Eris' stomach growled so loud that Killian heard it from across the room. He knew she'd feel embarrassed, so, he pretended to have not heard anything. Eris looked at the clock. It was just 1 pm. She had just devoured a bowl of fruits less than an hour ago. How was she already hungry? That new town life was changing her metabolism. She didn't know if she liked it or hated it.
She squeezed her stomach, lips pursed from the pain. All this, Killian was seeing. After 15 minutes of growl control and seeing blurry on the computer screen, yawning like she just woke up, Killian thought enough is enough.
"I'm starving.", he said, but he wasn't.
"Really?", asked Eris, unaware that it was a lie, but glad she wasn't alone,
"Really. What should I eat?",
"Octopus tacos from the brothers' den!", she blurted it out immediately since she was thinking about it for a while.
Killian let out a laugh. He could read her like a book. He took his credit card out of the wallet. "You should go buy food for both of us because I'm paying.",
"Right away, Mr. Chairman.", she got up from her chair so fast and walked to his table. She took the credit card. She was excited and beaming like a child. "I'll be right back.",
"Take your time. Enjoy the fresh air.",
"Yes sir.",
Within a minute, Eris was already gone.
The walk from the administration office to the restaurant was short, 5 to 6 minutes. Eris expected it to be lively and packed and it definitely was. Fortunately, she was there for takeaway and didn't need a table. As soon as she entered, she stopped by the reception to place her order. The person at the reception that day was Lanelle. They didn't know each other, although Lanelle had seen her on the internet countless times. But she wasn't her favorite celebrity, not even in the top 100.
"Hi.", said Eris first,
"Hey. What can I get you?",
"6 octopus tacos to go. Box them differently, 3 each.",
Lanelle typed it in the computer,
"Would you like our house salad or sauce?",
"And the spicy level?",
"Can you make one mild and one hot, please?",
"Absolutely. Will that be all?",
"That will be $36.05.",
Eris took the credit card and handed it to her. As soon as Lanelle saw the name on the card, she looked at Eris again. Her face wore a question she couldn't ask. Eris was clueless of Lanelle's inquisitive eyes plastered on her. She just looked around, admiring the faces of happy customers inside.
Duante spotted Eris standing at the reception booth. She was the person he wanted to speak to eagerly. It was his only chance. He carefully served the food on the customers' table and followed her.
"Hey.", he called.
Eris looked at him. She smiled, "Hi. Duante.",
Lanelle was a little puzzled to see that the two knew each other. She gave the card and receipt back to Eris.
"Your order will be ready in a few.",
"Thanks.", Eris put the card and receipt back in her purse,
"Can I talk to you for a minute?", asked Duante,
"Come with me.",
The two walked out of the restaurant, Eris following him blindly until he suddenly stopped next to the backdoor alley. He turned around to face her, his hands now placed on his waist.
"Did you tell Deb that I like her?", he asked,
"No.", Eris said flatly.
"She said _",
"I told her you love her.",
Duante exhaled sharply, bewildered by her unusual confidence, "Why did you do that?",
"I don't know.", she shrugged, "I thought she already knew. You guys looked like you're dating.",
"It hasn't even been a week since you moved here and you're already insinuating things that you know nothing about.",
"So, you don't love her?", she could see that he was pissed off. She just didn't care because she knew she was right. "You said I'm insinuating. Does that mean you feel nothing about her?",
"I don't! I'm not in love with her. I don't like her!",
"Can you stop meddling in my business and actually mind your own? Aren't you like good at that?",
"Do you know what one of the most dangerous points in a person's life is? When one starts believing his own lies.",
"Are you deaf?",
"No, but you're kinda dumb. No wonder Deb is dating your brother and not you. If my instincts are right, you fell in love with her before your brother did. But you convinced yourself not to say anything and that's why we're here.",
She was bold. She knew she was stirring his emotions up, but she still said what she said. Duante couldn't figure her out.
"Has someone ever told you that your audacity will one day cost you?", he asked,
"Nope.", she shook her head, "But your audacity already did.",
Duante was so angered that he laughed. And because Eris found him amusing, she laughed too. If people were passing by, they'd think they're good friends catching up.
