Chereads / Shadows and Stardust: A Tale of Ambition & Quest for Recognition / Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 - Ramparts to Ruins: Your Move

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45 - Ramparts to Ruins: Your Move

To improve your game, you must study the endgame before anything else. For whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middle game and opening must be studied in relation to the end game - Jose Capablanca

Operation Menu: Phase Dinner (D+8.1 hours)

Captain Neusilber opened the door labeled Office-2600 and stepped aside. Estelle attempted to recall her surroundings, but after navigating the labyrinth of corridors and waiting in various offices, she found herself disoriented. Despite consulting the BC map which locked up several times, was forced to be reset multiple times, provided minimal assistance. Estelle suspected it was a deliberate delaying tactic, prompting Bee to respond with an insult.

Neusilber bowed as Estelle entered the sparsely furnished office. She reciprocated with a slight curtsey. Aside from an executive leather chair, a guest chair, a desk, and maps of Fort Carré pinned to the wall, the room resembled the emptiness of Estelle's own bedroom.

Guiding the chair closer to the desk, Neusilber urged, "Please, have a seat."

Estelle nodded and settled into the leather chair behind the desk.

"I regret having to reciprocate your hospitality with an eviction notice," she remarked, squirming in the chair. "You may keep this chair if it holds sentimental value; I have my own, which I've grown quite fond of."

"In the top drawer, directly to your right, is a Pocket Secretary. Would you mind?" Neusilber asked, taking a seat in the guest chair.

Estelle opened the drawer to find pens and a small doll with bronze-colored skin, black hair fashioned into two buns, and a painted black skirt. Flecks of paint had chipped off her red shirt, revealing the bronze beneath.

Placing it on the desk, Estelle commented, "I've only seen these advertised as Pocket Girlfriends."

"Regrettably, yes," Neusilber replied, tapping the doll on the head. "Originally marketed as Pocket Secretaries, they underwent a rebranding due to lackluster sales. 'Pocket Girlfriend' is a significant downgrade from the original design."

The doll transformed into a woman in a white power suit with bronze skin and two black hair buns.

"Sir, I see we have a guest," Pocket Secretary said in a soft voice. "Would you prefer a drink? We have coffee, tea, and glacier water available."

"Black tea with a slice of lemon, if it's available," Estelle replied.

"I will prepare it at once, and for you, sir?" Pocket Secretary inquired.

"The usual," he replied.

"Coffee, two sugars, and a fresh crème at once, Captain," she said, turning around and walking to the corner.

Pocket Secretary waved her hand, and a panel slid into the wall, revealing a mini-bar and sink.

"Critics are concerned that synths and automatons will hold dominion over the world, but most likely, they will be used to perform the older jobs in history. But I digress," Estelle said, folding her hands together. "Why are we here talking and not trying to murder each other, Captain Neusilber?"

"Direct and to the point, as our intelligence services have suggested, Captain Thornewood. While I can't reveal directly why I wish to talk with you, I understand that you are adept at reading between the lines," Neusilber replied.

Estelle sat back in the chair and steepled her hands over her face, covering her mouth. Pocket Secretary placed a cup of tea topped with a floating slice of lemon on the table. Then she served Neusilber his coffee.

"Do you require any other services, sir?" she asked.

"Just the chessboard," he replied.

Pocket Secretary bowed and retrieved a board and a box filled with black and white pieces. Then she began to set up the game.

"Since you are a guest, at least temporarily, I will allow you to select first," Neusilber said.

"White," Estelle said as she rotated the board.

"Naturally, after all, you declared war on my territory first," he replied.

After Pocket Secretary finished, she clasped her hands together, bowed, and disappeared. Then she reappeared on the table as a doll. Estelle took a sip of her tea and advanced the queen's knight forward.

"A distraction perhaps?" Neusilber asked as he pushed two pawns forward.

Estelle lowered her hands and studied the board closer than looked back into his eyes.

"This is no ordinary game," she said and moved her queen out over her pawns, capturing a black pawn. "What rules are we playing?"

"Rules of war, naturally," he replied, sipping on his coffee. "If you don't wish to capture Fort Carré, then why are you here?"

Estelle advanced the king's knight and the king's bishop in unison. Neusilber picked up both white rooks and placed them on both sides of the black queen on his side of the board.

"I fully intend on taking ownership of this piece of real estate," Estelle said firmly. "And rescue the POWs trapped here."

Estelle studied her pieces behind enemy lines.

"Forgive me if I find what you say difficult to believe, especially from my opponent, but one shouldn't trust without proper verification," Estelle said, sipping her tea. "This tea is exceptionally fragrant; where may I acquire more?"

"While difficult to acquire during battle season, I'm sure I can part with a box or two. Mind accompanying me to the control room?" asked Neusilber.

Estelle finished her tea, carefully studying his expression. Then she stood up and smoothed out the wrinkles on her dress.

"Will this end up in another hour-long distraction?" asked Estelle.

Neusilber placed his monocle over his eye.

"No more games," he replied.

"Fine," Estelle said.

Neusilber escorted her down the hall, took an immediate right, and walked further down. He covered the number pad, entered a code, and five sentries turned around, raising their weapons. A twenty-something woman swiveled around in her chair. Neusilber waved his hand, signaling the guards to lower their weapons.

"Sir, would you like the updates now, or should I forward them to your communicator?" she asked.

"Now... and show me the updates on the viewer, please," he said.

On the view screen, the image of D.T. Jones and Webb appeared, shrunk down to 12 inches tall, navigating through the air ducts.

"We've been tracking your team since they entered a few hours ago," Neusilber stated.

Estelle glared at the screens and pressed her lips together, her hand clenched into a tight fist.

"Judging from your reaction, this wasn't authorized?" Neusilber asked.

Estelle pulled out her phone and sent a text to Jones: I need a situation report.

On the view screen, Jones stopped, checked her wrist communicator, shook her head, and continued down the air duct.

"I see Jones has figured out how to use my matter manipulation device," Bee said.

Then Estelle asked Neusilber, "Would you happen to know where they are headed?"

Neusilber snapped his fingers, and the woman at the screen replied, "Section 18 in the restricted zone."
