Chapter 9 - Crossing Wires

"Run!" I shout, diving to narrowly avoid a hyena's cavity infested maw. 

"Idiot. You are the main character now, why should we run? They are giving us more than enough power to take them out right now." Seeque yells at me as I reach the end of the tether and start to pull her after me. 

"Sure, we could take them out, but who knows how long we will have to go in this hostile land without another laugh boost. We should not waste any more power than we have to." I point my last words directly at the doofus who spent most their power stealing the spot of main character. 

"You kind of have a point, but from the looks of it you are just going to run us both ragged until we are exhausted, at which point we will become easy targets for the giant dogs chasing us."

"Don't forget that I'm the main character now!" I snap at her. "I'm pretty sure that a random occurrence is coming to save us here in a minute."

"If it's a random occurrence then how do you know about it?" She asked, for some reason worried about the logic of my statement while running for her life. 

"I'm not mentally prepared to get into psychology right now, so just keep ru-" I'm cut off by the immediate tumbling that ensues after falling down a whole. Seeque is pulled after me into the hole, and we tumble together for quite a while before we fall onto flat ground with a squeak. I maintain that Seeque is the one that squeaked. 

"Did the main character just squeak?" Seeque jaunts. 

I maintain that Seeque is the one that squeaked. Without answering her question to anyone but the readers I extricate myself from the jumble of limbs that is me and Seeque so that I can get a bearing on where we are and make some sort of plan for what to do next... or at least feel out the plot so I can be somewhat prepared. With a bit of my amazing deductionary abilities I determine that we are indeed underground. We are in some sort of long narrow hallway, that looks like it leads to a larger room.

"So, we are just waiting until the hyena's pass by so that we can go back up there and figure out how to get back, right?" Seeque asks superstitiously. 

"You never could have made it as a main character," I shake my head in disappointment. "I mean, we probably have enough power between the two of us now that we could probably just teleport back to wherever the heck we started, but that would completely rob the story of all the fun. No one likes a logical main character. They all one the super cool ones who go on crazy adventures even though they could have easily avoided doing so."

"But you're not super cool."

"Then give me the crazy adventures part." I bargain. 

Seeque just rubs her temples in response. I flash her a grin and head down the hallway. Upon entering the room I encounter something that I never expected to. Something that I don't even know how to describe. Something that- Oh yeah, I could just let you see the scene as it went down. 

So, I walk in and there is this... wait no. I'm not supposed to be the one describing this. It should be from a first person point of view, but not as if I am describing the story. Author please fix yourself. 

When I walk through the doorway at the end of the hallway there are three things that stood out in the otherwise barren cave. One was the chest in the middle of the room, the other two were people. One girl with flaming red hair and one guy who... looked like an idiot. 

The guy looks up at me and Seeque, confused. "Here? But this is our home."

The red haired woman sighed. "I told you, honey. If we set our home up like a dungeon then people will think that it's a dungeon. But it's fine," She smirked, "Let's do this for old times sake."

Both Seeque and I are too utterly confused by the situation to say anything before the red haired woman launches into a monologue.

"Yes! I know it may look bare, but this is indeed the final room! You have made it to the boss level. Kill me and I win!"

The man tuts. "We aren't suicidal anymore, darling."

"Oh." She hurries to correct herself, "Kill me and you win!"

"Muuuch better. But I didn't marry a loser, did I?" He asks, getting into a stance and drawing a sword that I just now realized he was wearing.

"No, we don't lose." The woman's smile swarms with confidence and she pulls out a staff. "No one touches our dear chest."

Seeque lets out a long "Huh?" and I grunt in confusion. 

"What exactly are you two doing?" I try to figure out what is going on.

"We are preparing for the bossfight." The guy said offhandedly. 

"But... you said that this was your home." I say, still looking for what I was missing. 

"It may be our home, but the two of you entered without even bothering to knock!" 

Seeque looks embarrassed at our lack of etiquette, and for some reason I feel compelled to apologize. 

"I... am sorry. We didn't mean to intrude. There was just this pack of giant talking hyena's and fell in this hole and then kinda ended up here." I explain the situation. 

"Oh." The guy says simply. "So you aren't going to try and murder us in our own home?"

"Definitely not." I assure him. "Actually, the hyena's should be gone by now. We can be on our way."

"You say hyena's..." The guy trails off and looks at the red haired woman who nods.

"I told you, honey. If we build our home in a cave that is in fault line between dimensions then we are bound to have travellers from another dimension." She smiles, shaking her head at him.

"That's all good and well. I just wanted to confirm that we didn't have talking hyena's in our dimension." The guy sounds relieved. 

Seeque starts to stutter without saying anything and I get kinda scared that she was broken from this encounter. 

"We'll be off then." I say, not even attempting to unpack all that just happened. 

"Be careful!" The guy calls after us. "Don't take any path aside from the one that you took to get here! If you do then who knows what dimension you could end up in."

I shrug off the comment. There was only one path in the first place. Grabbing Seeque by the hand I lead her out of the room into the hallway. The doorway sealed shut the moment we exited and where there used to be one path leading from the hole that we fell down, there were now dozens of different tunnels that branched off from the main ones. 

I slap Seeque. 

"Hey, side character. Please sober up. I am gonna need your help here."