confined space, she concluded that the tone must have been accidentally generated.

Scowling, she gave a middle finger to the camera. From around the corner emerged four guards, rifles at the ready, aimed at Estelle. 

"I'm impressed Little One! That makes two traps that you managed to discover today," Bee thought. 

Captain Neusilber materialized from the opposite side, flanked by Lieutenant Ribb, their emotionless expressions lingered on their faces. Estelle began to calculate which of the opponents she should target first. 

"Welcome to Fort Carré, Captain Thornewood," he pronounced each word with deliberate precision. "Would you care to engage in further discussion within my office?" 

Captain Neusilber snapped his heels together, executing a precise bow toward Estelle, who reciprocated with a curtsy.

"The atmosphere here is a bit suffocating; perhaps I shall accept your gracious offer," Estelle remarked.

"He's taller than I remember, or are you just that short?" Bee thought.

Estelle chose to ignore her companion and gracefully walked toward Neusilber. The sentries clicked off the safety catches on their weapons. However, a subtle wave from Ribb, accompanied by a shake of his head, halted the potential escalation. The sentries obediently lowered their weapons. Estelle wrapped her arm around Neusilber's, allowing him to escort her down the hall.

"If you feel more comfortable discussing the terms of surrender in your office, I'm willing to accept them wherever it's most convenient," Estelle suggested.

"Perhaps not at the present time," Neusilber replied with a slight snicker. "There is something I'd like to discuss with you concerning your assault on my fortress, if you find the request acceptable, perhaps a tour first."

"It would be improper if I were to refuse such a gracious request from a host," Estelle said.