"I don't like you; you know?", Duante confessed, "I don't think you and I will ever get along.",
"Not as excruciating as seeing Deb kissing your brother, I'm sure.", Eris turned around and began walking away.
Duante glared at her as she disappeared back into the restaurant. He threw angry punches on air, just picturing it as Eris' face. She knew how to stir his emotions. Only he didn't know how to hit her nerve.
It was finally the weekend, and as they agreed, they were going to the city together. Killian was already outside waiting, but Eris wasn't done getting ready yet. Her make up was especially complicated that day since it involved a disguise. Last thing she wanted was people recognizing her and making her the internet joker once again. Moreover, it's not what she wanted sweet Killian to go through.
Eris' natural hair was a short Bob, so she purposely chose a long, wavy wig. She didn't usually wear glasses, but she had them on, and lastly, a face mask. When she was comfortable with how she looked she took one last look in the mirror on her way out.
"Alright. Looking good.", she nodded, "Let's go change somebody's life.",
She hurried out the door.
Killian hardly recognized her. If more people resided there, he'd absolutely think she was somebody else and keep waiting for Eris. It was until she waved at him with her bubbly personality that he recognized her. Eris got into the car.
"Morning boss.", she said first,
"Morning. You look so different.", said Killian,
"That's the point. What do you think?",
"Pretty good.", he was impressed.
Eris was flattered. She fastened the seatbelt.
"Let's go fix your wardrobe, boss.",
"You'll be the boss today.",
Killian chuckled. He started the car, and the drive began.
Duante and Lanelle were alone in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients for the day. Since nobody, that is, Meshack, was around to listen and comment on their conversation, it was the perfect time for them to talk.
"So, I have to ask", Lanelle began, "The girl from yesterday, she's Eris Endellion, right?",
"I know I've been busy, but I deserved a heads up. We have a celebrity living in our town.",
"It's not a big deal.",
"I know it's not, but still.",
"From what I hear, she came here to escape the life of fame, so how you treated her yesterday is exactly what she wants.",
Lanelle scoffed, "Escaping the life of fame? What's wrong with her life?",
"Celebrities have problems too.",
"Like what? Small closets? Too many shoes?",
Duante looked at her. He was sensing a grimace from her tone. "You don't like her, do you?", he asked,
"She's just not my favorite.",
"I'm going to ignore that and instead ask; why were you arguing yesterday? What did she do?",
Duante went back to chopping, "She almost destroyed the wall I had built.",
"What wall?",
"She told you-know-who that I'm in love with her.",
"Then you-know-who came to ask me about it. Actually, it wasn't asking. It was more of a trap and I almost confessed. Yesterday I called Eris out, but she didn't seem to care. She knew what she was doing.",
"And how did she know about your feelings for you-know-who?",
"I really don't know. I guess she's psychic or something.", he sighed, "Nowadays I feel like the universe is playing tricks on me. I mean, Eris is my celebrity crush.",
"Come on.", he clicked his tongue, a bit disappointed, "As I was saying. Eris is my celebrity crush, and then she comes to live in my town. Isn't that crazy?",
"What's crazy?", asked Meshack as he walked through the door.
The mood in the kitchen quickly changed.
"Nothing!", Lanelle blurted, "Just never-ending dramas.",
"By the way, where did you go Wednesday night? You came a bit late, and I saw Yuster return with a taxi.",
There was an immediate shift in Lanelle's expression. The question instantly made her uncomfortable. Duante signaled Meshack to cut it out.
"Sorry.", Meshack cleared his throat, "I was just curious.",
"Can we just live like it never happened? I'm trying to forget about it.", said Lanelle, contempt.
"Sure, sis. My apologies.",
Lanelle didn't answer. Meshack knew he messed up. He and Lanelle had a good relationship. They were close, but he knew he wasn't her favorite brother. She was technically Duante's twin. Their bond was the strongest. Even if they had a fight, they'd make up before the day ended. To him, it was different. She could stay mad at him for months if the mistake allowed it. She wasn't open towards him. It was a bit tough for him to communicate with her. He couldn't read her the way Duante did. And he loved his sister very much. So those potholes in their bond were killing him.