{Little Segment} {Black Bullet Chapter 9}
"What are you, Chief?" Akali asked as she was eating her Chashu Ramen at her favourite shop.
"Huh?" Chief didn't pause while eating his beloved Salmon Ramen, "What kind of question is that?"
"Um, well, like um, you said you are a Star Guardian yet you hold some corruption inside. So are you a Star Guardian or Fallen?"
"Damn, that was great!" Chief returned the finished bowl, "I'll have another one, bossman. Now, what were we talking back? Right, Star Guardian or Fallen? Hmmmmmmm, I would say neither."
"First off, I was never a Star Guardian to start. I am a mentor for Star Guardians, never was a guardian."
"Wait! What?! Then how come you're allowed to teach us?!"
"Struck a deal with that First Star," Chief received his new bowl of Salmon Ramen and quickly savoured the broth, "Damn, this is great! Anyway, I am Chief, Tatsu Nezu. I am myself and nothing is going to change that."
"...." Akali was at a loss for words, her chopsticks frozen in the air with her noodles.
"You feel lost, Akali. You are a Star Guardian that has Fallen and hope to join back with Kai'sa, but you are afraid if you are found out, things will go bad. You are afraid your team will turn on you, and you are afraid your best friend will see you differently. Hence you came to me. Upon finding out that I hold the same powers, you seek guidance, right?"
"Good!" Chief ruffled her hair with a head pat, "At least you are being honest. Best advice, be yourself. Be Akali."
"Be me?"
"Yes, you can even ask your friends what they think as well and if you're still stuck, come and find me again. After all, I am your mentor."
"....I think I understand. Thank you, Chief."
"Anytime, since you guys don't even age! Hahaha! What? Didn't laugh at that?"
"....Sometimes, I prefer your training lessons over our meal times."
"Come on, meal times are the best! I get to eat salmon during that time!"